Savory CG-3D, CG-30 Parts List

PARTS & SERVICE Manual for CG-30 Gas Conveyor Toaster
The CG-30 Gas Toaster brings to commercial toasting all the advancements and versatility usually associated only with electric toasters. Speed is combined with the known economy of operation and service free characteristics in this new approach to the oldest way of toasting.
The CG-30 is engineered for efficient, depend­able service throughout the years. Like any other piece of fine equipment with moving parts and broad temperature ranges, physical wear and tear takes its toll. When this happens, the following information will prove most helpful. Although the instructions are easy to follow, the work should be done by a qualified Savory Certified Service Representative.
1200-JDM 07019
Servicing: To gain access to the drive components,
switches and wire guard plate, remove the right side panel. To gain access to the gas burners, associated components and burner controls remove the left side panel. Each side panel is easily removed by removing the two screws located on the underside of the unit.
A On/Off Switch Replacement
1. Remove right side panel.
2. Remove two retaining screws from front panel.
3. Disconnect wiring harness from switch terminals.
4. Connect wiring harness to new switch and install switch in panel. (Refer to wiring diagram)
B Bun/Toast Switch Replace­ment
1. Remove right panel.
2. Disconnect wiring harness from switch terminals.
3. Depress two spring clips on top of switch and tilt switch forward.
4. Insert the new switch into the panel opening, snapping snugly into place.
5. Reconnect the wiring harness to the terminals. (Refer to wiring diagram)
3. Remove the two nuts at the bottom of the motor mounting plate and slide plate to the left. Disen­gage drive chain from sprocket and remove from weld bolts.
4. From the back of the plate, remove the four screws holding the gearmotor.
5. Using a 1/16” Allen wrench, loosen sprocket locking Allen screws and remove sprocket from shaft.
6. Fasten new gearmotor to motor mounting plate.
7. Place motor mounting plate on weld bolts, replace nuts. Do NOT tighten.
8. Slip sprocket on gearmotor shaft with hub facing outward, mesh with drive chain, align with sprocket clutch and tighten Allen screws.
9. Remove drive chain slack by sliding the mounting plate to the right. Tighten nuts on motor mount­ing plate.
10. Connect motor leads to terminal block and on/off switch.
11. Replace side panel.
C Gearmotor Replacement
(Refer to illustrations 3 & 5)
1. Remove right side panel.
2. Disconnect motor lead wires from the terminal block and on/off switch.
D Drive Chain Adjustment
1. Tension is correct when chain can be depressed about 1/8” on each side with slight pressure. Shifting the motor mounting plate to the right will tighten the drive chain tension. Sliding it to the left will loosen the tension (Illustration 3).
2. An overtight chain tension will result in premature wear of the chain and sprocket and may cause a bind. Too loose pressure will create excessive noise, with the possibil­ity of jumping off the sprocket teeth.
E Drive Chain Replacement
(Refer to illustration 3 & 5)
1. Remove right side panel.
2. Loosen motor mounting bolts and slide motor to left to loosen chain.
3. Lift off old chain and position new chain over sprockets. Check orientation. (Illustration 4)
4. Slide motor to right to remove chain slack and tighten motor mounting bolts.
5. Check chain tension. (Illustration 3) Too tight will result in premature wear of chain, sprocket and bearing and may bind drive components. Too loose will result in chain slipping or falling off sprockets.
F Clutch Replacement
(Refer to illustration 4 & 5)
1. Remove right side panel.
2. Loosen motor mounting bolts and slide motor to left and remove drive chain.
3. Loosen Allen screws on clutch sprocket and remove sprocket from motor shaft.
4. Install new sprocket on motor shaft and tighten screws. Check sprocket alignment. (Illustration
5. Position chain on sprocket and slide motor to right to remove slack. Tighten mounting bolts. Check chain orientation.
6. Check chain tension (Illustration 3) and adjust if necessary. (See Section D)
7. Replace side panel.
G Hubbed Sprocket Replace­ment
(Refer to illustration 4 & 5)
1. Remove right side panel.
2. Loosen motor mounting bolts and slide motor left.
3. Remove drive chain and loosen Allen screws on hub of sprocket and slide off shaft.
4. Install new sprocket and align set screws with indents in transmission shaft.
5. Replace drive chain and slide motor to right to tighten. (Illustration 3)
6. Replace side panel.
H Bearing Replacement
Coupling Bearing (Right Side)
1. Remove right side panel and insulation.
2. Remove the two lock nuts holding bearing retainer and remove retainer.
3. Remove old bearing.
4. Install new bearing and seat in opening.
5. Replace retainer, nuts, insulation and side panel.
Coupling Bearing (Left Side)
1. Remove left side panel and insulation.
2. Remove the two lock nuts holding bearing retainer and remove retainer.
3. Remove old bearing.
4. Install new bearing and seat in opening.
5. Replace retainer, lock nuts, insulation and side panel.
Transmission Bearing (Right Side)
1. See Section G; follow steps 1, 2 and 3.
2. Remove the two lock nuts holding bearing retainer and remove retainer.
3. Remove old bearing.
4. Install new bearing and seat in opening.
5. Replace retainer and lock nuts.
6. See Section G; follow steps 4, 5 and 6.
Transmission Bearing (Left Side)
1. Remove left side panel.
2. Remove the two lock nuts holding bearing retainer and remove retainer.
3. Remove old bearing.
4. Install new bearing and seat in opening.
5. Replace retainer, nuts and side panel.
I Conveyor Chain Replace-
Tension Assembly Bearing (Right or Left Side)
1. Remove side panel.
2. Remove one end of tension spring from tension bracket.
3. Remove the two lock nuts holding bearing retainer and remove retainer.
4. Remove tension bracket and old bearing.
5. Install new bearing and seat in opening. (Refer to illustration 6)
6. Replace tension bracket, retainer, lock nuts and spring. NOTE: If tension bracket has
two anchor holes for spring, use hole closest to the front of machine.
(Refer to illustration 11)
1. Remove toast receiving tray, delivery chute, left and right side panels.
2. Remove the two screws in upper edge of front opening that holds the front baffle. Slide baffle toward back of machine to remove. (Illustration 7)
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