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Vivaflow 50 3
Single Module 3
Linked Modules 4
Diafiltration|Desalting 5
Concentration 6
Recovery 6
System Components 7
Technical Specifications 7
Performance Characteristics 8
Ordering Information 9
Chemical Compatibility 10
Vivaflow 50R and Vivaflow 200 11
Operation of Single Module 11
Operation of Two Modules 12 – 13
Diafiltration|Desalting 14
Concentration 14
Recovery 14
Technical Specifications 15
Cleaning 16
Storage 16
Performance Characteristics 17 – 18
Ordering Information 19 – 20
Chemical Compatibility 21
| 3
Vivaflow 50
Single module
1. Set up the system as illustrated in
Diagram 1. Note the positioning of the
flow restrictor on the return line.
2. Vivaflow membranes contain trace
amounts of glycerine and sodium azide.
To remove these chemicals and to check
the security of the tube connections,
it is recommended to rinse the module,
and to test the system at full pressure
before introducing the sample.
3. Place 500 ml deionised water in a suitable
reservoir. The Vivaflow sample|diafiltration reservoir (prod. no. VFA006) is
4. Pump liquid through the system to purge
any air pockets. The recirculation rate
should be in the range 200–400 ml/min,
and suitable flow should exit the filtrate
line. If used, the pressure indicator (prod.
no. VFA020), should read approximately
2.5 bar.
5. Allow 400 ml to pass into the filtrate
vessel. Check for any leakage at tubing
connection points. Drain the system
and empty or replace the filtrate vessel,
(see recovery section). The system is now
ready for use.
Filtrate vessel
reservoir (VFA006)
Pink flow restrictor
Designed for single use only. Anything else constitutes improper use.
Diagram 1: Vivaflow 50 set up
Linked modules
1. Set up the system as illustrated in
Diagram 2. Link the required number of
modules by sliding the tongue and groove
edges together. Note the positioning of
the flow restrictor on the return line.
2. Use series interconnectors, (prod. no.
VFA031), to connect a single row of
modules. Detailed ordering information
for system components to be found of
page 7, Diagram 4.
3. In addition, use T-connectors, (prod. no.
VFA030), to connect two rows of modules
in parallel.
4. The flow path of the system can be configured to suit the membrane|sample
combination. Most solutions are better
suited by modules connected in parallel.
Very low viscosity solutions favour modules connected only in series. Rinse the
system as detailed under single module
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Diagram 2: Setting up multiple Vivaflow 50 cassettes
| 5
1. Set up the system as illustrated in
Diagram 3 for linked modules. If only
one module is required, connect it in
place of the linked modules.
2. Rinse the system as detailed previously.
3. Either place the solution to be purified in
the 500 ml sample|diafiltration reservoir
(prod. no. VFA006), or concentrate a
larger volume to 500 ml or less so that it
is fully contained in the 500 ml reservoir.
Ensure the reservoir lid is firmly closed.
4. Fill a large feed reservoir with exchange
solvent and pump sample through the
system as for concentration.
5. As the volume in the 500 ml reservoir
decreases, the vacuum created draws
exchange solvent through the feed line
from the larger reservoir. Over 99%
solvent exchange can be accomplished
with an exchange volume approximately
5 times the volume of the sample.
Diagram 3: Buffer exchange | diafiltration with Vivaflow 50
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1. Fill the feed reservoir with sample solution. When initial volumes larger than
500 ml are required, place 500 ml in
the sample|diafiltration reservoir, the
remaining volume in another suitable container and connect the vessels
as detailed in the diafiltration section.
Alternatively, use a larger container for
the entire sample volume and immerse
the feed and return lines directly into
the liquid.
2. Pump liquid through the system. The
recirculation rate should be in the range
200–400 ml/min, and suitable flow
should exit the filtrate line. If used, the
pressure indicator, (prod. no. VFA020),
should read approximately 2.5 bar.
3. Concentrate the sample to the desired
Warning: Do not run the same section of
tubing through the pump head for longer
than six hours, over use of tubing will
result in significant pressure drop and
ultimately, failure.
4. When the desired volume has been
reached, reduce the recirculation rate
to 20–40 ml/min and recirculate the
concentrated sample for 1–2 minutes to
maximise recovery.
1. Disconnect the feed line from the lid
of the 500 ml reservoir or when using
a different container, remove the feed
line from the sample.
2. Pump residual system volume back into
the reservoir|container. (When parallel
modules are used with viscous solutions,
ensure that all modules are empty by
pinching the tubing between each of
the stacks of modules in turn).
3. For a more complete sample recovery
rinse approximately 5–10 ml per module
of water or sample buffer through the
system, and recover as before.
| 7
Table 1: Technical Specifications
Overall L|H|W 107|84|25 mm
Channel W|H 15 mm|0.3 mm
Active membrane area 50 cm
Hold up volume (module) 1.5 ml
Min recirculation volume < 10 ml
Non recoverable hold-up < 0.5 ml
Operating Conditions
Pump flow 200–400 ml/min
Maximum pressure 3 bar (45 psi)
Maximum temperature 60˚C
Inconnectors (Prod. No. VFA031)
Pink flow restrictor on
the return line
T-Connectors for running 2 stacks
(Prod. No. VFA030)
Pressure Indicator
(Prod. No. VFA020)
Masterflex easy load pump head
(Prod. No. VFA012)
Stand (Prod. No. VFA016)
Masterflex pump
CE 230V – US 115V
(Prod. No. VFP001|VFP002)
System Components
Diagram 4: System componets for setting up multiple Vivaflow 50 units
Materials of Construction
Main housing Polycarbonate
Flow channel TPX (PMP)
Membrane support TPX (PMP)
Seals and O rings Silicone
Pressure indicator Polypropylene, SS Spring,
Flow restrictor Polypropylene
Fittings Nylon
Tubing PVC (medical grade)
Table 2: Performance characteristics
Time to concentrate up to 20x (min.) at 3 bar
inlet pressure, 20°C
Single Three Solute Recovery %
Device Devices
250 ml Start 1 L Start Direct 10 ml rinse
Vol. min. Vol. min.
BSA 1.0 mg/ml (66,000 MW)
5,000 MWCO PES 34 49 96% > 99%
10,000 MWCO PES 22 32 94% > 99%
30,000 MWCO PES 22 32 92% 99%
50,000 MWCO PES 20 29 92% 98%
γ Globulins 1.0 mg/ml
100,000 MWCO PES 43 62 92% 98%
100,000 MWCO RC 40 58 92% 98%
100,000 MWCO Hydrosart 40 58 92% 98%
Yeast 1.0 mg/ml (S.Cerevisiae)
0.2 µm PES 33 47 92% 98%
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