Sas Financial Management Adapter User Manual

SAS® Financial Management Adapter 5.1 for SAP
User’s Guide
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2010. SAS
Management Adapter 5.1 for SAP: User’s Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
SAS® Financial Management Adapter 5.1 for SAP: User’s Guide
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Contents .................................................................................................................................. iii
Chapter 1 Introduction to SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP .................. 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1
Data Flow Architecture ............................................................................................................ 1
Benefits ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Configuration and Administration .......................................................................................... 3
Components ............................................................................................................................... 3
Job Organization and Names ................................................................................................... 4
Accessibility ............................................................................................................................... 5
What’s New in the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP ........................................ 5
Chapter 2 SAP Administration Tasks .......................................................... 7
Overview: Customizing for the Installation Environment..................................................... 7
Configuring SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 Software ............................................................ 7
Chapter 3 Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP ................ 9
Installation Prerequisites ...................................................................................................... 10
Prepare to Import the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP ................................ 10
Define the Environment ......................................................................................................... 10
Deploy SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Metadata ........................................ 29
Customizing SAS Data Integration Studio Jobs and Programs .......................................... 30
Customizing the Program ........................................................................ 30
Customizing Non-Leaf Text in the Program ...................................... 41
Setting Up for Internationalization (I18N) ........................................................................... 42
Additional General Information ............................................................................................ 43
Chapter 4 Transformations Provided for SAP ................................................ 45
Overview of Transformations Provided for SAP ................................................................... 45
Add Standard Dimension Rows and Add Standard Dimension ASSOC Rows
Transformations ..................................................................................................................... 46
Format Generator ................................................................................................................... 59
User Written Code for Multiple Input Output Tables Transformation .............................. 65
Changed Data Extraction Using Date or Time-Stamp and Overlap Transformation ....... 70
Date Join Transformation ...................................................................................................... 70
Period Consolidation Transformation ................................................................................... 72
Repeat Record for Date Range Overlap Transformation ..................................................... 73
Split the NLS Data Transformation ...................................................................................... 75
Additional Generic Transformations ..................................................................................... 77
Chapter 5 Initialization Jobs ................................................................... 79
Introduction to Initialization Jobs ......................................................................................... 79
fmsadpt_I0050_Initialize_Blank_Business_Area_Table ...................................................... 79
iv Contents
Chapter 6 Extraction Jobs ...................................................................... 81
Extraction Jobs ....................................................................................................................... 81
Job Group: E00 Extraction of T Tables ................................................................................. 82
Job Group: E01 Extraction of Master Tables ........................................................................ 87
Job Group: E02 Extraction of Transaction Tables ............................................................... 89
Job Group: E03 Extraction of Summary Tables ................................................................... 92
Job Group: E04 Extraction of Hierarchies and Structures .................................................. 93
Job Group: E05 Extraction of Miscellaneous Tables ............................................................ 94
Chapter 7 Transformation Jobs ................................................................ 97
Introduction to Transformation Jobs .................................................................................... 98
Job Group: T0000 SAS Supplied Tables ................................................................................ 99
Job Group: T0001 Transformations for Common Tables ................................................... 100
Job Group: T0002 Time Dimension ..................................................................................... 102
Job Group: T0003 Exchange Rates ...................................................................................... 106
Job Group: T0004 Analysis Dimension ............................................................................... 109
Job Group: T0005 Account Dimension ................................................................................ 109
Job Group: T0006 Cost Center Dimension .......................................................................... 118
Job Group: T0007 Profit Center Dimension ....................................................................... 120
Job Group: T0008 Currency Dimension .............................................................................. 123
Job Group: T0009 Financial Documents ............................................................................. 123
Job Group: T1000 External Org Dimension ....................................................................... 128
Job Group: T1100 Internal Org Dimension ........................................................................ 130
Job Group: T1200 Data Validation ...................................................................................... 135
Chapter 8 Integrating into the SAS Detail Data Store .................................... 137
Integrating Data into the SAS Detail Data Store .............................................................. 137
Customizing the Validation Steps in the Load SAS Detail Data Store Jobs .................... 138
Apendix 1 Tables Extracted from SAP ...................................................... 141
Tables Extracted from SAP .................................................................................................. 141
Apendix 2 Job Groups and SAS Solution Data Marts ..................................... 143
Job Groups and SAS Solution Data Marts.......................................................................... 143
Apendix 3 Recommended Reading .......................................................... 145
Recommended Reading ........................................................................................................ 145

Introduction to SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Data Flow Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Configuration and Administration .................................................................................................................. 3
Components ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Job Organization and Names ........................................................................................................................... 4
Accessibility ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
What’s New in the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP ................................................................. 5
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
General Enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 5
Platform Support ....................................................................................................................................... 6
New Jobs .................................................................................................................................................... 6


Based on the requirements of your source SAP system and your business needs, you can customize the extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs that make up the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP. The architecture of SAS Data Integration Studio and SAS Data Integration Server provides the environment for these ETL jobs. As a result, you can use SAS Data Integration Studio to view and edit your ETL jobs as needed.

Data Flow Architecture

The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP facilitates the beginning of a data flow that moves data from an SAP source system into a format that businesses manage and use with SAS solutions.
Source system data must flow through a series of ETL steps to be converted into a usable format for SAS solution data marts such as SAS Financial Management. The figure details the basic architecture of this data flow. The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP acts in the first step.
2 Data Flow Architecture Chapter 1
Figure 1.1 Data Flow Architecture: SAP to SAS Solution Data Marts
The following steps describe the data flow:
1 The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP extracts and transforms the
SAP source data into a staging area. The staging area is the first target after the data is extracted from an operational system. This staging area is a repository for raw data that is extracted from an operational system, and prepared for transformation and loading to the SAS Detail Data Store.
Once the source data is loaded into the staging area, it is ready for ETL processing that loads it into the DDS. ETL processing includes these actions:
validating the data creating surrogate keys instead of operational system IDs to identify the data introducing date-and-time stamps to reflect data validity if differences in
dimensional arise
2 The transformed data is stored in the SAS Detail Data Store, a lightly
denormalized, relational data model that provides storage flexibility. The SAS Detail Data Store is a specific detail data model that represents a standard business function and supports SAS solution data marts. Some of the data that the SAS Detail Data Store captures contains current and historical information. This includes temporal data (event data that occurs at a particular date and time, such as an account inquiry) and nontemporal data (non-event data such as a customer or a financial account).
Introduction to SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Components 3
3 Once data is cleansed, validated, and stored in the SAS Detail Data Store, it is
ready for transforming and loading to a data mart model.


The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP enables SAS solutions to turn SAP data into business intelligence that is manageable on an enterprise scale. By automating and streamlining parts of the data conversion from SAP to SAS, the adapter decreases the time it takes to retrieve business intelligence from source data by 80% or more. It primarily reduces the time needed to set up SAP ETL. This gives you more time to concentrate on generating business intelligence from your SAP data.
The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP includes SAP knowledge that streamlines the data conversion process. This built-in knowledge reduces your dependence on SAP resources that help you understand how SAP works. It saves you time and valuable SAP resources, so that the resources are available to work on other projects.
The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP supports SAS Financial Management 5.1 and SAS Financial Management 5.2.

Configuration and Administration

The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP is configured and managed using the SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Data Integration Studio:
The SAS Deployment Wizard enables you to specify the adapter configurations
that are required for your unique business environment. You can use this tool to specify parameters during initial installation or import.
After you configure the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP, you can use
SAS Data Integration Studio to manage and customize the adapter.


The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP includes components that you can manage and configure using the SAS Deployment Wizard. This wizard enables you to configure and manage the following components that you need to import a SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP environment:
SAS Data Integration Studio jobs
extract SAP tables into a partial mirror image of the SAP tables. These jobs mirror only the necessary tables and, in many cases, transfer only the required data rows and columns. This limited transfer places a smaller load on the SAP system. The extractions are typically run as SAP batch processes that do not use complex logic, so that the jobs can run in a short time during off-peak SAP system load.
transformation jobs
create intermediate tables or populate tables in the SAP staging area.
4 Job Organization and Names Chapter 1
table metadata
include the standard tables that are needed by the SAS solutions. Intermediate tables are defined to enable flexibility in customizing the jobs to fit local requirements.
new SAS Data Integration Studio transformations
work in the default SAS Data Integration Studio jobs or new jobs. Additional transformations are available.
SAS code files
install on the SAS Application Server. These open-source code files are automatically copied to a location where they can be modified.
SAS macros
include simple macros that are provided as open source code, and complex macros that are provided without source code so that SAS can maintain them easily.
SAS libraries
provide storage for administration and data tables.

Job Organization and Names

The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP is a collection of ETL jobs that extract, transform, and load data from standard SAP tables into standard SAS tables. These jobs are organized into two groups:
extraction jobs transformation jobs
To help identify job functions and streamline the extraction process, extraction job numbering begins with the letter E and transformation job numbering begins with T. This naming structure enables all extractions to occur without waiting for follow-on transformation jobs to complete. As a result, extractions can be completed in a shorter time period.
Extraction jobs and transformation jobs are grouped into several SAS Data Integration Studio job groups. Once they are grouped, each job name in a job group begins with the same initial letter and number. This enables quick navigation on the Custom tab of SAS Data Integration Studio.
To help identify the job functions of a job group, the group name begins with a structure that is similar to the job name. The extraction job group names begin with the letter E, followed by a two-digit number. The transformation job group names begin with T, followed by a four-digit number.
The numbering of transformation jobs within a job group generally implies the order of execution, unless a specific job does not depend on another. As a result, the specific numbers assigned to jobs within a group allow for new jobs to be inserted numerically between existing jobs.
Unlike transformation jobs, the extraction jobs generally do not depend on each other. Exceptions to this rule are those jobs that extract new or changed data and must run after the job that did the initial extract.
Introduction to SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP What’s New in the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP 5


The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP does not have a stand-alone GUI. It is configured and managed using features of SAS Data Integration Studio and SAS Management Console.
SAS Data Integration Studio and SAS Management Console include accessibility and compatibility features that improve their usability for users with disabilities. These features are related to accessibility standards for electronic information technology that were adopted by the U.S. Government under Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
For more information about specific accessibility features of SAS Data Integration Studio and SAS Management Console, refer to their respective documentation available from
SAS is committed to improving product accessibility and usability. If you have questions or concerns about the accessibility of SAS products, send an e-mail to

What’s New in the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP


SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP leverages the SAS 9.2 intelligence platform. The new features and enhancements in the SAS 9.2 intelligence platform improve the deployment process of the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP. With this release, SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP provides additional platform support. Some new jobs are also included to suit specific requirements.

General Enhancements

SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP has the following general enhancements:
SAS Financial Management Adapter for now SAP supports SAS Financial
Management 5.1 and 5.2.
SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP supports these SAP versions:
SAP R/3 4.7 (SAP Kernel 620) SAP - ECC 5.0 (SAP Kernel 710) SAP - ECC 6.0 (ERP 6.0) (SAP Kernel 710)
Installation and Configuration tasks are automated by the SAS Deployment
Wizard. For more information about the SAS Deployment Wizard, see the SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform documentation at
6 What’s New in the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Chapter 1

Platform Support

The adapter supports the platforms that are supported by the SAS Financial Management solution. The following platforms are supported:
WIN (Windows 32 bit on x86)
WX6 (Windows 64 bit on x86)
S64 (Solaris on SPARC)
R64 (AIX on PowerPC)
For more details, see the Platform Support Matrix for the SAS Financial Management solution.

New Jobs

SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP contains the following new jobs:
fmsadpt_E03000_Extract_GL_Balance_from_New_GL_Tables (New GL)
fmsadpt_E03010_Extract_Split_Docs_from_FAGLFLEXA (New GL)
These jobs are designed to support implementation of new GL accounts. For more details see “Job Group: E03 Extraction of Summary Tables” in the chapter “Extraction Jobs”.

SAP Administration Tasks

Overview: Customizing for the Installation Environment .............................................................................. 7
Configuring SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 Software .................................................................................. 7
Install Transports and Customize the Installation Environment .......................................................... 7
Define User Permissions ............................................................................................................................ 8

Overview: Customizing for the Installation Environment

The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP requires customization to work in your unique installation environment. When you make these changes for your site, you must configure the SAS Data Surveyor for SAP software, and also customize the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP for the assigned libraries in your installation environment.

Configuring SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 Software

Install Transports and Customize the Installation Environment

The SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP uses SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3. This software requires extensive installation setup before use. For detailed installation instructions and configuration information, see the SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 Installation documentation that is included in your installation package.
   
In addition to configuring SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 software, the following transport must be copied and installed on the SAP server to accommodate the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP:
Transport: SAPKD92010INSAS
Object: Development class /SAS/ADDDS
Applied to: SAP R/3 Systems
Objects: Function group /SAS/ADDDS1 includes function modules
Purpose: ADDDS1 retrieves balance sheet information
You can locate this transport in the \fmadaptsap\sasmisc directory that is relative to the location where your SAS Foundation software is installed (for example, x:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\fmadaptsap).
8 Configuring SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 Software Chapter 2

Define User Permissions

The SAP administrator must define and provide appropriate authorizations to SAP users so that they can log on and extract data using the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP. The SAS administrator needs to configure the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP so that only authorized SAP users can log on.

Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP

Installation Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 10
Prepare to Import the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP ......................................................... 10
Define the Environment .................................................................................................................................. 10
Define a User ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Define an SAP Library and an SAP Server ........................................................................................... 15
Test the SAP Connection ......................................................................................................................... 25
Configure the Properties File .................................................................................................................. 27
Set Install Folder Authorizations ........................................................................................................... 28
Deploy SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Jobs and Tables Metadata .................................... 29
Overview of Install Process ..................................................................................................................... 29
Incremental Install of the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP ........................................... 29
Customizing SAS Data Integration Studio Jobs and Programs .................................................................. 30
Customizing the Program ................................................................................................. 30
Overview of the Program ........................................................................................... 30
Locating Files ........................................................................................................................................... 31
SAP System Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 32
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Data Source ...................................................................................................................................... 33
SAP Queries ...................................................................................................................................... 33
SAP Language Codes ....................................................................................................................... 33
SAP Client ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Common Extraction Parameters ............................................................................................................. 35
E-Mail Address for the Recipient of Error Reports ........................................................................ 35
Cost Center and Profit Center Hierarchies ..................................................................................... 35
Company Codes ................................................................................................................................ 35
Euro Currency Conversion .............................................................................................................. 35
SAS Financial Management Parameters ............................................................................................... 36
Chart of Accounts ............................................................................................................................. 36
Digits in the Account Number ......................................................................................................... 37
Operating Concern ........................................................................................................................... 37
External Organizations ................................................................................................................... 37
Controlling Areas ............................................................................................................................. 37
SAP R/3 Table GLT0 Data Subsets ............................................................................................... 38
Period Type for Exchange Rates ...................................................................................................... 38
Financial Statement ........................................................................................................................ 39
Fiscal Year Variant .......................................................................................................................... 39
Set the Extraction Starting Date ..................................................................................................... 40
Determine Current Fiscal Year ....................................................................................................... 41
Buffer for Re-Extraction .................................................................................................................. 41
Customizing Non-Leaf Text in the Program ................................................................ 41
Setting Up for Internationalization (I18N) .................................................................................................... 42
Steps for Setting Up for Internationalization ........................................................................................ 42
Warning Messages ................................................................................................................................... 43
Additional General Information ..................................................................................................................... 43
10 Define the Environment Chapter 3

Installation Prerequisites

As part of the installation of SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP, first install the dependent (required) SAS software listed below. Refer to the installation instructions of the specific product for more information.
second maintenance release for SAS 9.2 SAS Data Surveyor for SAP 4.3 (includes SAS/ACCESS to R/3)
If you are using the second maintenance release for SAS 9.2, then update the SAS Platform from the second maintenance release to the third maintenance release, before you begin to install the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP.
After you update SAS 9.2 with updates from the third maintenance release, run the setup.exe with the nosasupdate option. SAS 9.2 is already updated with the third maintenance release as part of the above prerequisite task.

Prepare to Import the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP

After the install process is complete, the next step is to prepare your system environment. Perform the following tasks before you access the SAS Deployment Wizard to configure the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP:
Define user and SAP Login details in SAS Management Console in the
Foundation repository.
Define an SAP library and an SAP server in SAS Management Console. Test and verify the resulting connection in SAS Data Integration Studio. Configure the properties file for SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP.
These prerequisite tasks are required to ensure that the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP works properly when it is configured. The remaining sections in this chapter provide instructions on how to complete the required tasks.

Define the Environment

Define a User

To define a user for SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP, complete the following steps:
1 Open SAS Management Console. 2 Right-click User Manager in the hierarchy tree in the left pane of the SAS
Management Console window, and select NewÆGroup.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 11
A New Group Properties dialog box appears.
12 Define the Environment Chapter 3
3 Enter SAP Group in the Name field.
4 Click the Members tab.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 13
5 Select sasdemo and SAS Trusted User in Available Identities. 6 Click the arrow button that points to the Current Members pane.
Your selections appear in the Current Members pane. You can add other users to the SAP User Group, as required.
7 Click the Accounts tab.
14 Define the Environment Chapter 3
8 Click New. The New Login Properties dialog box appears.
9 Complete the following steps to provide the necessary information for the New
Login Properties dialog box:
a Enter the user ID for the SAP Server. b Enter the password for the SAP Server. c Select SAPAuth from the Authentication Domain list. If this option is not
already available on the list, click New, and enter SAPAuth as the name for the new authentication domain. Also enter a short description. Then, click OK to save the new authentication domain.
d Click OK to save the new login properties.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 15
e Click OK to save the user definitions.

Define an SAP Library and an SAP Server

To define an SAP library and an SAP server, complete the following steps:
1 Open SAS Management Console.
2 Expand Data Library Manager in the hierarchy tree on the left of the SAS
Management Console window.
3 Right-click Libraries and select New Library. A New Library Wizard dialog
box appears.
16 Define the Environment Chapter 3
4 Select SAP Library in the Enterprise Applications Data folder.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 17
5 Click Next to name the new SAP library.
6 Enter a name and description for the SAP library and click Next.
18 Define the Environment Chapter 3
7 Select SASApp as the SAS server. Click Next to specify the library properties.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 19
8 Enter FMSSAP in the Libref field.
FMSSAP is the default value that the imported metadata uses.
9 Click Next to select a database server.
20 Define the Environment Chapter 3
10 In the Database Server field, select a database server that contains
parameters that connect to the SAP server.
11 Complete the following steps to create an appropriate database server if one is
not already available in the field list: a Click New to open the New SAP Server Wizard.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 21
b Enter a name and description for the server.
c Click Next to enter information about your SAP software.
22 Define the Environment Chapter 3
d Enter the version numbers for your SAP software. These values are optional.
e Click Next to enter connection properties. f Select SAPAuth in the Authentication Domain field.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 23
g Specify the SAP client number and SAP language.
h Select the connection type (Application Server) that corresponds to a normal
SAP GUI connection for your system.
i Click the Options button that corresponds to your selection and enter the
required values.
24 Define the Environment Chapter 3
12 Scroll down the page and click the Advanced Options button. If you have
defined batch servers or processes, you might need to specify some advanced options. Click OK.
13 Click Next to display a summary page that lists your new specifications.
Customizing the SAS Financial Management Adapter for SAP Define the Environment 25
14 Review the set parameters and click Finish to save the new SAP server and
return to the New Library Wizard.
Based on your system specifications up to this point, the wizard might prompt you to select a SAS server where the library is to be assigned. If this page appears, select SASMain and click Next to continue.
15 Click Next to review the library parameters.
16 Click Finish to save.

Test the SAP Connection

To test the SAP connection, complete the following steps:
1 Open SAS Management Console.
2 Open the connection profile for the user. Select ToolsÆExtract from R/3. The
Source Designer dialog box opens.
26 Define the Environment Chapter 3
3 In the Configured SAP Server field, select the name of the SAP server that you
defined in SAS Management Console.
4 Click Test SAP Server Connection.
5 If the connection is successful, then the following message appears
Note: If the connection is not successful, a SAS log indicates the problem. For example, RFC server errors might indicate that the RFC server is not running, or an invalid user ID might indicate that the password is incorrect. For more information about troubleshooting the connection, refer to Installation Instructions for SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 that is included in your SAS software order.
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