10 REPORTING A PROBLEM................................................................................................................................54
11 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................55
The ReaderManager is a graphical application for Windows and Unix. It provides a platform for reader
setup, configuration, demonstrations, testing and application development.
When it is run, the ReaderManager can connect to a single reader at one time. It can switch between
multiple readers.
Multiple copies of ReaderManager can be run, each of which can be connected to different readers.
The program provides a set of tools, each of which is a particular demonstration, test or diagnostic
All windows can be resized. This will be saved, so the next time you run the ReaderManager, all
windows will retain the size you set the last time. The position of the application on the Windows
desktop is also retained.
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2 Frequently asked Questions
This section provides a list of commonly asked questions.
2.1 How do I install or upgrade ReaderManager?
1. Run the install program ReaderManager-Install.exe. This can be downloaded from the Magellan
website www.magtech.com.au, or run from the CD supplied with your reader.
2. If you already have ReaderManager installed run the program ReaderManager-Upgrade.exe.
3. Follow the installation instructions given in section 3 Installation.
2.2 How to connect ReaderManager to a reader?
1. Connect an Ethernet cable or USB cable to the reader as described in reader manual. Apply power to
the reader.
2. Wait about 40 seconds for the reader to start up.
3. Either select the reader from the DynamicReader list on the Connection menu as described in 5.1.2
Opening a Dynamic Connections, or create a static connection as described in section 5 Managing
2.3 I have a new reader, what do I do now?
1. You will need the following equipment to setup a reader.
• DC Voltmeter
• Antenna tuning block and trim tool.
• Normal powered tag.
2. Open the Reader Setup tool as described in section 6.8 Reader Setup.
3. Follow instructions provided by the wizard selecting and configuring the number of axis Groups,
selecting, tuning and testing the antennas used with the reader. Save the configuration to the reader.
2.4 How do I change the network settings on a reader?
1. Open the Configuration System tool as descried in section 6.1 Configuration System.
2. Changing the Customer ID field will change the name of the reader as displayed on the dynamic
connections menu.
3. Click the Network Settings tab to set a fixed IP address or to obtain an IP address from a DHCP
2.5 How do I set a tag to Normal Powered mode?
1. Open the Console. Right click in the Message log area and ensure that Show Tag Replies is ticked.
2. Place a tag on the reader, you should see a response from the tag.
3. From the Reader Configuration menu select Config_Normal_Powered_Tag.
4. You should get a response from the reader with the data value equal to 6000. A typical response
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Data: 6000
6. From the Reader Configuration menu select ClearAll.
2.6 How do I restore the reader to its default settings?
1. Open the Reader Settings tool.
2. Click the Clear Saved Settings button.
3. Power the reader off then on.
2.7 How do I get the ReaderServer version of my Network based reader?
Open the Console tool.
Type Version() in the Command Entry area.
The ReaderServer and operating system will be shown in the Message Log area.
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3 Installation
This section describes how to install, upgrade and start ReaderManager and how to get ReaderManager
Installation instructions are only given for installation on a computer running Microsoft Windows, for
installation on computers running Linux please contact Magellan Technology.
3.1 New Installation
All that needs to be done is to run ReaderManager-Install.exe. This contains the Python interpreter, the
PyQt and Twisted libraries and the application itself. When it is run, the window shown as Figure 1
Figure 1
The installer looks on the system to determine which components are already present. Ticks will appear
next to the items that are not currently installed. The Python, PyQt and Twisted libraries will
automatically install if required.
The version numbers of the components are shown next to their names.
If the installer finds that ReaderManager has already been installed with the current version, the user can
force a reinstall by manually ticking the checkbox next to the application.
The only directory selection that you are ever offered is when you install Python (which is part of
ReaderManager-Install.exe). It offers a default directory of C:\Python23. This can be changed to
C:\Program Files\Python23, for example, but you can put it anywhere you like.
When the ReaderManager application is installed, it is placed inside the Python directory. This is
determined automatically by the installer.
3.2 Upgrading ReaderManager software
Most of the time, software upgrades will not involve a change in the version of Python, PyQt and
Twisted libraries. In this case, all that needs to be done is to get the new version of ReaderManager-Upgrade.exe and run this file. This file is much smaller than the full installation. The upgrade window is
shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2
Like the -Install version, this installer will check the currently installed application versions and un-tick
already installed components accordingly. The user can manually tick an application to force
If the version of the Python, PyQt libraries or Twisted libraries is not present, is damaged or has
changed, the installer will indicate that a full install is required. In this case it will be necessary to
follow these steps:
1. Run the Control Panel and select the Add Or Remove Programs item.
2. Uninstall Magellan ReaderManager if it is present.
3. Uninstall Python, PyQt and Twisted if it is present.
4. Close the Control Panel.
5. Using a file manager, such as My Computer, delete the Python directory if it remains.
6. Follow section 3.1 New Installation to install the full version.
3.3 Starting ReaderManager
The installer will put an icon on the Windows desktop and add an application folder to the programs
start bar.
To start ReaderManager from the desktop icon, double click the icon .
To start Reader Manage from the Windows start menu; click Start then All Programs, then Magellan
Technology, then click Reader Manager.
3.4 Getting Software Upgrades
Magellan Technology releases periodic software updates via their Web site.
Users can use our Web site to get software update files. You will need to be running a browser such as
Mozilla or Internet Explorer, then follow these steps:
1. The updates are stored on our Web site at the address http://www.magtech.com.au/downloads/
A username and password is required to access the downloads page. Please contact Magellan or the
supplier of the equipment to arrange for an account to be setup. Once connected, click the link, Click here to continue to the page from which you came. You will see a list of files. Follow these steps for
each file to download it.
2. Point the mouse at the file you want. This is shown as a disk icon .
Press the right mouse button, so the context menu pops up.
4. Select the Save Target As... menu item.
5. A file save dialog box will then appear. Change directories to where you want to save the file. It does
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not matter where you save it. Just note which directory it is in. Click the Save button to complete this
Installation files can be run from any directory, even directly off a CD-ROM.
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4 The ReaderManager Desktop
This section gives a brief overview of the main ReaderManager elements, such as the menu bar, desktop
and status bar.
The ReaderManager desktop is shown in Figure 3 and consists of several items:
1. The menu bar, providing the primary user interface to ReaderManager.
2. The main window, which can contain one or more tool windows open at any given time.
3. A status line at the bottom used to show connection information between ReaderManager and the
4.1 ReaderManager Menu Bar
Figure 3
The ReaderManager menu bar consists of the following main menus items; File, Connection, Tools,
Reader Configuration, Window and Help. These menu items are explained in more detail below.
4.1.1 File Menu
To show the file menu click File on the main ReaderManager menu.
The File menu items are described in Table 1.
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Sub Menu Description
Print Preview
Quit Exit the application.
Opens a dialog box which allows the user to change the font, user level, language and
upgrade directory.
For tools which support this function, allows the user to print a text representation of the
active tool.
For tools which support this function, allows the user to preview a text representation of the
active tool which can be printed.
There are two options available:
Upgrade AVR readers – opens a dialog window which allows the user to upgrade the
firmware or FPGA on an AVR type reader.
Upgrade DSB or x86 readers – opens a dialog window which allows the user to upgrade
network based readers.
Table 1
4.1.2 Connection Menu
To show the connection menu click Connection from the main ReaderManager menu.
The connection menu shows all readers which can be connected to using ReaderManager. The menu
also provides options to edit static connections and close the connection to the reader.
The Connection menu options are shown in Figure 4, the menu items are described in Table 2.
Figure 4
Index Description
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Edit Connections - Allows the user to create and edit static connections to reader.
Close current connection - Disconnect ReaderManager from the currently connected reader.
Static connections area - This section shows static connections created using the Edit
Connections menu option. Static menu options are saved when ReaderManager is closed.
Dynamic connection area - ReaderManager automatically detects readers connected on a
network. These readers are shown in the dynamic connection area. This menu may look
different on your installation.
Table 2
4.1.3 Tools Menu
From the main ReaderManager menu click Tools.
If ReaderManager is not connected to a reader only the Console tool is shown in this menu. When
ReaderManager is connected to a reader there will be two sub menu items, Demonstrations and System.
This document will only describe the System menu options. A detailed description of all System tools is
given in section 6 Tools. The System tools menu is shown in Figure 5.
Sub Menu Description
Configuration System
Grid of tag sight counts
Immediate Command
Interrogate Command
Memory Map
Reader Settings
Reader Setup
Figure 5
Allows the user to view reader module part numbers, versions and serial
numbers. Also provides an interface to change the readers networks
Use this tool to send commands to the reader and view all reader
Use this tool to graphically view all tags sighted by the reader.
Use this tool to construct an Immediate command.
Use this tool to construct an Interrogate command.
Use this tool to show and change tag memory.
Use this tool to view and change various reader operating parameters.
Use this tool to configure the reader to work with various antennas and
to tune and test each antenna.
Simple Tag Test
Table of Tag messages
Tag Test
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Provides a tool used to read and write to various memory locations and
verifies the data is written correctly.
This tool displays a table of tag related messages received from the
reader sorted by a timestamp.
More advanced tags test. Used mainly by tag and chip manufactures.
Table 3
4.1.4 Reader Configuration
From the main ReaderManager menu click Reader Configuration. This menu item provides access to all
user defined scripts and commands. The menu also provides an item to open a form which is used to
create and edit scripts. The default menu is shown in Figure 6:
Figure 6
Sub Menu Description
Edit Configurations Provides an interface to create and edit custom scripts and tag
Clear All Clears Interrogate and Immediate commands.
Config_Normal_Powered_Tag This script sets an Action command to write 2000 to the configuration
word. Use this script to set all the tags placed on a reader to Normal
Powered Mode.
Config_Quarter_Powered_Tag This script sets an Action command to write 4000 to the configuration
word. Use this script to set all the tags placed on a reader to Quarter
Powered Mode.
Table 4
4.1.5 Window
This menu option allows the user to arrange various tools on the desktop.
4.1.6 Help
This menu allows the user to get the version number of Reader Manager and Qt.
To get the Reader Manager version click Help then click About ReaderManager .
To get the Qt library version click About Qt .
4.2 Reader Manager Status Bar
The status bar indicates various reader connection states and displays the active tag type. It is divided
into four areas, these are shown in Figure 7 and described in Table 5.
1 2 3 4
Figure 7
1 This area shows the following information:
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The MAC address and IP address when the mouse is moved over a reader name in the dynamic connection
2 Indicates reader manager is connected / disconnected to / from the Reader Server.
On AVR reader indicates if the reader server is connected to the reader. On all other readers shows the tag
4 On AVR readers shows the tag type. On all other readers shows the IP address of the connected reader
Table 5
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5 Managing Connections
11 12
This section details how to create static connection profiles, how to connect or disconnect
ReaderManager from a reader.
The ReaderManager is capable of connecting to a variety of readers. Each reader is distinguished by a
number of parameters which give it a unique address. The set of all these parameters is referred to as a
connection profile.
This includes connections to all kinds of readers across the network or AVR Series readers that are
running on the same PC as the ReaderManager.
There are two ways to connect to a reader:
1. Defining a static connection or,
2. Using the dynamic reader discovery feature in ReaderManager.
5.1 Defining a Static Connection
To access the Edit Connections dialog, select Connections->Edit Connections.
When you first start ReaderManager, you only have the Local connection configured, which is a default
AVR Series reader connection. You may want to connect to a ReaderServer somewhere else on the
network, or another local reader.
The connection dialog is shown in Figure 8, its elements are described in Table 6.
3 4
5 6
Figure 8
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Shows the names of already defined static connections. To edit an already defined
connection, click on the name and change the required fields on the right hand side of the
Title is the text that will appear in the Connection menu and in the list of connections in this
dialog. This can be any name that can act as a brief summary of the reader being connected
to. For example, the reader type, network address shortcut or location can be used.
3 For network based readers select DSB Series. For AVR type readers select AVR series.
For network based readers select Across the network. For AVR type readers select On this
computer. The selection for this item will adjust the options that appear in the middle portion
of this window.
5 This field defines the TCP port used to connect to the reader server. It should be left as 8023.
Automatically Connect On Startup can only be ticked for a single connection in the list. It
defines which connection will be opened automatically when the ReaderManager is run. This
can be convenient if only a single reader is ever used with this application.
When across a network is selected, Network Address is the address of the ReaderServer,
either as a domain name or an IP address. e.g.
Send Time/Date On Connect if ticked will generate a command to set a remote reader to the
current time and date of the computer that ReaderManager is being run on. This is useful for
readers that do not retain time and date information when powered off.
Open Tool On Connect will automatically open the specified item from the Tool menu that is
selected when this program connects to this reader. Different connections may open different
tools. This is convenient if a particular tool is commonly used with a given reader.
10 Click this button to create a new connection profile
11 Click this button to remove a connection profile.
Click this button to complete the connection editing or creation process. Connection as saved
when you exit the ReaderManager application.
On AVR readers the following items are displayed in the middle portion of the form:
When on this computer is selected, Location of ReaderServer shows where the ReaderServer
application can be found. It should automatically load the correct directory in most cases. If
not, click on the Find ReaderServer... button and go to the
<PythonPath>\Lib\ReaderServer\DTRHF\ directory. You do not need to select a file, just
this directory.
The Serial Port drop down list allows the name of the serial port that the reader is connected
to be selected. It is also possible to edit this line to enter a custom name.
Table 6
5.1.1 Opening a Static Connection
Select Connection from the main ReaderManager menu. The connection menu is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9
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Select the connection profile you would like to connect to. Statically defined connection profiles are
shown below the Close Current Connection item.
The message on the right of the status bar will change to Connected in green if the ReaderManager
successfully connected to the reader.
For connections to a ReaderServer on the same computer, a status message will indicate that the server
is being started automatically. This takes a little longer than a network connection because of this
5.1.2 Opening a Dynamic Connections
ReaderManager uses multicast addressing to discover readers on a network. Figure 10 shows a typical
connection menu showing various readers detected on a network. It is not necessary to define a profile
for readers to be discovered on a network.
Figure 10
Readers are labelled as either:
<Reader Type> - <Serial Number> or as,
<Reader Type> - <User defined name> or as,
<Mac Address> - <IP address>.
When the menu item is highlighted the MAC and IP address is shown on the status bar.
5.2 Closing a Connection
When connected to a reader, the menu item Close Current Connection can be selected in the Connection
menu. If a local ReaderServer has been automatically started when the connection was established, it
will be automatically shutdown as well.
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6 Tools
This section gives a more detailed explanation of the System tools available in the Tools menu.
It is possible to open more than one tool at the same time. They are shown overlapped in the main
window area.
The Window menu contains options which allow the open windows to be cascaded or tiled. Also, any
open tool can be selected, so it can be seen in the foreground.
Some tools will issue commands to the reader to change its operating state. Because of this, some
tools cannot be used at the same time because they operate by expecting a particular mode of
In this case, closing the window or ReaderManager will not solve the problem, because the reader is
still operating in whatever mode it was told to. If you think the reader has become confused in a
case like this, the best way to resolve it is to shut down the ReaderManager and the reader, then start
from scratch.
Fortunately, most windows are passive and do not cause problems like this.
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6.1 Configuration System
This tool is used to view the reader’s hardware module part numbers and version numbers. The tool is
also used to set the networks settings and to change the name of the reader as seen on the network.
To access this tool, select Tools->System->Configuration System.
The configuration system tool consists of two tab items:
1. System configuration – shows part and version numbers of various components which make up a
2. Network configuration – shows the current reader network settings.
6.1.1 System Configuration Tab
The configuration system tool is shown in Figure 11. Your section names, part and version numbers may
be different to what is shown in this document, depending on what type of reader, ReaderManager is
connected to.
Most fields in the configuration system require a password to change the field value. The CustomerID
field does not require a password and is provided for the user to assign a descriptive name to the reader.
This name will appear in the multicast messages from the reader and will be shown in the dynamic
connection area on the Connection menu. Table 7 describes the various elements of the tool.
Figure 11
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