Product Application Bulletin
Bulletin Number: 2007-10
Subject: Ice Machine Sanitation After a Boil Water Order
The ice machine should be shut off during a boil water order unless the ice is not used in drinks or for human
consumption. After the boil order has been lifted, the ice machine and its water supply have to be re-sanitized.
Materials Needed:
Ice machine cleaner
Locally approved sanitizer
New, small sprayer, similar to those used for gardening
Clean cloths
Clean Bucket
Defi nitions
Food Zone: Compartment where ice is made. Includes the water system and surrounding panels.
Drop Zone: Chute or slot in base where ice is discharged.
Water System: Any place in the machine, excluding the condenser, that water or ice touches.
Basic Post Boil Order Procedure - Refer to ice machine manual or cleaning instructions for details specifi c to
that model.
1. Restart the ice machine and operate it for 2 hours. This insures that clean water has gone through the
plumbing to the ice machine. Disregard this step if the machine has been making ice for at least two hours
after the boil water order has been lifted.
2. Change the water fi lter cartridge(s). If there are no water fi lters, go to step 4.
3. Operate the ice machine for an hour, then shut it off.
4. Discard all ice in the ice storage bin.
5. Remove ice storage bin baffl e and set aside.
6. De-scale the ice machine’s water system and the inside of the storage bin per the instructions on the unit’s
cleaning label or in the product’s manual. Generally this requires mixing ice machine cleaner, pouring it into the
reservoir of the ice machine, allowing it to circulate for a certain time and then fl ushing it out. On a bin the liner
walls are washed with the ice machine cleaner solution.
7. Repeat the scale removal process with sanitizer. The reason for using ice machine cleaner is to get any
scale off the surfaces so that the surface can be sanitized. Use the sprayer for easy coverage of interior food
zone parts. Thoroughly spray or wash the entire food and ice drop zone with the sanitizing solution. Use a
locally approved ice machine sanitizer. A potential sanitizing solution can be made by mixing one ounce of
household bleach to two gallons of warm water.
8. Sanitize the ice storage bin by thoroughly spraying the interior with the sanitizing solution. Include the baffl e
and the inside of the bin door.
9. Allow parts to air dry.
10. Place all parts removed back to their original places and restart the ice machine.
Ice Machine Sanitation after Submersion
Because of very signifi cant costs to replace most parts and the likely contamination of the ice machine cabinet,
replacement with a new machine is recommended when an ice machine has been submerged in fl ood water.
All electrical components except for the hermetic compressor must be replaced. This includes fan motors,
relays, control boards, solenoid coils, pump, capacitors, PTCRs, contactors, and sensors.
In addition, if the machine is a fl aker, the gear reducer and the auger bearings must be replaced.
If the storage bin has been submerged, it must be replaced.
If the ice machine cabinet, base or freezing compartment has been submerged, it must be replaced.
All wiring must either be replaced or thoroughly dried and the terminals cleaned.