Savox CBU with keyfob PTT
CBU (Covert Base Unit) - communications solution
Image 1
CBU – attachment of TRXLOOP inductor
To attach TRXLOOP – line up the red dots on the 3 pole Lemo connector as per image below and push to
connect. To disconnect, grip the knurled sections and pull to release the retaining mechanism. Do not force
connection or disconnection.
Image 2
SAVOX Communications Ltd, Sandyhill Park, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1629 820 820. Email: savox@savox.com
VAT: 295273234GB Registered No: 3252858.

Wireless PTT Pairing Procedure
The base unit can be paired with multiple types of remote units at the same time (e.g keyfob and handlebar
wireless PTTs). The base unit is paired with a remote unit of each type by performing the procedure below.
Two remote units of the same type cannot be paired with one base at the same time. (eg. 2 keyfob remotes
cannot operate a single base.)
Entry of base unit into pairing mode
When performing the pairing, the PTT will be activated on the radio and tones will be transmitted so a noncritical talkgroup should be selected. With the radio turned on, rapidly press the base unit PTT 3 times. This
will put the base unit into pairing mode. The base unit will stay in this mode for 10 seconds. There will be no
visual indication that pairing mode has been entered. Whilst the base unit is in pairing mode, the remote unit
needs to be put into pairing mode.
Pairing with a remote unit
Press and release the PTT on the remote unit 3 times rapidly. If the remote and base detect each other, then
the LEDs on the remote (if present) and base will come on for 5 seconds. This remote unit will then over-write
any previous remote unit of the same type. This will not affect pairing of any other type of remote that has
been previously paired with the base. If pairing fails, then the base keeps its current pairings.
N.B. During pairing, the air interface transmit power is reduced and so the base and remote units need to be
within20cm of each other. This is to reduce the possibility of cross pairing with another remote unit.
Replacement of battery in remote unit (see image 3)
The PTT uses a CR2032 coin cell battery. To exchange this, simply unscrew, separate and replace as shown in
the sequence below. Note do not use any metallic objects to remove the battery as this could cause damage.