Annex no. 5
Functional Description /
User Manual
State: 2010-03-01
m. dudde hochfrequenz-technik Rottland 5a D-51429 Bergisch Gladbach/ Germany Tel. +49 2207-96890 Fax +49 2207 968920
Vers. no.: 1.10
Manual and Specification
2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)
Creation date
24 Nov. 2010
Last date printed
31 Jan. 2011 14
p:\sir-2720\spezifikation (manual)\manual & specification\sir-2720_manual_engl._v.0.04.doc
Document number
Project manager
M. Radermacher Jürgen Kalbitzer Rudolf Schmitz
System version
M. Radermacher
0.1.1 0.04
31 Jan. 2011
Number of pages
Development manager
Managing director
Document version
© scemtec transponder technology GmbH · Gewerbeparkstr. 20 · D-51580 Reichshof
Manual and Specification
SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)
Table of Contents
1 Introduction___________________________________________________________________ 3
2 System Description ____________________________________________________________ 4
3 Block Diagram_________________________________________________________________ 5
4 Operating Modes ______________________________________________________________ 5
4.1 Self-Test (Diagnosis) and STAND-BY Operation_____________________________________ 5
4.2 Reading / Writing Tags_________________________________________________________ 6
4.3 EAS Antitheft ________________________________________________________________ 6
5 Hardware _____________________________________________________________________ 6
5.1 Voltage Supply _______________________________________________________________ 6
5.2 Safeguarding, fuse-requirements_________________________________________________ 6
5.3 HF Unit _____________________________________________________________________ 6
5.4 External Antenna _____________________________________________________________ 7
5.5 Digital Signal Processing _______________________________________________________ 7
Processor _______________________________________________________ 7
Memory_________________________________________________________ 7
5.6 Interfaces ___________________________________________________________________ 7
RS232__________________________________________________________ 7
Ethernet ________________________________________________________ 8
USB ___________________________________________________________ 8
5.7 Inputs / Outputs ______________________________________________________________ 8
Binary Inputs_____________________________________________________ 8
Binary outputs____________________________________________________ 9
6 Software_____________________________________________________________________ 10
6.1 Firmware for the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader _____________________________ 10
6.2 STX / ETX Interface Protocol ___________________________________________________ 10
7 Diagnosis____________________________________________________________________ 11
7.1 Self-Test (POST) ____________________________________________________________ 11
7.2 LEDs______________________________________________________________________ 11
External Diagnosis LEDs __________________________________________ 11
7.3 Label / Type Plate____________________________________________________________ 11
8 Mechanical Data / Housing _____________________________________________________ 11
9 Electrical Data ________________________________________________________________ 12
10 Conformity___________________________________________________________________ 13
10.1 CE Conformity ______________________________________________________________ 13
10.2 FCC Conformity: Information for USA____________________________________________ 13
11 Delivery Scope / Optional Equipment and Accessories______________________________ 14
11.1 Manual, CD-ROM, Test Software, Protocol Description ______________________________ 14
11.2 Optional Accessories / External Antenna(s)________________________________________ 14
12 Datasheet____________________________________________________________________ 14
13 Related Documents / Document History __________________________________________ 14
13.1 Document History____________________________________________________________ 14
Document No. SIR-2720 Version: 0.04 Page 2 of 14
Manual and Specification
SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)
1 Introduction
As with all electronic systems, the system described hereafter may also not be used for any
applications critical for maintaining safety. This means, the products may not used in life
support applications or any other life critical applications that could involve potential risk of
death, personal injury or severe property or environmental damage.
The user/operator is solely responsible for any damages resulting from an improper or
unintended utilization of the system.
scemtec Transponder Technology GmbH (STT) reserves the right to make changes or to discontinue its
products or services at any time without notice.
STT takes no responsibility for customer applications, products, or performance relating to systems or
applications incorporating with STT products.
STT assumes no liability and is not responsible for infringement of patents and/or any other intellectual
or industrial property rights of third parties, which may result from assistance provided by STT.
The Windows® logo is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
All other products mentioned in this document might be brands or brand names of the different
Copyright © 2007 scemtec Transponder Technology GmbH (STT)
As this technology is based on radio frequency, one must exercise the following operational and
mounting instructions to achieve best operation:
• Metal affects radio signals. Normally the antenna has to be as far away as possible from any
metal object and it’s damping influence on the magnetic field. Only this leads to the best
distribution of the magnetic field in the reading range. Very important as well is not to have “short
circuits”, in the vicinity of the antenna, damping the magnetic field. A “short circuit” is any metal
near the antenna, building a “metallic ring”, so that currents introduced by the RF-field can flow,
destroying the energy needed for the tag to operate.
• Care must be exercised to reduce or eliminate unwanted signals (so called interference or
noise) from external sources. The reading range may be reduced by following noise sources:
• portable two way radio
• cellular phones
• switching power supplies
• computer monitors
• frequency converters (e.g. motor control systems)
• The read range is depending upon
• performance of the reader
• size of the antenna
• size of the tag (the bigger the better)
• orientation of the tag antenna plane to the reader antenna plane
• quality of the tag
• matching of reader antenna size and tag (-antenna) size
• environmental, electrical noise
• If influence of metal can not be fully avoided a tuning of the antenna is required and will
improve reading range
Document No. SIR-2720 Version: 0.04 Page 3 of 14
2 System Description
Manual and Specification
SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)
The "SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System" is hereafter referred to as "Reader."
This manual describes the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System, Reader for short.
This SIR-2720 Midrange Reader System is designed as a multi-tag system to read and write information
stored on transponders (tags). The operating frequency of 13.56 MHz yields a relatively wide reading
range of up to 700 mm depending on antenna system (mainly with larger externally attached antennas)
and transponder -type and -size. This first generation of SIR-27xx Midrange Readers is based on the
hardware developed by scemtec Transponder Technology featuring an RF transmitting power of
max. 1.4W @ 50Ω-load. The SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System is the second product in
the SIR-27xx product family. The transmission of data between the reader and a host computer via the
asynchronous RS232 interface can be up to 115200 baud. A USB 2.0 full speed compatible interface
and an Ethernet port is available as well.
The reader is compatible with standards ISO/IEC 15693- 2 and ISO18000-3 "A."
Document No. SIR-2720 Version: 0.04 Page 4 of 14