Savin 1027 Reference

Paper type: OK Prince Eco G100(55kg), Paper Thickness=80 µm // Pages in book=212 // Print scale=81% Gap (when printed at 81% scale) = Pages in book × Paper thickness / 2 = 8.480000 mm
Fax Option Type 1027 Operating Instructions
Fax Option Type 1027 Operating Instructions
Fax Option Type 1027
Operating Instructions
Facsimile Reference (option)
Printed in Japan
UE USA B418-8657
Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
Paper type: OK Prince Eco G100(55kg), Paper Thickness=80 µm // Pages in book=212 // Print scale=81% Gap (when printed at 81% scale) = Pages in book × Paper thickness / 2 = 8.480000 mm
This manual contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine. To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators should carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the Safety Information in the Copy Reference manual before using this machine. It con­tains important information related to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations might be slightly different from your machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the inch version.
Parts of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or operating the machine.
Available Options
• Fax Function Upgrade Unit (Fax Function Upgrade Type 185)
• ISDN Unit (ISDN Option Type 1027)
• Extra G3 Interface Unit (G3 Interface Unit Type 1027)
• Expansion Memory (32MB: DIMM)
• Marker Ink (Marker Type 30 is recommended for the best performance)
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5. Reception Features
Immediate Reception
Each page of a fax message is printed as soon as it is received. This method is used for standard fax messages.
Normally this machine receives mes­sages by Immediate Reception. But Memory Reception is used when "Combine 2 Originals", "Multi-copy reception", "Reverse Order Printing reception" or "2-Sided Printing" is set to "ON ". If the conditions are that Subsutitute Reception should be used, a fax message is not printed. It will be stored in memory. p.80 Memory Reception, p.80 Substi­tute Reception
----Reception Resolution
This machine supports Standard, De- tail and Super fine resolutions for re-
ception. If you do not have the optional Fax Function Upgrade Unit, faxes sent at Super fine resolution will be printed on your machine at Detail resolution. This may differ from the sender's intention.
Reception may not take place if
there is not enough free memory left.
If free memory reaches 0% during
Immediate Reception, any further reception becomes impossible and the current communication is ter­minated.
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Reception Features
Memory Reception
The machine waits until all pages of the message have been received into memory before printing the message.
If the free memory space reaches
0% during Memory Reception, the machine can no longer receive the current fax message and stops communicating.
Substitute Reception
If any of the conditions listed below are met, the machine automatically switches to Memory Reception mode and stores messages in memory in­stead of printing them. This reception mode, in which a received fax message is stored in memory unprinted, is
This method is used with the follow­ing features:
Combine 2 Originals p.89
Combine 2 Originals
Multi-copy when set to multiple
copies p.88 Multi-copy Recep­tion
Reverse Order Printing p.90
Reverse Order Printing”
Substitute Reception p.80 Sub-
stitute Reception
2-Sided Printing (option) p.87
2-Sided Printing
All the messages stored in memory
are deleted if the power is switched off for more than one hour.
The machine may not be able to re-
ceive large numbers of messages or messages with a high data con­tent. In such cases, we recommend you switch the above features off or add a memory card.
The machine may not be able to re-
ceive fax messages when the free memory space is low.
called Substitute Reception. Messages received using Substitute Reception are automatically printed when the condition which caused the machine to use Substitute Reception is rectified. Substitute Reception takes place when:
Paper runs out
Toner runs out
Paper is jammed
A cover is open
A fax is received during a copy or
print run
Reception may not take place if there
is not enough free memory left.
You can set whether you use "Sub-
stitute Reception" in "User Parame­ters". p.141 Changing the User Parameters (Switch05, Bit1, 2)
The Receive File indicator lights to
let you know when message(s) have been received using Substi­tute Reception.
If free memory reaches 0% during
Substitute Reception, any further re­ception becomes impossible and the current communication is terminated.
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Screening Out Messages from Anonymous Senders
To help you screen out unwanted messages that may fill up machine memory, the machine can be pro­grammed to only use Substitute Re­ception under set conditions.
Four settings are available:
"When Own Name or Own Fax Number is received"
"Polling ID match"
You can choose which setting to
use. Set this with the User Parame­ters. p.141 Changing the User Parameters(Switch05, Bit2,1)
Even if the sender does not have an
Own Name or Own Fax Number, the machine will still receive mes­sages using Substitute Reception if:
Paper becomes jammed while
the power switch is on
Printing is not possible for some
reason, for example, when a copy job is in progress
----When Own Name or Own Fax
Number is Received
The machine switches to Substitute Reception only when the sender has programmed their Own Name or Own Fax Number. If the power is switched off for more than an hour, all the messages received into memo­ry are deleted. In that case, the Power Failure Report or the Journal can be used to identify which messages are lost so you can ask the senders to transmit them again.
If a sender has not programmed
their Own Name or Own Fax Number, the machine may reject an important fax message. We rec­ommend that you ask important senders to program an Own Name or Own Fax Number in advance.
The machine switches to Substitute Reception regardless of whether or not the sender has programmed their Own Name or Own Fax Number.
----Polling ID match
The machine switches to Substitute Reception only when the pro­grammed Polling ID's of the other end and this machine are identical.
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Reception Features
When the Receive File Indicator is Lit
If the Confidential File indicator is lit, a message has been received and stored in memory with Memory Lock or Personal Boxes. You need to print it out manual­ly. p.35 Printing Personal Box Messages
If the Receive File indicator is lit, a message has been received but could not be printed for some reason. The message was stored in memory (Substitute Recep­tion). When you solve the problem, the message will be automatically printed. The table below lists some problems that could have caused Substitute Recep­tion to take place and their solutions.
Why Substitute Reception Occurred
Paper has run out
Toner is empty
Paper is jammed
Cover is open The message "Open Cover"
Machine is busy printing with other function
Output tray is full. The message "Following
Indication/Status Solution
dicator is lit red.
The machine is printing with other function.
output tray is full. Remove paper." appears.
is lit Replace the toner cartridge.
is lit Remove the jammed paper.
Add paper.
See "Loading Paper" in the Copy Ref­erence manual
See "Adding Toner" in the Copy Ref­erence manual
See "Clearing Misfeeds" in the Copy Reference manual
Close the cover.
A cover other than the Document Feeder (ADF) or front cover is open.
The message will be printed after the current job finishes automatically.
Remove paper from output tray.
When the Confidential File Indicator is Lit or Blinking
If the Confidential File Indicator is lit, a message has been received by Confiden­tial Reception or received in Personal Boxes. When a message has been received by Confidential Reception, print a Confidential Message. p.30 Printing a Confidential Message When a message has been received in Personal Boxes, print Personal Box Messages. p.35 Printing Personal Box Messages
If the Confidential File indicator is blinking, a message has been received and stored in memory with Memory Lock. You need to print it out manually. p.32 Printing a File Received with Memory Lock
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Reception Functions
Transfer Station
Transfer Stations allow you to expand the standard features of your fax ma­chine to set up complex networks. Tr ansfer Sta tions must be machines of the same make.
The diagram below may make the concept clearer.
Reception Functions
If your line number is not pro-
grammed at the Transfer Station, reception will not take place. p.167 Transfer Report
This machine will not receive a
Transfer Request unless it has enough free memory to store two or more destinations dialed from the number keys. Chapter 2, "Restrictions When Dialing with the Keys" in the Basic Features manual.
If the Requesting Party specifies a
Group for the End Receivers and the total number of End Receivers exceeds 500, the Transfer Station cannot transfer the message and sends a Transfer Result Report to the Requesting Party.
The following terminology is used in this section.
❖❖❖❖ Requesting Party
The machine where the message originates from.
❖❖❖❖ Transfer Station (this machine)
The machine that forwards the in­coming message to another desti­nation.
❖❖❖❖ End Receiver
The final destination of the mes­sage, that is the machine the Trans­fer Station sends to. End Receivers must be programmed into Quick Dial or Groups in the Transfer Sta­tion.
Polling ID's of the Requesting Par-
ty and Transfer Station must be identical for this feature to work.
----Multistep Transfer
The principles of Transfer Stations can be used to build up a multi-step facsimile network where messages are passed through several Transfer Stations. By programming the end re­ceivers in a Transfer Station Group, you can enable this machine to trans­fer messages onto other Transfer Sta­tions.
For more information, contact your service representative.
This feature can only be used if the machines are made by the same mak­er.
p.84 ID Reception (Closed Net­work)
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Reception Features
----Sending the Transfer Result Report
This machine compares the fax number of the Requesting Party with the Requesting Party's number pro­grammed in a Quick Dial or Speed Di­al. If the lower five digits of the two numbers match, it sends the Transfer Result Report to the Requesting Party.
For example:
Requesting Party's own dial number:
Transfer Station's Quick Dial:
Transfer Result Report
This reports whether transmission to the End Receivers was successful or not.
Program the Requesting Party fax number in advance. p.167 Transfer Report
When the Transfer Station has trans­ferred the message to all End Receiv­ers, it sends the Transfer Result Report back to the Requesting Party. The machine prints the report if it cannot be sent back to the Requesting Party. You must program the fax number of the Requesting Party in a Quick Dial in the Transfer Station.
ID Reception (Closed Network)
If you wish to limit reception of mes­sages from those with machines of the same make and with the same Polling ID, contact your service representa­tive to turn this feature on.
When you use this function, con-
tact your service representative for details.
JBIG Reception
Fax Function Upgrade Unit is required.
It allows you to receive messages sent in the JBIG format.
If ECM is turned off, JBIG Recep-
tion is not available.
This feature is not available with
G4 communication.
When the optional Extra G3 Inter-
face Unit is installed, JBIG recep­tions of "G3-2" lines are standard.
You can choose whether a portion
of the original image is printed on this report. Set this with the User Parameters. ⇒ p.141 “Changing the User Parameters(Switch04, Bit7)
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Auto Fax Reception Power-up
This machine can be set to shut down automatically if no one has used it for a while. In these situations, even though the operation switch is off, the machine can still receive incoming messages as long as the Main Power switch is on.
Reception is not possible if both
the operation switch and Main Power switch are turned off.
You can choose whether messages
are printed as soon as they are re­ceived (Immediate recep­tion).p.141 Changing the User Parameters(Switch14, Bit0)
You can also set that fax messages
received by Memory Reception (Substitute Reception) will be printed after the machine is turned on.
Reception Functions
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Reception Features
Printing Functions
Print Completion Beep
The machine beeps to let you know when a received message has been printed.
You can choose whether the vol-
ume of the beep is turn it on or off completely (set the volume to the minimum level). Chapter 4, "Ad­justing Volume" in the Basic Fea­tures manual.
Center Mark
Marks are printed halfway down the left side and at the top center of each page received. This makes it easy for you to position a hole puncher cor­rectly when you file received messag­es.
Checkered Mark
A checkered mark is printed on the first page of fax messages to help you separate them.
The center mark may deviate a lit-
tle from the exact center of the edge.
You can choose whether this fea-
ture is on with the Initial Setup Re­ception Mode Settings. p.131 Reception Mode
You can choose whether this fea-
ture is on with the Initial Setup Re­ception Mode Settings. p.131 Reception Mode
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Printing Functions
Reception Time
You can have the date and time print­ed at the bottom of the message when it is received. You choose whether this feature is on with the Initial Setup Reception Mode settings. p.131 Reception Mode
When a received message is print-
ed on two or more sheets, the date and time is printed on the last page.
The date and time when the mes-
sage was printed can also be re­corded on the message. If you need this feature, please contact your service representative.
2-Sided Printing
The optional Duplex Unit is required. If this setting is set to on, fax messages will be received with Memory Recep­tion.You can have a received message printed on both sides of the paper.
You can turn this feature on or off with the Initial Setup reception Mode settings. You can also print p.131 Reception Mode
To use this function, all pages of
the received document must be of the same size—inform the sending party of this beforehand if neces­sary. You must also have paper set in your machine of the same size as that sent by the sending party (A4A4, B4B4 are typical exam­ples, whether A3 and B5 sizes are correctly scanned in will depend on the fax machine). This machine will correctly scan in landscape A3, B4, A4, and B5; and portrait A4, B5 and A5. The following table shows the results that can be achieved when sending and re­ceiving using this machine.
This feature works only when all
pages are of the same width and are received into memory.
The machine will use Memory Re-
ception for 2-Sided Printing.
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Reception Features
When "Combine 2 Originals" and
"2-Sided Printing" are selected at the same time, 2-Sided Printing takes priority and Combine 2 Orig­inals is canceled.
Printouts may vary depending on
how the sender set them.
If another party sends you a fax
and their machine is not able to de­tect the size of the original correct­ly, the message may come out truncated, separated or containing excess white space when printed at your end. For example, if the send­ing machine thinks a B5 original is a B4 original, it will be printed at your end on B4 size paper even if
you have B5 paper available in your machine.
You can choose to have messages
only from selected senders printed in this way. p.146 Special Send­ers to Treat Differently
180 Degree Rotation Printing
When printing on both sides of the paper, this machine rotates images as shown in the diagram.
Multi-copy Reception
If you switch this feature on, multiple copies of each incoming fax message will be printed. You can also choose to have multiple copies made of mes­sages from particular senders. p.146 Special Senders to Treat Dif­ferently, p.131 Reception Mode
The maximum number of copies
that can be made for each message is 10. If you are using Multi-copy with Specified Senders, the maxi­mum number is 10.
You can choose whether this fea-
ture is turned on or off and set the number of copies with the Initial Setup Reception Mode Settings. p.131 Reception Mode
The machine will use Memory Re-
ception for Multi-copy Reception.
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Printing Functions
Image Rotation
If you have installed paper in the cas­sette portrait K, incoming fax mes­sages will be rotated automatically to fit on the paper.
You can choose to have received
messages printed from a specified tray. p.131 Reception Mode
Combine 2 Originals
When two messages of the same size and direction are received consecu­tively, they are printed on a single sheet when you turn this feature on. This can help you economize on pa­per.
Two A5K messages are printed side by side on a sheet of A4L.
Two B5K messages are printed side by side on a sheet of B4L.
Two A4K messages are printed side by side on a sheet of A3L.
Two 8 printed side by side on a sheet of 8
/2"×51/2"K messages are
Two 8 printed side by side on a sheet of 11"×17"L.
This feature does not work with
messages larger than A5K, B5K, A4K or LTK. When A5K, B5K, A4K, or LTK size paper is loaded in the machine, each page of the re­ceived message is printed on a sin­gle sheet.
If paper matching the size and di-
rection of a received document is not available, Combine 2 Originals is not possible.
When "Combine 2 Originals" and
"2-Sided Printing" are selected at the same time, 2-Sided Printing takes priority and Combine 2 Orig­inals is canceled.
You can choose whether this fea-
ture is turned on or off. Set this with the User Parameters. p.141 Changing the User Parame­ters(Switch10, Bit1)
This feature uses Memory Recep-
/2"×11"K messages are
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Reception Features
Page Separation and Length Reduction
When the size of a received message is longer than the paper loaded in the machine, each page of the message can be split and printed on several sheets, or reduced and printed on a single sheet. For example, this feature splits the message if the message length is 20mm or longer than the pa­per used. The message is reduced if it is less than 20mm longer. When a message is split, the split mark (*) is inserted at the split position and about 10mm of the split area is dupli-
cated on the top of the second sheet.
Your service representative can
customize this feature with the fol­lowing settings.
Print split mark
Overprinting length
Guideline for split
You can adjust the overprinting
and reduction lengths within the following ranges:
Guideline for split: 5∼155mm
(5mm steps)
Overprinting length: 4mm, 10mm, 15mm
Reverse Order Printing
Normally, received pages are printed and stacked on the tray in the order they are received. If you turn this fea­ture on, the machine will start print­ing the message from the last page received.
You can choose whether this fea-
ture is turned on or off. Set this with the Initial Setup RX. p.131 Reception Mode
When this feature is on, the first
page will be printed last.
This feature uses Memory Recep-
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Printing Functions
Page Reduction
If you receive a message that is longer than the paper in the cassette, usually the machine prints it on two pages. If you turn this feature on the machine reduces the width and length of the received image so that it will fit on one page. If A4L paper size is loaded and a message of B4L size is re­ceived, the machine will reduce the message to a single A4L sheet.
You can choose whether this fea-
ture is turned on. Set this with the User Parameters. p.141 “Chang- ing the User Parameters”(Switch10, Bit3)
p.90 “Page Separation and Length Reduction
Sender's Own Fax Number Print
Usually the sender's Fax Header is printed on received messages. If the sender has not programmed their Fax Header, you will not be able to identi­fy them. However, if you turn this feature on, the sender's Own Name or Own Fax Number is printed instead so you can find out where the mes­sage came from. Chapter 3, "Initial settings and Adjustment" in the Basic Features manual
You can turn it on or off with the
User Parameters. p.141 “Chang- ing the User Parameters”(Switch02, Bit3)
The optional ISDN Unit is required.
Two features are provided for identi­fication of messages received by G4 (ISDN). If turned on, this information will be printed on every page.
The CIL (Call Identification Line) re­fers to the combination of the receiv­er's own fax number and name, the sender's own fax number and name, time, and page number. The TID re­fers to the name programmed by the sender in their Fax Header. Chap­ter 3, "Initial settings and Adjust­ment" in the Basic Features manual
These features are available only
when receiving in G4 mode.
If the sender's TID contains dou-
ble-byte characters (for example Chinese characters), the TID will not be printed even if TID Print is turned on.
You can turn CIL and TID on or off
with the User Parameters. p.141 Changing the User Parame­ters(Switch02, Bit5 or Bit6)
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Reception Features
When There is No Paper of the Correct Size
If there is no paper in your machine that matches the size of a received message, the machine will choose a paper size based upon the paper you have available. For example, if your machine has B4L and A3L installed and you receive a A4L size message, check the A4 column of the following table. The paper size at the top has the highest priority. In this case, since B4L is a higher priority than A3L, the message is printed on A4L.
If only B5L is loaded and you receive an A3L message, the received message is stored in memory and will not be printed.
❖❖❖❖ Priority Table
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Page Reduction Disabled
Reduction in Sub-scan Direction Enabled
Page Separation Threshold 20mm
Width or Length Priority Width
KK and LL indicate that the message is split over two pages of paper with
the orientation and size shown.
Paper placed in the bypass tray is not usually selected for printing a received
message. However, you can use this tray if you select the bypass tray as the main paper tray using Reception with Specified Senders. p.146 “Special Senders to Treat Differently
The paper size used to print a received message may be different from the size
of the sent original.
Widths that this machine can receive are A4, B4, LT, LG, and A3. Any mes-
sages narrower than A4 or LT are sent as A4 or LT width with the length un­changed.
Printing Functions
p.90 “Page Separation and Length Reduction
p.91 Page Reduction
p.89 Image Rotation
"Just Size" Printing
If you turn this feature on and no paper tray is stocked with paper of a suitable size to print a received document, a message will appear on the display prompt­ing you to load paper of the required size. When you have loaded the new paper, you can then print the message.
Two messages can appear:
Paper Cassette
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Reception Features
Bypass Tray
The action that follows pressing [Exit] varies depending on the status of the
machine when the message occured.
If any received documents or reports were being printed automatically, the printer automatically continues printing from where it had left off.
If any documents or reports were being printed manually, the printer does
not resume the printing. Perform the operations from the beginning again.
You can choose whether the message is turned on. Set this with the User Pa-
rameters. p.141 Changing the User Parameters(Switch05, Bit5)
Out of paper display message
If the paper tray runs out of paper, you can have a message appear on the dis­play asking you to add more paper.
You can choose whether the message is turned on. Set this with the User Pa-
rameters. p.141 Changing the User Parameters(Switch05, Bit7)
+ 40 hidden pages