Schick CDRPan Installation Instructions Manual

Document #: B1051109 Revision #: – Date: June 22, 2000 Page: 1 of 33
Schick Technologies
Schick Technologies, Inc. 31-00 47th Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101
(718) 937-5765 Fax: (718) 937-5962
CDRPan® Installation Instructions
For GE Panelipse/Gendex Panelipse II
B1051109 Rev. –
(Draft 2)
Prepared by: _______________________________ Date: __________
Joseph Tetro Technical Writer
Approved by: _______________________________ Date: __________
Scott Doyle Project Manager
Approved by: _______________________________ Date: __________
John Goyette Director of Software Development
Approved by: _______________________________ Date: __________
Enrico Renzi Director of Quality Assurance
Approved by: _______________________________ Date: __________
Stan Mandelkern Vice President of Engineering
\\shewing\files to convert\FAQ 7174\Pano_Install_GEPanelipse.doc
Revision History
Rev. Description of Change Date Approved
- Initial Release
\\shewing\files to convert\FAQ 7174\Pano_Install_GEPanelipse.doc
Instructions for GE Panelipse/
Gendex Panelipse II
Schick Technologies, Inc. 31-00 47 Long Island City, New York 11101
(718) 937-5765 (718) 937-5962 (FAX)
Part Number B1051109 Rev. – (Draft 2)
Copyright © 2000 by Schick Technologies, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and Schick Technologies, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in ca
s or initial caps.
Part Number
B1051109 Rev. – (Draft 2)
June 22, 2000
Printed in the United States of America
This document was originally prepared in English
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................1
1.1 Welcome .............................................................................................................................1
1.2 CDRPan System..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Overview for Installing CDRPan........................................................................................1
1.4 Before You Start Installing CDRPan..................................................................................2
2. What You Will Need For Installation...........................................................3
2.1 CDRPan System..................................................................................................................3
2.2 Tools and Materials.............................................................................................................6
3. Sensor and Codestrip...................................................................................7
3.1 Remove and Replace Adjustment Knob.............................................................................7
3.2 Remove Bar from Velcro Area...........................................................................................9
3.3 Install Sensor Assembly and Sensor Clip .........................................................................10
3.4 Route Sensor Cable...........................................................................................................12
3.5 Check Sensor Cable Run...................................................................................................14
3.6 Prepare to Install Codestrip...............................................................................................15
3.7 Install Codestrip................................................................................................................16
3.8 Clearance Adjustments......................................................................................................17
4. Remote Module, Power Supply, and PCI Board................................... 18
4.1 Install Remote Module......................................................................................................18
4.1.1 Tools and Materials ............................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 Step-by-Step Instructions........................................................................................ 18
4.2 Install Power Supply.........................................................................................................19
4.2.1 Tools and Materials ............................................................................................... 19
4.2.2 Step-by-Step Instructions........................................................................................ 19
4.3 Install PCI Board...............................................................................................................20
4.3.1 Tools and Materials ............................................................................................... 20
4.3.2 Step-by-Step Instructions........................................................................................ 20
Safety Issues
Electrical Concerns
CDRPan conforms to national (U.S.) and international standards for electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety. A complete list of specifications can be found in the CDRPan User’s Guide.
Mechanical Considerations
The sensor package, the remote module, and the cables of the CDRPan system are mounted outside of the patient area to ensure patient safety and reliable equipment operation.
Radiation Concerns
No adjustments or alterations are made to the X-ray source of the panoramic equipment.
1. Introduction
1.1 Welcome
The CDR Panoramic X-ray System (“CDRPan”) is an electronic imaging system that integrates with panoramic machines to acquire, display, store and print digital X-rays. Because of its digital format, the X-ray can be enhanced for more detail using CDR tools, and it can be archived for patient histories and retrieved for comparisons.
1.2 CDRPan System
The CDRPan system hardware consists of the following components (unless otherwise indicated, all part numbers (P/Ns) refer to Schick Technologies numbers):
CDRPan kit for GE Panelipse/Gendex Panelipse II (P/N B4776050), which
includes the sensor, codestrip, other attaching parts, and accessories
Remote module (P/N B4750100)
Power supply (P/N A3302300)
PCI board (P/N B3301100) and cable (B2211001).
The CDRPan system requires the following software:
CDR software (version 2.1 or higher)
CDRPan software, which includes the PCI board device driver and the series
set to be used with panoramic exams
1.3 Overview for Installing CDRPan
This Installation Manual is one of two documents you will need to install the CDRPan system completely. After performing the installation procedures in this document, you should refer to the CDRPan User’s Guide (P/N B1051008) to continue installing other parts of CDRPan system and to operate it. Procedures for installing CDRPan system hardware and software can be found in the following documents.
Install Sensor and Codestrip (This Manual) Install Remote Module and Power Supply (This Manual) Install PCI Board (This Manual) Install PCI Device Driver CDRPan User Guide Install CDR and CDRPan Software CDRPan User Guide
Panelipse Installation B1051109 Rev. – (Draft 2) 1
1.4 Before You Start Installing CDRPan
Prior to installing CDRPan on your panoramic system, please perform the following checks.
Make sure your panoramic system is operating properly. Familiarize yourself with the installation steps before performing them. Determine the location of your computer. This will be useful when you install the
Remote Module and need to run cables between it and your computer.
Figure 1. Picture of the GE Panelipse / Gendex Panelipse II
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