10/20Series ExerciseBikes
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Model 10
Model 20
Nautilus <_ Bow%x ® Schwinn' Fitness Pearllzumi <_ StairMaste# Universal ® a brand 0 _
Nautilus Institute _ f _ItlAUTILUS )

Thank youfor makingthe Schwinnc_bike a part of your exercise and fitness activities.
Foryearsto come,you'll beableto rely onSchwinn_ craftsmanshipanddurability as you
pursue your personalfitness goals.
The Schwinn_ bike should enableyouto shapeand monitoryour workouts to:
• Increaseyourenergylevel
• Increasecardiovascularandaerobicfitness
• Increaselower bodymusclestrength
• Decreaseyouroverall percentageof bodyfat
Whether you are justgetting started in an exercise program or are already in good
shape, the Schwinn_ bike is designed to be an efficient, easy and fun way to achieve
an enhanced level offitness. Youcan pedal your wayto a slimmer and healthier body.
The on-board digital computer enables you to accurately monitor your progress by
tracking time, speed, distance and approximate Calories burned. This Owner's
Manual contains all the information you needto operate and enjoy your Schwinn_
exercise bike. Please read this Owner's Manual in its entirety before getting onto the
bikeand working out. So let's get started.
Takeyour time and havefun!
Owner's Manual

Table of Contents
Safety Warning Labels............................................................................5
Howto usethe 10/20bike ......................................................................8
Howto usethe 10/20bike computer ....................................................9
Moving your10/20bike ..........................................................................15
Maintenance ...........................................................................................15
LimitedWarranty ...............................................................................................16
Owner's Manual

Safety Warnings
This icon means a potentially hazardoussituation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Before using this equipment, obey the following warnings:
Readand understand the complete Owner's Manual.
Readand understand all Warnings onthis machine.
• Keepchildren awayfrom this machine. Watch them closely when nearthe
machine. Moving parts that appear dangerous to adults may not appear soto
• Consult a physician before starting anexercise program. Stop exercising if
youfeel painor tightness in your chest, becomeshort of breath, or feel faint.
Contact your doctor before usingthe machine again.
Examine this machine for loose parts or signs of wear. Payspecial attention
to the seat, pedals, and crank arms. Contact Nautilus Customer Service for
repair information. Use only genuine Schwinn <ereplacement parts supplied by
• This exercise machine is for consumer users only.
• Set up and operate this exercise machine on a solid level surface.
• Do notwear loose clothing or jewelry. This machine contains moving parts.
• Maximum user weight limit: 275lb.(125kg). Donot useif you are overthis
• Stabilize the pedals before stepping on them and use caution when stepping off
the machine.
• Keep at least 19.7inches (0.5 m) on each side of the machine clear. This isthe
recommended safe distance for access and passage around and emergency
dismounts from the machine.
• Warn bystanders to keep a safe distance, at least 3feet (1m). Donot allow
anyone to touch the operator while the machine is in motion.
• Keepthe foot pedals clean anddry.
Do not over exert yourself during exercise. Operatethe machine in the manner
described in this manual.
Owner's Manual

Safety Warning Labels
BEFOREUSINGYOURPRODUCT:Findand read all warning labels. If anywarning
label is damaged,illegible or missing, call 1-800-864-1270for a replacement.
Model 10
General warning label.
Model 10-Affixed to the console
mastjust belowthe computer.
Model 20-Affixed to the water
bottle holder.
, Keep Chi_d_ Away,
• Pfi_ to use, read and _,erstand _he
_rs Manual
• injury or d_t2_ is pos_b_e _ Caution is
not used wh4_eusing _is ma_ine,
• Th_ Maximum U_er' Wei#_ for _is
machi_qe is 275 pounds (125 K_lograms),
, Replace any "Caution" "Warning" or
"OaageF lab_ mat _sil_ib]e, damag_
o_ remo_,
This machine is for h_ use orfi¥,
Model 20

Model 20
Model 10
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