Installation Instructions
Approx. Install Time 0Hrs 45Min
Vehicle Application
Year: 2011-14
Make: Ford
Model: F150
Engine: 3.5L Ecoboost
Kit may not fit with the following
Aftermarket Parts installed:
Body Lift or Lowering Kit
Custom Hood
1. With the ignition switched off and the
parking brake set, disconnect the negative
battery cable on the passenger side.
Tools Required
8mm, 10mm, 13mm Wrench & Socket
Pin Removal Tool or Flat Blade Screwdriver
7/16” Wrench and Socket
5/16” Nut Driver or Flat Blade Screwdriver
Phillips Screwdriver
1 Set of Torx Wrenches & Allen Wrenches
1 Pair of Pliers or similar tool
CARB Status - Pending
Product will be submitted to Air Resources
Board for approval shortly.
Not legal for use in CA or other states
adopting CA emissions standards See
Page 5 for more info.
Cleanable (KF-1058). If the enclosed filter is Red, it came pre-oiled
from the factory. Please visit www.sbfilters.com for the exact oil
amount required after cleaning.
Disposable (KF-1058D). If the enclosed filter is White, it is a
disposable filter and should be discarded once it reaches capacity.
This filter (does not require oil). For more info on S&Bʼs disposable
filter, visit www.sbfilters.com.
Please read the entire product guide before proceeding.
Ensure all components listed on page 4 are present.
If you are missing any of the components, call our customer support
at (909) 947-0015.
Do not work on your vehicle while engine is hot.
Make sure the engine is turned off and the vehicle is in Park or the
Parking Brake is set.
S&B Filter Maintanence
Before You Start
2. This vehicle is equipped with one of two different sensors depending on which year your vehicle
Older Models 2011
Newer Models 2012-14
3. The sensor must be removed from the factory intake tube.
The sensor for the older vehicles
requires a Torx wrench to remove the
sensor from the tube.
On newer vehicles use a pair of pliers
or female Torx to unscrew the bolt and
remove the sensor from the tube.
4. Once the sensor is removed from the tube it must be removed from the harness also.
(Older Vehicle Sensor) pull the Red tab out
and press down on the release button while
pulling out.
(Newer Vehicle Sensor) press down on the
release button and pull out to remove the
sensor from the connector and harness.
Be careful on the removal of the
sensor to not damage the wiring
connections on the harness.
5. With the sensor removed loosen all three
hose clamps that are on the factory intake
15461 Slover Ave., Fontana, CA 92337 - Phone: (909) 947-0015 - Fax: (909) 947-0603 - www.sbfilters.com

Installation Instructions (continued)
6. Remove the top tube by pulling out and
away from the factory air box.
9. Once all three latches are disconnected lift
the cover up and out to the side to remove.
7. Pull the rest of the factory intake tube out
by moving it to the side and lifting up. Note:
on some vehicles there is a hose from the
crank case that also must be removed.
8. Remove the factory air box cover by
disconnecting the three metal latches that are
on the side of the factory air box.
10. Remove the factory air filter. 11. Remove the factory air box by removing
both bolts and lifting up on the box. The other
connections to the box do not need to be
removed to gain access to the side inlet.
12. Once access is available to the side
inlet remove by pushing down on the tabs. A
screw driver may be required to loosen the 2
tabs on top and 1 tab underneath.
15. Attach coupler (T) to intake tube (C)
using hose clamps (L). Only tighten the hose
clamp on the S&B intake tube side while
leaving the other hose clamp loose.
13. Install the S&B fender Inlet (X) by
pushing in firmly, wait until it snaps into place.
16. Attach coupler (S) to intake tube (C)
using hose clamps (M). Again only tighten the
hose clamp on the tube side while leaving the
other hose clamp loose.
14. After the S&B inlet is installed, lower the
factory air box back down and reinstall the
factory bolts. Make sure the S&B inlet (X) is
pushed through the side skirt.
17. Attach the hose clamp (O) to the intake
rubber cuff (R).
15461 Slover Ave., Fontana, CA 92337 - Phone: (909) 947-0015 - Fax: (909) 947-0603 - www.sbfilters.com