Model: VTV-20
1. Plug the short cable into the 12V accessory port of the vehicle
with the good battery. Wait for the Power and Status lights to
glow steadily.
2. The long cable plug should now be lit. Plug this end into the
accessory port of the disabled battery. If the connection to the
disabled battery is good, the plug and status light will blink.
If the light does not blink, check your connections. Also, try
turning the engine ignition key to the ACC position.
3. The plug will blink continuously. Try starting the vehicle after 5
to 10 minutes or if the plug stops blinking. If the vehicle does
not start, the plug will continue to blink.
4. If the vehicle does not start after 5 to 10 minutes of charging,
wait 15 additional minutes before trying again. When the 15
minute waiting period is up, try starting again.

5. If the vehicle still does not start, repeat step 4. The VTV-20
will continue charging the battery for up to an hour.
6. If your vehicle does not start after an hour of charging, there
may be other problems with the engine and/or starting system. It is also possible that the battery is incapable of taking
a charge and needs to be replaced.
NOTE: It is normal for the status light to blink rapidly and/or
to hear a clicking noise while charging.
7. If your vehicle does start, and if your battery was in severely
discharged state, you will want to completely charge your battery with a standard battery charger as soon as possible.
8. IftheWorkingVehicle’sPowerLEDlightcontinuallyashes
on and off, then the Working Vehicle’s battery may be too low
to use. Try connecting to a different vehicle before assuming
that the VTV-20 is dysfunctional.

VTV-20 lights
are not lit when
plugged in
Wrong end is
plugged in
Bad connection in
the accessory port
Accessory port
does not have
Fuse in cables or
car is blown
Plug the short end
into the goodbattery vehicle’s
accessory outlet
Disconnect and
reconnect the plug
Turn ignition key
to ACC position
Replace fuse(s)
Power light is
blinking and status
light is off
VTV-20 is
VTV-20 detected a
current overload
Make sure
the VTV-20
clearance and that
the vents are not
Unplug the
VTV-20, wait 5
seconds, then
plug the VTV-20
back in