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The MAR SPLIT UNITS are pratically the
"Evaporating Unit Section" complete with driving
mechanism and control devices, all encased in
their stainless steel cabinets, for making complete scale-ice maker system
The MAR SPLIT UNITS must be remotely
connected to a corresponding size "Condensing
Unit" to become a MAR scale-ice maker plant, it
is therefore of primary importance first, the
selection of the right type and size of all the
components to be used to complete the refrigerant
system and secondly - but not least - the skillness
of the refrigeration engineers that will proceed in
completing the system by making the refrigerant,
hydraulic and electrical connections.
The scale-ice maker system using the MAR Split
Units, applies to different sort of market situations
where scale-ice is needed. Most specific areas
a) Fishing Vessels
b) Fish Markets and Fish Processing Plants
c) Supermarkets
d) Meat packaging plants
Basically they can go in any place where there is
a limited space situation or where the condensing
unit (compressor/condenser) must be located in
a room where noise and heat is not objectionable.
MAR Split can be set to produce "THICK ICE"
generally used in the fishing industry or "THIN
ICE" generally used in the meat processing
Standard versions are set for "THICK ICE"
production (about 2 mm thickness) and for fresh
water operation. Different conditions should be
specified when ordering the Units.
Modular combinations are possible to increase
output ice production.
it is made
The complete scale-ice making system can be
divided in three major groups, that are:
a) the compressor and condenser unit with their
own components with their own refrigerant
and water lines fittings and electric wires
terminal block.
b) the evaporator drum unit (MAR Split Unit
supplied by Frimont) complete with drive
mechanism, drive motor, refrigerant and water
lines fittings, refrigerants expansion valve and
electric wire junction box.
c) console panel and control box with compressor
ON/OFF switch, relay, timer, warning lights,
pressure gauges and electrical wire terminal
For installation on board of fishing vessels where
the electrical power available is not sufficient or
adequate to run the compressor, a mechanical or
hydraulic drive transmission must be used.
These drive systems will not be covered in details
in this manual as it is assumed that their
fundamentals have been already mastered to
the installator engineer by more specific
The compressor is truly the heart of the system,
when it becomes inoperative refrigeration
immediately ceases. Therefore the selection of
proper type and size of compressor together with
the proper type and size of condenser, their
components and controls, deserve the most of
attention by the refrigeration engineer.
For our MAR ice making system, the compressor
to take is consideration are ot two basic types:
a) the accessible Semi-Hermetic-Motor-
Compressor for installation on sites where the
electrical power supply is available in adequate
quantity and quality.
b) the Open Type Compressor for automative
installations (Fishing Vessels) with mechanical
pneumatic or hydraulic drive system through
a magnetic clutch.
Whatever is the type of compressor being used,
it is recommended, for its selection, to observe
the refrigerant capacity on the following table:
MAR 78 3200 Kcal/h -18°C Evap. Temp.
MAR 108 4800 Kcal/h -24°C Evap. Temp.
MAR 128 6000 Kcal/h -24°C Evap. Temp.
MAR 208 8250 Kcal/h -20°C Evap. Temp.
MAR 308 9700 Kcal/h -30°C Evap. Temp.