AFE325 Service Parts
This parts lists contains part numbers for the
service parts available for the AFE325.
The AFE325 has been manufactured in both 60
Hz and 50 Hz models.
The 60 Hz models are:
•AFE325AE-1A or AFE325AS-1A
The 50 Hz models are:
•AFE325AE-6A or AFE325AS-6A
Always check the model number of the ice
machine being serviced to be certain that the
parts ordered will be correct.
Table of Contents
Cabinet ...............................................Page 2
Major Parts .............................................Page 4
Evaporator, Auger, Bearings & Water Seal .............................Page 6
Spout ................................................Page 7
Gear Reducer and Motor ......................................Page 8
Control Box .............................................Page 9
Wiring Diagrams ..........................................Page 10
June 2007
Page 1
AFE325 Service Parts
Item Part
Number Number Description
1 A26931-005 Top panel, sandalwood
A26931-015 Top panel, gray
A26931-004 Top panel, stainless steel
1a 03-1417-24 Lockwasher
1b 03-1419-23 Screw
2 13-0781-01 Gasket, 34" needed. Order by the foot
3 A34011-001 Top brace
4 03-1404-12 Screw
5 A30720-001 Bin thermostat bracket
6 A26935-005 Upper front panel, sandalwood
A26935-015 Upper front panel, gray
A26935-003 Upper front panel, stainless steel
6a 03-1404-10 Screw
7 02-2332-04 Door for sandalwood models (only gray is available)
02-2332-04 Door for gray painted models
02-2332-04 Gray door for stainless models (gasket not included with door)
7a 02-2380-01 Hinge bushing
7b 03-1405-07 Screw
8 13-0781-01 Gasket, 33" needed. Order by the foot
9 15-0619-01 Moulding cover
10 15-0617-01 Track section
10a 03-1404-07 Screw
11 15-0618-01 Moulding cover.
12 15-0616-01 Track section
13 A26921-004 Machine compartment baffle, sandalwood
A26921-015 Machine compartment baffle, gray
A26921-004 Machine compartment baffle, stainless steel
14 A26928-005 Lower left panel, sandalwood
A26928-015 Lower left panel, gray
A26928-004 Lower left panel, stainless steel
15 03-1419-09 Screw
16 A28795-004 Left side panel, sandalwood
A28795-015 Left side panel, gray
A28795-002 Left side panel, stainless steel
17 03-1394-01 Pal nut
18 03-1638-03 Screw
19 A34010-001 Rear panel
20 03-1404-09 Screw
21 A27066-003 Corner post, sandalwood
A27066-015 Corner post, gray
A27066-002 Corner post, stainless steel
22 13-0781-01 Gasket, 41" needed. Order by the foot.
November 2003
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