Schindler elevators PORTRADARVER1 User Manual

Schindler Elevator Ltd
Schindler Elevators Ltd Zugerstrasse 13 CH-6030 Ebikon Schweiz
We, Schindler elevators Ltd
Zugerstrasse 13, CH-6030 EBIKON, Switzerland
24 GHz K-band miniature transceiver180MHz sweep FM input (n.a. for K-LC1a_V2)Dual 4 patch antennaSingle balanced mixer with 50MHz bandwidthBeam aperture 80°/34°15dBm EIRP output power25x25mm2 surface, 6mm thicknessLowcost design3 pin version K-LC1a_V2 available
General purpose movement detectorsSecurity systemsObject speed measurement systemsSimple shortrange ranging detectionHighspeed shortrange data transmissionIndustrial sensors
K-LC1a is a 8 patch Doppler module with an asymmetrical beam for lowcost short distance applications. Its typical applications are movement sensors in the security and automatic door domain. In building automation this module may be an alternative for infrared PIR or AIR systems thanks to its outstanding performance/cost ratio. The module is extremely small and lightweight. With its IF bandwidth from DC to 50MHz it opens many new applications. FSK is possible thanks to the unique RFbeam oscillator design. This allows to use this lowcost module even in ranging applications. Powerful starterkits with signal conditioning and visualization is available from RFbeam. Find more informations at
Note 1: The VCP input has an internal voltage source with approx. 0.9 VDC. For driving this pin it is necessary to source and sink current. Note 2: Transmit frequency stays within 24.075 to 24.175GHz over specified temperature range when the VCO pin is left open Note 3: Theoretical value, given by design.
On this module the connector pin for the modulation input is not present. So this low-impedance input is always not connected, what is the best case. So there will never be any 'unwanted' modulation
Antenna System Diagram
This diagram shows module sensitivity in both azimuth and elevation directions. It incorporates the transmitter and receiver antenna characteristics.
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