Resource Management 3.2
Migration Documentation
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IT Resource Management 3.2: Migration Documentation
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 Migration Process
SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 Software Migration 1
SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 Data and Metadata Migration 2
Migration and Upgrade Defined 2
Option 1: Install SAS IT Resource Management 3.2, and Do not Migrate or Upgrade Data
and Metadata from Your Previous Installation 2
Option 2: Install SAS IT Resource Management 3.2, and Migrate (but Do not Upgrade)
Your Data and Metadata from Your Previous Installation 3
Option 3: Install SAS IT Resource Management 3.2, and Migrate and Upgrade Your Data
and Metadata from Your Previous Installation 3
Chapter 2 Migrating from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 to SAS IT Resource
Management 3.2 5
Overview of Migrating to SAS Management 3.2 5
Step 1: Design Your Migration and Run the SAS Migration Utility 6
Design Your Migration 6
Perform Pre-Migration Tasks 7
Review the QuickStart Guide 7
Use the SAS Migration Utility 8
Step 2: Run the SAS Deployment Wizard 8
Perform the Migration to SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 on SAS 9.2 8
Step 3: Package SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 IT Data Marts for Migration 9
Copy the %RMDMPKG Macro 9
Execute the %RMDMPKG Macro 10
Step 4: Rename the SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 IT Data Mart Metadata
Pathnames and Data Sets for Migration 11
Step 5: Unpackage IT Resource Management 3.1.1 Data Marts for Migration 13
Macros That Are Used for the Migration Process 14
Chapter 3 Migrating SAS ITRM PDBs to SAS ITRM 3.2 IT Data Marts 21
Introduction 21
Actions Performed by the PDB Migration Macro 23
Migration Prerequisites 24
Migrating to a Different Platform 25
Export the PDB and SITELIB SAS Libraries 26
Transfer the Exported Libraries 27
Import the PDB and SITELIB SAS Libraries 27
Using the %RMPDB2DM Macro 28
%RMPDB2DM Syntax 29
%RMPDB2DM Required Parameters 29