Title: Shackle Load Cell - LS-3110-PLW Shackle Kit
Doc name: DS-0240 Revision: A
Shackle Load Cell
LS-3110-PLW Shackle Kit
The sensor is manufactured to withstand a though environment. The electronics
provide power supply regulation, reverse polarity and over voltage protection.
Ranges from 12 to 120 Ton
Enclosure IP67
Designed for harsh environment
Stainless steel
Easy to install and maintain.
Hoisting and cranes security
Hoisting gear, elevators and winches
Stationary weighing
General industry (harsh environment)
Marine and harbour environments.
Manufactured by: Scan-Sense AS, Bekkeveien 163, 3173 Vear, NORWAY
Phone: +47 33 36 30 00, Fax: +47 33 36 30 01, E-mail: post@scansense.no
Mechanical Characteristics
12Ton, 17Ton, 25Ton, 35Ton, 55Ton, 85Ton, 120Ton
5kg, 9kg, 14kg, 21kg, 38kg, 63kg, 112kg
150% of rated load without zero change
Electrical Characteristics
12-28VDC with protected polarity reversal
Temperature Influence
On Zero
On Sensitivity
± 0,2% of full scale per °C
± 0,02% per °C
Long Term Stability:
Of Zero
Of Stability
< 1% of full scale per year
< 0,5% of full scale per year
0 Ton = 4mA
Full scale in Ton = 20mA
EN 55011A (1998) / EN 61000-6-2 (1999)
Ex EEx ia IIC T5 (acc. To ATEX 94/9/EC)
Electrical Connection between Load Cell and
Universal Reader