Sbig ST-4 User Manual

Model ST-4 Star Tracker
Imaging Camera
Operating Manual
Instrument Overview.............................................................................Page 1
Star Tracking Operation.........................................................................Page 4
Imaging Camera Operation...................................................................Page 8
Host Computer Software Overview......................................................Page 10
Using the ST-4 with an IBM PC or Compatible...................................Page 18
Using the ST-4 with a Macintosh...........................................................Page 28
Observing Suggestions with the ST-4 Imaging Camera......................Page 37
Problem Solving with the ST-4.............................................................. Page 38
Appendix A.............................................................................................Page 39
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Model ST-4 Star Tracker / Imaging Camera
Operating Instructions
The Model ST-4 Star Tracker / Imaging Camera is a multipurpose instrument. It can be used as an automatic star tracker to take long guided exposures of the night sky, or, in conjunction with a personal computer (PC), as a highly sensitive imaging camera. This manual describes the technical concept of the Model ST-4, the interfaces to the telescope and computer, and general operating instructions.
Tracking Overview
The Model ST-4 uses a charge coupled device (CCD) detector to detect star images. The detector can be understood by examining Figure
1. An array of 192 by 165 detector elements, called pixels, is arranged as shown in the figure. We refer to the horizontal axis as X, and the vertical axis as Y.
Enlarged View
Showing Pixels
Figure 1 CCD Configuration
In operation the pixels convert photons into electrons, and store them until read out by the ST-4's microcontroller (the ST-4 has memory for two images, one for light frames, and one for dark frames, as explained further below). For example, if a star's image is present at pixel
position 121,132 the computer will determine its position by noting the increased signal from that pixel. If the star is drifting due to guiding errors, it will appear at a different position in the next exposure, say at pixel position 123,132. The computer then calculates how far the star has drifted from the original exposure, and toggles the telescope drive accordingly.
The microcontroller (in the ST-4) can take an exposure (called integration), read out all the pixel values, and calculate the necessary telescope correction in less than a second. The tremendous sensitivity of the CCD enables guide stars as faint as 8th magnitude to be tracked with a 1 second exposure and a 60 mm guide telescope.
The calculating power of the ST-4 enables the star's location to be determined to a fraction of a pixel accuracy, enabling very accurate tracking.
Imaging Overview
The Microcontroller referred to in the tracking section is built into the ST-4. This microcontroller can communicate to an XT or AT compatible PC, or a Macintosh* , over the ST-4's RS-232 serial link (the serial interface of the ST-4 is also compatible with the RS-422 ports used on the Macintosh).
A full image can be transmitted at 19.2K baud within 18 seconds and over a distance of 100 feet. Data transfer rates as high as 57.6K
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple
Computer, Inc.
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baud are supported, and work very well over shorter cable runs. A partial image transfer mode is also supported which sends 1/4 as many pixels (one value for each group of four adjacent CCD pixels) in 5 seconds. This mode of operation is very handy for focussing the telescope and finding objects. Finding faint objects is easy using this method; the outline of the Ring Nebula is clearly seen in exposures as short as 10 seconds with an 8" Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (SCT) operating at f/10.
In imaging mode, the microcontroller in the ST-4 is told to take an exposure by the PC. It does so, and stores the resulting data in memory within the instrument. This data is then relayed over the serial link to the host computer. The data is retained in the ST-4 until the next exposure is captured or power is turned off. The host does all of the extensive data manipulation required by the user, such as contrast enhancement, and also can store data on disk for later study. This is a very attractive feature; the computer allows a quick look to be taken at the image, within seconds of the event, and a more detailed look at any later time, such as a rainy night or during the day.
The CCD can be exposed for integration times longer than five minutes. The pixels slowly fill-up in the dark due to a phenomena called dark current, and they saturate at about the five minute point when the CCD is cooled to a temperature near -30 °C using the single stage thermoelectric cooler used in the ST-4. The waste heat of the thermoelectric cooler (about two watts) is dissipated into the air by convection around the CCD head. The CCD has a sensitivity comparable to ASA 20,000 film, if such a film speed were available. The CCD has a limited resolution due to the small number of pixels; much greater resolution would be degraded by the limitations of most computer graphics screens.
With the CCD running at lower than ambient temperatures, you will wonder why dew and frosting aren't a problem. First of all, the chamber containing the CCD is small, and only a small volume of air surrounds the CCD. The small volume minimizes the total amount of water vapor in the air, which will frost onto the coldest surface inside the head (which is the bottom of the CCD). Although frost may initially form on the top of the CCD, in a matter of minutes it will migrate and be trapped at the back of the CCD.
System Interfaces
The following equipment is a prerequisite to running the ST-4 CCD Star Tracker / Imaging Camera.
1. A Telescope with pushbutton or joystick slow motions in at least Right Ascension and and hopefully also Declination.
2. A guide telescope, 50mm aperture or larger, or an off axis guider arrangement.
For pushbutton type controllers the ST-4 tracker controls the telescope the same way you do; through the RA and Declination slow-motion adjustment switches, the interface to which is shown in Figure 2. Four relays in the ST-4 are used to operate the switches. Most telescope drives have two Declination motor adjustment switches which are normally in the 'open' position. Pushing the button or closing the relay both apply voltage to the motor. Study Figure 2 carefully, along with your pushbutton control, to determine the correct configuration.
Most telescopes have one Right Ascension switch which is normally closed; opening this switch slows down the drive. The other Right Ascension switch is normally open; closing this switch speeds up the drive. It is apparent that the relay contacts which are brought out on the cable, 4 groups of three (normally open, normally closed, and common) are all that is necessary to control the telescope. The cable pinouts are described in Appendix A.
When the ST-4 tracker is connected to the telescope, the hand controller is not disabled, and
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still operates normally. If the telescope control is modified for the ST-4, and the ST-4 is unplugged, the drive may not run since the normally closed connection in the ST-4 has now been removed. If this situation is a problem it is best to build up a mating connector to replace the ST-4 box that has the appropriate pins shorted together (usually just two are required to enable the RA drive to work).
For joystick type controllers, the four relays in the ST-4 are used to simulate the joystick being pushed to its limits. Two relays are used for each axis or rheostat of the joystick as shown in Figure
3. For the Right Ascension rheostat you would use the +X and -X relays, and for the Declination rheostat you would use the +Y and -Y rheostat.
A: Standard Hand Controller Switch
A: Standard Joystick
Figure 3 Joystick Interface
B: Modified Joystick
B: Modified Hand Controller Switch
Figure 2 Pushbutton Interface
normally open normally closed
normally open
normally closed
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The instrument panel is illustrated in Figure 4. The ST-4 instrument is furnished with a power cable, a cable to the CCD, and a third cable for the telescope's hand controller. There is no power switch; plugging in the power turns the instrument on. The instrument will come-up in FIND AND FOCUS mode, which displays the greatest pixel value found in the readout of the CCD array, and the location of that pixel. The greatest pixel reading will drop as the CCD cools in temperature. After about 2 minutes, the CCD will have cooled to its optimum temperature.
The display values range from 0 to 99 corresponding to percentage. Pixel X and Y values of 50 correspond to a pixel centered within the CCD, while a brightness value of 99 corresponds to a completely saturated pixel, i.e., the star is too bright for tracking.
Instrument Startup for Tracking Purposes
1. Insert the CCD head into the eyepiece tube such that it seats accurately against the tube. The CCD will not be damaged by light when powered, so it can be easily handled.
2. Begin calibrating the CCD by completely blocking the open end of the telescope to remove all light (the CCD is very sensitive ­it will saturate in very low ambient light levels).
3. Observe the VALUE reading. This reading should fall to a reading of around 10 and stabilize within two minutes of the instrument being powered-on. Press the INTERRUPT button to halt the FIND AND FOCUS mode (or any other mode for that matter).
4. Push the TAKE DARK FRAME button. The microcontroller will readout the CCD and put the data in the dark frame memory.
Figure 4 Instrument Panel
5. Push the FIND AND FOCUS button and uncover the telescope to begin the collection of light by the ST-4. The instrument will automatically begin taking frames of CCD data, subtract the dark frame stored in memory, and display the maximum value. Direct the telescope to a star and adjust the telescope's position to approximately center
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the star image on the CCD by noting the reading on the X and Y displays.
6. If the star is too bright (VALUE reading 99) then either the exposure must be reduced, or a fainter star chosen for tracking. In order to correct this condition, press the INTERRUPT button to stop the collection of data, and
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return control of the ST-4 instrument to the keyboard.
Push the MENU button. The brightness display will then read "EA" (exposure adjust) and a "1" will appear on the X pixel display (indicating a default exposure time of one second).
Repeatedly pushing the ADJUST key will scroll through a list of exposure times, from
0.1 second, to 20 seconds. Adjusting the exposure time to shorter times will reduce the star brightness, while choosing a longer exposure time will increase star brightness. When the desired exposure time has been chosen, press the MENU button again (the ST-4 will display "CA" (Calibration Adjust), and then press it several more times until you see a bA displayed in the value box. bA stands for brightness adjust; two modes are available, A for average, or F for faint. F increases sensitivity by 9 times. You should set this parameter to A for initial familiarization. Press the MENU button again until you see the boost (b) parameter displayed. This is a boost factor, where greater values mean greater gain. Initially set this value to 1. Press the MENU button again to return to the normal operating mode (after being interrupted "HELLO" appears on the display).
You must take a new dark frame if you change the exposure time, the brightness adjust, or the boost factor.
Table 1. This assumes a 1 second exposure and a typical response of the CCD. Use this as a reference for determining whether the system is properly focussed.
Star ST-4 VALUE Reading Magnitude 60mm Refractor 8 inch SCT
4 99 99 5 60 99 6 24 99 7 9* 80
8 4 9 1
10 - 5
Table 1 Typical VALUE readings
8. When the focus is adjusted, remove the CCD and insert an eyepiece into the tube, sliding the eyepiece in the tube until the image is in sharp visual focus. With a knife or other sharp object, scribe the eyepiece on its side at the end of the tube. This eyepiece can then be used to quickly center and focus the CCD in the future Place the CCD back into the tube so that it seats against the tube as before.
9. Position the star image approximately in the center of the CCD (X=50, Y=50) using the telescope controls. Push the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT buttons for a few seconds to make sure that each relay control is correctly interfaced to the telescope hand­held controller unit. If the buttons are working correctly, the star image will move in four different directions (but not necessarily up, down, left, and right).
* *
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7. When the brightness level has been adjusted to an acceptable level, focus the telescope by turning the focus knob and observing the VALUE display. At best focus, this number is maximum. Be careful to take your hand off the telescope between adjustments or the telescope vibration will smear the star image over multiple pixels within the CCD, reducing the brightness. Atmospheric turbulence will also tend to smear the image, so it may be helpful to watch several sequential exposures when critically focussing the image.
A table of typical VALUE readings for
different magnitude stars is shown below in
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10. Push the CALIBRATE button. The ST-4 will automatically drive the telescope in each direction, determine which direction corresponds to +X and +Y, and calculate the correction speed of your drive in all four directions (in pixels moved per second). This process takes about 30 seconds. This is a four-step process with the ST-4 exercising the four relays, and after each step the ST-4 will momentarily display the location and brightness of the brightest object in the field of view. If the image moves too little (less
Use an increased boost factor and the faint star
mode when working at these levels.
than 2 units) or too far (greater than 30 units) the relay closure time should be adjusted by pressing the MENU key twice to get to the "CA" option, and then repeatedly pressing the ADJUST key to scroll through the time adjustment values (1 to 20 seconds).
11. If no errors are displayed at the end of the CALIBRATE procedure (E1 or E2 in the Value display), then position the guide star on the center of the CCD, adjust the exposure time if necessary, and then press the TRACK button. The ST-4 will automatically guide the telescope until the INTERRUPT button is pressed.
The ST-4 constantly corrects drive adjustment times to try to improve tracking. The visual X and Y displays show the tracking error seen during each exposure in units of 0.2 pixels (i.e. a displayed Y value of
-3 indicates that the star moved 0.6 pixels in the -Y direction during the exposure). The number displayed after the A in the value location is the average error for the last 16 correction periods.
If the star is completely lost during an exposure, the unit will stop tracking and the display will display the brightness and location of the brightest object in the field of view (like the FIND AND FOCUS mode), and the track lost relay will be activated for one second after 5 consecutive misses. The telescope will not be corrected again until the star reappears.
Calibration steps 10 and 11 should be
repeated whenever the telescope is substantially re-positioned in Declination (to correct for longer RA adjustments near the poles). Calibration should also be repeated if the telescope mount is of German Equatorial design and the telescope tube flips from one side of the mount to the other (reversing adjustment directions). Care should be taken to orient the CCD head so the RA and Declination axes line-up with the sides of the CCD head (you can tell by looking through the glass window at the CCD or by noting the orientation of the Serial Number tag on the rear of the head which is oriented like the CCD). This adjustment is not critical. The tracker will work
in any orientation. It just makes it easier to make sense out of the x and y readings and to use the pushbuttons if the axes are lined up to the RA and Declination axes.
Explanation of Menu Items
The menu choices which can be adjusted to a particular telescope's configuration can be viewed by pressing the MENU button repeatedly. The different menu items have the following effect:
For each menu item, pressing the ADJUST button repeatedly will scroll through the choices, finally jumping back to the lowest value choice. There is no way to back up.
EA: Exposure Adjust
The exposure (integration time) used by the ST-4 in the tracking mode can be set to be from 0.1 to 20 seconds. The readout time of the array is 0.14 seconds; the smearing produced by the readout time for short integration times is not significant in the tracking mode.
CA: Calibration Adjust
The amount of time (in seconds) the drive is left on during each move when the CALIBRATE mode is executed. If the time is too short the move will not be accurately determined. If it is too long the star will move off the array. Set this parameter such that a move of 5 to 30 units result.
SA: Scintillation Adjust
The ST-4 modifies the correction factors determined in the CALIBRATE mode, if necessary, to improve the tracking. This modification is performed only if errors greater than the SA factor are seen (the SA factor is in pixels). Telescopes with extremely long focal lengths (>10 feet) may find the tracking is improved if this value is increased. Also, its setting should be increased if the ST­4 shows any tendency to "run away" during tracking.
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bA: Brightness Adjustment
Setting this to A is the normal mode. If this parameter is set to F the ST-4 will set each pixel equal to the sum of the 3 x 3 pixel box centered on that pixel prior to performing the tracking calculation. Since star images are often smeared over several pixels, this collects more light from a faint star. A new dark frame should be taken after altering this value.
H1: Hysteresis (backlash) Adjustment, X-axis
This parameter sets the amount of extra time that the drive is operated when the direction of adjustment is changed. Many telescopes have severe backlash, and the star image may not move for several seconds after a correction is made. The parameter is the number of tenth second increments added to the calculated move when the move direction is reversed from the previous move.
H2: Hysteresis Adjustment, Y-axis
This parameter is identical to the H1 parameter above except for the Y-axis.
b: Boost factor
This parameter boosts the internal gain of the ST-4, enabling fainter stars to be tracked with short exposures. Care must be taken that thermal variations of the CCD head do not cause the star to be lost when working with very faint stars. If this value is altered a new dark frame must be captured.
Please review the problem section at the end of this manual if problems are encountered during tracking.
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The ST-4 works quite well as an electronic imaging camera when connected to either an IBM PC or compatible or an Apple Macintosh. Some details concerning the operation of the CCD in this mode are necessary to understand all the controls and features available in this mode.
CCD Pixel Dimensions
The CCD pixels are not square. Their dimensions are 0.01375 millimeters wide in the X-direction and 0.016 millimeters tall in the Y-direction. Note that the CCD active area is therefore 2.64 by
2.64 millimeters, or exactly square (about one
tenth inch on a side).
Caveats of CCD Readout
The CCD is read out electronically by shifting each row of pixels into a readout register at the Y=0 position of the CCD, and then shifting the row out through an amplifier at the X=0 position. The entire array shifts down one row when a row is shifted into the readout register, and a blank row is inserted at the Y=165 position. Note that the CCD elements are still collecting light as they step down to the readout register. Most commercial CCD cameras use a more expensive CCD which has what is known as a frame transfer readout mode, where all active pixels are shifted very quickly into a pixel array screened from the light by a metal layer, and then read out slowly. The SBIG ST-4 CCD minimizes the effect of not having a frame transfer buffer by reading out the array very quickly, in about 0.14 seconds. As long as the CCD exposure is greater than about one second this technique will reduce streaking of the stars to acceptable levels.
Planets pose a particular problem to the CCD
since they are so bright that exposures of 1 second at f/10 are badly overexposed. The ST-4 has a Half Frame mode for planets and bright stars to solve this problem. In the Half Frame mode the upper half of the CCD is used as a frame buffer for a bright image positioned in the lower half of the CCD. A short exposure can be taken (down to 0.01 seconds) and the bottom half of the array shifted rapidly up to the upper
half. The 82 lines of short exposure data can then be readout at the normal rate. This method works quite well, and uses enough pixels such that 0.5 arcsecond per pixel scale factors can be achieved while viewing an entire planet.
Unfortunately, this technique does not work for the moon, since the moon's image typically fills the CCD. The only way to image the moon is to use neutral density filters to attenuate the light down to where the CCD can be used for a 1 second exposure without saturating. The same holds true for images of terrestrial scenes during daylight.
When a long exposure is taken, a glow will be noticed in the upper left corner of the image, near pixel (1,1). This is apparently due to heating of the array by the readout electronics increasing the dark current. This glow can saturate the array in the corner in exposures several minutes long and cause a blank region to appear in the subtracted data. Using exposures short enough that saturation does not occur in the corner will reduce this cosmetic problem to acceptable levels.
Dark Current
The CCD can not take an unlimited exposure. During an exposure in the dark the pixels will slowly fill up due to an effect known as the dark current of the device. This dark current is reduced by cooling, and this is why the CCD is mounted on a single stage thermoelectric cooler in the CCD head. The window is used over the CCD to keep moisture from the CCD while it is powered. If the window is removed the CCD will frost rapidly (in seconds). In a room temperature environment the cooled CCD pixels take about 5 minutes to fill up due to dark current. At lower ambient temperatures the CCD will take longer (maximum exposure time doubles for roughly every 20 °F drop in temperature) until around 32 °F, where the cooler power is reduced to avoid damaging the CCD with excessive cold. The dark current can be subtracted from images as described in a later section, but the effects of the dark current filling the CCD can not be avoided.
CCD vs Film
The CCD is very good at the most difficult astronomical imaging problem; imaging small,
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faint objects. For such scenes long exposures are typically required. The CCD based system has several advantages over film; greater speed, quantitative accuracy, ability to increase contrast and subtract sky background with a few keystrokes, the ability to co-add multiple images to increase sensitivity without tedious darkroom operations, wider spectral range, and instant examination of the images at the telescope for quality. Film has the advantages of a much larger format, color, convenience, and independence of the wall plug (the ST-4 can be battery operated in conjunction with a laptop computer, though). After some use you will find that film is best for producing sensational color pictures, and the CCD is best for planets, small faint objects, and general scientific work such as variable star monitoring and position determination. It is for this reason that we designed the ST-4 to support both efforts, as a stand-alone tracker, or as an imaging camera. Our reliance on serial communications slows down the image update rate, but allows the use of portable laptop computers which seldom will accept a PC card.
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This section describes the features of the host software used to interface the ST-4 to either an IBM PC or compatible or a Macintosh. You will want to read this section independent of the type of computer you have, and will also need to read the section below dealing with the type of computer you own.
Displaying Images
One of the obvious features of the software is its ability to display the images taken with the CCD camera. There is much latitude in the processing of the images due to the "digital" nature of the images and the availability of personal computers with graphics displays.
Adjusting the Contrast
Any image taken by the ST-4 consists of an array of 192 x 165 pixel values, with each pixel value having 8 bits of accuracy or in other words values from 0 (completely dark) to 255 (saturated). Although any one pixel can have this dynamic range, typically the interesting aspects of an image will be constrained to a more limited range.
There will usually be a background level associated with the image, which is like a spatially uniform intensity level, due to dark current, sky background, or uniform luminosity. In addition, the bright stars in an image may saturate, or you may be interested in examining low-level luminosity (such as nebulosity). For these reasons, the image's contrast can be enhanced with the use of two parameters:
Background (sometimes abbreviated as Back) and Range.
The Background parameter specifies an intensity level at which any pixel below that intensity will appear black in the image. Increasing the Background parameter will have the effect of masking or hiding the uniform background, or low-level intensities. The Range parameter is then used to specify the range of pixel values above the Background level that will cause the image to saturate on the display. As an example setting the Background parameter to 25 and the Range parameter to 50 will cause any
pixels with intensity less than 25 to be displayed as black, any pixel values between 25 and 75 (25+50) to be displayed with a gray scale, and any pixels above 75 to be completely white.
You will want to experiment with the settings of the Background and Range parameters to get a good feel for how they affect the image. These parameters do not physically change the image data, but only affect the way the image is displayed. We will refer to the processing of the data to increase the contrast as "stretching the data".
The software can automatically pick an appropriate set of values for the Background and Range parameters using an Auto-Contrast feature. It does this by noting the number of pixels at each of the 256 possible intensity levels (called a Histogram) and setting the Background and Range parameters based upon that calculation. This works quite well for images of extended objects (nebulae, the moon, etc.). For images of star fields you can try Auto-Contrast, but will probably get better results by manually adjusting the Background and Range parameters.
One other feature of the host software in the image display mode is Presentation Mode, where the image is centered on the screen (horizontally and vertically) and the non-image areas of the screen are blacked-out. This Presentation Mode is quite handy for taking photographs of the screen for presentations, etc.
Image Smoothing and Inversion
Another image processing technique available for the displayed images is image smoothing. Visually, image smoothing reduces the effects of noise by smoothing out rapid variations in pixel brightness. This is accomplished by making each pixel in the displayed image be a weighted average of its own pixel value and the values of its eight neighbors. Finally, the displayed images can be "Inverted", meaning black areas become white and vice versa. Visually this is like looking at a negative, and can produce good results with images showing subtle nebulosity. Also, it seems that you can push the contrast harder on Inverted images without the saturated regions detracting from the image appearance.
Crosshairs and Photometric Analysis
Due to the linear properties of CCDs and the digital nature of the image data, photometric
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analysis of CCD images is easily achieved when compared to techniques used with film. This section discusses the photometric capabilities of the ST-4 and its host software.
Scope Factors
Several telescope and calibration factors are required by the computer software to correctly calculate star brightnesses and separations. The telescope focal length in inches and aperture area in square inches are required, as well as a calibration factor. The focal length is usually just the focal length of the telescope, but can be adjusted for such things as barlows and image processing techniques such as image zooming. The calibration factor is the reading that would be produced from the CCD by a zero magnitude star focused onto one pixel by a lens with 1 square inch of area, with an integration time of 1 second (with a gain factor of 1). Its value is typically around 12000, but will vary due to atmospheric and telescopic transmission, and CCD device variations. The calibration factor should also be scaled with the gain (described in the "Baseline and Gain Parameters" section below), doubling it for a gain of 2x, tripling it for a gain of 3x, etc.
Atmospheric transmission varies with the elevation of the star, so careful work will require attention to this detail as well as to the stellar temperature.
Pixel Coordinates and Intensities
The CCD is configured as illustrated before in Figure 1. An array of light sensitive detectors, called pixels, are arranged in an array of 192 by 165 pixels. In this manual and in all other references we will refer to the 192 pixel wide dimension as the X-direction and the 165 pixel tall direction as the Y-direction (see Figure 1). When an image is displayed on the computer screen pixel number (1,1) refers to the pixel with the (x,y) location corresponding to the upper left hand corner of the screen. X increases to the right, and Y increases toward the bottom of the screen. The position of pixel 1,1 on the CCD can be physically determined by referring to the
placement of the serial number tag on the rear of the CCD head as shown below in Figure 4.
Pixel 1,1
Figure 4 Pixel 1,1 location
The host software allows a crosshair to be moved across the image, and the coordinates of the crosshair (in pixels) and the brightness of the pixel under the crosshair are displayed. Additionally, a weighted average intensity of the pixel under the crosshair and its eight neighbors is also shown. These values of the coordinates, intensity, and average intensity are the simplest form of photometry available in the host software. They are quite handy for setting the Background and Range parameters and for determining the image background level (due to sky background or dark current) and determining the optimum exposure time.
Magnitudes and Separations
The host software can also measure stellar magnitudes as well as diffuse magnitudes and angular separations between objects.
The determination of stellar magnitudes involves measuring the total light emitted by a star, or in other words adding the intensity contributions of all the pixels illuminated by the star. Star images will rarely be constrained to a single pixel, hence the requirement for accumulating the intensity from all illuminated pixels. In practice, a 5 x 5 box of pixels is used in determining the magnitude although other size boxes (3 x 3, 7 x 7, etc.) can sometimes be specified. Since the magnitude scale is logarithmic (an increase of 1 magnitude corresponds to a star which is roughly 2.5 times as faint) the calculation of stellar magnitude involves taking the log of the accumulated pixel intensities. Finally, to accurately measure
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magnitudes the background level must be subtracted. This is done by moving the crosshair to a dark area of the image and specifying that region as being typical of the background intensity for the image. This specification of the background allows the magnitude calculations to be independent of effects such as dark current or sky background. The factors that affect the calculation of stellar magnitude are: Exposure time, Aperture area, and Calibration factor.
The diffuse magnitude (also called surface brightness) of diffuse objects is the magnitude per square arc-second, and is calculated identically to the magnitude calculation discussed above except that the accumulated pixel intensities are divided by the area of the 5 x 5 box in square arc-seconds. The factors that affect the calculation of diffuse magnitude are: Exposure time, Aperture area, Focal length, and Calibration Factor.
The host software also allows you to measure the angular separation between objects in an image. This is done by moving the crosshair to the first object, establishing that position as a reference position, and then moving the crosshair to the second object. The software then displays the angular separation and orientation (in degrees, clockwise of vertical) of the crosshair's position relative to the fixed reference position. The calculation of the separation between two objects is only dependent on the dimensions of the CCD pixels and the focal length of the telescope used (which must be accurately entered). This usually requires experimental determination using known double stars for precision. The direction corresponding to east­west in a setup can be determined by taking an image of a star, letting the image drift for a few seconds, and taking another image. The images can then be co-added and the line between the two images of the same star delineates the East­West direction.
Other Image Processing Techniques
The host software uses other image processing techniques besides contrast enhancement, smoothing, inversion, and photometric analysis. These other techniques are discussed in this section.
Flipping the Image
Some inspection will reveal that the screen image is flipped about a horizontal axis relative to the CCD. The horizontal and vertical flip commands enable a picture to be oriented correctly no matter what combination of telescope and prisms is used to form the image. Also, the flip commands are quite useful for making an image's orientation match that of published images. These commands actually modify the image data, and hence the results of using these commands are retained if the image is saved after these commands are applied to an image.
The host software allows you to zoom in on an area in the image by moving a zoom-box over the image until the zoom-box is positioned at the desired region where the zoom may be completed. The zoom-box is quarter sized (48 x 41 pixels), and the pixels within it are then zoomed to a full 192 x 165 sized image and interpolation used to fill in the "missing pixels". The zoomed image can then be used with all the photometric analysis software, etc., and can also be saved. Depending on the amount of host memory available when the zoom is performed, the zoom either writes over the original image data (you are warned first) or the original data is retained and the image can be un-zoomed later (unless the zoomed data is saved on disk in which case the original un-zoomed data is discarded).
Zooming can be quite handy for examining close binary stars, and small detail, but is no substitute for higher magnification images since the zooming process doesn't contain any more information than the original 192 x 165 pixel image contained.
The host software can also calculate and display an image's histogram, which is a count of the number of pixels at each of the 256 possible (0 through 255) intensity levels. The histogram can be useful for determining the settings of the Background and Range contrast parameters (like the Auto-Contrast does), for determining the dark current or sky background level, and for determining the optimum exposure time.
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Although the images from the CCD camera can have 256 possible intensity levels or gray-scales, not all computers have the ability to display such a wide range. Some graphics displays can only display two colors; black pixels and white pixels (Hercules adapters and Mac Pluses for example). Something must be done on these displays or else images would not look good due to their ultra­high contrast or lack of gray scale. In these cases a technique called dithering is used to increase the number of gray scales available.
Dithering involves using a cell of display pixels (2 x 2, 3 x 3, etc.) for each image pixel, and strategically turning on combinations of pixels within that cell to simulate the gray scale. This works well because the eye does a good job of averaging the intensity over the entire cell. The trade-off is that you require a larger number of pixels for an image, or must decrease the spatial resolution of the image to accommodate a fixed number of pixels.
Dithering can also be used to increase the gray-scale capabilities of displays with more than two but a limited number of gray-scales or colors. For example, a 2 x 2 dithering cell gives 61 different gray scales on a display adapter with only 16 shades of gray (such as the high-res VGA mode and some Macintosh II video cards).
Making the Camera Connection
An important aspect of the host software is its ability to interface to and communicate with the ST-4 over the serial port. If you have ever dealt with serial interfaces you should be happy to know that much effort has been given to make the host to ST-4 interface as easy as possible while maintaining a high degree of compatibility and flexibility.
On power-up, the ST-4 wakes up at 9600 baud, which is quite safe in terms of being able to establish a reliable communications link with the camera, but which as also a bit taxing of your patience in terms of image download times. The host can however program the ST-4 to communicate at any baud rate from a lowly 1200 baud to the highest rate of 57.6K baud. The actual baud rate used will depend on how you configure the host program and/or the environment in which the host and ST-4 exist
(mainly the cable length between the host and the ST-4). The host software can be configured to talk to the ST-4 at the fixed baud rates of 1200, 9600, 19.2K, and 57.6K or can be configured for Auto Baud mode.
In the fixed modes, the host software will program the ST-4 to the selected baud rate and always attempt to communicate at that rate. In some circumstances it may be possible to pick too high a baud rate for reliable communications, and a lower rate may need to be selected. This is described further below.
In the Auto Baud mode the host software will sequentially program the ST-4 for the highest possible baud rate (57.6K baud), and then test the communications link, lowering the baud rate as necessary to establish a link with the camera. The only times this "auto baud" process will occur is when the host software is first run or when the Establish link command is executed under user control. Another feature of the Auto Baud mode is that if the host ever looses the communications link with the ST-4, it will search around (in baud) until it finds the camera or gives up. In this case however, it will not try to change the ST-4's baud rate, but will continue to communicate at the discovered rate.
We suggest you use the Auto Baud mode, and let the computer determine the best communications rate. If you do, you should always make sure the communications link is established with the ST-4 prior to downloading images, by either having the ST-4 connected to the selected port and powered-up when the host software is first run, or by explicitly establishing the communications link using the Establish link command. Also, if you ever turn off the ST-4 or loose contact with it you will need to use the Establish link command to re-program the highest possible communications rate. If however you always use the same configuration (cable length, environment, etc.) then selecting one of the fixed rates may slightly speed up the start-up phase of the host software since it won't have to run the "auto baud" process.
SBIG ST-4/0489 Page 13
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