SciPhone G2 User Manual

Quick startGuide
The environmental impactsof paper consumption are vast.Making 1kg of paper requires 98kg of other resources, uses vast amounts of energy and water and causes pollution.Almost half (42%) of all industrially logged timber is pulped to make paper products, much of it sourced from old-growth and other endangered and high conservation-value forests. The paper industry’s climate change emissions, including forest impacts,production, transportation and disposal, are more than three times those of global aviation. We must use less paper. To find out more please read United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change Montreal Protocol
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Control buttons
• Whenon a call,press End Callto hang up.
• When not on a call and running a program, press End Call to exit the current program.
• When not on a call and not running a program, press End Call to lock the screen andput the phoneto sleep.
Navigation key
Press the Navigation key up/down and left/right to navigate selectable items onthe screen.
Volume controls
• Press either + or – to open the sound volume controls. Volume is controlled separatelyfor the incomingcall ringer andaudio/video files:
- If youare on a phone call when youpress the volume controls, theRinger volume sliderwill open.
- If you are listening to an audio or video file when you press the volume controls, theMedia volume sliderwill open.
• While an incoming call is ringing, press – volume control to immediately silence the phone. The caller will continue to hear the ringing until you answer thecall.
Delete key
Press the Delete keyto delete numbers or words you’ve entered.
SD CardSlot
Your phone has a slot for amicroSD flash memory card. Theslot is located along theright bottom edgeof the batteryholder.
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Left button
Press Left to select the content in the lower left corner ofthe screen.
Right button
Press Right to select the content in the lower right corner ofthe screen.
Back button
Press Back to go back to the previous screen, or to dismiss adialog box ormenu.
Call button
Press Call to do one of the following, depending on the
End Call
• Openthe log ofrecent calls.
•Call contact (when a contact/contact number is highlighted).
with WiFi
SciPhone G2Quick start Guide
Follow theinstructions below toremove or inserta SD card: 1 If you are going to remove your SD card, first you must power off your phone. 2 Openthe battery cover.
• To insert a SD card,push the card into theslot, copper contacts facing up and withthe notched edgefacing right. Pushthe card in gently untilyou feel it “snap”into place.
• To remove an already-installed SD card, push the card in gently, then release. Thecard should popout far enoughso you canremove it.
SD CardSlot
Control buttons
SIM CardSlot
Toinsert your wirelessoperator-provided SIM card,do the following: 1 Removethe battery coverand battery. 2 Slidethe SIM cardinto the slotwith the coppercontacts face-down and with thecut corner facingaway from theslot. 3 Reattachthe battery cover. To remove your SIM card, you must remove the battery cover and battery first.
Battery charging
1 Connect theAC adapter plug toan electrical outlet and connectthe other end to the USB port on the bottom of the phone. To fully charge when the phone isdischarged, keep connectedfor at leastthree hours. 2 To power onyour phone, press& hold theEnd Call button.
Touchscreen & Navigationkey
Toselect an itemor button onthe screen, youcan either:
• Press the Navigation keys to highlight the item, then click the L/R key to select theitem; or
• Touch the item directly with your fingertip.You will know when anitem on the screenis selected whenits color changes.
To scroll up or down in a list or page on the screen, you can press the Navigation keyup/down.
Control buttons
Drag itemson the homescreen
On thehome screen youcan drag itemswith your fingertip.
Sim CardSlot
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