Q: What types of memory options are available for this device?
A: The device supports Memory Card 2M, Memory Card 4M or an 80-Mbyte hard disk.
Q: Is a printer compatible with the device?
A: Yes, you can use it as a laser printer for IBM PC/AT or PC compatible with the help of PC Printer Interface Kit, Printer Interface Type 200.
Q: How can I guarantee the safe sending of fax messages?
A: The device encompasses memory lock and confidential reception to achieve a greater level of security.
Q: Is dual communication an available option in this fax machine?
A: Yes, if you order an optional ISDN G4 Kit or an ISDN G3 Kit then dual communication is possible.
Q: How many more paper feed units may be fitted to the base machine?
A: 2 more paper feed units may be fitted to the base machine.