Implementing Dashboard
Samples With SAS
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Implementing Dashboard Samples with SAS
Implementing Dashboard Samples with SAS
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Chapter 1
What are Dashboards? 1 Creating Dashboards with SAS/GRAPH Software Sample Dashboards Delivering Dashboards to Users References
Chapter 2
Downloading The Dashboard Samples Working With the Sample Code See Also
Chapter 3
Prerequisites for This Chapter How to Register a New Stored Process
Chapter 4
Prerequisites for This Chapter Overview: Displaying Dashboards in SAS Web Report Studio Display the Output of a Single Indicator Creating a Report That Displays the Output of One or More Indicators Display the Output of a Complete Dashboard from a Single Stored Process Refreshing the Data Printing Indicators and Dashboards
Introduction to SAS/GRAPH Dashboard Samples 1
Downloading and Modifying The Dashboard Samples 5
Registering a New Stored Process 9
Displaying Dashboards in SAS Web Report Studio 13
Chapter 5
Prerequisites for This Chapter Overview: Displaying Dashboards in the SAS Information Delivery Portal Display a Dashboard in a WebDAV Content Portlet
Chapter 6
Prerequisites for This Chapter Overview: Displaying Dashboards in the SAS Stored Processes Web Application Display a Dashboard or Indicator 36 Navigate the SAS Stored Process Web Application 37 Modify the Execution Options for a Stored Process 39 References 40
Displaying Dashboards in the SAS Information Delivery Portal 27
Displaying Dashboards in the SAS Stored Process Web Application 35
Index 41
Introduction to SAS/GRAPH Dashboard Samples
What are Dashboards? Creating Dashboards with SAS/GRAPH Software Sample Dashboards Delivering Dashboards to Users References
What are Dashboards?
A dashboard is a data visualization application that consolidates important performance information and delivers it to decision-makers as a collection of concise indicators. Like the gauges and warning lights on an automobile dashboard, the following dashboard (Few 2006) enables the manager of a telephone sales organization to monitor the performance of the team at a glance:
2 Creating Dashboards with SAS/GRAPH Software
The display of an individual dashboard indicator can include both graphics and text.
The term indicator refers not only to the visual representation but also to the underlying data source, range information, target values, and so forth. A collection of indicators presented together comprises a dashboard.
Chapter 1
Creating Dashboards with SAS/GRAPH Software
The keys to creating effective dashboards are to have the appropriate performance
data available and to choose the appropriate indicators that convey each corresponding performance measure. SAS software is a powerful tool for designing and constructing dashboards because it provides tools for managing, analyzing, and summarizing data as well as for presenting the results.
SAS/GRAPH software provides the flexibility to create virtually any type of chart or
plot required for a dashboard indicator. In addition to the graph types that can be generated with its built-in procedures, SAS/GRAPH software provides an Annotate facility that enables creative programmers to customize the standard graph types or to create entirely new graph types that are not provided by the built-in procedures. Once you have assembled the desired collection of indicators, you can use the GREPLAY procedure in SAS/GRAPH software to arrange the indicators in any layout that you desire.
Sample Dashboards
The SAS Customer Support Center Web site includes sample code that illustrates
some of the types of dashboard indicators and dashboards that you can create using SAS/GRAPH software in conjunction with other SAS software. You can find these samples at
Some of the dashboard samples are built from multiple instances of a single type of
slider chart indicator
shows a key value as a pointer on a bar that shows qualitative ranges. The pointer
can be highlighted to indicate items that need immediate attention. The sample
dashboard with slider chart indicators shows various measures of the performance
of an information technology department compared against ranges that represent
expected performance standards. bullet graph indicator (Few 2006)
shows a key value as a bar against a background that shows qualitative ranges,
combined with a symbol that represents a target value. The sample dashboard
with bullet graph indicators shows various measures of the performance of a
business compared against ranges that represent expected performance standards
as well as against specific performance targets. dial gauge indicator
shows a key value as pointer on a circular scale that represents a qualitative
range. The sample dashboard with dial meter indicators illustrates some of the
types of measures that are appropriate for representation with this indicator, such
as temperature and revolutions per minute. bar chart indicator (with target marker)
Delivering Dashboards to Users 3
shows a related group of key values as bars, along with symbols that represent target values. The color of each bar represents a qualitative measure of the corresponding value. In addition, pointers on each bar represent the target value for the measure. The sample dashboard with bar chart indicators shows various measures of the sales performance of a wine distributor compared against ranges that represent expected performance standards as well as against specific performance targets.
Note: This sample won an award for best depiction of data in a dashboard in
the 2005 Data Visualization Contest sponsored by DM Review magazine.
In addition to the samples that feature specific indicators, the following samples are available that illustrate more complex dashboards that include multiple types of indicators:
Telesales performance
shows indicators that monitor the real-time performance of a telephone sales team or similar organization. The following measures are shown on the dashboard:
call wait time
call duration
abandoned calls
call volume
order volume
sales representative utilization
Note: This dashboard is an implementation of the example that originally
appeared on page 199 of Information Dashboard Design (Stephen Few 2006).
Web marketing analysis
shows indicators that support the analysis of customer data for an online merchant or similar organization. The following measures are shown on the dashboard:
number of visitors (daily, monthly, and yearly)
number of registered visitors
number of orders of top-selling products
number of times top-selling products were viewed
products purchased together but not displayed together
products displayed together but not purchased together
other Web sites that provided referrals
Note: This dashboard is an implementation of the example that originally
appeared on page 201 of Information Dashboard Design (Stephen Few 2006).
Delivering Dashboards to Users
In order to be useful, dashboards must be readily available to the decision-makers who rely on the information that they present. You have a wide variety of options for delivering the dashboard indicators or complete dashboards that you create with SAS/GRAPH software, including the following:
You can store the indicators and dashboards that you create with SAS/GRAPH programs in standard graphics file formats so that they can be consumed by other applications.
4 References
Chapter 1
You can use the Output Delivery System (ODS) features in SAS/GRAPH software
to package the dashboards into HTML pages that can be sent to a Web server and
viewed with a browser. ODS HTML output also supports adding chart tips and
drill-down links on individual bars and other graphic elements in the indicators.
All of the SAS/GRAPH dashboard samples on the SAS Customer Support Center
Web site are designed to generate ODS HTML output.
You can use SAS Web Report Studio software to deliver dashboards in the form of
Web-based reports. For information on using SAS Web Report Studio software to
create dashboards from the sample indicators or to display the sample dashboards,
see Chapter 4, “Displaying Dashboards in SAS Web Report Studio,” on page 13.
You can use SAS Information Delivery Portal software with Base SAS 9.1.3
Service Pack 4 or later to deliver dashboards as portlets within the framework of a
corporate Web portal. For information on using SAS Information Delivery Portal
software to display the sample dashboards, see Chapter 5, “Displaying Dashboards
in the SAS Information Delivery Portal,” on page 27.
You can use the SAS Stored Process Web Application with Base SAS 9.1.3 Service
Pack 4 or later to provide users with online access to dashboards that are
generated by SAS/GRAPH code in stored processes. For information about using
the SAS Stored Process Web Application to display the sample dashboards, see
Chapter 6, “Displaying Dashboards in the SAS Stored Process Web Application,”
on page 35.
Few, Stephen. 2006. Information Dashboard Design. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media,
Downloading and Modifying The Dashboard Samples
Downloading The Dashboard Samples Working With the Sample Code
Using Macro Variables to Customize Indicator and Dashboard Features Modifying the Data for Indicators Using the Annotate Facility to Add Information to Indicators Using the GREPLAY Procedure to Position Indicators on the Dashboard 6 Customizing Drill-down Information for Dashboard Indicators
See Also
Downloading The Dashboard Samples
There are two ways to obtain the SAS code for the dashboard samples from the Samples area of the SAS Customer Support Center Web site:
copy the code from the Full Code tab for the sample and paste it into the SAS Program Editor window or into a file.
download the text file containing the code from the Downloads tab for the sample.
Three different versions of each dashboard sample are available:
code that can be submitted as a SAS program in interactive or batch mode
code that can be executed as a SAS stored process
code that can be used in a webDAV content portlet in the SAS Information Delivery Portal.
The entire collection of dashboard samples, along with a copy of this document, can also be downloaded as a single archive file from which you can extract the desired sample files.
Note: In order to use the stored process or portlet versions of the samples, you must first register metadata for each sample that you want to use. The registration process is covered in Chapter 3, “Registering a New Stored Process,” on page 9.
Working With the Sample Code
Using Macro Variables to Customize Indicator and Dashboard Features
In the samples, the values that control features of the dashboards and indicators that are most likely to be customized are assigned using SAS macro variables that are
6 Modifying the Data for Indicators
defined at the beginning of each sample code. For example, in the slider chart indicator dashboard, the following macro variable definitions control the colors of the three segments of the slider bars:
%let light_red=cxFFC1C1;
%let light_yellow=cxFFFFAA;
%let light_green=cxB4EEB4;
You can change the colors of any of the segments on all the indicators in the dashboard by changing the value of the corresponding macro variable.
For details of the features that can be customized by changing macro variable values,
see the comments in the beginning section of the code for each sample.
Modifying the Data for Indicators
Most of the indicators in these samples use SAS data sets as data sources. You can
modify the supplied data or adapt the sample code to use your own data sets instead. Other data values are specified in macro calls that generate the indicators. For details of the structure of the data sets and macro calls used in the samples, see the comments in the sample code.
Chapter 2
Using the Annotate Facility to Add Information to Indicators
These indicator and dashboard samples rely heavily on the Annotate facility in
SAS/GRAPH software. The Annotate facility enables you to generate a special data set of graphics commands from which you can produce custom graphics output. This Annotate data set can be used to enhance graphs produced by other SAS/GRAPH procedures— for example, to draw lines on or add text or symbols to a bar chart—or to create entire graphs of types that the built-in SAS/GRAPH procedures cannot produce.
In order to change the appearance or behavior of the indicators in a sample, you
must understand how the Annotate facility works. To learn more about the customizations that can be achieved with annotations, see Part 3, “The Annotate Facility,” in
SAS/GRAPH Reference.
Using the GREPLAY Procedure to Position Indicators on the Dashboard
In these dashboard samples, individual indicators are not displayed as they are
created. Instead, they are stored in GRSEG catalog entries. The dashboards are created by loading the catalog entries for the indicators into templates that define how each entry is positioned. The GREPLAY procedure in SAS/GRAPH software is used both to create the templates and to load the entries into the templates.
In order to add indicators to a sample or change the placement of indicators in a
sample, you must understand how GREPLAY templates work. To learn more about GREPLAY templates and the GREPLAY procedure, see Chapter 43 , “The GREPLAY Procedure,” in SAS/GRAPH Reference.
Customizing Drill-down Information for Dashboard Indicators
Because dashboard indicators typically provide a summarized view of a performance
measure, it is common for them to support a drill-down feature to provide more details about the underlying data. In the sample dashboards, clicking on the bars and other graphic elements in indicators will, in most cases, open an HTML page that can be used
See Also 7
to provide more details. Hovering your mouse over a graphic element will show the data values for the element.
You can use the HTML= parameter to create a drill-down link for an indicator that is displayed by a local file or Web server, a WebDAV Display Portlet in the Portal, and in stored processes that are displayed in the Portal or the Stored Process Web Application.
Drill-down links that are created with the HTML= parameter are ignored when the indicator graphs are added to a SAS Web Report Studio report. However, you can add links to existing Web pages or reports when you create the report that contains the stored process for the indicator. You can create these links on images or text that you add to the report when you create it, but you cannot add links to the indicators themselves. These links can be used when the report is displayed in the SAS Web Report Studio or the Portal.
See “Step 5: Beneath Each Indicator, Insert Text with Hyperlinks” on page 21.
As provided, all the sample indicators drill down to the same page (specified in the
macro variable). In an actual dashboard, each element in an indicator would typically have its own details page that you create programmatically based on the data for the indicator.
See Also
Note: The default drill-down page, specified in the
macro variable assignment that can be found in the beginning section of each sample, is on the SAS Customer Support Center Web site. If you do not have Internet access, you should change that variable to point to an HTML file that is accessible at your location.
For more information on the features of SAS/GRAPH software used in the dashboard samples, see SAS/GRAPH Reference, which is available from the Documentation section of the SAS Customer Support Center Web site.
Registering a New Stored Process
Prerequisites for This Chapter How to Register a New Stored Process
Prerequisites for This Chapter
The information in this chapter makes the following assumptions:
SAS Management Console and SAS Foundation Services, including BI Manager, have been installed at your site.
The stored process code for the dashboards and indicators has been downloaded, and the code has been saved in the source code repository on the SAS Stored Process Server at your site. See Chapter 2, “Downloading and Modifying The Dashboard Samples,” on page 5 for more information about how to download the code.
You have write metadata permission for the metadata repository so that you can register stored processes.
You have access to and know the location of the stored processes that you are registering.
How to Register a New Stored Process
Before you can use a stored process, you must first register the metadata for the stored process. The following steps describe how to register stored processes within the context of these sample dashboards and indicators.
Note: Before you can register a stored process, a server must be defined for the stored process to run on. For these examples, you need to use a SAS Stored Process Server. You can use the Server Manager to define a stored process server. For more information about how to define a server, see the Help for the Server Manager.
To register a new stored process:
1 From the SAS Management Console navigation tree, select the folder under BI
Manager in which you would like to create the new stored process.
Note: For SAS Web Report Studio, the stored process must be registered in the foundation repository that will contain the reports that use the stored process. Within that repository, the stored process must be registered in the
To create a new folder under BI Manager, navigate to where you want to put the new folder. Select Actions
folder structure.
New Folder. The New Folder Wizard appears.
BIP Tree/
10 How to Register a New Stored Process
Complete the wizard, and then navigate to the new folder before you proceed to the next step.
Select ActionsINew Stored Process. The New Stored Process wizard appears.
In the New Stored Process Wizard:
Enter a name for the stored process. Slashes, backslashes, and control
characters cannot be used in this field. Stored process names are limited to
60 characters, and must be unique within a folder. In this case, uniqueness is
defined to be case-insensitive.
Enter a description for the stored process. The description can contain up to
200 characters. This step is optional.
Display 3.1 New Stored Process Wizard —Name Specification
Chapter 3
c Click Next. d Select a SAS Stored Process Server from the list. e Select a source code repository from the list. A source code repository is a
location on the application server that contains stored process source code.
For more information about the source code repository, see the BI Manager
f Enter the name of the source code file for the stored process. g Select the type of output from the list. For these examples, specify
Streaming as the stored process result type.
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