> The last digit of the weight must be printed inversely
if the scale interval (d) of the weighing instrument
used in legal metrology is not equal to its verification
scale interval (e). If the weighing instrument has a scale
interval (d) that matches its verification scale interval
(e), none of the digits are marked (no inverse printing).
If the weighing instrument is not in accuracy class K,
no digits are printed inversely.
> After a value has been stored, the printer sends a signal
that prompts taring of the weighing instrument
§ Leave the tablet on the weighing pan
§ Add the next tablet to the one already on the
weighing pan
> The weight is automatically stored once the weighing
instrument has stabilized
> The next weight is printed out (see example on the left)
> The weighing instrument is tared
When the weighing instrument displays a zero
§ Add the next tablet to the weighing pan
§ Press the P key
§ Continue adding tablets as described above each time
the weighing instrument has been tared
When you have placed the last tablet on the weighing
pan and the last weight is displayed and printed:
§ Generate a statistical evaluation by pressing the
U key
> The statistical evaluation is printed. Which data is
included on the printout depends on the settings
configured in the “Application Settings” menu for the
printer’s statistics application, and can include quantity,
mean, total, lowest and highest measured values, and
date and time.
§ Press the c key on the weighing instrument
> The ISO/GLP footer is printed