Software from Sartorius
Sartorius offers two software programs
for fast and easy processing of the data
and control commands transmitted
between connected devices:
– WinScale
Each of these programs comes with
complete instructions for simple instal-
lation on the PC used with your wireless
Configuring the Weighing Instrument
Data transmission parameters in the
RS-232 data interface on the YBT01 are
configured as follows:
– Transmission speed
(baud rate): 9600 bit/s
– Parity: Odd
– Stop bits: 1
– Data bits: 7
Data transmission parameters in the
RS-232 data interface on the YDO01C-BT
(Option B2) are configured as follows:
– Transmission speed
(baud rate): 9600 bit/s
– Parity: Odd
– Stop bits: 1
– Data bits: 8
Thus the data interface on the weighing
instrument must be adapted for data
transmission to the YBT01 or YDO01C-
BT (Option B2) wireless interface. Please
observe the following when configuring
the weighing instrument:
The weighing instrument models suit-
able for wireless data communication
use either the SBI (Sartorius Balance
Interface) or the XBPI (Xtended Balance
Protocol Interface) data transfer proto-
col. Which protocol is used in your
weighing instrument is indicated in the
operating instructions for the particular
The XBPI protocol generally operates
with the following parameters:
– Transmission speed
(baud rate): 9600 bit/s
– Parity: Odd
– Stop bits: 1
– Data bits: 8
With the SBI protocol, the transmission
speed, parity and number of stop bits
can be configured. The following
Sartorius instruments also permit con-
figuration of the number of data bits:
– GENIUS (ME models)
– MA100 and MA50 (electronic moisture
– Combics (CISL… models) (indicators and
complete scales)
– Combics (CIS… models) (indicators and
complete scales)
Refer to the installation and operating
instructions for the particular instru-
ment for details on which parameters
can be configured.
To enable communication with the
YBT01 or YDO01C-BT (Option B2) wire-
less interface, the data interface on the
weighing instrument must be config-
ured accordingly.
To use the SBI protocol and a YBT01
with its factory-set parameters, config-
ure the weighing instrument as follows:
– Transmission speed
(baud rate): 9600 bit/s
– Parity: Odd
– Stop bits: 1
– Data bits: 7