Sas Enterprise Miner User Manual

SAS® Enterprise MinerTM 6.1
Single-User Installation Guide
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Enterprise Miner 6.1: Single-User Installation Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
Enterprise Miner 6.1: Single-User Installation Guide
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What’s New v
Overview v
New SAS Deployment Tools
New Configuration Management Tool
Deployment Enhancements
Port Changes
Chapter 1
What is SAS Enterprise Miner?
About the SAS Enterprise Miner Single-User Installation
About User Accounts
What Is Covered in This Document?
Prerequisites 3
Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner for a Single-User
Previous Versions of SAS Enterprise Miner
Accessibility Features in the SAS Intelligence Platform Products
Chapter 2
Preparing to Install and to Configure
Install and Configure SAS Enterprise Miner Interactively
Review SAS Deployment Wizard Documents
Validating Your Deployment
Appendix 1
Overview of Uninstalling Your SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 Deployment
Unconfigure Your SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 Deployment
Uninstall Your SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 Deployment
Introduction to the SAS Enterprise Miner Single-User Installation 1
Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner in Single-User Mode 7
Removing Your SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 Deployment 23
Appendix 2
SAS Default Ports
Appendix 3
Recommended Reading 29
Default Ports Used By Your Deployment 27
Recommended Reading 29
Glossary 31
Index 35

What’s New


The SAS Enterprise Miner: Single-User Installation Guide explains how to install
and initially configure SAS Enterprise Miner in single-user mode.
This document contains new material on the following enhancements and changes to
the SAS Intelligence Platform:

new SAS deployment tools

new configuration management tool

deployment enhancements

port changes
New SAS Deployment Tools
SAS 9.2 has new deployment tools:
SAS Download Manager enables you to download your SAS order by using an HTTP connection over the Internet.
SAS Deployment Wizard combines SAS installation and initial configuration into one wizard, replacing the SAS Software Navigator and the SAS Configuration Wizard.
New Configuration Management Tool
The new SAS Deployment Manager enables you to remove configuration information (including metadata definitions, configuration files, and Windows services) for one or more components of your installation.
Deployment Enhancements
SAS 9.2 has the following deployment enhancements:
vi What’s New

Port Changes

The following ports have been added or changed:
Automated, initial SAS configuration eliminates most post-installation manual
configuration scripts.
Up-front user inputs enable you to avoid having to monitor the entire wizard
The initial SAS installation data file is contained within the SAS Software Depot.
Automated deployment is possible across multiple machines (capture-replay
three new SAS object spawner port banks: 8801, 8811, and 8821
elimination of the SAS object spawner load balancing port
a metadata utilities SAS Workspace Server port: 8591
Note: In SAS 9.2, two or more workspace servers can share the same port even if
they are running at the same time.
a SAS Deployment Tester server port: 10021

Introduction to the SAS Enterprise Miner Single-User Installation

What is SAS Enterprise Miner? About the SAS Enterprise Miner Single-User Installation About User Accounts What Is Covered in This Document? Prerequisites Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner for a Single-User 3
Overview: Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner for a Single-User
Previous Versions of SAS Enterprise Miner Accessibility Features in the SAS Intelligence Platform Products
Step 1: Review the Prerequisites, Ports, and Alert-level SAS Notes Step 2: Designate a Windows User Account Step 3: Install and Configure SAS

What is SAS Enterprise Miner?

SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 contains a collection of sophisticated analysis tools that have a common user-friendly interface that you can use to create and compare multiple data mining models. Statistical tools include clustering, Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM), variable selection, trees, linear and logistic regression, and neural networking. Data preparation tools include outlier detection, variable transformations, data imputation, random sampling, and the partitioning of data sets (into train, test, and validate data sets). Advanced visualization tools enable you to quickly and easily examine large amounts of data in multidimensional histograms and to graphically compare modeling results. For more information, see the SAS Enterprise Miner online Help.

About the SAS Enterprise Miner Single-User Installation

The SAS Intelligence Platform includes some analytics clients such as SAS Enterprise Miner in a multi-user format, as described in the “Introduction to Installing the SAS Intelligence Platform” in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide. Multiple-user deployments provide for a number of security- and server-based services, but might seem unnecessarily complex to those who do not need such services. Therefore, the single-user installation is a simpler process by which you can install SAS Enterprise Miner on a number of stand-alone Microsoft Windows machines. For more information about exactly which SAS products are installed, see “What Is Covered in This Document?” on page 2.
2 About User Accounts
Chapter 1

About User Accounts

The SAS Enterprise Miner single-user installation simplifies the user account
requirements typically seen in a multi-user deployment. After the deployment is complete, you use the same user account to run SAS Enterprise Miner and any other SAS client. For the SAS Unrestricted User and the SAS Trusted User accounts, the SAS Deployment Wizard reuses the same password that you specify for the SAS Installer account. (By default, the password is set to never expire for these accounts.) For more information about user accounts, see “Users, Groups, and Roles” in the Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.
The following table summarizes user accounts and their passwords:
Table 1.1 User Accounts and Their Passwords
Function User ID Password
Windows operating system account used to install SAS software (SAS Installer account).
Windows operating system account used to log on to SAS software.
SAS internal account used as the SAS Unrestricted User.
SAS internal account used as the SAS Trusted User.
Windows user account that you supply.
Same as the SAS Installer account.
sasadm@saspw Same as the SAS Installer
sastrust@saspw Same as the SAS Installer

What Is Covered in This Document?

This document describes how to use the SAS Deployment Wizard to install and
initially configure SAS Enterprise Miner on a single machine for a single user.
Note: The migration tools do not fully support the migration of single-user
deployments, but you can follow steps to use SAS Enterprise Miner 5.2 and 5.3 projects in SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1. For more information, see the SAS Enterprise Miner: Migration Guide, available at
Password for the Windows user account that you supply.
Same as the SAS Installer account.
Depending on the deployment plan that you select, the following products are also installed:
SAS Enterprise Miner for Desktop
SAS Text Miner
SAS Data Mining for the Classroom
With each deployment plan (these plans are identified later in this document) the
following products are also installed:
SAS Enterprise Guide
that you use and what is actually contained in your SAS 9.2 custom order. For more information, see “About SAS Deployment Plans” on page 7.


document. For more information, see SAS 9.2 system requirements at
SAS ETS Model Editor
SAS Management Console
SAS Metadata Server
SAS Workspace Server
SAS Analytics Platform server
Overview: Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner for a Single-User 3
The complete listing of SAS products installed depends on the deployment plan file
You will need the following to install and execute the SAS products described in this
Windows operating system
Windows XP or Windows Vista. (Windows XP Home and Windows Vista Home versions are not supported.)
Windows user ID and password
The user name must not contain any spaces. The user must be a member of the Windows Administrators group. This user should be created before running the SAS Deployment Wizard.
Note: SAS requires that the installer account have the Windows user right
on as batch job
assigned. If this right is not assigned, then the SAS Deployment Wizard does it for you. When the wizard makes this assignment, you must reboot your machine before using SAS Enterprise Miner.
Available disk space
You will need approximately eight GB available on your hard drive for use by the SAS software that you are deploying. This requirement might vary depending upon which deployment plan you use during the installation.
SAS 9.2 order
You obtain your SAS 9.2 order either by downloading it or by receiving media. This document assumes that you have your SAS 9.2 order in the form of a SAS Software Depot from which you can then install SAS. For more information, see “About SAS Software Depots” in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.

Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner for a Single-User

Overview: Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner for a Single-User

The following list summarizes the steps required to install and configure SAS
Enterprise Miner in single-user mode on a single machine:
1 Review the prerequisites, ports, and alert-level SAS Notes.
4 Previous Versions of SAS Enterprise Miner
2 Designate an operating system user account with which you will install and run
Using the SAS Deployment Wizard, install and initially configure SAS.
The following sections provide a brief description of each of these tasks. Subsequent
chapters in the guide provide the step-by-step instructions for the tasks.
Step 1: Review the Prerequisites, Ports, and Alert-level SAS Notes
Review the prerequisites, ports, and any alert-level SAS Notes. See the following
sources for information about this task:
“Prerequisites” on page 3
Ports used in the SAS Enterprise Miner single-user deployment:
“SAS Default Ports” on page 27
Alert-level SAS Notes:
(Click “Search Problem Notes” in the left-hand navigation pane.)
Chapter 1
Step 2: Designate a Windows User Account
Designate a Windows user account that is a member of the Windows Administrators
group on the machine on which you’re deploying SAS 9.2.
Use this account to install SAS and to log in to the various analytics clients after
Step 3: Install and Configure SAS
Install and configure your SAS software using the SAS Deployment Wizard, an
installation and configuration tool that is supplied by SAS.

Previous Versions of SAS Enterprise Miner

The procedures described in this document will install and initially configure SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1. If you have an earlier copy of SAS Enterprise Miner on your machine, these procedures will not affect your existing installation. However, you will be able to run only one version of SAS at a time.
Note: The migration tools do not fully support the migration of single-user deployments, but you can follow steps to use SAS Enterprise Miner 5.2 and 5.3 projects in SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1. For more information, see the SAS Enterprise Miner: Migration Guide, available at
In particular, you must stop and set to manual the currently installed SAS services on the machine on which you are installing SAS Enterprise Miner. In the Windows Services snap-in, stop each SAS service and set the service to snap-in is accessible from Windows
ServicesIActionIProperties). In this way, the port used by each SAS
Start menu in the Control Panel Administrative
manual. (The Services
service will be freed for the newer version and the earlier service won’t start automatically each time you reboot your machine.
Figure 1.1 Setting SAS 9.1.3 Services to Manual Startup
Accessibility Features in the SAS Intelligence Platform Products 5
If you want to remove your previous SAS version, see your SAS documentation for the particular version in question. For information about how remove SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3, see “Uninstalling the SAS Intelligence Platform” in the SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform Installation Guide at

Accessibility Features in the SAS Intelligence Platform Products

For information about accessibility for any of the products mentioned in this book, see the documentation for that product. If you have questions or concerns about the accessibility of SAS products, send e-mail to or visit the SAS accessibility site at:

Deploying SAS Enterprise Miner in Single-User Mode

Preparing to Install and to Configure

SAS Deployment Wizard Options

About SAS Deployment Plans Install and Configure SAS Enterprise Miner Interactively Review SAS Deployment Wizard Documents Validating Your Deployment 21
Validate Your Servers
Validate Your Clients
Preparing to Install and to Configure
SAS Deployment Wizard Options
The SAS Deployment Wizard is a cross-platform utility that installs and configures many SAS products. The wizard uses a SAS installation data file (SID file) and a deployment plan (plan.xml) for its initial input. The wizard is designed to prompt you for all of the remaining input at the start of the session so that you do not have to monitor an entire deployment.
There are two major ways that you can run the SAS Deployment Wizard:
a standard method of providing input using fields in pages with a Back and
Next button navigation method.
a record and playback feature that enables you to automate a SAS installation for use on multiple machines. This feature is designed for large-scale enterprise deployments to prevent users from having to manually provide input on every page each time the SAS Deployment Wizard is run on a machine. For more information, see “Automating the SAS Installation on Multiple Machines” in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.

About SAS Deployment Plans

A SAS deployment plan describes what software should be installed and configured on each machine in a SAS deployment. A deployment plan is an XML file that is used as input to the SAS Deployment Wizard. There are two types of deployment plans: standard and custom. The SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 single-user installation is supported only by a small subset of standard deployment plans. The standard deployment plans that support the single-user installation are the following:
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