Savin 3699, 9980 User Manual

3699/9980 Fax
Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
This manual contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine. To get maximum versatil ity from this ma chine all opera tors sho uld careful ly read an d follow the ins tructi ons in this manual. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the Safety Information before using this machine. It contains important information related to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations might be slightly different from your machine. Certain options migh t no t be av ail abl e in some countries. For details , pl eas e c ontact your local dealer.
Laser Safety:
CDRH Regulations This equipment complies with requirements of 21 CFR subchapter J for class 1 laser products. This
equipment contains a 5 m illiw att,76 5-805 na nomete r wave length , GaAlAs laser di ode. Thi s equipme nt does not emit hazardous light, since the beam is totally enclosed during customer all modes of oper­ation and maintenance.
Caution: Use of controls or adjus tment s or perfo rmanc e of pr ocedures other tha n those speci fied in this m anual
may resul t in hazardous laser radiation exposur e.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the inch version. For good copy quality, Savin recommends that you use genuine toner.
Savin shall not be responsi ble for any damage or expens e that mi ght resul t from the us e of parts ot her than genuine parts in your Savin offi ce product.
Power Source:
AC115V, 60Hz Please be sure to connect the power cord to a power source as above. For details about the power
FCC Requirements
1. This equipment compl ies with Par t 68 of the FCC ru les. On the cover of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the tele­phone company.
2. This equipment uses the following USOC jack: RJ11C
3. The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices which may be conne cted to the tele phone line. Excessive REN 's on th e tele phone l ine m ay res ult in t he dev ices not ring ing in respon se to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the REN's should not exceed five (5.0). Contact the telephone company to determine the maximum REN for the calling area.
4. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. If advance notice is not practical, the tele pho ne co mp any w il l n oti fy the customer as soon as p os sib le. Also, you will be advised your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
5. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or proce­dures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order to make necessary modifications in order to maintain unin­terrupted service.
6. In the event of operation problems (document jam, copy jam, communication error indication), refer to the solving problems section in this manual.
7. If you cannot correct the problem, please contact the SAVIN CORPORATION at 1-203-967­5000 for repair and warranty informati on. If it is causing ha rm to the telephone netw ork, the tele­phone company may request you to disconnect the equipment from the network until the prob­lem is resolved.
8. This equipment cannot be used telep hone comp any-provi ded coin s ervice. C onnectio n to Party Line Service is subject to state tariffs.
1. Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up.
2. Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning hours or late evenings.
The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications network protective, operational, and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropria te Termin al Equ ipm ent Te chni cal Re quir emen ts docu men t(s) . The de part ment do es no t guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Before installing this eq uipment, us ers sho uld ensu re that it is pe rmiss ible to be conn ected to th e facil­ities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an accept­able method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations mad e by the user to this equ ipment, or equip ment malfunct ions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user disconnect the equipment.
User should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This pre­caution may be particularly important in rural areas.
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the ap­propriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
The Ringer Equivalen ce Number (R EN) assigned to each t erminal d evice prov ides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of device subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.
In accordance with IEC 60417, this machine uses the following symbols for the main power switch:
means POWER ON.
means POWER OFF.
Note to users i n the United States of America
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer­ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio commu­nications. However, there is no guar­antee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter­ference to radio or television recep­tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Changes or modifications not ex­pressly approved by the party re­sponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference, and
This device must accept any inter­ference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Ricoh Corporation, 5 Dedrick Place, West Caldwell, NJ 07006
973-882-2000 Properly shielded and grounded ca-
bles and connectors must be used for connections to host computer (and/ or peripheral) in order to meet FCC emission limits.
Note to users in Canada
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is con­nected.
• Consult the dealer or an experi­enced radio /TV technician for help.
This Class B digital apparatus com­plies with Canadian ICES-003.
Remarque concernant les utilisateurs au Canada
It is therefore strongly recommended that the equipment is set to use DTMF signalling for access to public or pri­vate emergency services. DTMF sig­nalling also provides faster call set up.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Notice about the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (Valid in USA only).
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 among other things makes it unlawful for any person to send any message via a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business, other entity, or other in­dividual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending ma­chine or such business, other entity or individual. This information is trans­mitted with your document by the TTI (Transmit Terminal Identification) fea­ture. In order for you to meet the re­quirement, your machine must be programmed by following the instruc­tions in the accompanying Operation Manual. In particular, please refer to the chapter of Installation. Also refer to the TTI (Transmit Terminal Identifi­cation) programming procedure to en­ter the business identification and telephone number of the terminal or business. Do not forget to set the date and time.
• Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swim­ming pool.
• Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm. There may be a re­mote risk of electric shock from lightning.
• Do not use a telephone in the vicin­ity of a gas leak to report the leak.
Thank you. Although this equipment can use ei-
ther loop disconnect or DTMF signal­ling, only the performance of the DTMF signalling is subject to regulato­ry requirements for correct operation.
Safety Information
When using your equipment, the following safety precautions should always be followed.
Safety During Operation
In this manual, the following important symbols are used:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a poten tially hazar dous situation which, if inst ructions are n ot followed, may result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property.
Connect the power cord directly into a wall outlet and never use an ex­tension cord.
Disconnect the power plug (by pulling the plug, not the cable) if the power cable or plug becom es frayed or otherwise damaged.
To avoid hazardous electric shock or laser radiation exposure, do not remove any covers or screws other than those specified in this manu­al.
Turn off the powe r and disconnect the power plug (by pu lling the plug, not the cable) if any of the following conditions exists:
You spill something into the equipment.
You suspect that your equipment needs service or repair.
Your equipment's cover has been damaged.
Do not incinerate spilled tone r or used toner. Toner dust might igni te when exposed to an open flame.
Disposal can take place at our authorized dealer or at appropriate col­lection sites.
Dispose of the used toner cartridge in accordance with the local regu­lation.
Protect the equipment from dampness or wet weather, such as rain, snow,
and so on. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the equipment.
While moving the equipment, you should take care that the power cord will not be damaged under the equipment.
When you disconnect the power plug from the wall outlet, always pull the
plug (not the cable). Do not allow paper clips, staples, or other small metallic objects to fall inside
the equipment. Keep toner (used or unused) and toner cartridge out of the reach of children.
For environmental reasons, do not dispose of the equipment or expended
supply waste at household waste collection points. Disposal can take place at an authorized dealer or at appropriate collection sites.
The inside of the machine could be very hot. Do not touch the parts with a
label indicating the “hot surface”. Otherwise it could cause a personal burn. Our products are engineered to meet high standards of quality and function-
ality, and we recommend that you only use the expendable supplies avail­able at an authorized dealer.
Important Safety Instructions
In order to prevent potentially hazardous electrical shock, provide means of connecting to the protective grounding conductor in the building, wiring those grounding conductors of power cable and 3 pins plug.
Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm.There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak to report the leak.
Energy Star Program
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, we have deter­mined that this machine model meets the ENER­GY STAR Guidelines for energy efficiency.
The ENERGY STAR Guidelines intend to establish an international energy-saving sys­tem for developing and introducing energy-efficient office equipment to deal with en­vironmental issues, such as global warming.
When a product meets the ENERGY STAR Guidelines for energy efficiency, the Part­ner shall place the ENERGY STAR logo onto the machine model.
This product was designed to reduce the environmental impact associated with office equipment by means of energy-saving features, such as Low-power mode.
• Low-power Mode This product automatically lowers its power consumption 1 minute after the last
hard copy has been completed. (In this mode, printing a received fax and print­ing are available.)
To exit Low-power mode, press the
Clear Modes/Energy Saver
key. The machine returns to the ready condition in about 30 seconds. For how to change the default interval before entering Low-power mode, see
“Entering Energy Saver Mode”
Low-power mode Power consumption 2.0Wh
Default Time 5min.
Recycled Paper
(model ****)
Please contact your sales or service representative for recommended recycled paper types that may be used in this machine.
How to Read this Manual
How to Read this Manual
In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious injury when you misuse the machine without following the in­structions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are de­scribed in the Safety Information section.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in mi­nor or moderate injury or property damage that does not involve personal injury when you misuse the machine without following the instructions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are described in the Safety Information section.
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might be misfed, originals might be damaged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates the prior knowledge or preparations required before op­erating.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after misop­eration.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys that appear on the machine's panel display.
Keys built into the machine's operation panel.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check whether a fax transmission was successful or not?
Check the communication result on the display.
“Checking the Transmission
Result (TX Status)”
How do I confirm exactly where my fax is being sent?
With Immediate Transmission you can monitor the status of the transmission at the machine.
“Immediate Transmission”
Is it possible to specify several destinations at once?
Yes. Storing numbers in a Group beforehand lets you quickly and easily specify multiple destinations in a single operation.
“Dialing with Groups”
How can I quickly recognize received messages?
Have each page of received documents automatically marked.
“Checkered Mark”
I have to send a fax at a specific time, but I will not be in the office then. What can I do?
Specify the transmission time to suit you or the other party.
“Send Later”
Is there any way I can cut down on my telephone bill a little?
Specify messages to be sent automatically at an off-peak time when telephone charges are cheaper.
“Send Later”
Can I redial a number?
Yes. The machine remembers the last 10 destinations so you do not have to enter recently dialed numbers again.
“Redialing Numbers”
1.Getting Started
Guide to Components............................................................................... 1
Main Body..................................................................................................... 1
Internal View ................................................................................................. 4
Operation Panel......................................................................................... 6
Display Layout........................................................................................... 9
Display and key Operations.......................................................................... 9
Example Displays.................................................................................... 11
Standby Display.......................................................................................... 11
Communication Display ................. ............................................................. 11
Display Prompts.......................................................................................... 11
Setup......................................................................................................... 13
Introduction .................. ......................................................................... ...... 13
Choosing the Machine Location.................................................................. 13
Installing the Machine ................................................................................. 13
Loading Paper............................................................................................. 17
Adjusting Initial Settings................................................. ............................. 19
Handy Functions .................... ..... .... .......................................... ..... ..... .... 25
Energy Saver Mode .................................................................................... 25
Adjusting the Printing Density..................................................................... 27
Boxes.............................. ............................................................................ 27
Restricted Access ............................................. .......................................... 29
TX/RX File Save Function........................................................................... 30
Multi-Port Unit (Option) ............................................................................... 30
Acceptable Types Of Documents.......................................................... 32
Acceptable Document Sizes....................................................................... 32
Paper Size and Scanned Area.................................................................... 33
How to Set a Document.......................................................................... 35
Direction in Which Original is Set................................................................ 35
Setting Documents in the Auto Document Feeder (ADF)........................... 35
Setting Paper in the Document Bypass Tray.............................................. 36
Recommended Paper.............................................. ................................ 38
Acceptable Copy Paper Sizes and Types ................................................... 38
Unacceptable Paper Types......................................................................... 38
Changing the Paper Size........................................................................ 39
Changing the Paper Size in the Main Paper Tray....................................... 39
Changing the Paper Size in the Optional Paper Supply Unit...................... 41
2.Sending a Fax Message
Overview................................................................................................... 45
Overview............................................................................. ........................ 45
Memory Transmission............................................................................ 46
File Reserve Report (Memory Transmission) ............................................. 50
Communication Result Report (Memory Transmission) ............................. 50
Communication Failure Report ................................................................... 51
Canceling a Memory Transmission....................................................... 52
Mission Before the Document is Scanned in .............................................. 52
Canceling a Transmission while the Document is Being Scanned in ......... 52
Canceling a Transmission while the Machine is Dialing ............................. 53
Canceling a Transmission while the Message is Being Sent...................... 53
Canceling a Fax that is Awaiting Transmission........................................... 54
Immediate Transmission............ .... .......................................... ..... ..... .... 55
Transmission Result Report ....................................................................... 56
Canceling an Immediate Transmission................................................. 58
On-Hook Dial............................................................................................ 59
Using On Hook Dial with ISDN.................................................................... 59
Manual Dial..................... .... .......................................... ..... ..... .................. 61
Scan Settings........................................................................................... 62
Resolution................................................................................................... 62
Image Density...... ....................................................................................... 63
Halftone............................................................................................ ........... 63
Mixing Scan Settings in a Multiple Page Document.................................... 63
Selecting the Line.................................................................................... 65
How to Select the Line................................................................................ 66
Dialing....................................................................................................... 67
Dialing with Quick Dials............................................................................... 73
Dialing with Speed Dials ............................................................................. 74
Dialing with Groups..................................................................................... 76
Redialing Numbers......................... ............................................................. 77
Keys.............................................................................................. 67
Sending a Fax Using a Program............................................................ 79
Transmission Features........................................................................... 81
No Document, No Dial ................................................................................ 81
Stamp.......................................................................................................... 81
Auto Reduction............................................................................................ 81
Duplex Original Settings.............................................................................. 82
Label Insertion............................................................................................. 83
Auto Document ........................................................................................... 83
TTI/CIL Print ................................................................................................ 83
ID Transmission.......................................................................................... 84
Skip Transmission ....................................................................................... 84
Backup File Transmission........................................................................... 85
JBIG Transmission................. ..................................................................... 85
3.Receiving a Fax Message
Immediate Reception....................................................... ..... .... .............. 87
Memory Reception .................................................................................. 88
Substitute Reception............................................................................... 89
Screening Messages From Anonymous Senders.................. ..................... 89
Selecting the Reception Mode............................................................... 91
Fax Mode (Auto Receive Mode) ................................................................. 91
Telephone Mode ......................................................................................... 91
How to Select the Reception Mode............................................................. 91
Reception Functions............................................................................... 92
Transfer Station........................................................................................... 92
Transfer Result Report................................................................................ 93
Remote Transfer......................................................................................... 93
Remote Transfer with UUI........................................................................... 95
ID Reception ............................................................................................... 96
JBIG Reception........................................................................................... 96
Authorized Reception.................................................................................. 96
Specified Tray............................................................................................. 96
Forwarding............................................................................. ..................... 97
Printing Functions................................................................................... 98
Checkered Mark........................ .................................................................. 98
Center Mark ................................................................................................ 98
Reception Time............... ............................................................................ 98
Collate................................................................. ........................................ 98
Two In One.................................................................................................. 99
Image Rotation.................................................................... ........................ 99
Rotate Sort................................................................................................ 100
Page Separation and Length Reduction (Not Available in Some Countries)... 100
TSI Print.................................................................................................... 101
CIL/TID Print ............................................................................................. 101
When there is No Paper of the Correct Size............................................. 101
4.Advanced Transmission Features
Overview................................................................................................. 103
Overview................................................................................................... 103
Send Later............................................. ..... .......................................... .. 104
Confidential Transmission................................................................... 106
Personal Code Transmission............................................................... 108
Entering a Personal Code with a Quick Dial Key...................................... 109
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key...................................... 111
SEP Code Polling Reception................................................................ 114
Polling Reception.................................................................................. 117
File Reserve Report (Polling Reception)................................................... 119
Communication Result Report (Polling Reception)............................. ...... 119
Polling Transmission............................................................................ 120
Polling Transmission Clear Report............................................................ 123
Transfer Request................................................................................... 124
Specifying an End Receiver...................................................................... 126
TTI Print.................................................................................................. 127
5.Communication Information
Checking and Canceling Transmission Files..................................... 129
Canceling a Transmission......................................................................... 129
Printing a File............................................................................................ 130
Checking and Editing a File ...................................................................... 131
Printing a List of Files in Memory (Print TX File List)........................ 135
Checking the Transmission Result (TX Status).................................. 136
Checking the Reception Result (RX Status)....................................... 137
Printing a Confidential Message.......................................................... 138
Confidential File Report............................................................................. 139
Printing a File Received with Memory Lock........................................ 140
Printing the Journal............................................................................... 142
Displaying the Files in Memory............................................................ 145
TX/RX File Save ...................... ..... .... ..... .......................................... ..... .. 146
Searching Memory for Sent Faxes............................................................ 146
Searching Memory for Received Faxes.................................................... 149
Disk File Search List/Visual List................................................................ 152
Printing Files ............................................................................................. 152
Deleting Files ............................................................................................ 153
Box File Manager Functions................................................................. 154
Printing Personal Box Messages.............................................................. 154
Storing Messages in Information Boxes.................................................... 155
Printing Information Box Messages .......................................................... 156
Deleting Information Box Messages ......................................................... 158
Copying.................................................................................................. 161
Solving Problems.................................................................................. 163
Error Messages and Their Meanings................................................... 165
Clearing Document Jams..................................................................... 166
Clearing Document Jams in the ADF........................................................ 166
Clearing Document Jams in the Bypass Tray........................................... 167
Clearing Paper Jams............................................................................. 168
Clearing Paper Jams in the Fusing Unit.................................................... 168
Clearing Paper Jams in the Main Paper Tray .......................... ................. 169
Clearing Paper Jams in the Optional Paper Supply Unit .......................... 170
Replacing the Toner Cartridge............................................................. 172
Indicators ............................................................................................... 174
When the
When the Confidential Reception/Memory Lock Indicator is Lit or Flashing
When the Cover Open Warning Indicator is Lit..................................... 175
When the Paper Jammed Indicator is Lit.............................................. 175
When the Add Toner Indicator is Lit or Flashing................................... 175
When the Paper Supply Indicator is Lit................................................. 176
When the Call Service Indicator is Lit..................................................... 176
Receive File
Indicator is Lit...................................................... 174
When an Error Report is Printed.......................................................... 177
When Power is Turned Off or Fails...................................................... 178
8.Fax Features
Fax Features .......................................................................................... 179
Program/Delete Menu............................................................................ 180
Registering Quick Dials ............................................................................. 180
Deleting Quick Dials .................................................................................. 183
Registering Groups................................................................................... 185
Deleting Groups........................................................................................ 194
Registering Speed Dials............................................................................ 195
Deleting Speed Dials................................................................................. 198
Storing Keystroke Programs. .................................................................... 199
Deleting a Keystroke Program.................................................................. 203
Registering Auto Documents .................................................................... 204
Deleting an Auto Document...................................................................... 207
Reports/Lists.......................................................................................... 209
Assigning User Function Keys............................................................ 211
Registering/Editing the Contents of a User Function Key......................... 211
Programming a User Function Key on the Job......................................... 212
Functions You Can Store in a User Function Key..................................... 213
Utilizing User Function Keys..................................................................... 213
Deleting Functions Stored in User Function Keys..................................... 214
Fax On Demand..................................................................................... 216
Registering/Editing Fax On Demand Documents ..................................... 216
Deleting Fax On Demand Documents ...................................................... 218
Printing Fax On Demand Documents ....................................................... 220
Printing the Fax On Demand List.............................................................. 221
Printing the Fax On Demand Access Report............................................ 222
Fax On Demand Recorded Messages...................................................... 223
9.Key Operator Tools
Key Operator Tools............................................................................... 229
System Settings..................................................................................... 230
Counters.................................................................................................... 230
Monitor Volume......................................................................................... 231
Adjusting the Display Contrast.................................................................. 232
Date/Time.................................................................................................. 233
Summer Time/DST ................................................................................... 233
Registering the Economy Transmission Time .......................................... 233
Night Timer................................................................................................ 234
Changing the User Parameters................................................................. 236
File Retention............................................................................................ 242
RTI/TTI...................................................................................................... 243
G3-1 Analog Line...................................................................................... 243
G3-2 Analog Line...................................................................................... 245
G3 Digital Line........................................................................................... 246
G4 Digital Line........................................................................................... 248
Registering ID Codes................................................................................ 250
Transfer Report......................................................................................... 252
Network Settings....................................................................................... 253
System Parameter Transmission.............................................................. 253
Memory File Transfer................................................................................ 254
Reset PM Counters................................................................................... 255
RDS (Remote Diagnostic System)............................................................ 257
Initial Set Up........................................................................................... 259
Opening the Initial Set Up Menu............................................................... 260
Collate....................................................................................................... 260
(Printing Multiple Copies of Messages From Certain Senders)
Authorized Reception................................................................................ 262
(Blocking Out Messages from Certain Senders)
Specified Tray........................................................................................... 265
(Having Messages from Certain Senders Printed on Different Paper)
Forwarding................................................................................................ 268
(Having Messages From Certain Senders Forwarded)
Deleting Forwarding Addresses................................................................ 272
Deleting Specified Senders (Forwarding) ................................................. 273
Printing the Specified Sender List (Forwarding)........................................ 275
Memory Lock............................................................................................. 276
(Having Messages from Certain Senders Stored in Memory Instead of Being Printed Out)
TX/RX File In HD....................................................................................... 279
(Having Messages from Certain Senders Stored in Memory)
Deleting Specified Senders....................................................................... 282
General Procedure for Deleting Specified Senders
Printing the Specified Sender List............................................................. 283
(General Procedure for Printing a List of Registered Specified Senders)
How to Print Specified Sender List............................................................ 284
Backup File Transmission Settings........................................................... 284
(Specifying a Destination to Send Backups of Faxes)
Program Scan Area................................................................................... 286
(Setting the Scan Area)
Box Settings........................................................................................... 289
Registering/Editing Personal Boxes.......................................................... 289
Deleting Personal Boxes ........................................................................... 292
Registering/Editing Information Boxes...................................................... 294
Deleting Information Boxes....................................................................... 295
Registering/Editing Transfer Boxes........................................................... 297
Deleting Transfer Boxes............................................................................ 300
Printing the Box List.................................................................................. 301
10.Entering and Modifying Text
Available Characters............................................................................. 303
Keys........................................................................................................ 304
How To Enter Text................................................................................. 306
Entering Letters......................................................................................... 306
Entering Symbols...................................................................................... 306
Entering Numbers..................................................................................... 306
Deleting Characters .................................................................................. 307
11.Maintaining Your Machine
Maintaining the Machine....................................................................... 309
Cleaning the Document Transport Mechanism......................................... 309
Cleaning the Copy Paper Transport Mechanism...................................... 310
Cleaning the Registration Roller ............................................................... 311
Maintenance Kits....................................................................................... 311
Options................................................................................................... 317
Memory Cards........................................................................................... 317
Optional Function Upgrade Card .............................................................. 317
Optional Fax On Demand ......................................................................... 318
Installing the Memory Cards, Optional Function Upgrade Card and Fax On De-
mand Card ................................................................................................ 318
Optional G3 Unit........................................................................................ 319
Optional G4 Unit........................................................................................ 319
Optional Handset ...................................................................................... 320
Optional NIC FAX Kit ................................................................................ 320
Optional PC-FAX Expander...................................................................... 321
Optional Printer Interface.......................................................................... 321
Other Options............................................................................................ 321
Function List.......................................................................................... 322
Advanced Transmission Features............................................................. 322
Communication Information...................................................................... 323
Fax Features............................................................................................. 324
Key Operator Tools................................................................................... 326
Specifications........................................................................................ 330
Certification Label................................................................................. 331
INDEX...................................................................................................... 332
1. Getting Started
Guide to Components
Main Body
Front view
1. Auto Document Feeder (ADF)
Set multi-page documents here to have them automatically scanned in one page at a time.
2. Paper Supply Indicator
Lights red when paper has run out.
3. Main Paper Tray
Load blank paper here.
4. Operation Panel
5. Optional Card Insertion Slots
Left slot—insert the optional Function Upgrade Card here
Right slot—insert the optional Memory Card or optional Fax On Demand Card here
6. Document Tray
7. Optional Handset
8. Document Output Tray
Scanned documents are stacked here.
9. Output Tray
Copies and incoming faxes are stacked here.
10. Power Switch
Use to turn the power on or off.
Getting Started
Rear view
1. Optional Handset
2. Manual Pocket
Keep the Quick Guide here.
3. Optional Handset/External Tele-
phone Connector
4. Telephone Line Connector
5. Document Bypass Tray
Load non-standard size blank paper here.
When the optional Paper Supply Unit is installed
Guide to Components
1. Main Side Cover
Open this cover when changing the toner cartridge or installing the fusing unit maintenance kit.
P.172 P.313
tenance Kit”
“Replacing the Toner Cartridge”
“Installing the Fusing Unit Main-
2. Bypass Tray
Use when the optional Printer Interface is installed. Please refer to the Printer In­terface manual for details.
3. Paper Tray Side Cover
Open to clear paper jams. P.168
“Clearing Paper Jams”
4. Paper Supply Unit Side Cover
Open to clear paper jams. P.170
tional Paper Supply Unit”
“Clearing Paper Jams in the Op-
5. Main Paper Tray
6. Optional Paper Supply Unit
Provides an extra paper source in addi­tion to the main paper tray. You can in­stall up to two of these units.
Getting Started
Internal View
View with Main Side Cover open
1. Fusing Unit
Fuses the toner to the paper. Replace this unit if a message asking you to do so ap­pears on the display.
Installing the fusing unit maintenance kit.
2. Pressure Release Levers
Lower these transparent levers to remove jammed paper.
3. Fusing Unit Fixed Levers
Lower these levers when installing the fusing unit maintenance kit.
4. Screw
Remove these green screws when lower­ing the fusing unit fixed levers to install the fusing unit maintenance kit.
5. Toner Cartridge
Replace the toner cartridge when a mes­sage appears on the display instructing you to do so.
“Replacing the Toner Cartridge”
6. Main Side Cover
Open to clear paper jams and replace the toner cartridge etc.
7. Transfer Roller Cover
Open to replace the transfer roller. P.313
tenance Kit”
“Installing the Fusing Unit Main-
8. Transfer Roller
Replace when installing the fusing unit maintenance kit.
tenance Kit”
“Installing the Fusing Unit Main-
Guide to Components
9. Corona Roller
This feeds the paper. Clean this roller if it gets dirty.
View with the ADF cover open
“Cleaning the Registration Roller”
1. Feed Unit
Feeds in documents. Replace when in­stalling the ADF unit maintenance kit.
nance Kit”
“Installing the ADF Unit Mainte-
2. Separation Roller
Pages are fed in between this roller and the feed unit. Replace when installing the ADF unit maintenance kit.
nance Kit”
“Installing the ADF Unit Mainte-
3. Document Guides
Adjust these guides to match the size of your document.
Getting Started
Operation Panel
1. Power Indicator
Lights when power is on. In Low Power Standby mode this indicator goes out.
❖fOnline Indicator
When the optional Printer Interface is installed, this indicator shows wheth­er the machine is online (lit) or offline (unlit). When online, the machine is ready to print data received from a PC.
❖mData-in Indicator
When the optional Printer Interface is installed, this indicator flashes when the machine is receiving data from a PC. When lit, the machine is waiting for data from a PC.
Communicating Indicator
Lights during reception or transmis­sion.
Receive File Indicator
Lights when a message has been re­ceived into memory with any function other than Confidential Reception. P.89
“Substitute Reception”
❖iConfidential Reception/Memory
Lock Indicator
Lights when a message has been re­ceived into memory with the Confi­dential Reception function. P.138
Flashes when a message has been re­ceived with the Memory Lock func­tion. P.140
Memory Lock”
“Printing a Confidential Mes-
“Printing a File Received with
❖MCover Open Warning Indicator
Lights if a cover is open. Make sure all covers are firmly closed.
Operation Panel
❖xPaper Jammed Indicator
Lights if paper is jammed. Remove the jammed paper as instructed on the display.
❖DAdd Toner Indicator
Flashes when toner is low, lights when toner has completely run out. P.172
“Replacing the Toner Car-
❖LCall Service Indicator
Lights to indicate the machine has broken down. If lit, please contact your service representative.
3. Display
Displays messages and the status of the machine.
User Tools} Key
Press to access the User Tool settings and customize various functions to meet your specific requirements.
P.179 P.229
User Function Keys
You can store functions you often use in these keys and recall them with a single key press. When shipped, the following functions are registered by default:
Key Function
“Fax Features” “Key Operator Tools”
Journal Print TTI Print On/Off Group Dial Nothing Nothing
“Assigning User Function
Reception Mode Key
When the indicator above this key is lit, the machine is in TEL mode. When
it is unlit, the machine is in Auto Re­ceive mode. P.91
Selects whether a mark is stamped on scanned documents. P.81
Press to select G3, G4 or extension. P.65
Select halftone when faxing or copy­ing photographs or illustrations with fine gradations. Also can be used for color documents. P.63
Press to adjust the brightness of scanned images when faxing or copy­ing. P.63
Press to select the level of detail to be sent. P.62
Press to select the fax transmission mode. The indicators above this key indicate the current mode.
“Selecting the Reception Mode”
Stamp} Key
Line Selection} Key
“Selecting the Line”
Halftone} Key
Image Density} Key
“Image Density”
Resolution} Key
Transmission Mode} Key
6. Quick Dial Key Flip Plate
Flip down to access Quick Dials
, flip up to access Quick Dials
7. Quick Dial Keys
Fax numbers stored beforehand in these keys can be recalled with a single key­press. Also use to enter characters and with the Group and Program functions etc.
P.73 P.76 P.199
“Dialing with Quick Dials” “Dialing with Groups”
“Storing Keystroke Programs”
– –
Getting Started
8. Status Indicators
These indicators allow you to view the machine status from a distance.
Lights when an error has occurred. Check the display for details. P.165
Lights during fax transmission or re­ception. Also lights when the optional Printer Interface is installed and data is being printed. Please refer to the optional Printer Interface manual for details.
Speed Dial
Press to specify a destination stored in a Speed Dial.
Pause/Redial} Key
Pause—press to insert a small delay between digits of a fax number. The first digit of a fax number cannot be a pause. P.68 Redial—press to redial a recently di­aled number. P.77
“Error Messages and Their
“Dialing with Speed Dials”
“Redialing Numbers”
12. Selection Keys
These keys match the keys shown on the display. Press them to select functions and choose settings etc.
13. Arrow Keys
Press to move the display cursor and make function selections.
Clear Modes/Energy Saver
• Reset—Cancel the current settings and return to the standby mode (ex­cept when accessing the User Tools).
• Energy Saver—Hold down this key for about 2 seconds to force the ma­chine to enter Energy Saver mode. The machine automatically enters Energy Saver mode about 5 minutes after the last operation was carried out. P.25
Press to stop an Immediate Transmis­sion, scanning of a Memory Transmis­sion, or a report being printed. Also can be used to delete entered characters.
Press when you wish to make copies. P.161
“Energy Saver Mode”
On Hook} Key
Use to dial in the same way as a tele­phone. P.59
Press to delete a single character when entering numbers or other characters.
“On-Hook Dial”
Clear} Key
10. Number Keys
Press to enter digits, e.g. when dialing a fax number.
Press to send a fax or start printing of a report etc.
Display Layout
Display Layout
The operation panel display shows information about the current operation, function menus and useful messages.
Do not subject the display to a shock or force of more then about 30N (about 3kgf) or it could be damaged.
Selected functions are shown white on black e.g.
Functions you cannot select are shown grayed down e.g.
Display and key Operations
Example 1: Standby display
The currently selected function
Machine status and messages
Amount of free memory
Entered destination fax number and number of destinations entered so far
Selectable functions or options
Press these buttons to select the function or setting name that appears on the display immediately above each button
Each time you press 0 the selected item moves one position to the left.
Each time you press 1 the selected item moves one position to the right.
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