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The CS-3 is an optically pumped cesium vapor magnetometer sensor used for
scalar measurement of the Earth's magnetic field. As shown below, the CS-3
sensor consists of a sensor head with cable and sensor electronics.
Figure 1: CS-3 Magnetometer Sensor
The system excels in a variety of applications (ex. airborne, satellite, marine
and ground magnetometry or gradiometry, base station magnetometry and
ferrous ordnance location) due to its:
• high sensitivity
• high cycling rates
• excellent gradient tolerance
• continuous output
• automatic hemisphere switching
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
• fast response
• low susceptibility to the electromagnetic interference
Magnetic field measurements performed by the CS-3 is based on quantum
mechanics principles, and the phenomena of optical pumping and
self-oscillation. When properly oriented in relation to the ambient magnetic
field, cesium vapor in the sensor oscillates continuously by itself without any
assistance. The frequency of oscillation (defined as the Larmor frequency) is
proportional to the ambient magnetic field.
The sensor outputs a signal at the Larmor frequency which is normally
processed by an external magnetometer processor linked to the system. The
magnetometer processor converts the Larmor frequency into digital magnetic
field readings and presents them for display and recording. Modern magnetic
processors have a resolution of 0.001 nT and read 10 times each second or
In summary, the CS-3 offers distinct and substantial benefits in measurement
of magnetic fields due to the principles of both optical pumping and
self-oscillation. These advantages are described in the next two sections.
Advantages of Optical Pumping
These benefits are shared by all well designed optically pumped
magnetometers regardless of which atoms (cesium, rubidium, potassium or
helium) are being pumped, and regardless which of two principles of
operation is utilized (self oscillation, or locked oscillation).
High Sensitivity
Due to the narrow resonant linewidth and good signal to noise ratio the
sensitivity of optically pumped magnetometers is in the range of few pT
(1pT=0.001nT) in the measuring bandwidth of 1Hz. In contrast to the proton
precession magnetometers, the sensitivity does not deteriorate as the
measured ambient field decreases.
Continuous Signal
The operation of the optically pumped magnetometers is not cyclic. Highly
sensitive readings could be obtained at the high repetition rate.
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
High Gradient Tolerance
Absorption cells of the optically pumped magnetometers in which the
detection of the ambient field is taking place are normally much smaller than
the sensors of proton precession (including Overhauser) magnetometers.
Consequently, the field gradients over the sensor volume are much smaller
and the proper operation of the magnetometer is much less affected, e.g. the
volume of the CS-3 absorption cell is only 0.006 liters.
Low Radiated Electromagnetic Interference
Sensors of the optically pumped magnetometers radiate low disturbing EM
fields. The H
is well confined and of the high frequency - around 165 MHz for the CS-3.
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field is the order of 10 nT. The RF field for the lamp excitation
Insensitivity to Motion Induced Doppler Effects
Irregular motion of the platform carrying the sensor modulates (adds to) the
precession frequency and introduces noise into the measurements of the
magnetic field.
Proton precession (including Overhauser) magnetometers are affected to a
much greater degree by motion noise due to much lower gyromagnetic
constant, e.g. in the ambient magnetic field of 50,000nT the Larmor
frequency of the CS-3 is 175,000Hz, which is 82 times larger than 2100Hz,
the precession frequency of the proton magnetometer.
Advantages of Self Oscillation
Use of the self-oscillating principle of operation results in the following
additional benefits not available from optically pumped magnetometers using
locked oscillator principle of operation:
Fast Start-up
If the sensor head is properly oriented inside its active operating zone, the
CS-3 will start oscillating shortly after it is turned on. The warm-up time is
determined by the time required for the electronically controlled heaters to
bring the absorption cell and the cesium lamp to the proper operating
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
The warm-up is over in few minutes after a cold start. However, if the
operating temperature is already established, it takes only few milliseconds
for the magnetometer to start oscillating after a turn on or after an orientation
change from a dead zone into the active zone.
In contrast, a locked oscillator magnetometer invariably contains a voltage
controlled oscillator (VCO), whose frequency in normal operation is forced
(locked) by the control electronics to follow the resonant Larmor frequency.
However, at every start-up, cold or warm, before the locking is acquired, the
VCO frequency has to be swept relatively slowly until it comes close enough
to the Larmor frequency. Then the locking takes place and the magnetometer
becomes operational.
Note that the Larmor frequency is known beforehand only coarsely and
consequently this search process takes several seconds. The same search
procedure takes place if the lock is lost because of a fast field change or a
disturbing AC magnetic field.
Fast Response and Tracking
The response of a self-oscillating magnetometer to the magnetic field
changes is extremely fast. It has been experimentally determined that the
Larmor frequency precisely changed in response to the step changes of
several thousand nT within a Larmor period. Equally, the magnetometer
followed sinusoidal field changes of the amplitude of hundreds nT at the rate
of several kHz without appreciable lag in response.
In contrast, the rate of ambient field change, which a locked oscillator
magnetometer could follow without losing lock, is much smaller. In addition,
spurious fields, either AC (50-400Hz) or pulsed, in the range of several
hundred nT cause the magnetometer to lose lock.
Low Susceptibility to Electromagnetic Fields
The susceptibility to spurious EM fields depends very much on the principle
of operation. Most widely encountered spurious fields originate from the
power lines and the airborne geophysical EM systems, and are in the
frequency range of 50Hz to several thousand Hz. In general, the
susceptibility increases greatly as the frequency of the interfering field
approaches the operating (Larmor, proton precession) frequency.
Proton precession magnetometers (including Overhauser) have low
susceptibility for two reasons:
• they use induction coils to detected proton precession
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
• the interfering EM field are normally at the frequencies close to the proton
precession frequency.
Neither of above liabilities apply for optically pumped magnetometers
• signal detection is optical
• the interfering frequencies are normally far from the Larmor frequency.
In addition, the susceptibility of the self-oscillating magnetometer is low,
because its feedback loop is very simple and fast, allowing it to respond with
little lag to the fast changing fields.
In contrast, the locked oscillator response is much slower because its control
loop frequency bandwidth is limited to few hundred Hz. Furthermore, the
2nd Draft
feedback control is achieved by monitoring a modulating signal, which
frequency is in the range of one hundred Hz, and which detection could be
readily upset by the interfering EM fields.
For either of above reasons, the locked oscillator may lose lock and become
temporary non-functional for few seconds in presence of a spurious EM field.
Superior Worldwide Orienting Capabilities
The analysis presented in Chapter 3, “Orienting Your CS-3” proves that,
contrary to the widely accepted belief, a well designed self-oscillating
magnetometer is as easy to orient as the locked oscillator. Even more
important, it offers wider safety margins to the boundaries of operating zone,
than the locked oscillator.
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
About this manual
Page Numbering
The numbering scheme used consists of two parts: the chapter number and
page number. For example,
For your convenience, each chapter has a thumb-tab on the right-hand side
allowing you to quickly locate a chapter of interest. The thumb-tabs are
arranged in descending order, with Chapter 1 always starting at the top.
3-1 would refer to chapter 3, page 1.
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
Getting Started
Type Styles
The following typeface conventions will be used throughout the manual.
Bold ItalicIndicates an action to be taken
ItalicDenotes a new term being introduced
ALL CAPSDenotes the name of a screen, key or mode (function)
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
Chapter Layout
This manual is divided into six chapters and four appendices with the
information flow detailed in the following table.
1. Getting StartedGives an overview of the manual and describes the
2. OperationsTells how to set up your CS-3 for a survey, including how
3.OrientationGives a detailed theoretical and practical review of the
4. MaintenanceGives a brief overview of how to maintain and
5.ReferenceContains the technical specifications, instrument parts
A.Theory of
About this manual
instrument’s components.
to mount and operate the system.
considerations for orienting the instrument to obtain best
trouble-shoot your system.
list and warranty information.
Explains the scientific and instrumentation theory for the
CS-3 instrument.
CS-3 Manual - part #762701 Revision 4.0
Getting Started
The following symbols will be used to highlight specific sections of text
throughout the manual.
Denotes an important point concerning safety
Indicates a important topic, particular attention should be
paid to this section
Denotes a point of interest, or information you should read
Denotes an interesting hint for smoother operation
Indicates a relevant question concerning an important
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
Understanding Instrument Basics
Understanding Instrument Basics
The CS-3 Magnetometer Sensor consists of a sensor head and sensor
electronics that are interconnected by a cable. This section provides
schematics and descriptions for each of these components and their
Sensor Head
The sensor head houses electro-optical detection system. All the parts of the
sensor head, including the outside plastic housing, are made of carefully
screened nonmagnetic materials. The following figure shows a schematic of
the sensor head.
Figure 2 - Schematic of the sensor head
CS-3 Manual - part #762701 Revision 4.0
Getting Started
The actual measurement of the ambient magnetic field takes place inside the
absorption cell which has diameter 22mm, and the length 25mm. The
position of the cell's centre is marked by a narrow groove, machined on the
outside of the plastic cylindrical housing. The adjacent wider grove is
provided to facilitate secure grip for the mounting clamps.
The interconnecting cable exits at the right angle on the top end of the sensor
head. For properly orienting the sensor head as described in
“Orienting Your CS-3”, it is important to know the direction of the optical
axis. In Figure 1 on page
relation to the outside mechanical features of the sensor head.
The sensor head housing provides an air/water tight enclosure for the sensor
components, and it should not be opened. In addition, critical optical
components inside the sensor head are carefully aligned in order to minimize
the orientation errors, and opening the sensor head by unqualified people
may upset the alignment.
To minimize the static magnetic interference from
the electronic components which are slightly
magnetic, the sensor head should be kept away from
the electronics assembly by the full cable length.
Chapter 3,
vii, the direction of the optical axis is depicted in
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
Sensor Electronics
The sensor electronics are housed in a cylindrical container as shown in the
following schematic.
Understanding Instrument Basics
Figure 3 - Schematic of the electronics housing
The electronics consist of three major subsystems:
• Larmor amplifier
• Lamp and absorption cell heaters
• RF lamp exciter
The RF exciter generates few watts of RF power at the frequency of about
165MHz. In order to keep the radiated electromagnetic interference low, the
exciter is located inside a metallic enclosure. In addition, all the sensor
electronic systems are enclosed inside a cylindrical, metal box.
Electronic Housing
Internally, the sensor electronic housing is connected to the negative line of
the input supply voltage. If the negative side of the power supply, which
provides the power for the CS-3, is grounded to the frame of the vehicle, and
if the electronic box of the CS-3 makes an electrical contact to the same
frame, then the return current could flow partially through the frame instead
of being confined to the return line inside the supply cable.
CS-3 Manual - part #762701 Revision 4.0
Getting Started
The stray magnetic field created by this current could corrupt the
measurement of the ambient field. To prevent that happening, the outside of
the electronics box is covered with a thin, plastic insulating sleeve.
The sensor head connector is mounted on one side panel of the electronic
box. On the opposite side, following components are mounted on the control
panel, see Figure 4.
Hemisphere Control Switch
The hemisphere control switch is a four-position rotary switch as shown
below. Please note that depending upon the version of your Cs-3, you will
have either version.
Please, make sure that this plastic sleeve is not
damaged to such an extent that the metal part of the
CS-3 electronics housing is making contact to a
metal part of the airplane or vehicle frame.
Figure 4 - Schematic of the hemisphere control switch
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
Old version
The swich settings perform the following functions:
N - Manually sets the CS-3 to operate in northern operating hemisphere.
S - Manually sets the CS-3 to operate in southern operating hemisphere.
L - Local setting allows the operation of the CS-3 to be controlled by the
TTL voltage level at the pin D of the four pin connector (pin A is ground):
open circuited or high level voltage for operation in southern hemisphere,
low level voltage or short connected to pin A for operation in northern
operating hemisphere.
R - (JP3 - OFF, JP2 - ON). Remote setting allows the operation of the CS-3
to be controlled remotely by superimposing on the supply voltage an 80Hz
sine signal. In the absence of the signal, the CS-3 is set to operate in the
northern hemisphere.
R - (JP3 - ON, JP2 - OFF). Automatic hemisphere switch.
Understanding Instrument Basics
JP2 and JP3 refer to jumpers on the Larmor board.
New version
The swich settings perform the following functions:
N - Manually sets the CS-3 to operate in northern operating hemisphere.
S - Manually sets the CS-3 to operate in southern operating hemisphere.
R - Remote setting allows the operation of the CS-3 to be controlled by the
TTL voltage level at the pin D of the four pin connector (pin A is ground):
open circuited or high level voltage for operation in southern hemisphere,
low level voltage or short connected to pin A for operation in northern
operating hemisphere.
A - Automatic hemisphere switch.
I/O Connector
Four pins of the I/O connector carry following signals:
CS-3 Manual - part #762701 Revision 4.0
Getting Started
A - ground level
B - positive input of the supply voltage +24 to 35 V; this input is connected in
parallel to the centre pin of the coaxial TNC power connector on the same
C - Larmor output signal, TTL compatible square voltage signal at Larmor
D - TTL compatible input: high level or open for operation in the southern
operating hemisphere, low level or connected to pin A for operation in the
northern hemisphere. This input is effective only if the Hemisphere Control
switch is in the Remote (R) position.
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
Operating the
CS-3 in the
By now you have familiarized yourself with your CS-3. This chapter reviews
the basic steps required to carry out a survey. They include the following:
• setting up the CS-3
• mounting the CS-3
• powering up
• obtaining the Larmor frequency
• setting the operating hemisphere
• operating in the presence of spurious magnetic fields
CS-3 Manual - part # 762701 Revision 4.0
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