Savin 5510L, LF510, 3799nf, 3799, F9199nf User Manual

Operating Instructions
<Advanced Features>
Transmission Mode
Communication Information
Other Transmission Features
Reception Features
Facsimile User Tools
Key Operator Settings
Solving Operation Problems
Maintaining Your Machine
For safe and correct use of this machine, please be sure to read the Safety Information in the
Basic Features manual before you use it.
Operating Instructions <Advanced Features>
Type for 3799/F9199/LF510 AG/5510L Type for 3799nf/F9199nf/LF515e AG/5510NF Printed in Japan
UE USA H310-8700A
This manual describes detailed instructions on the operation and notes about the use of this machine. To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators are requested to read this manual carefully and follow the instructions. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Some illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from the machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Machine Types:
The model names of the machine do not appear in the following pages. Check the type of your machine before reading this manual. (For details, see p.17 “Machine Types”, <Basic Features>.)
Type1: 3799/F9199/LF510/5510L
Type2: 3799nf/F9199nf/LF515e/5510NF
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the inch version.
Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be li­able for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or oper­ating the machine.
Power Source:
AC120 V, 60 Hz
Please be sure to connect the power cord to a power source as above. For details about power source, see p.284 “Connecting the Power and Switching On”.
In accordance with IEC 60417, this machine uses the following symbols for the main power switch:
aaaa means POWER ON. bbbb means POWER OFF.
Copyright © 2002
How to Read this Manual ......................................................................................1
Paper Mark.................................................................................................................2
Manuals for This Machine.....................................................................................3
Advanced Features (This Manual) ............................................................................. 3
Basic Features ........................................................................................................... 3
NIC FAX Unit Manual (on CD-ROM) (Option for Type1) ........................................... 4
NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM Manual (Option for Type1) ................................................... 4
1. Transmission Mode
Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later) .............................................................5
Sending Confidential Messages...........................................................................7
User Code Transmission.....................................................................................10
Entering a User Code with a Quick Dial Key............................................................12
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key ....................................................13
SEP Code Polling Reception ..............................................................................16
Polling Reception.................................................................................................19
File Reserve Report (Polling Reception)..................................................................21
Communication Result Report (Polling Reception).................................................. 21
Polling Transmission...........................................................................................22
Polling Transmission Clear Report........................................................................... 25
Reduced Image Transmission............................................................................26
Transfer Request .................................................................................................28
Specifying an End Receiver ..................................................................................... 31
Fax Header Print ..................................................................................................32
2. Communication Information
Checking and Canceling Transmission Files....................................................35
Canceling a Transmission or Reception ..................................................................35
Printing a Stored Message.......................................................................................37
Checking and Editing a File ..................................................................................... 38
Printing a List of Files in Memory (Print TX File List)....................................... 43
Checking the Transmission Result (TX Status) ................................................44
Checking the Reception Result (RX Status)......................................................45
Printing a Confidential Message ........................................................................46
Confidential File Report............................................................................................47
Printing a Memory-locked Message...................................................................48
Printing the Journal.............................................................................................50
Printing the Journal ..................................................................................................53
Displaying the Files in Memory ..........................................................................56
TX/RX File Save.................................................................................................... 58
Searching Memory for Sent Faxes........................................................................... 59
Searching Memory for Received Faxes ...................................................................62
Disk File Search List/Visual List ............................................................................... 65
Printing Files ............................................................................................................65
Deleting Files ...........................................................................................................66
Box File Manager Functions...............................................................................67
Printing Personal Box Messages .............................................................................67
Storing Messages in Information Boxes................................................................... 69
Printing Information Box Messages .........................................................................70
Deleting Information Box Messages ........................................................................ 71
3. Other Transmission Features
Handy Dialing Functions.....................................................................................75
Chain Dial................................................................................................................. 75
Telephone Directory................................................................................................. 76
Redial ....................................................................................................................... 77
SUB/SID (SUB Code Transmission) ........................................................................ 78
SEP/PWD (SEP Code Polling Transmission) .......................................................... 80
Sub-address ............................................................................................................ 82
UUI ........................................................................................................................... 83
On Hook Dial ........................................................................................................85
Using On Hook Dial with ISDN................................................................................. 86
Manual Dial...........................................................................................................88
Selecting the Line ................................................................................................ 89
Auto Discriminate ..................................................................................................... 91
How to Select the Line .............................................................................................91
Transmission Features........................................................................................93
Stamp....................................................................................................................... 93
Auto Reduction.........................................................................................................93
ID Transmission ....................................................................................................... 94
Duplex Original Settings...........................................................................................94
If Memory Runs out While Scanning Is in Progress .............................................. 95
Batch Original Documents Transmission ................................................................. 96
If Scanning Fails .................................................................................................... 97
If Memory Runs out While Scanning Is in Progress .............................................. 97
Label Insertion..........................................................................................................98
Inserting a Label Using Auto Document ................................................................ 98
Auto Document ........................................................................................................99
No Document, No Dial ........................................................................................... 100
Blank Sheet Detect ................................................................................................101
Scanner Cleaning Message ...................................................................................101
Backup File Transmission ......................................................................................102
JBIG Transmission................................................................................................. 102
More Transmission Functions..........................................................................103
If Memory Runs out While Scanning Is in Progress...............................................103
Checking the Transmission Result......................................................................... 103
Broadcasting Sequence .........................................................................................104
Simultaneous Broadcast ........................................................................................104
Sending a Fax Message Immediately ....................................................................104
Broadcasting: Checking Progress ..........................................................................104
Automatic Redial .................................................................................................... 105
Batch Transmission................................................................................................ 105
Dual Access ...........................................................................................................105
ECM (Error Correction Mode) ................................................................................ 105
Parallel Memory Transmission ...............................................................................105
Printed Reports..................................................................................................107
File Reserve Report (Memory Transmission) ........................................................107
Communication Result Report (Memory Transmission) ........................................ 107
Communication Failure Report .............................................................................. 108
Transmission Result Report (Immediate Transmission) ....................................... 108
4. Reception Features
Immediate Reception .............................................................................................109
Memory Reception .................................................................................................110
Substitute Reception ..............................................................................................111
Screening Out Messages From Anonymous Senders ........................................112
Selecting the Reception Mode.......................................................................... 113
Fax Mode (Auto Receive Mode) ............................................................................ 113
Telephone Mode ....................................................................................................113
Reception Functions .........................................................................................114
Transfer Station...................................................................................................... 114
Transfer Result Report ........................................................................................115
Multi-step Transfer............................................................................................... 115
Remote Transfer ....................................................................................................116
How to make a Remote Transfer Request (push signal)..................................... 116
Remote Transfer with UUI...................................................................................... 118
How to make a Remote Transfer Request (UUI)................................................. 118
ID Reception .......................................................................................................... 119
JBIG Reception ...................................................................................................... 119
Printing Functions ............................................................................................. 120
Center Mark ........................................................................................................... 120
Checkered Mark ..................................................................................................... 120
Multi-copy Reception.............................................................................................. 120
Reception Time ...................................................................................................... 121
Two In One............................................................................................................. 121
Image Rotation ....................................................................................................... 122
Rotate Sort .............................................................................................................122
Page Separation and Length Reduction ................................................................ 123
TSI Print ................................................................................................................. 123
CIL Print ................................................................................................................. 123
TID Print ................................................................................................................. 124
Adjusting the Printing Density ................................................................................ 124
Output density ..................................................................................................... 124
Toner saving........................................................................................................124
When There Is No Paper of the Correct Size...................................................125
5. Copying
Making Copies on Special Paper ...........................................................................129
6. Facsimile User Tools
Accessing the User Tools.................................................................................131
Selecting the Display Language............................................................................. 135
Program/Delete Menu ........................................................................................ 136
Multi-step Transfer Group Settings ........................................................................136
Storing and Changing Keystroke Programs ...........................................................139
Using a Keystroke Program................................................................................. 142
Deleting a Keystroke Program.............................................................................143
Registering Auto Documents ................................................................................. 145
Programming and Changing an Auto Document .................................................145
Deleting an Auto Document ................................................................................... 147
Setup ................................................................................................................... 151
Adjusting the Display Contrast ............................................................................... 151
Date/Time............................................................................................................... 151
Fax Reset Timer..................................................................................................... 152
On Hook Timer .......................................................................................................153
User Function Keys ...........................................................................................154
Functions You Can Assign to User Function Keys ................................................154
Registering/Editing the Contents of a User Function Key ...................................... 156
Programming by Specifying a Function Code with the Number Keys ................. 156
Programming a User Function Key on the Job.................................................... 157
Using a User Function Key ....................................................................................158
Deleting Functions Stored in User Function Keys..................................................158
Fax On Demand..................................................................................................160
Registering/Editing Fax On Demand Documents .................................................. 160
Deleting Fax On Demand Documents ................................................................... 162
Printing Fax On Demand Documents .................................................................... 164
Printing the Fax On Demand List ........................................................................... 165
Printing the Fax On Demand Access Report ......................................................... 165
Fax On Demand Recorded Messages................................................................... 166
Recording the Fax On Demand Recorded Messages......................................... 167
Checking the Fax On Demand Recorded Messages ..........................................168
How Callers Use Fax On Demand ......................................................................169
When the Password Is Turned On ......................................................................170
When the Password Is Turned Off ......................................................................170
7. Key Operator Settings
Accessing the Key Operator Tools ..................................................................171
System Settings ................................................................................................. 175
Economy Transmission.......................................................................................... 175
Night Timer.............................................................................................................176
User Parameters ....................................................................................................178
How to Set User Parameters............................................................................... 188
Printing the User Parameter List ............................................................................ 189
G3 Analog Line ...................................................................................................... 189
G3 Digital Line........................................................................................................ 192
G4 Digital Line........................................................................................................ 194
Fax On Demand Reception.................................................................................... 197
Registering ID Codes .............................................................................................199
Registering .......................................................................................................... 200
File Retention ......................................................................................................... 201
Transfer Report ......................................................................................................202
Network Settings ....................................................................................................204
IP-Fax Parameter Settings.....................................................................................204
System Parameter Transmission ........................................................................... 204
Key Layout .............................................................................................................205
Print Position .......................................................................................................... 206
Memory File Transfer ............................................................................................. 207
Deleting Entries ...................................................................................................... 209
Deleting Entries ................................................................................................... 209
Reset PM Counter..................................................................................................211
RDS (Remote Diagnostic System) .........................................................................212
Initial Set Up .......................................................................................................214
Multi-copy Reception......................... (Printing Multiple Copies of Messages
From Certain Senders) ...............................214
Setting up Multi-copy Reception.......................................................................... 214
Deleting Specified Senders ................................................................................. 216
Printing the Specified Sender List ....................................................................... 217
Authorized Reception........................
Setting up Authorized Reception ......................................................................... 218
Deleting Specified Senders ................................................................................. 219
Printing the Specified Sender List ....................................................................... 220
Specified Tray ................................... (Having Messages from Certain Senders
Setting up Specified Tray .................................................................................... 221
Deleting Specified Senders ................................................................................. 223
Printing the Specified Sender List ....................................................................... 223
Forwarding ........................................ (Having Messages From Certain Senders
Setting up Forwarding ......................................................................................... 225
Deleting Forwarding Addresses ..........................................................................228
Deleting Specified Senders (Forwarding)............................................................ 229
Printing the Specified Sender List (Forwarding) .................................................. 231
(Blocking Out Messages from Certain Senders)
Printed on Different Paper) .........................220
Forwarded).................................................. 223
Memory Lock..................................... (Having Messages from Certain Senders
Stored in Memory Instead of Being
Printed Out)................................................. 233
Setting up Memory Lock...................................................................................... 234
Deleting Specified Senders ................................................................................. 236
Printing the Specified Sender List ....................................................................... 236
TX/RX File Save Settings.................. (Having Messages from Certain Senders
Stored in Memory) ......................................236
Setting up TX/RX File Save .................................................................................237
Deleting Specified Senders ................................................................................. 239
Printing the Specified Sender List ....................................................................... 239
Deleting Specified Senders ............... (General Procedure for Deleting Specified
Senders) .....................................................239
How to Delete Specified Senders........................................................................239
Printing the Specified Sender List ..... (General Procedure for Printing a List of
Registered Specified Senders) ................... 241
How to Print Specified Sender List ...................................................................... 241
Backup File Transmission Settings... (Specifying a Destination to Send
Backups of Faxes) ...................................... 243
Box Settings ....................................................................................................... 245
Personal Boxes ...................................................................................................... 246
Registering/Editing Personal Boxes.......................................................................247
Deleting Personal Boxes ........................................................................................250
Information Boxes ..................................................................................................251
Registering/Editing Information Boxes ...................................................................251
Deleting Information Boxes ....................................................................................253
Transfer Boxes ....................................................................................................... 254
Registering/Editing Transfer Boxes........................................................................ 255
Deleting Transfer Boxes......................................................................................... 258
Printing the Box List ............................................................................................... 259
8. Solving Operation Problems
Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Paper Supply Units ............................261
Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Paper Tray Unit ..........................................261
Clearing a Paper Jam in the Optional Bypass Tray Unit ........................................262
Reading Reports ................................................................................................264
Error Report ........................................................................................................... 264
Power Failure Report .............................................................................................264
Error Codes ........................................................................................................ 265
9. Maintaining Your Machine
Loading Paper into the Optional Paper Tray Unit...........................................267
Loading Paper into the Optional Bypass Tray Unit........................................268
Changing the Paper Size...................................................................................269
Changing the Paper Size in the Main Paper Tray..................................................269
Changing the Paper Size in the Optional Paper Tray Unit ..................................... 271
Changing the Paper Size in the Optional Bypass Tray Unit...................................273
Cleaning the Document Transport Mechanism ......................................................275
Cleaning the Copy Paper Transport Mechanism ................................................... 277
Main Paper Tray .................................................................................................. 277
Optional Paper Tray Unit .....................................................................................277
Optional Bypass Tray Unit................................................................................... 278
Cleaning the Registration Roller ............................................................................ 279
Replacing the Stamp Cartridge ........................................................................ 280
Installation, Move and Disposal of the Machine .............................................281
Machine Environment ............................................................................................ 281
Connecting the Power and Switching On............................................................... 284
Moving the Machine ............................................................................................... 285
Disposing of the Machine ....................................................................................... 285
Connecting to a Telephone Line ......................................................................286
Connecting the Machine to the Telephone Line..................................................... 286
Connecting to an Additional G3 Line...................................................................... 287
Connecting an External Telephone........................................................................287
Connecting the Optional Handset ..........................................................................288
Installing the Optional Handset............................................................................ 288
Setting up the Optional Handset ............................................................................ 288
Options ............................................................................................................... 290
40MB Memory Card ...............................................................................................290
Function Upgrade Unit ...........................................................................................291
Fax On Demand Unit ............................................................................................. 291
Extra G3 Interface Unit........................................................................................... 292
ISDN Unit ...............................................................................................................292
Handset.................................................................................................................. 292
NIC FAX Unit (Option for Type1) ........................................................................... 292
Printer Interface Unit .............................................................................................. 293
Other Options ......................................................................................................... 293
Acceptable Types of Originals ............................................................................... 296
Acceptable Original Sizes....................................................................................296
Paper Size and Scanned Area ............................................................................297
Recommended Paper Sizes and Types .............................................................. 298
Non-recommended Paper ................................................................................... 299
Energy Saving ........................................................................................................ 300
Introduction ..........................................................................................................300
Entering Energy Saver Mode ..............................................................................301
Exiting Energy Saver Mode ................................................................................. 302
Selecting the Energy Saver Mode type ............................................................... 302
Reception in Energy Saver Mode........................................................................302
Maximum Values................................................................................................303
INDEX....................................................................................................... 304
How to Read this Manual
The following set of symbols is used in this manual.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious injury when you misuse the machine without following the in­structions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are de­scribed in the Safety Information section in the Basic Features manual.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in mi­nor or moderate injury or property damage that does not involve personal injury when you misuse the machine without following the instructions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are described in the Safety Information section in the Basic Features manual.
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might be misfed, originals might be damaged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates information or preparations required prior to operating.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after abnor­mal operation.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys that appear on the machine's panel display.
Keys built into the control panel of the machine.
Paper Mark
Paper Directions are shown as following on this book.
Original is placed this way
Original is placed this way
Tray is pulled out this way
Tray is pulled out this way
Portrait direction towards originals set direction is shown as K, and landscape direction towards original set direction is shown as L.
Portrait direction on the paper tray is shown as K, and landscape direction on the paper tray is shown as L.
represents original or paper.
For "Auto Document Feeder (ADF)", see p.18 “Guide to Components”, <Basic Features>.
Manuals for This Machine
Two Facsimile Reference manuals are provided, the Basic Features manual and the Advanced Features manual. For Type 2 machines and Type 1 machines with options, NIC FAX Unit manual and NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM manual are also provided. Please refer to the manual that suits your needs.
Instructions for the optional ISDN Unit (ISDN G4 Interface Unit Type510) and the Extra G3 In­terface Unit (G3 Interface Unit Type510) are included in the Basic Features and Advanced Fea­tures manuals.
Advanced Features (This Manual)
The Advanced Features manual describes more advanced functions, and also explains settings for key operators.
Basic Features
The Basic Features manual explains the most frequently used fax functions and operations.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 1 Getting Started
Describes part names of the machine and control panel. Also lists symbols and conventions used in this manual.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 2 Faxing
Explains basic transmission. You can also find out about other types of trans­missions and how to switch the reception mode.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 3 Programming
Explains how to make initial settings, such as the Own Name and Own Fax Number settings. Also explains the Quick Dial, Speed Dial and Group keys. These functions allow you to store numbers and save time when dialing. This chapter also explains how to enter letters and symbols.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
Explains clearing document jams, loading paper and changing the volume of audible signals generated by the machine. When the display or indicator lights show unusual information, check the list and take appropriate action.
NIC FAX Unit Manual (on CD-ROM) (Option for Type1)
The NIC Fax Unit manual explains about the Internet Fax function, IP-Fax func­tion, LAN FAX function and Scanner function.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 1 Getting Started
Explains names and functions for the control panel and necessary settings. Software on the CD-ROM and how to install it are also explained.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 2 Using Internet Fax Functions
Explains the Internet Fax function. You can send and receive documents by e­mail using the Internet.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 3 Using IP-Fax Functions
Explains the IP-Fax function. You can send and receive documents between fax machines that are connected to the network using TCP/IP.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 4 Using LAN FAX Functions
Explains the LAN Fax function. You can send documents that are created us­ing computer applications. Editing the destinations in the Address Book that are used when sending by LAN Fax is also explained.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 5 Using Scanner Functions
Explains sending scanned data as an image file attached to e-mail. The Net­work Delivery Scanner is also explained. You can deliver scanned data using the delivery server.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 6 Registering Addresses
Explains how to register the destinations for Internet Fax, IP-Fax and Scanner using Quick Dial and Speed Dial. How to register an Address Template often used when specifying destinations is also explained.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 7 Making Settings through a Web Browser
Explains the items you can check and set using a Web browser on a Network computer. The Help function is also explained.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
Explains error messages and user parameter settings. When the display shows unusual information, check the list in this chapter and take the appro­priate action.
❖❖❖❖ Chapter 9 Appendix
Explains important reports and lists that are printed when using Internet Fax function or PC FAX function. Specifications are also in this chapter.
NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM Manual (Option for Type1)
Introduces the contents of the NIC FAX CD-ROM and the necessary operating environment for the CD-ROM.
How to access the NIC FAX unit manual in PDF format on the CD-ROM is also explained.
1. Transmission Mode
Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later)
Using the Send Later function, you can delay transmission of your fax message until a specified time. This allows you to take advantage of off­peak telephone line charges without having to be by the machine at the time of transmission.
Send Later
at 21:00(9:00PM)
If the Power switch is off for 12
hours or longer, all the stored mes­sages are deleted.
Press [Mode].
The Transmission Mode menu ap­pears.
Enter the code for "Send Later"
with the number keys.
Enter the time with the number
keys. To change AM/PM, press
[AM/PM] or press [Economy TX].
This feature is not available with
Immediate Transmission. Specify Memory Transmission before­hand.
You cannot specify a time more
than 24 hours into the future.
If you wish to use Economy Trans-
mission, program the time when your phone charges get cheaper. See p.175 Economy Transmis­sion”.
Set the original and select any
scan settings you require.
If the current time shown on the
display is not correct, adjust it. See p.151 “Date/Time” .
The current time appears on the
right side of the display.
When entering numbers small-
er than 10, add a leading zero.
If you make a mistake, press the
{{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
Transmission Mode
Press [OK].
The Transmission Mode menu is shown on the display. A check mark is added to Send Later.
To cancel Send Later, press
[Cancel] and the display will re­turn to the Transmission Mode menu.
Press [Exit].
The standby display is shown.
"Send Later" is shown on the
display. If you set up other transmission mode functions (except Polling Reception), "
Dial, and then press the {{{{Start}}}}
You can cancel transmission of
a message set up for Send Later. See p.35 Canceling a Transmis­sion or Reception” .
" is displayed.
Sending Confidential Messages
Sending Confidential Messages
This feature is called Confidential Transmission. Use this feature if you do not want your message to be picked up casually by anybody at the other end. The message will be stored in the memory at the other end. It will not be printed until the Confidential ID is entered.
Entering the Confidential ID
There are two types of Confidential Transmission:
The destination machine must be
of the same make and have the Confidential Reception feature.
We recommend that you program
the Confidential ID beforehand. See p.199 Registering ID Codes”.
An ID can be any 4 digit number
except 0000.
The destination machine must
have enough memory available.
Set the original and select any
scan settings you require.
Press [Mode].
❖❖❖❖ Default ID
The other party can print the mes­sage by entering the ID that was previously stored in the other par­ty's terminal using the Confiden­tial ID feature.
❖❖❖❖ ID Override
If you wish to send a confidential message to a particular person at the other end, you can specify the Confidential ID that person has to enter to see that message. Any­body entering the machine's Confi­dential ID will not be able to see the message. Before you send the message, do not forget to tell the intended receiver what code must be entered to print the message.
The Transmission Mode menu ap­pears.
Enter the code for "Confidential
TX" with the number keys.
Transmission Mode
Depending on the Confidential
Transmission type, use one of the following procedures:
Default ID
A Press 0000 or 1111 key to select "De-
fault ID".
B Press [OK].
The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check mark is added to Confidential TX.
B Enter the Confidential ID (4-
digit number) with the number key.
C Press [OK].
The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check mark is added to Confidential TX.
To cancel the Confidential
Transmission, press [Cancel]. The Transmission Mode menu is shown on the dis­play.
Press [Exit].
To cancel the Confidential
Transmission, press [Cancel]. The Transmission Mode menu is shown on the dis­play.
ID Override
A Press 0000 or 1111 key to select "ID
The standby display is shown.
"Conf. TX" is shown on the dis-
play. If you set up other trans­mission mode functions (except Polling Reception), " displayed.
" is
Dial, and then press the {{{{Start}}}}
You can cancel transmission of
a message set up for Confiden­tial Transmission. See p.35 Canceling a Transmission or Reception .
----Sending confidential faxes to
other makers' machines
Confidential Transmission is only possible with machines of the same make that have the Confidential Transmission feature. However, if you use the SUB/SID function, you can send and receive confidential fax­es to and from other makers' ma­chines that have the SUB/SID feature. See p.13 SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key”.
Sending Confidential Messages
Transmission Mode
User Code Transmission
User Codes allow you to keep track of machine usage. If everyone uses a User Code when they use the fax ma­chine, the codes or the names pro­grammed for the codes will be printed in the Journal and other re­ports. This will help you to check who has been using the machine and how often.
To register User Codes, create a Personal Box for each user before­hand. The SUB code you specify will become the user's User Code. See p.247 “Registering/Editing Personal Boxes”.
User Codes (the name of the Per-
sonal Box) can be printed on the fax, lists or reports printed at the other end.
When the user's name is registered
into a User Code, and the Label In­sertion function is assigned to ei­ther a Quick Dial key or Speed Dial, you can have the receiver's name programmed in a Quick Dial key or Speed Dial and the user's name printed on the message when it is received at the other end. See p.98 Label Insertion”.
Instead of the Fax Header, you can
choose the user's name (the name of the Personal Box) to be printed at the same position on the mes­sage. You can turn this function on or off with User Parameters. See p.178 User Parameters (switch 20 bit 5).
Press [Mode].
The Transmission Mode menu ap­pears.
Enter the code for "User Code"
with the number keys.
Enter a User Code/SUB Code (up
to 20 digits) with the number keys.
If you incorrectly enter the code,
press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
To enter a User Code with a Quick Dial key
A Press the Quick Dial key the
User Code has been assigned to.
Set the original and select any
scan settings you require.
User Code Transmission
B Press [Yes].
Proceed to step G.
Press [OK].
The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check mark is add­ed to "User Code".
When an unregistered User
Code is entered, the following message appears: "
step D will reappear.
To cancel the User Code Trans-
mission, press [Cancel]. The Transmission Mode menu is shown on the display.
" then the display in
Not pro-
Press [Exit].
The User Code screen appears.
"User Code" is shown on the
display. If you set up other transmission mode functions (except Polling Reception), "
Dial, and then press the {{{{Start}}}}
You can cancel transmission of
a message set up for Personal Transmission. See p.35 “Cancel- ing a Transmission or Recep­tion .
" is displayed.
Transmission Mode
Entering a User Code with a Quick Dial Key
When a SUB Code (User Code) for a Personal Box has been assigned to a Quick Dial key, you can perform User Code Transmission by just pressing that key.
p.247 Registering/Editing Per­sonal Boxes
Set the original and select any
scan settings you require.
Press the Quick Dial key the User
Code has been assigned to.
Dial, and then press the {{{{Start}}}}
You can cancel transmission of
a message set up for Personal Transmission. See p.35 “Cancel- ing a Transmission or Recep­tion .
Press [Yes].
"User Code" is shown on the
display. If you set up other transmission mode functions (except Polling Reception), "
" is displayed.
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key
Confidential Transmission is only possible with machines of the same make that have the Confidential Transmission feature. However, if you use the SUB/SID function, you can send and receive confidential fax­es to and from other makers' ma­chines that have the SUB/SID feature.
This feature is used when sending faxes to other parties' Personal Boxes or Transfer Boxes.
p.78 SUB/SID (SUB Code Trans­mission)
p.246 Personal Boxes
p.254 Transfer Boxes
Set the original and select any
scan settings you require.
Press [Mode].
Check the display message, then
press [OK].
The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check mark is add­ed to "TX With SUB/SID".
Press [Exit].
The Transmission Mode menu ap­pears.
Enter the code for "TX With
SUB/SID" with the number keys.
If "TX With SUB/SID" is not dis-
played, press [↑↑↑Prev.] or [↓↓↓↓Next] until it is.
❒ "
ever, if other settings under the Mode menu other than Polling Reception are selected, "
" is displayed.
Dial the destination fax number.
If you incorrectly enter the
number, press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
" is displayed. How-
Transmission Mode
Press [SUB/SID].
Enter the SUB code.
You can enter up to 20 charac-
You can enter digits 0-9, q, p
and spaces. To enter a space, press [Space] (the first character cannot be a space).
B Enter the SID code.
You can enter up to 20 char-
You can enter digits 0-9, q,
p and spaces. To enter a
space, press [Space] (the first character cannot be a space).
If you incorrectly enter the
code, press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
C Press [OK].
Press [OK].
If you incorrectly enter the code,
press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
When entering the SID (Password) is necessary
You may need to enter the SID (Password) when sending fax mes­sages with the SUB Code Transmis­sion function to other makers' machines. If a password is set for the Transfer Box, enter the SID (Pass­word) in addition to SUB code.
A Press [SID].
If you wish to specify another destination
A Press [Add].
B Repeat steps FFFF to IIII.
Press the {{{{Start}}}} key.
You can cancel transmission of
a message set up for SUB Code Transmission. See p.35 “Cancel- ing a Transmission or Recep­tion .
SUB Code Transmission with the Mode Key
Transmission Mode
SEP Code Polling Reception
If you wish to receive a message stored in the memory of another par­ty's fax machine, use this feature. The machine will receive the message with the SEP and PWD code that matches the SEP and PWD code you enter in the procedure below.
p.80 SEP/PWD (SEP Code Poll­ing Transmission)
p.22 Polling Transmission
p.251 Information Boxes
Press [Mode].
Check the display message, and
then press [OK].
The Transmission Mode menu is shown again. A check mark is add­ed to "RX With SEP/PWD".
Press [Exit].
The Transmission Mode menu ap­pears.
Enter the code for "RX With
SEP/PWD" with the number keys.
If "RX With SEP/PWD" is not
displayed, press [↑↑↑Prev.] or [↓↓↓↓N-
ext] until it is.
"SEP/PWD" is displayed. If you
set up other transmission mode functions (except Polling Recep­tion), "
Dial the destination fax number.
If you incorrectly enter the
number, press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
" is displayed.
SEP Code Polling Reception
Press [SEP/PWD].
Enter the SEP code.
You can enter up to 20 charac-
You can enter digits 0-9, q, p
and spaces. To enter a space, press [Space] (the first character cannot be a space).
If you incorrectly enter the code,
press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or {{{{Stop}}}} key and try again.
When entering the PWD (Password) is necessary
A Press [PWD].
B Enter the PWD code.
You can enter up to 20 char-
You can enter digits 0-9, q,
p and spaces. To enter a
space, press [Space] (the first character cannot be a space).
If you incorrectly enter the
code, press the {{{{Clear}}}} key or
{{{{Stop}}}} key and try again. The {{{{Clear}}}} key deletes one char-
acter at a time, and the {{{{Stop}}}} key deletes the whole line.
C Press [OK].
You may need to enter the PWD (Password) when receiving fax messages with the SEP Code Poll­ing Reception function from other makers' machines. However, the PWD is not necessary when receiv­ing fax messages from a machine of the same make.
Press [OK].
Transmission Mode
If you wish to specify another destination
A Press [Add].
B Repeat steps EEEE to HHHH.
Press the {{{{Start}}}} key.
You can cancel SUB Code Re-
ception. See p.35 Canceling a Transmission or Reception” .
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