SciPhone S18 User Manual

Quick Start Guide
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© 200 8 Sc iPh one Inc . All ri ghts re ser ved.S ciP hone, t he Sci Ph one l ogo are t rad emark s of Sc iPhon e Inc ., Regi ste red in th e U. S. an d other c oun tries . Sci Phone i s a tra demar k of Sci Ph one I nc. The Blue too th word ma rk an d logos a re owned b y the B lueto oth S IG, Inc . and a ny use of s uch m arks by Sc iP hon e Inc. is u nde r licen se. 052-9 567 -A Pri nt ed in C hina
Install SIM Card
1.With the back of the phone facing you, remove the battery cover, and place the first SIM card into the bottom SIM card slot with the gold-colored contacts facing upward.
2.If available, place the second SIM card into the top card slot with the gold-colored contacts facing down.
Install the first SIM card
Install the second SIM card
Install Battery
Align the gold-colored contacts of the battery with the battery compartment contacts. Slide the battery into the slot, gold-colored contact side first. When the contacts meet, press the battery into place. Slide and lock the back cover into place.
Power on/Power off
1Press and hold the Home button for a few    seconds to Power on. 2Slide to unlock the screen; the phone will    be in operating mode. 3Press the Home button to lock the screen/    Press the Home button again to enter into    Standby mode 4Press and hold the Home button for a few    seconds to turn off (Slide to Power off ). 5Press the Home button anytime to return    to the Home Screen. Even while you're on a    call, you can access your message, calendar    or other applications.
Volu me Up /Do wn
Hom e butto n
Make a call
Tap the Dial button on the Home Screen, input the phone number and tap Call button to make a call manually. You may also make a call in Phone book or call history.
Write Message
Tap the SMS button on the Home Screen to write a text message. Or tap Text button, you will find more message options, text message, MMS, chat and voice Mail Service. SciPhone supports Handwriting Recognition with your finger or stylus.
To date, th e Jav a pl atf orm has attra cte d more tha n 5 m il lio n softw are d evelo per s. It's u sed i n e v e r y m aj o r i n d u s t r y segme nt and has a pres enc e in a wid e r ang e o f d evi ces , co mpu te rs , an d ne tw ork s.
1.Download JAVA sof tw ar e fr om o ur w eb si te o r other free websites
2.Copy JAVA sof tw ar e to a ny f ol de r in t he M em or y Card of your SciPhone
3.Tap Documents button and find this JAVA software. Tap Option button to Install.
4.Tap the JAVA button on the Home Screen, and then you can run installed Java software.
5.Please note that not any JAVA sof tw ar e ca n ru n in your SciPhone.
More song controls
1.Copy your favorite MP3 files to the mp3 folder in the Memory Card of your SciPhone.
2.Tap the Multimedia button and select Audio Player to listen MP3 musics.
3.Tap List button to check music list, and tap Option button, more settings will be available.
4.Rotate SciPhone sideways to automatically change music files.
Video controls
1.Copy your favorite video files to the video folder in the Memory Card of your SciPhone.
2.Tap the Multimedia button and select video Player to watch video files.
3.You r Sc iP ho ne s up po rt s MP 4 an d 3G P video files only.
4.Rotate Sciphone to see the video in widescreen.
5.Tap your movie to bring up onscreen controls. Tap again to hide them.
Viewing photos
1.Load your favorite photos to your SciPhone from your computer.
2.Tap the Multimedia button and select image Viewer to view photos.
3.Tap Option button, more settings will be available. Tap Forward button, assign it to a contact.
4.While viewing photos, rotate SciPhone to see the photo in widescreen. You may enlarge a photo with onscreen controls.
Take a picture
1.Tap the Camera button to take a picture.
2.Tap the shot icon on the bottom of the screen, and then you may save or cancel the picture you take.
3.More settings will be available if you tap Option button.
Internet Service
To access Internet service, browse website, just tap the Service button and select WA P. Please note that you must have GPRS service before using Internet service. Please contact your provider to make sure if you have GPRS service. And sometimes, you may need to configure your Internet service settings yourself. Please visit our website for more details.
Change your settings
Tap the settings button on the Home screen to turn on Airplane mode when flying, change your screen brightness, ringtones or select options for each application. You can check your usage time, and even add a passcode for added security.