The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2010. SAS® BI
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What's New in the SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
The SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 has the following enhancements and new features:
•features for dashboard users
•features for dashboard administrators
Features for Dashboard Users
•You can run SAS BI Dashboard in a separate window (the dashboard viewer) rather
than in the SAS Information Delivery Portal.
When run in the dashboard viewer, the software offers more functionality than when
displayed in the SAS Information Delivery Portal.
•You can zoom in and view details in a dashboard.
•You can display multiple columns in zoomed-out view.
•You can create comments for a dashboard.
•You can create and manage personal favorites.
•The software offers new display types, such as waterfall chart, vector plot, and spark
lines in tables.
•The software can brush (interactively highlight) data within an indicator. Also,
indicators can interact with each other.
Features for Dashboard Administrators
•You create a dashboard interactively using drag-and-drop to add indicators to a
•The software saves files in a tree folder structure.
•You can search for existing dashboards and objects, and filter a search by a specific
type of object.
•You can more easily customize and size each indicator in a dashboard, as well as the
dashboard itself.
vi What's New
•The software offers the ability to set up indicators so that they interact with each other
via events.
•You can open and view multiple dashboards on different tabs.
•You can optimize screen space when building indicators and dashboards.
•As you design a dashboard, you can preview different indicator display types to easily
decide which display is most appropriate for the data to be displayed.
•You can customize fonts, font colors, and font sizes in a dashboard.
The SAS BI Dashboard enables users to use dashboards to monitor key performance
indicators that convey how well an organization is performing. Dashboards include
graphics, text, colors, and hyperlinks. Dashboards are created, maintained, and viewed
through an easy-to-use Web-based interface. All content is displayed in a role-based,
secure, customizable, and extensible environment. End users can customize how
information appears on their personal dashboards.
As is true for many SAS®9 applications, the users of the SAS BI Dashboard can be grouped
based on their skills and on whether they play a role in defining and managing the system.
The following table shows the three types of users of the SAS BI Dashboard:
Dashboard userThe ultimate audience of
dashboards. This role views
dashboards and uses them as a
launching point for further
exploration and action.
Executives and employees
presented with dashboards as
part of their intranet home
4Chapter 1 • Introduction
Dashboard administratorThis role defines indicators
and dashboards. This role is
responsible for setting user
access to various dashboards
and for controlling the extent
to which dashboard users can
personalize the dashboards.
This role might also be
responsible for extending the
functionality of the SAS BI
Dashboard by creating custom
IT support personnelThis role installs the SAS BI
Dashboard and maintains its
setup, configuration, and
A business manager with some
SAS technical knowledge, or a
SAS consultant involved in the
initial implementation or
major overhauls of the SAS BI
Dashboard who works with
outside consultants and
corporate developers.
An IT person who is
responsible for supporting
application deployment and
maintenance on an
organization’s computer
This guide is intended for dashboard users and dashboard administrators.
SAS BI Dashboard has two aspects: the dashboard viewer (used by dashboard users) and
the dashboard designer (used by dashboard administrators).
Generally, you access dashboards and SAS BI Dashboard from a SAS BI Dashboard portlet
within the SAS Information Delivery Portal. (For more information, see Chapter 3,
“Getting Started: The SAS Information Delivery Portal,” on page 9.)
Your role (dashboard user or dashboard administrator) determines the functions that are
available to you.
You can also start the dashboard viewer directly by using this URL within your browser:
As a dashboard user, you work with dashboards in the SAS BI Dashboard portlet.
6Chapter 2 • General Information
For more information about the SAS BI Dashboard portlet and selecting a dashboard, see
Chapter 4, “Working with the SAS BI Dashboard Portlet,” on page 15.
You can also click (in the upper right corner of a dashboard) to work with dashboards
in the dashboard viewer, which opens in a separate window.
Note: You might need to horizontally scroll within the SAS BI Dashboard portlet to see
the icon.
The dashboard viewer opens and displays the dashboard that was displayed in the SAS BI
Dashboard portlet.
The Workflow 7
The dashboard viewer enables enhanced functionality. For more information, see Chapter
5, “Working with Dashboards and Indicators in the Dashboard Viewer,” on page 17.
Dashboard Administrators
As a dashboard administrator, you manage dashboards in the dashboard designer of the
SAS BI Dashboard. To start the dashboard designer, click in a dashboard in a SAS BI
Dashboard portlet, or click Manage Dashboards when displaying dashboards in the
dashboard viewer.
When you start the dashboard designer using either of the previous methods while viewing
a dashboard, the same dashboard is displayed in the dashboard designer so that you can
quickly modify it.
8Chapter 2 • General Information
When you start the dashboard designer using either of the previous methods while not
viewing a dashboard, a default page is displayed in the dashboard designer.
For more information, see Chapter 6, “The Dashboard Designer Window,” on page 27.
Chapter 3
Getting Started: The SAS
Information Delivery Portal
Create a Page and Add It to Your Navigation Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Add a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet to a Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The SAS BI Dashboard can be accessed from within the SAS Information Delivery Portal.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the SAS Information Delivery Portal. If you
are not, see the online Help.
Open the Portal and Log On
To open the SAS Information Delivery Portal:
Open your Web browser and point it to the portal's URL address.
To obtain the URL, contact your portal administrator.
To identify yourself to the portal, log on with your user name and password.
If you do not have a user name and password, contact your system administrator to
obtain them.
The logon procedure varies depending on how your organization has installed the
portal. Use either the portal logon procedure or the Web server logon procedure, as
If your organization uses the portal's logon feature, do the following:
a. Open your browser and point to the portal's URL.
Either a public page or the portal's logon page appears.
b. If a public page appears, click Log On in the banner.
c. On the logon page, enter your user name and password.
d. Click Log On.
10Chapter 3 • Getting Started: The SAS Information Delivery Portal
Your personal portal opens.
If your organization uses a Web server to identify each user, do the following:
a. Use the Web server logon procedure specified for your organization.
The Web server logon procedure is different in each organization.
b. After you have logged on to the Web server, point your browser to the portal's URL.
Your personal portal opens.
Create a Page and Add It to Your Navigation Bar
To create a new page and add it to your navigation bar:
Click CustomizeðAdd Page.
The Add Pages to Profile page appears.
On the Create tab, enter descriptive information about the page:
is a short name that appears in the page's tab in the navigation bar.
is a short description that appears with the page title in search results.
are single words that you or other users can use to search for this page. Use spaces
to separate keywords from one another.
Note: To ensure efficient searching, develop a standard list of keywords and use
these keywords consistently.
Page rank
is a number that indicates the importance of this page as compared to other pages.
The default value is 100.
This number determines the order in which pages are listed in the navigation bar.
The pages are ordered by rank from lowest to highest. Pages with equal rank are
listed in the order in which they were created.
Add a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet to a Page 11
Note: You can choose to override page ranks by explicitly defining the order of
Location (group) and Share type
are fields that appear only if you are a group content administrator. In these fields,
you can specify a group with which the page is to be shared and specify the share
Click Add.
A message appears, indicating that a new page was added.
Click Done.
Add a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet to a Page
To add a SAS BI Dashboard portlet to a page:
Navigate to the page that you want to add the portlet to.
Click CustomizeðEdit PageðEdit Page Content.
The Edit Page Content page appears.
Click Add Portlets.
The Add Portlets to Page page appears.
12Chapter 3 • Getting Started: The SAS Information Delivery Portal
From the Portlet type drop-down list, select SAS BI Dashboard Portlet.
Type the name for the portlet and, if desired, the description and keywords.
If you are a group content administrator, select a group with which the portlet is to be
shared from the Location (group) drop-down list.
Click Add, and then Done.
On the Edit Page Content page, click OK.
The original page is displayed, with the new portlet added.
Select a dashboard or indicator.
For more information, see “Select a Dashboard” on page 15.
Part 2
Information for Dashboard Users
Chapter 4
Working with the SAS BI Dashboard Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 5
Working with Dashboards and Indicators in the Dashboard Viewer 17
You can display a dashboard or indicator in the dashboard viewer rather than in the SAS
Information Delivery Portal. Displaying a dashboard this way enables you to do the
•create a larger dashboard with numerous interactive indicators
•personalize alerts
•add comments to an indicator
•create favorites
For more information, see “The Workflow” on page 5.
Open a Dashboard or Indicator
To open a dashboard or indicator, select FileðOpen, and then navigate to the dashboard
or indicator.
In addition to indicators, this list includes dashboards created by your organization.
18Chapter 5 • Working with Dashboards and Indicators in the Dashboard Viewer
Navigate in the Dashboard Viewer
After you open a second dashboard or indicator, the navigation controls appear below the
menu bar.
These controls are also available when you select ViewðGo To.
The navigation controls enable you to move backward and forward through the dashboards
and indicators that you have opened. The down arrow (history list) enables you to select
any opened dashboard or indicator, instead of moving through the opened items one at a
Display Options
The Default View
By default, the dashboard viewer displays the last dashboard or indicator that was displayed
when the dashboard was closed. However, there might be times when you do not want to
display this dashboard or indicator.
To display no dashboard or indicator when the SAS BI Dashboard is first started, clear the
check box ViewðOpen the previously viewed dashboard by default.
Refresh the Contents
To manually refresh the contents of the dashboard viewer, click .
To automatically refresh the contents:
Select ViewðSet the automatic refresh interval.
The Refresh Interval dialog box appears.
Select the Automatic refresh check box, and then specify the time interval.
Print a Dashboard or Indicator
Create or Edit a Personal Indicator Alert 19
To print a dashboard, click in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
To print an indicator, select Print Indicator from the Options menu.
Create or Edit a Personal Indicator Alert
If a dashboard administrator has enabled personal alerts for an indicator, you can define a
personal indicator alert on the indicator. A personal indicator alert is sent only to you. This
is different from an indicator alert, which is sent to a list of one or more alert subscribers.
A personal alert is in addition to any alerts attached to an indicator that was created by a
dashboard administrator.
Note: The alerts shown on this page are only your personal indicator alerts. Indicator alerts
created by dashboard administrators are not shown.
To create or edit a personal indicator alert, from an indicator's Options menu, select
Personalize Alerts.
20Chapter 5 • Working with Dashboards and Indicators in the Dashboard Viewer
Note: If Personalize Alerts is not available, then the dashboard administrator has not
enabled personalization. If the Options menu is not available, the indicator is not being
displayed in a tile. Contact the dashboard administrator. For information about tiles,
see “Tiles” on page 33.
The Edit Indicator Alerts dialog box appears in a new window.
To create a personal indicator alert:
Click New Alert.
Type the name of the alert.
From the Gauge definition and Trigger interval drop-down lists, select the gauge
definition and the interval to trigger the alert.
Choose when to trigger the alert: Any gauge is in the interval or % of gauges are inthe interval.
If you chose % of gauges are in the interval, type a percentage in the field next to the
check box.
Select the delivery method for the alert: Alerts portlet or E-mail subscribers.
Note: You can select both.
(Optional) If you selected E-mail subscribers:
a. From the E-mail template drop-down list, select the e-mail template to use to
format the e-mail.
The items included in the list are controlled by the dashboard administrator.
b. Type the subject line and additional message to include in the e-mail.
To edit an indicator alert:
From the Alerts table, select an alert.
The properties of the alert appear on the left side of the dialog box.
Edit the properties.
To delete an alert, select one from the Alerts table, and then click .
Manage Comments
To manage comments, select Manage Comments from an indicator's Options menu.
Manage Comments 21
The Comments dialog box appears.
22Chapter 5 • Working with Dashboards and Indicators in the Dashboard Viewer
To start a new topic:
Click New Topic.
The New Topic dialog box appears.
Type the topic name and comment.
To attach a file, click Attachment, and navigate to the file.
To edit a comment, click , and then make changes to the comment.
To delete a comment, click .
Note: Only users in the Comment Administrator role can edit and delete comments.
To reply to a comment, click Reply, and then type a comment.
To sort and filter the comments, select an option from the Actions menu.
Work with Favorites
To easily return to a dashboard or an indicator, you can add it to your favorites.
To add a dashboard to your favorites, select FavoritesðAdd Dashboard to Favorites.
To add an indicator to your favorites, select FavoritesðAdd Indicator to Favoritesð<Name of indicator>.
To select a favorite, select one from the bottom area of the Favorites menu.
To manage your favorites:
Select FavoritesðManage Favorites.
The Manage Favorites dialog box appears.
Work with Favorites 23
To create a folder in your favorites, click , and then name the folder.
To rename a favorite or folder, click the item's name, and then type the name.
To move a favorite or folder, drag the item.
Note: To drag an item into a folder, first expand the folder, and then drag the item into
the folder.
To delete a favorite or folder, click the item's name, and then click .
24Chapter 5 • Working with Dashboards and Indicators in the Dashboard Viewer
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