SBE 38 User Manual

SBE 38 Digit al Oceanographic Thermometer

With RS-232 or optional RS-485 Interface
User’s Manual
Place NE
Limited Liability Statement
Extreme care should be exercised when using or servicing this equipment. It should be used or serviced only by personnel with knowledge of and training in the use and maintenance of oceanographic electronic equipment.
SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. disclaims all product liability risks arising from the use or servicing of this system. SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. has no way of controlling the use of this equipment or of choosing the personnel to operate it, and therefore cannot take steps to comply with laws pertaining to product liability, including laws which impose a duty to warn the user of any dangers involved in operating this equipment. Therefore, acceptance of this system by the customer shall be conclusively deemed to include a covenant by the customer to defend, indemnify, and hold SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. harmless from all product liability claims arising from the use or servicing of this system.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction....................................................................................4
About this Manual .............................................................................................4
How to Contact Sea-Bird...................................................................................4
Quick Start.........................................................................................................4
Unpacking SBE 38.............................................................................................5
Section 2: Description of SBE 38....................................................................6
System Description............................................................................................6
Dimensions and End Cap Connector.................................................................8
Baud Rate and Cable Length .............................................................................8
Section 3: Preparing SBE 38 for Deployment ...............................................9
Installing Software.............................................................................................9
Power and Communications Test ......................................................................9
Test Setup...................................................................................................9
Section 4: Deploying and Operating RS-232 SBE 38..................................13
Sampling Modes..............................................................................................13
Polled Sampling........................................................................................13
Continuous Sampling................................................................................14
Command Descriptions....................................................................................15
Data Output Formats........................................................................................17
Section 5: Routine Maintenance and Calibration.......................................18
Corrosion Precautions......................................................................................18
Connector Mating and Maintenance................................................................18
Sensor Calibration............................................................................................19
Appendix I: Functional Description.............................................................21
Sensor Interface...............................................................................................21
Settings ............................................................................................................21
Appendix II: Electronics Disassembly/Reassembly....................................22
Appendix III: RS-485 Interface....................................................................23
Operation Description......................................................................................23
Command Descriptions....................................................................................24
RS-485 Commands...................................................................................24
All Other Commands................................................................................25
Data Output Formats........................................................................................25
Conversion of RS-232 to RS-485 or RS-485 to RS-232..................................26
Appendix IV: Command Summary.............................................................27
Appendix V: Replacement Parts ..................................................................28
Section 1: Introduction

Section 1: Introduction

This section includes contact information, Quick Start procedure, and photos of a standard SBE 38 shipment.

About this Manual

This manual is to be used with the SBE 38 Digital Oceanographic Thermometer.
It is organized to guide the user from installation through operation and data collection. We’ve included detailed specifications, command descriptions, maintenance and calibration information, and helpful notes throughout the manual.
Sea-Bird welcomes suggestions for new features and enhancements of our products and/or documentation. Pl ease e-mail any comments or suggestions to

How to Contact Sea-Bird

Quick Start

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. 1808 136 Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA
Telephone: 425-643-9866 Fax: 425-643-9954 E-mail: Website:
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 0800 to 1700 Pacific Standard Time
Except from April to October, when we are on summer time
Follow these steps to get a Quick Start using the SBE 38 with a standard RS-232 interface. The manual provides step-by-step details for performing each task:
1. Test Power and Communications (see Section 3: Preparing SBE 38
2. Deploy the SBE 38 (see Section 4: Deploying an d Operating RS-232 SBE 38):
For an SBE 38 with optional RS-485 interface , see Appendix III: RS-485 Interface for details.
Place Northeast
(1600 to 0100 Universal Time)
(1500 to 0000 Universal Time)
for Deployment).
A. Establish setup parameters.
B. Use one of the following sequences to start sampling:
If AUTORUN=N: GO to start sampling continuously now, or
TS or TH to take a single sample.
If AUTORUN=Y: Apply power to start sampling
continuously now.
C. Deploy SBE 38.
Section 1: Introduction

Unpacking SBE 38

Shown below is a typical SBE 38 shipment.
I/O Cable with 9V battery snap
connector and 9V battery
User Manual
SBE 38 Digital Oceanographic Thermome ter
SBE 38
25-pin to 9-pin adapter
Software, and Electronic Copies of
Software Manuals and User Manual
Section 2: Description of SBE 38

Section 2: Description of SBE 38

This section describes the functions and features of the SBE 38, including specifications and dimensions.

System Description

Sophisticated A/D acquisition electronics, ultra-stable thermistor, and state-of­the-art calibration provide the standards-level performance of an expensive AC bridge and platinum thermometer at a small fraction of the cost. The SBE 38 is unaffected by shock and vibration, has high accuracy and stability, and is easy to use. It has a rugged, corrosion-proof, 10,500 meter (34,400 foot) titanium pressure housing. Real-time temperature data is transmitted in ASCII characters (in °C or raw counts) via an RS-232 or optional RS-485 serial interface for display or logging by PC or data logger.
The standard measurement range is -5 to +35 °C. An optional range of -5 to +50 °C is available at slightly reduced accuracy and resolution. For the standard range, absolute accuracy is better than 0.001 °C (1 mK) and resolution is approximately 0.00025 °C (0.25 mK). Each sensor includes certification that demonstrates drift of less than 0.001 °C (1 mK) during a six-month period.
Applications include calibration baths, oceanographic/aquatic research, and environmental monitoring.
The SBE 38 operates in one of three ways:
RS-232 (full duplex) with one SBE 38 connected to the interface
RS-485 (half duplex) with one SBE 38 connected to the interface
RS-485 (half duplex) with several RS-485 sensors sharing one pair
of wires
On power-up, the SBE 38 reads its EEPROM, which includes calibration coefficients and other setup information. As programmed, the SBE 38 samples and transmits temperature continuously, or waits for a command to begin sampling. Note that for RS-485 applications with several sensors sharing one pair of wires, the SBE 38 cannot sample continuously.
The SBE 38 is frequently integrated as a remote temperature sensor with one of our thermosalinograph instruments (SBE 21 Thermosalinograph or SBE 45 MicroTSG), to provide accurate sea surface temperature. See the manuals for
Sea-Bird also supplies a DOS software package, SEASOFT-DOS, which can be used with the SBE 38. However, this manual only details use of the Windows software with the SBE 38.
Help files provide detailed information on the use of SEATERM, SEASAVE, and SBE Data Processing.
Separate software manuals on CD-ROM contain detailed information on the setup and use of SEASAVE, SBE Data Processing, and SEASOFT-DOS.
those instruments for integration information.
The SBE 38 is supplied with a powerful Win 95/98/NT/2000/XP software package, SEASOFT-Win32, which includes:
SEATERM terminal program for easy communication.
SEASAVE real-time data acquisition and SBE Data Processing
post-processing programs – When the SBE 38 is integrated with the SBE 21 or 45 thermosalinograph, SEASAVE and SBE Data Processing can be used to view and process the entire data stream, including data from the SBE 38.
Section 2: Description of SBE 38


Measurement Range
Standard: -5 to +35 °C Optional: -5 to +50 °C
If the SBE 38 is sampling data and the voltage is less than
6.5 volts for 10 consecutive
scans, the SBE 38 halts sampling and displays a low battery indication in the data.
Initial Accuracy 1 Typical Stability Resolution
Response Time 2 Self-Heating
RMS Noise
(at temperature equivalent of 8.5 °C)
External Power
0.001 °C (1 mK)
0.001 °C (1 mK) in 6 months, certified
0.00025 °C (0.25 mK)
Standard: -1 to +32 °C Optional: -1 to +50 °C (accuracy above
standard range is degraded to 0.003 degrees) 500 milliseconds
less than 200 µK
NAVG Noise (°C)
1 0.000673 2 0.000408 4 0.000191 8 0.000133 16 0.000081 32 0.000052
Note: NAVG = number of A/D cycles per sample. Interval between samples (seconds) = (0.133 * NAVG) + 0.339
RS-232 (standard): 8 – 15 VDC at 10 milliamps average
RS-485 half-duplex (optional): 8 – 15 VDC at 6 milliamps average
Titanium pressure case rated at 10,500 meters (34,400 feet)
NIST-traceable calibration applying over the entire range.
Time to reach 63% of final value following a step change in temperature.
In water: 0.5 kg (1.2 lbs) In air: 0.9 kg (2.0 lbs)
Section 2: Description of SBE 38
Dimensions and End Cap Connector
The SBE 38 is available with a 4-pin XSG or optional MCBH (wet-pluggable) external connector.
Pin Signal
1 Common 2 RS-232 Receive or RS-485 A 3 RS-232 Transmit or RS-485 B 4 Power
Baud Rate and Cable Length
Baud rate is set with the BAUD= command. See Command
Descriptions in Section 4: Deploying and Operating RS-232 SBE 38 for command details.
For RS-232, the length of cable that the SBE 38 can drive for transmitting real-time data is dependent on the baud rate. The allowable combinations are:
Maximum Cable Length (meters) Maximum Baud Rate
800 1200 400 2400 200 4800 100 9600
Section 3: Preparing SBE 38 for Deployment

Section 3: Preparing SBE 38 for Deployment

This section describes the software installation and the pre-check procedure for preparing the SBE 38 for deployment.

Installing Software

If not already installed, install SEATERM and other Sea-Bird software programs on your computer using the supplied software CD:
1. Insert the CD in your CD drive.
2. Double click on Seasoft-Win32.exe.
It is possible to use the SBE 38 without SEATERM by sending direct commands from a dumb terminal or terminal emulator, such as Windows HyperTerminal.
3. Follow the dialog box directions to install the software.
The default location for the software is c:/Program Files/Sea-Bird. Within that folder is a sub-directory for each program.
Power and Communications Test
Dummy plug or cable

Test Setup

1. If applicable, remove locking sleeve and dummy plug from bulkhead
2. Install the Sea-Bird I/O cable on the SBE 38:
3. Connect the I/O cable connector to your computer’s serial port.
4. Connect the I/O cable battery terminal clip to a 9-volt battery. Note that
connector: A. By hand, unscrew the locking sleeve from the SBE 38’s bulkhead
connector. If you must use a wrench or pliers, be careful not to loosen the bulkhead connector instead of the locking sleeve.
B. Remove the dummy plug from the SBE 38’s bulkhead connector by
pulling the plug firmly away from the connector.
XSG Connector (shown in photos) - Align the raised bump on the
side of the connector with the large pin (pin 1 - ground) on the SBE 38.
MCBH Connector (optional) – Align the pins.
A 25-to-9 pin adapter is supplied for use if your computer has a 9-pin serial port.
the 9-volt battery supplied with the SBE 38 will provide approximately 50 hours of operation.
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