Sartorius Signum 1,Signum 3,Signum 2,SIWRDCP,SIWADCP,SIWSDCSP,SIWSDCP,SIWABBP,SIWSBBP Operating Instruction

Operating Instruction
Sartorius Signum 1| Signum 2 | Signum 3
Signum 1, 2 and 3 are precise and rugged complete scales that give you reliable weighing results.
The Signum Series of compact scales includes models with strain-gauge weighing systems as well as versions equipped with monolithic technology, using the principle of electromagnetic force compensation.
These compact industrial scales offer
the following special features: – Rugged and durable Sartorius quality – Flexible options for display unit
installation – Wide range of configuration options
for customized operation – Variety of optional data interfaces – Optional IP65 protection from dust and
jets of water – Optional versions for use in zone 2
and 22 hazardous areas – High quality workmanship and materi-
als – Choice of application levels – Available in weighing capacities
between 3 kg and 60 kg; choice of res-
olutions available for each capacity – Verifiable models in accuracy
classes k (SIWS) and l (SIWR) – Preload values can be defined
(for equipment installed on the scale)
Additional features include: – Large keys with positive click action – Numeric and alphabetic input – Large backlit 14-segment display – Connectivity for two weighing plat-
forms (digital platform or, using an
optional A/D converter, analog plat-
Advantages in routine weighing tasks: – Fast response times – Independence from location of platform
installation – Designation of weight values with up
to 4 lines of alphanumeric text – Flexibility afforded by diversity of
interfaces – Security through password protection
Range of Models
Three different types of weighing tech­nology are used in the Signum Series, offering different performance levels:
Signum Regular
(SIWRDCP Models)
– Standard weighing system
(all SIWR models) – Resolutions up to 35,000d – Models verified at the factory for use
in legal metrology, Class l, with:
2+3000/3500e (dual range);
1+6000/7500e and
1+3000e (single range) – The single-range scales with variable
scale intervals are available with your
choice of fixed or adjustable fine range
Signum Advanced
(SIWADCP Models)
– Mechatronic weighing system
(all SIWA… Models)
– Resolutions up to 65,000d
(Models SIWABBP)
– Mechatronic weighing system – Resolutions up to 150,000d
Signum Supreme
(SIWSDCP Models)
– Monolithic weighing system
(all SIWS Models)
– Resolutions up to 350,000d
(all SIWSBBP Models)
– Monolithic weighing system – Resolutions up to 620,000d
– Models verified at the factory for use
in legal metrology, Class K, with:
1+30,000e; 1+62,000e (e=d);
1+6000e; 31,000e,61.000e
(single and dual range);
16,000e (single and dual range, each
with internal motorized calibration
– The single-range scales with variable
scale intervals are available with your
choice of fixed or adjustable fine range
Signum Supreme featuring a stainless steel housing
(SIWSDCS Models)
– Monolithic weighing system
(all SIWS models) – Resolutions up to 350,000d – Models verified at the factory for use in
legal metrology, Class K, with:
1+30,000e (e=d); 1+6000e; 35,000e
(single and dual range); 16,000e
(single and dual range, each with
internal motorized calibration weight) – The dual range scales are available with
your choice of fixed or adjustable fine
Signum Regular, Advanced and
Supreme models are all available with
applications levels 1, 2 and 3.
The following symbols are used in
these instructions:
§ denotes general operating instructions
$ indicates instructions for exceptional
> describes the outcome of an
operating step
!indicates a hazard
For technical advice on applications,
call the hotline at:
Phone (in Germany):
Fax (in Germany):
Intended Use
Intended Use 2
Warnings and Safety Precautions 4
Getting Started 5
Unpacking the Scale 5 Equipment Supplied 5 Installation 5 Conditioning the Scale 5 Checking the Geographical Data for Use in Legal Metrology 5 Installing the Display and Control Unit 6 Leveling the Weighing Platform 8
General View of the Equipment 9 Display and Keypad 9 Back Panel 9
Operating Design 10 Input 10 Keypad Input 10 Input Through the Digital Control Port 11 Input Using a Bar Code Scanner or External Keyboard 11 Display Modes 12 Measured Value Display 13 Saving Data in Weighing Mode 13 Operating Menu Navigation 14 Error Codes 15 Data Output 15 Saving Data 15
Configuration 16 Setting the Language 16 Configuring a Password 17 Operating Menu Overview 18
Operation 38 Basic Weighing Function 38 Weighing W 38 Device Parameters 38 Tare Function in Weighing 39 Numeric Input for Weighing 40 Weighing with Variable Tare Values 41 Calibration and Adjustment 42 SQmin Function 46 Data ID Codes 48 Combining Application Programs 50 Counting 51 Neutral Measurement 55 Averaging 58 Weighing in Percent 61 Checkweighing 64 Checkweighing toward Zero 67 Classification 68 Totalizing 71 Net-total Formulation 74 Examples of Application Combinations in Signum 3 78
Configuring Printouts 80
Interface Port 83
Connecting a Second Weighing Platform 84 Pin Assignment Chart 84 Pin Assignments for COM1 84 Pin Assignments for UniCOM 84 Wiring Diagram (Display and Control Unit <—> Computer) 85 Configuring the Data Interface as a COM Port 86 Data Input Format 86 Data Output Format 87 Configuring the Data Interface as a Printer Port 88 Automatic Data Output (SBI) 89 GMP-compliant Printouts 90
Error Codes 91
Care and Maintenance 92
Recycling 92
Overview 93
Common Specifications 94 Signum Model Designator 94 Details on Available Resolutions 95 Model-specific Specifications 96 Dimensions (Scale Drawings) 99 Accessories 101 Declaration of Conformity 104 EC Type-Approval 107 Plates and Markings 109 Index 114
General Password 117
Signum scales comply with the European Council Directives as well as international regulations and standards for electrical equipment, electromag­netic compatibility, and the stipulated safety requirements.
§ To prevent damage to the equipment,
read these installation instructions carefully before using your Signum scale.
!Do not use this equipment in hazardous
areas. If you use electrical equipment in installations and under ambient conditions subject to stricter safety standards than those described in the manual, you must comply with the provisions as specified in the applicable regulations for installation in your country.
!The display and control unit may
be opened only by authorized service technicians who have been trained by Sartorius and who follow Sartorius’ standard operating procedures for maintenance and repair work.
!Make absolutely sure to unplug the
display and control unit from power before you connect or disconnect any electronic peripheral devices to or from the interface port.
– On request, Sartorius will provide infor-
mation on the minimum operating specifications (in accordance with the standards for defined immunity to interference).
!If the equipment is exposed to excessive
electromagnetic interference, it can affect the value displayed. Once the disturbance has ceased, the instrument can be used again in accordance with its intended purpose.
– Connect only Sartorius accessories and
options, as these are optimally designed for use with your Signum scale.
– Warning when using pre-wired RS-232
connecting cables: RS-232 cables purchased from other manufacturers often have pin assignments that are incompatible with Sartorius products. Be sure to check the pin assignments against the chart in this manual before connecting the cable, and disconnect any lines identified differently from those specified by Sartorius.
$ If there is visible damage to the
equipment or power cord, unplug the equipment and lock it in a secure place to ensure that it cannot be used for the time being.
– Use only extension cords that meet
the applicable standards and have a protective grounding conductor.
!Disconnecting the ground conductor
is prohibited.
– Note on installation:
The operator shall be responsible for any modifications to Sartorius equip­ment and for connections of cables not supplied by Sartorius and must check and, if necessary, correct these modifi­cations.
If Option L8 (24-volt module) for con­nection to low-voltage sources is used, be sure to comply with the require­ments for safety extra low voltage (SELV) and protective extra low voltage (PELV).
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits pursuant to part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. For information on the specific limits and class of this equipment, please refer to the Declara­tion of Conformity. Depending on the particular class, you are either required or requested to correct the interference. If you have a Class A digital device, you need to comply with the FCC state­ment as follows:
“Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harm­ful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interfer­ence at his own expense.” If you have a Class B digital device, please read and follow the FCC information given below: “[…] However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equip­ment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: – Reorient or relocate the receiving
– Increase the separation between
the equipment and receiver.
– Connect the equipment into an
outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.”
Before you operate this equipment,
check which FCC class (Class A or Class
B) it has according to the Declaration of
Conformity included. Be sure to observe
the information of this Declaration.
– Do not expose the equipment
to aggressive chemical vapors or to
extreme temperatures, moisture,
shocks, or vibration.
– Clean your Signum scale only in accor-
dance with the cleaning instructions
(see “Care and Maintenance”).
$ If you have any problems with your
Signum scale: contact your local
Sartorius office, dealer or service center.
IP Rating
Industrial protection ratings for the
housing: – All models are rated to IP43 (if Option
I65 was ordered; the equipment is rated
to IP65) – The IP43 (or optional IP65) protection
rating for the display and control unit
is ensured only if the rubber gasket
is installed and all connections are
fastened securely (including the caps on
unused sockets). Weighing platforms
and equipment must be installed and
tested by a certified technician. – If you install an interface port or
battery connector after setting up your
Signum, keep the protective cap(s) in
a safe place to be used for protecting
the interface port or battery connector
when not in use, or prior to shipment.
Do not leave the interface ports un-
covered. If you are not using a parti-
cular connector, replace the cap
to protect the data interface from
vapors, moisture and dust or dirt.
Using the Equipment in
Legal Metrology
– If the scale is to be verified, make sure
to observe the applicable regulations
regarding verification.
– If any of the verification seals are
damaged, make sure to observe
the national regulations and standards
applicable in your country in such
cases. In some countries, the equipment
must be re-verified.
Warnings and Safety Precautions
Unpacking the Scale
§ After unpacking the equipment,
please check it immediately for any external damage.
$ If you detect any damage, proceed
as directed in the chapter entitled “Care and Maintenance,” under “Safety Inspection.”
$ Save the box and all parts of the
packaging for any future transport. Unplug all connected cables before packing the equipment.
Equipment Supplied
– Complete scale – Operating instructions (this manual) – Special accessories as listed on the
bill of delivery, if ordered
Choose a location that is not subject
to the following negative influences: – Heat (heater or direct sunlight) – Drafts from open windows and doors – Extreme vibrations during weighing – Excessive moisture
Conditioning the Scale
Moisture in the air can condense on
cold surfaces whenever the equipment
is moved to a substantially warmer
place. To avoid the effects of conden-
sation, condition the scale for about
2 hours at room temperature, leaving
it unplugged from AC power.
Equipment not in Use
Switch off the equipment when
not in use.
Checking the Geographical Data Entered for Use in Legal Metrology (SIWR Models Only)
Preparation (See also the “Device Information” menu items listed under “Operating Menu Overview” in the chapter entitled “Configuration.”
§ Press the e key to turn on the scale
§ While all segments are lit,
press the T key
Appl is displayed
§ To select “Device-specific information,”
press k repeatedly; press T to confirm
§ To switch the display between
information on weighing platform 1 and weighing platform 2, press k repeatedly; press T to confirm
> View geographical data (configured
prior to verification); for example: Latitude (in degrees):
Altitude (in meters): 513
or Gravitational acceleration (in m/s
The scale can be used in legal metrology anywhere in Germany if the
geographical data is as follows: – Latitude: 51.00 degrees – Altitude: 513 m
This data corresponds to the following
value: – Gravitational acceleration: 9.810 m/s
These values are calculated for Germany
based on a mean value for the Earth’s
acceleration. The greater the precision
of the geographical data entered, the
greater the precision achieved with
the weighing instrument; the tolerance
range, however, is restricted accordingly
(see above).
The tolerances ranges, for example
for a scale with 3000e, are as follows: – ± 100 for the latitude, and – ± 200 for the elevation above sea level.
!If used outside the specified zone,
the scale must be re-verified for
use in legal metrology: Please contact
an authorized service technician.
Getting Started
Installing the Display and Control Unit
The following options are available for installing the display and control unit: – Attached to the front of the weighing platform – On a column; part number YDH01P (optional)
Fastening the display and control unit to the weighing platform:
§ Guide the display and control unit onto the retainer bracket.
§ Level the weighing platform (see page 7).
Operating the display and control unit separately:
§ Turn the weighing platform over and place it on a soft surface to avoid damaging
the weighing system.
§ Remove the display and control unit retainer bracket.
§ Take the cable out of the cable channel.
§ Turn the weighing platform right side up and place it so that it rests on its feet.
§ Level the weighing platform (see page 8).
Installing the display and control unit on the YDH01P column:
§ Turn the weighing platform over and place it on a soft surface to avoid
damaging the weighing system.
§ Remove the display and control unit retainer bracket.
§ Take the cable out of the cable channel.
§ Use the four hexagonal screws provided (M4+8) to attach the column
to weighing platform (back panel facing downward).
§ Turn the weighing platform right side up and place it so that it rests on its feet.
Getting Started
§ Loosen the two locking bolts at the top of the column to facilitate installation
of the display and control unit.
§ Use the 6 hexagonal screws to attach the display and control unit to the top
of the column.
§ Adjust the display and control unit to the desired angle and
tighten the locking bolts at the top of the column.
§ A recessed space is provided in the scale base, accessed from the bottom of the scale,
for any excess length of cable.
§ Guide the connecting cable along the channel on the bottom of the weighing platform.
§ Use the cable clamps provided to affix the cable that connects the display and control
unit to the weighing platform to the bottom of the column.
§ Turn the weighing platform right side up and place it so that it rests on its feet.
§ Attach the cable retainer to affix the cable connecting the display and control
unit to weighing platform to the back of the column.
Connecting the Scale to AC Power
§ Check the voltage rating and the plug design.
$ The equipment is powered through the installed power cord. The power supply is
built into display and control unit, which can be operated with a supply voltage of
100 Vac to 240 Vac.
Make sure that the voltage rating printed on the manufacturer's ID label is identical
to that of your local line voltage. If the voltage specified on the label or the plug design
of the AC adapter do not match the rating or standard you use, please contact your
Sartorius office or dealer.
The power connection must be made in accordance with the regulations applicable in
your country.
To power a device of protection class 1, plug the power cord into an electrical
outlet (mains supply) that is properly installed with a protective grounding conductor
(protective earth = PE). The power plug or a different, suitable disconnecting device for
the power must be easily accessible.
Safety Precautions
If you use an electrical outlet that does not have a protective grounding conductor,
make sure to have an equivalent protective conductor installed by a certified electrician
as specified in the applicable regulations for installation in your country. Make sure
the protective grounding effect is not neutralized by use of an extension cord that lacks
a protective grounding conductor.
Warmup Time
To deliver exact results, the scale must warm up for at least 30 minutes after initial
connection to AC power or after a relatively long power outage. Only after this time will
the scale have reached the required operating temperature.
Using Equipment Verified as Legal Measuring Instruments in the EU*: $ Make sure to allow the equipment to warm up for at least 24 hours after initial
connection to AC power or after a relatively long power outage.
Connecting a Bar Code Scanner (Accessory; Order No. YBR02FC)
!Disconnect the display and control unit from AC power (unplug the AC adapter)
$ Installation:
please see “Pin Assignment Charts" in this manual (implemented via the YCC02-BR02
connecting cable or as Option M8)
Leveling the Weighing Platform
Purpose: – To compensate for uneven areas at the place of installation – To ensure that the equipment is placed in a perfectly horizontal position
for consistently reproducible weighing results
Always level the weighing platform again any time after it has been moved
to a different location.
§ Level the weighing platform using the four leveling feet. Turn the feet until
the air bubble is centered in the level indicator.
§ Check to ensure that all leveling feet rest securely on the work surface. > Each of the leveling feet must support an equal load. > Adjusting the leveling feet:
To raise the weighing platform, extend the leveling feet (turn counterclockwise).
To lower the weighing platform, retract the leveling feet (turn clockwise).
* Including the Signatories of the Agreement on the European Economic Area
Getting Started
Signum 3
2 3
4 5 6
10 9 8 7
16 15 14
12 11
17 18 19
3 4
Signum 2
10 9 8 7
16 15
17 18 19
3 4
Signum 1
Display and Keypad
1 Display (for details, see the chapter
entitled “Operating Design”) 2 On/off key 3 Toggle key (toggle display between
weighing platforms) 4 Zero key 5 Tare key 6 Function key (toggle between gross
and net values) 7 Start calibration or adjustment 8 Print key (data output) 9 Toggle unit between normal and
10-fold higher resolution
10 View gross value (net value plus tare)
View net value (gross value minus tare)
11 Save data 12 ID key (for entering operator ID) 13 Alphanumeric keypad 14 Toggle between application program
and application-specific information
15 Info key
(shows ID codes and tare values)
16 Toggle key
(function depends on application)
17 OK key
(function depends on application)
18 Reference value key
(function depends on application)
19 Clear function key (function
depends on active application)
Back Panel
20 RS-232C interface (COM1)
(standard equipment)
21 Power cord connection
General View of the Equipment
Signum 1
Signum 2
Signum 3
2021 21
Operation of the Signum 1, Signum 2 or Signum 3 scale involves just a few keys. These keys have one function during measurement and another during configuration. Some of the keys have one function when pressed briefly, and another activated by pressing and holding the key for longer than 2 seconds.
If a key is inactive, this is indicated as follows when it is pressed:
– The error code “———-” is displayed
for 2 seconds. The display then returns to the previous screen content.
You can use Signum 2 or 3 to collect weight values from two weighing platforms, calculate and display weight values using application programs, and assign IDs to the samples weighed.
Configure the display and control unit first, using the operating menu to prepare the desired application program (printer settings, etc.). Then you can begin weighing.
Keypad Input
Labeled Keys Some keys have a second function, activated by pressing and holding the key for over two seconds. Whether a function is available depends on the operating state and operating menu settings.
e On/off
(in standby mode,
Off is
Signum 2 and 3 only:
n If a second weighing platform
is connected, this key toggles the display between the two readouts.
( – Zero the scale
– Cancel calibration/adjustment
) – Tare the scale
k Toggle between 1
and 2ndweight unit, or gross and net values, or normal and 10-fold higher reso­lution, depending on operating menu settings (depends on model)
J Start calibration or adjustment
p – To print: press briefly.
– To print GMP footer:
Press and hold (> 2 seconds)
Signum 3 only:
I To toggle the scale to Info mode
Signum 3 only:
d ID key (for entering operator ID)
Signum 2 and 3 only:
K Toggle unit between normal and
10-fold higher resolution
Signum 2 and 3 only:
l Net-gross value key
Signum 2 and 3 only:
w Toggle between display modes
within an application program
Signum 2 and 3 only:
r Lets you modify reference values
Signum 2 and 3 only:
O Saves a value or starts an application
Signum 3 only:
R Saves a value in product data
Signum 3 only:
D Toggle applications
Operating Design
Signum 3
2 3
4 5 6
Operating Elements: Signum 3
Signum 2 and 3 only:
I Press to view either application data
or manual tare values, depending on the key pressed subsequently (e.g., ))
Signum 2 and 3 only:
c – Quit an application or delete an
input character
Signum 3 only: 0, 1, 2 9 Enter numbers, letters and other characters
Numeric Input via the Keypad (Signum 3 Only)
§ To enter numbers (one digit at a time):
Press 0, 1, 2 9
§ To save input:
Press the required key (e.g., ) to save manual tare input)
$ To delete a digit:
Press c
Loading a Tare Value from the Weighing Platform
To save the weight on the weighing platform as a tare weight: Press the ) key
Input Through the Digital Control Port
You can connect a remote hand switch or foot switch to the input control line, for use with all application programs. Assign one of the following functions to this switch in the Setup menu, under Device parameters - Control input (
ctrl io):
8.4 Universal IN … … …
For a detailed list of menu items, please see the chapter entitled “Configuration.”
Input over the ASCII Port
See page 86, “Data Input Format.”
Input using a Bar Code Scanner or External Keyboard
Input over a bar code scanner or keyboard is handled by the Signum in
the same manner as keypad input: – Weight values for tare memory – Reference weight values for the
Counting, Neutral Measurement and
Weighing in Percent applications – Numeric values – Product identifiers
Signum 2 and 3 only:
Bar code scanner input can trigger
a function or load information for
display on the display and control unit.
You can configure this option in the
operating menu under
Con los ajustes REF y TARE se utliza el
valor del código de barras como valor
de referencia o valor de tara. Esta difer-
enciación puede realizarse también por
medio del código de barras. En barcode:
header aparece el valor en el display.
Measured value line
Application symbol
Bar graph
Plus/minus sign; stability symbol
Tare assignment
Printing is active
Scale weigh­ing capacity
Calculated value
Battery symbol
GMP printing is active
Reference value for application
Data transfer
Counting: reference sample updating/ automatic totalizing
Display Modes
There are two display modes: – Normal operation (weighing mode) – Operating menu (for configuration).
Weighing Mode: Display of Measured and Calculated Values
Application, printing and battery symbols:
The application symbol indicates the
selected program; for example:
A Counting application.
Other symbols shown here include:
S Printing mode active
T GMP printing mode active
The battery symbol b indicates
the charge level of the external
rechargeable battery.
Bar graph:
The bar graph shows the percentage
of the weighing platform's capacity that
is “used up" by the load on the scale
(gross value).
0% Lower limit
100% Upper limit
The following symbols indicate tolerance levels for Checkweighing:
Bar graph with 10% markings
Plus/minus sign:
S or D for weight value or calculated
value, U zero-setting symbol: when the weighing platform is zeroed or tared, indicates that the deviation from zero is no more than 0.25e (verified models only).
Measured value/result line:
This field shows weight values, calculated values and input characters.
Unit and stability:
When the weighing system reaches stability, the weight unit or the unit for a calculated value is displayed here.
Tare in memory, calculated values:
The following symbols may be displayed here:
a Calculated value (not valid in
legal-for-trade applications)
NET Net value (gross value minus tare)
B/G Gross value (net value plus tare)
Data in tare memory, calculated values, designation of the active weighing platform:
pt Identification of manual tare input
(using a bar code scanner) when viewing tare information
wp1 Display of the active weighing
platform when 2 platforms are connected. Symbol flashes to prompt adjust­ment of the weighing platform, if the isoCAL function is active
Application symbols:
For input and display of detailed information; e.g., for the selected application.
A Counting B Weighing in Percent
V Averaging (Animal Weighing)
H Checkweighing W Classification
Checkweighing toward Zero
L Totalizing M Net-total Formulation
Operating Design
Display in Weighing Mode
The illustration above depicts all of the main display elements and symbols that can be shown during weighing.
1. Bar graph – Shows the percentage of the
weighing platform’s capacity that is “used up” by the load on the scale (gross value), or
– Shows the measured value in
relation to a target value (with the Checkweighing or Classification application)
2. Printing in progress
3. Display of the range on multiple-range instruments
4. Indicates active weighing platform; flashes to prompt calibration/ adjustment
5. Selected weighing platform (1 or 2)
6. Indicates whether the value on the main display is net or gross (with tare in memory or preset tare)
7. Identifies the value on the main display as calculated (value not valid in legal metrology)
8. Battery symbol showing status of rechargeable battery (empty outline indicates battery is drained)
9. GMP-compliant printing in progress (Signum 2 and 3 only)
10. Weight unit of the value displayed
Signum 2 and 3 only:
11. Numeric display; e.g., showing reference value
Signum 2 and 3 only:
12. Symbol indicating data transfer: – Interface initialized – Flashes during data transfer
13. Symbol for product data memory
14. In legal metrology, on equipment with e = d, the digit shown with a border is d < e.
15. Auto or opt (Signum 2 and 3 only): – Auto: Depending on the weight
value, a reaction is triggered in the application
– Opt: Reference sample value is
being updated (optimized) automatically (Counting application)
16. Weight value or calculated value (main display)
17. Application symbols for applications in Signum 2 and 3:
Application 1:
A Counting B Weighing in Percent
V Averaging (Animal Weighing)
Application 2:
H Checkweighing W Classification
Checkweighing: Batching to a Target Value
Application 3:
L Totalizing M Net-total Formulation
Verified models only:
18. The zero-setting symbol is displayed after the active scale or weighing platform has been zeroed (indicates that the deviation from zero is equal or less than 0.25 e)
19. Plus or minus sign for the value displayed
20. Busy symbol; indicates that an internal process is in progress
Saving Data in Weighing Mode
All of the application parameters saved (e.g., reference values) remain in memory and are still available after
– the Signum has been switched off – you return to the originally selected
application from a second one (e.g., when you switch from Averaging back to Counting, all parameters saved for Counting are available)
6 7
8 9
Appl. 1 Appl. 2 Appl. 3
Configuration (Operating Menu)
The keys below the readout let you navigate the menu and define parameters for configuration.
Opening the Menu
Press the e key to switch the Signum off and then on again; while all segments are displayed, press the ) key briefly.
Navigating the Menu
( Close the active submenu and
return to the next higher menu level (“back”)
) – Press briefly:
Select and save a menu item
– Press and hold (> 2 seconds):
Exit the menu
k Show the next item on the same
menu level (the display scrolls through all items in series)
p Print the menu settings starting
from the current position, or print Info data
Alphanumeric Input in the Menu
( – Press briefly:
Activate character to the left of the currently active character (when first character is active: exit the input mode without saving changes)
– Press and hold (> 2 seconds):
Exit the input mode without saving changes
) – Press briefly:
Confirm currently active character and move 1 position to the right (after the last character: save input)
– Press and hold (> 2 seconds):
Save current input and display the menu item
k – Cursor in first position,
no characters entered yet: Delete character(s) and enter 0
– Change the displayed character;
scroll forward (sequence: 0 through 9, decimal point, minus sign, A through Z, space)
p – Cursor in first position,
no characters entered yet: Delete entire string and enter a space
– Change the displayed character;
scroll backwards (sequence: Space, Z through A, minus sign, decimal point, 9 through 0)
Numeric input in Signum 3 operating menu:
Enter values (date and time, etc.) using the 10-key numeric keypad
Saving Menu Settings
The parameters selected in the operating menu remain saved after you switch off the Signum. You can prevent unauthorized changes in operating menu settings by requiring password input for menu access.
Operating Design
Display of menu settings: Text menu (example) Display of menu settings: Numeric menu (example)
– If a key is inactive, “———-” or
“No function” is displayed briefly (2 seconds) and an acoustic signal (double-beep) is emitted
– Temporary errors are displayed for
2 seconds in the measured value/result line (e.g.,
Inf 09); fatal errors (e.g.,
Err 101) can be cleared by switching
the scale off and then on again.
Error codes are described in detail under “Error Codes” on page 90.
Data Output
You can connect two strip or label printers to Signum 1, 2 or 3, and have printouts generated at the press of a key or auto­matically. Printout formats are user-defin­able. You can also configure separate summarized printouts, and print a list of the active menu settings. See “Configuring Printouts” on page 80 for details.
Digital Input/Output Interface + Optional I/O
The digital I/O interface is supported by the Checkweighing and Classification applications.
Checkweighing The output device has a number of control functions. Four data outputs transfer signals for “less than,” “equal to,” “greater” and “set.” You can define whether the outputs are always active or are activated only at stability, only within the checkweighing range, only within the checkweighing range at stability, or switched off.
Classification Four data outputs transfer information on the class of the load (Class 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) and indicate when the minimum load is exceeded (Set). You can define whether the outputs are always active, activated only at stability, or off. For details, see “Classification” on page 68.
COM Port
You can define a number of parameters for this SBI and SMA interface (print com­mand, time-dependent autoprint, ID codes). See “Interface Port” on page 82 for details.
Application parameters (such as reference values) are saved when you change appli­cation programs or switch off the Signum. You can assign a password to prevent unauthorized users from changing settings in the “Device parameters” menu under:
See also page 18.
You can configure the Signum by selecting parameters in the operating menu. The parameters are combined in the following groups (this is the
first menu level): – Application parameters – Fn key function – Device parameters – Device-specific information (“
– Language
When used in legal metrology,
not all parameters can be accessed.
Factory-set parameters are identified by
an “*” in the list starting on page 19.
You can choose from five languages
for the display of information: – German – English (factory setting) – English with U.S. date/time format – French – Italian – Spanish
Printing parameter settings:
§ Open the operating menu and
press the p key
Scope of printout:
Depends on the active menu level
Setting the Language
Example: Selecting “U.S. Mode” for the language
Switch on the scale
While all segments are lit, press the ) key
The first item in the main menu is shown:
Switch to the LANG. menu item (press k repeatedly until
LANG. is shown)
Select LANG. to open the submenu for setting the language
The currently active language setting is shown
Press k repeatedly until U.S. Mode is displayed
Confirm this menu item
Exit this menu level and configure other settings as desired, or
(press and hold) Exit the operating menu
Configuring a Password
Assign a password (in this example,
AB2) to protect the application program settings APPL
and the device parameters SETUP from unauthorized changes
1 Switch on the Signum
2 While all segments are lit,
press )
The first item in the main menu is shown:
3 Select the SETUP menu
item (press k repeatedly until
SETUP is displayed)
4 Open the SETUP menu
5 Select the PASSWORD menu
item (press k repeatedly until
PASSWORD is displayed)
6 Open the PASSWORD menu
p, p
7 Enter the first character
using the p and k keys (in this example:
a symbol
is shown on the readout)
8 Save the character
p, p, p
9 Enter the second character
using the p and k keys (in this example:
10 Save the character
k, k, k
, 11 Enter the third character
using the p and k keys (in this example:
12 Save the password
13 Exit this menu level
to configure other menu settings, or
14 Exit the operating menu
(press and hold the ) key)
To delete a password:
Overwrite the old password with the new password, or enter a space as the password and press ) to confirm
1stlevel 2ndlevel Function
display display
appl Select and configure application programs
weigh. Basic weighing function count. Counting neutr.m Neutral measurement anim.wg Averaging (animal weighing) check.wg Checkweighing clss. Classification perc.wg Weighing in percent net tot Net-total formulation totaliz Totalizing
Fn-Key Define the function of the k key
off No function gro net Gross/net toggling (Signum 1 only)
2.unit Show 2
weight unit
res 10 10-fold increased resolution (Signum 1 only) SQmin Show the minimum permissible sample quantity
Setup Adapt Signum to user requirements
wp1 Settings for weighing instrument on WP1 com1 Settings for the RS-232 interface UNICOM Settings for the optional second interface comspec Reference weigher connection: configure the A/D converter (optional) ctrl IO Set the function of the universal input (control line) barcode Set the bar code scanner function prtprot Configure the printout Utilit Operating parameters time Set the time Date Set the date password Enter a password to protect menu settings SQmin User options: – Display minimum permissible sample quantity
– Include SQmin in GLP printout
Info View device-specific information (service date, serial number, etc.)
Lang Select language for calibration, adjustment and GMP printouts
deutsch German english English u.s. mode English with U.S. date/time format franc. French ital. Italian espanol Spanish
Operating Menu Overview
You can configure the Signum to meet individual requirements by entering user data and setting selected parameters in the operating menu.
Menu levels are identified by texts, and numeric codes identify the individual settings.
= Setting/function available in Signum 1 only = Setting/function available in Signum 2 and 3 only
Operating Menu
= Setting/function available in Signum 1 only = Setting/function available in Signum 2 and Signum 3 only
* Factory setting
appl Application programs
Basic Weighing Function
3.5. Minimum load for automatic taring and automatic printing
3.5.1* 1 digit
3.5.2 2 digits
3.5.3 5 digits
3.5.4 10 digits
3.5.5 20 digits
3.5.6 50 digits
3.5.7 100 digits
3.5.8 200 digits
3.5.9 500 digits
3.5.10 1000 digits
3.7. Automatic taring: first weight tared
3.7.1* Off
3.7.2 On
9.1. Factory settings for all application programs
9.1.1 Yes
9.1.2* No
count. Counting
3.6. Minimum load for initialization
3.6.1* 1 digit
3.6.2 2 digits
3.6.3 5 digits
3.6.4 10 digits
3.6.5 20 digits
3.6.6 50 digits
3.6.7 100 digits
3.6.8 200 digits
3.6.9 500 digits
3.6.10 1000 digits
3.9. Resolution for calculation of reference value
3.9.1* Display resolution
3.9.2 Display resolution + 1 decimal place
3.9.3 Display resolution + 2 decimal places
3.9.4 Internal resolution
3.11. Parameter for saving weight (“storage parameter”)
3.11.1* At stability
3.11.2 At increased stability
3.12. Reference sample updating (“APW update”)
3.12.1 Off
3.12.3* Automatic
3.13. Reference weighing instrument
3.13.1* No reference instrument selected
3.13.2 Weighing platform WP 1
3.13.3 Weighing platform WP 2
** Menu level used in Signum 3 only
appl 1**
Neutral Measurement
3.6. Minimum load for initialization Numeric menu as for Counting
3.9. Resolution for calculation of reference value
3.9.1* Display resolution
3.9.2 Display resolution + 1 decimal place
3.9.3 Display resolution + 2 decimal places
3.9.4 Internal resolution
3.10. Decimal places in displayed result
3.10.1 * None
3.10.2 1 decimal place
3.10.3 2 decimal places
3.10.4 3 decimal places
3.11. Parameter for saving weight
3.11.1* At stability
3.11.2 At increased stability
3.13. Reference weighing instrument
3.13.1* Off
3.13.2 To weighing platform WP1
3.13.3 To weighing platform WP2
anim.wg Averaging (Animal Weighing)
3.6. Minimum load for automatic start Numeric menu as for Counting
3.18. Start of averaging routine
3.18.1* Manual
3.18.2 Automatic
3.19. Averaging
3.19.1 0.1 % of the animal/object
3.19.2* 0.2% of the animal/object
3.19.3 0.5 % of the animal/object
3.19.4 1% of the animal/object
3.19.5 2% of the animal/object
3.19.6 5% of the animal/object
3.19.7 10% of the animal/object
3.19.8 20% of the animal/object
3.19.9 50% of the animal/object
3.19.10 100 % of the animal/object
3.20. Automatic printout of results
3.20.1* Off
3.20.2 On
3.21. Static display of result after load removed
3.21.1* Display is static until unload threshold reached
3.21.2 Display is static until c is pressed
* Factory setting ** Menu level used in Signum 3 only
appl 1**
Weighing in Percent
3.6. Minimum load for saving initialization Numeric menu as for Counting
3.9. Resolution for calculation of reference value
3.9.1* Display resolution
3.9.2 Display resolution + 1 decimal place
3.9.3 Display resolution + 2 decimal places
3.9.4 Internal resolution
3.10. Decimal places in displayed result
3.10.1* None
3.10.2 1 decimal place
3.10.3 2 decimal places
3.10.4 3 decimal places
3.11. Parameter for saving weight
3.11.1* At stability
3.11.2 At increased stability
3.13. Reference weighing instrument
3.13.1* Off
3.13.2 To weighing platform WP1
3.13.3 To weighing platform WP2
3.15. Display of calculated value
3.15.1* Residue
3.15.2 Loss
Appl 2**
check.wg Checkweighing
4.2. Checkweighing range
4.2.1* 30 to 170%
4.2.2 10% to infinity
4.3. Activate control line for “Set” as:
4.3.1* “Set” output
4.3.2 Ready to operate (for process control systems)
4.4. Activation of outputs
4.4.1 Off
4.4.2 Always active
4.4.3 Active at stability
4.4.4* Active within checkweighing range
4.4.5 Active at stability within the checkweighing range
4.5. Parameter input
4.5.1* Min, max, target
4.5.2 Only target with percent limits
4.6. Automatic printing
4.6.1* Off
4.6.2 On
4.6.3 Only values within tolerance
4.6.4 Only values outside tolerance
4.7. Checkweighing toward zero
4.7.1* Off
4.7.2 On
Off Disabled
* Factory setting ** Menu level used in Signum 3 only
Appl 2**
3.6. Minimum load for initialization and defining the class 1 lower limit
3.6.1* 1 digit
3.6.2 2 digits
3.6.3 5 digits
3.6.4 10 digits
3.6.5 20 digits
3.6.6 50 digits
3.6.7 100 digits
3.6.8 200 digits
3.6.9 500 digits
3.6.10 1000 digits
4.3. Activate control line for “Set” as:
4.3.1* “Set” output
4.3.2 Ready to operate (for process control systems)
4.7. Activation of outputs
4.7.1 Off
4.7.2 Always active
4.7.3* Active at stability
4.8. Number of classes
4.8.1* 3 classes
4.8.2 5 classes
4.9. Parameter input
4.9.1* Weight values
4.9.2 Percentage
4.10. Automatic printing
4.10.1* Off
4.10.2 On
Appl 3**
net tot Net-total Formulation (Second Tare Memory)
3.6. Minimum load for automatically saving/transferring values Numeric menu as for Counting
3.17. Printout when value is saved in totalizing memory
3.17.1 Automatic printout of results off
3.17.2* Generate printout with complete standard configuration each time O is pressed
3.17.3 Generate printout with complete standard configuration only once when O is pressed
totaliz Totalizing
3.6. Minimum load for automatically saving/transferring values Numeric menu as for Counting
3.16. Values saved automatically
3.16.1* Off
3.16.2 On
3.17. Printout when value is saved in totalizing memory
3.17.1 Automatic printout of results off
3.17.2* Individual of transaction by pressing O
3.17.3 Print components of transaction by pressing O
3.22. Source of data for values saved automatically
3.22.1* Application 1
3.22.2 Application 2
3.23. Value(s) to be saved
3.23.1* Net
3.23.2 Calculated
3.23.3 Net and calculated
oFF Disabled
* Factory setting ** Menu level used in Signum 3 only
3.7. Autom. taring: first weight tared
3.7.1* Off
3.7.2 On
3.5. Minimum load for automatic taring and automatic printing
3.5.1 * 1 digit
3.5.2 2 digits
3.5.3 5 digits
3.5.4 10 digits
3.5.5 20 digits
3.5.6 50 digits
3.5.7 100 digits
3.5.8 200 digits
3.5.9 500 digits
3.5.10 1000 digits
3.8. Start application with most recent application data when Signum is switched on
3.8.1 Automatic (on)
3.8.2* Manual (off)
3.24. Selective deleting with the c key
3.24.1* Clear all application data
3.24.2 Clear only selected applications
Tare F.
3.25. Tare function
3.25.1 Add input value (weight value) for taring
3.25.2 Tare value can be overwritten
9.1. Factory settings for all application programs
9.1.1 Yes
9.1.2* No
fn-key k Key Assignment
off * No k key function gro net Signum 1 only: Gross/net toggling
2. unit Show 2nd Weight unit res 10 Signum 1 only: 10-fold increased resolution Display: max. 10 seconds SQmin Show the minimum permissible sample quantity
* Factory setting
Setup Device Parameters
Password prompt displayed if a password is configured
Weighing platform 1
(Display designation of this menu level: 1)
1.1. Adapt weighing instrument to ambient conditions (adapt filter)
1.1.1 Very stable conditions
1.1.2* Stable conditions
1.1.3 Unstable conditions
1.1.4 Very unstable conditions
1.2. Application filter
1.2.1* Final readout
1.2.2 Filling mode
1.2.3 Low filtering
1.2.4 Without filtering
1.3. Stability range
1.3.1 4 digit
1.3.2 1 digit
1.3.3 1 digit
1.3.4* 2 digits
1.3.5 4 digits
1.3.6 8 digits
1.4. Stability symbol delay
1.4.1 No delay
1.4.2* Short delay
1.4.3 Average delay
1.4.4 Long delay
1.5. Taring
1.5.1 Without stability
1.5.2* After stability
1.6. Auto zero
1.6.1* On
1.6.2 Off
1.7. Weight Unit 1
1.7.1 Grams / o
1.7.2 Grams / g
1.7.3* Kilograms / kg
1.7.4 Carats / ct
1.7.5 Pounds / lb
1.7.6 Ounces / oz
1.7.7 Troy ounces / ozt
1.7.8 Hong Kong taels / tlh
1.7.9 Singapore taels / tls
1.7.10 Taiwanese taels / tlt
1.7.11 Grains /GN
1.7.12 Pennyweights / dwt
1.7.14 Parts per pound / lb
1.7.15 Chinese taels / tlc
1.7.16 Mommes / mom
1.7.17 Austrian carats / k
1.7.18 Tola / tol
1.7.19 Baht / bat
1.7.20 Mesghal / MS
1.7.21 Tons / t
1.7.22 Pounds:ounces (lb:oz)
1.8. Display accuracy 1
1.8.1* All digits
1.8.2 Reduced by 1 decimal place for load change
1.8.14 10-fold increased resolution
1.8.15 Resolution increased by 2 scale intervals (e.g., 5 g to 1 g)
1.8.16 Resolution increased by 1 scale interval
(e.g., from 2 g to 1 g or from 10 g to 5 g)
Not available on instruments verified for use in legal metrology
Depends on weighing platform model
* Factory setting
1.9. Calibration and adjustment
1.9.1* External calibration/adjustment; default weight
1.9.3 External calibration/adjustment; weight can be selected under menu item 1.18.1
1.9.4 Internal calibration/adjustment (models with built-in motorized calibration weight only)
1.9.8 Set preload
1.9.9 Clear preload
1.9.10 No function when you press the J key
1.10. Calibration/adjustment sequence
1.10.1 Calibration with automatic adjustment
1.10.2* Calibration with adjustment triggered manually
1.11. Zero-setting range
1.11.1 1 percent/max. cap.
1.11.2* 2 percent/max.cap.
1.12. Initial zero-setting range
1.12.1* Factory setting (depends on model)
1.12.2 2 percent/max. cap.
1.12.3 5 percent/max.cap. (setting depends on model)
1.13. Tare/zero at power on
1.13.1* On
1.13.2 Off, load previous tare value
1.13.3 Only zero at power on
1.15. Calibration prompt
1.15.1* Off
1.15.2 Calibration prompt (W) flashes on the display
1.16. External calibration/adjustment
1.16.1* Accessible
1.17. Calibration weight unit
1.17.1 Grams
1.17.2* Kilograms
1.17.3 Pounds
1.18. Enter calibration weight
1.18.1 External user-defined weight (enter value; e.g.: 10,000 kg)
3.1. Weight unit 2
3.1.1 Grams / o
3.1.2 Grams / g
3.1.3* Kilograms / kg
3.1.4 Carats /ct
3.1.5 Pounds /lb
3.1.6 Ounces /oz
3.1.7 Troy ounces / ozt
3.1.8 Hong Kong taels / tlh
3.1.9 Singapore taels / tls
3.1.10 Taiwanese taels / tlt
3.1.11 Grains / GN
3.1.12 Pennyweights / dwt
3.1.14 Parts per pound / lb
3.1.15 Chinese taels / tlc
3.1.16 Mommes / mom
3.1.17 Austrian carats /k
3.1.18 Tola / tol
3.1.19 Baht / bat
3.1.20 Mesghal / MS
3.1.21 Tons / t
3.1.22 Pounds:ounces (lb:oz)
3.2. Display accuracy 2
3.2.1* All digits
3.2.2 Reduced by 1 decimal place for load change
3.2.14 10-fold increased resolution
3.2.15 Resolution increased by 2 scale intervals (e.g., 5 g to 1 g)
3.2.16 Resolution increased by 1 scale interval (e.g., from 2 g to 1 g or from 10 g to 5 g)
3.3. Weight unit 3
(settings as for 3.1, “Weight unit 2”)
3.4. Display accuracy
(settings as for 3.2, “Display accuracy 2”)
9.1. Restore factory settings in WP1 numeric menu
9.1.1 Yes
9.1.2* No
= Not available on instruments verified for use in legal metrology
= Factory setting on instrument verified for use in legal metrology
= Menu depends on weighing platform model
* Factory setting
Interface port 1
(Display designation of this menu level: 2)
WP2 Weighing platform 2
sbi-std SBI standard version
sbi-app SBI trade version (for legal metrology)
1.1. through 1.8. Numeric menu as for WP1
1.9. Calibration and adjustment
1.9.1* External calibration/adjustment; default weight
1.9.3 External calibration/adjustment;
weight can be selected under menu item 1.18.1
1.9.4 Internal calibration/adjustment
1.9.10 No function when you press and hold J > 2 sec
1.10. through 9.1. Numeric menu as for WP1
adc-232 ADC-232
1.1. through 9.1. Numeric menu as for WP1
datprot Data protocol
SBI: standard version
5.1. Baud rate
5.1.1 150 baud
5.1.2 300 baud
5.1.3 600 baud
5.1.4* 1200 baud
5.1.5 2400 baud
5.1.6 4800 baud
5.1.7 9600 baud
5.1.8 19,200 baud
5.2. Parity
5.2.2 Space
5.2.3* Odd
5.2.4 Even
5.2.5 None
5.3. Number of stop bits
5.3.1* 1 stop bit
5.3.2 2 stop bits
5.4. Handshake mode
5.4.1 Software handshake
5.4.3* Hardware handshake, 1 character after CTS
5.6. Number of data bits
5.6.1* 7 data bits
5.6.2 8 data bits
6.1. Data output: manual/automatic
6.1.1 Manual without stability
6.1.2* Manual after stability
6.1.4 Automatic without stability
6.1.5 Automatic with stability
6.1.7 Protocol for computer (PC)
Menu depends on weighing platform model
not with setting 5.6.2 (8 bits)
not with setting 5.6.1 (7 bits)
* Factory setting
6.3. Time-dependent automatic data output
6.3.1* 1 display update
6.3.2 2 display updates
6.3.4 10 display updates
6.3.7 100 display updates
7.2. Data output: line format for printout
7.2.1 For raw data: 16 characters
7.2.2* For other applications: 22 characters
9.1. Restore factory settings in numeric menu COM1: SBI
9.1.1 Yes
9.1.2* No
bpi-232 XBPI-232
* Factory setting
SMA SMA interface function
5.1. Baud rate
5.1.1 150 baud
5.1.2 300 baud
5.1.3 600 baud
5.1.4 1200 baud
5.1.5 2400 baud
5.1.6 4800 baud
5.1.7* 9600 baud
5.1.8 19,200 baud
5.2. through 5.6. Numeric menu as for SBI
Printer Printer configuration
Strip printer
label Label printer lab ff Label printer with manual feed
YDP02 YDP02 variants
5.1. Baud rate
5.1.4* 1200 baud
5.1.5 2400 baud
5.1.6 4800 baud
5.1.7 9600 baud
5.2. Parity
5.2.2 Space
5.2.3* Odd
5.2.4 Even
5.3. Number of stop bits
5.3.1* 1 stop bit
5.3.2 2 stop bits
5.4. Handshake mode
5.4.1 Software handshake
5.4.3* Hardware handshake, 1 character after CTS
5.1. Baud rate
5.1.4* 1200 baud
5.1.5 2400 baud
5.1.6 4800 baud
5.1.7 9600 baud
5.1.8 19,200 baud
5.2. through 5.4. Numeric menu as for YDP02
Strip printer
label Label printer
* Factory setting
Uni-pri Universal interface
5.1. Baud rate
5.1.1 150 baud
5.1.2 300 baud
5.1.3 600 baud
5.1.4 1200 baud
5.1.5 2400 baud
5.1.6 4800 baud
5.1.7* 9600 baud
5.1.8 19,200 baud
5.2. Parity
5.2.2 Space
5.2.3 Odd
5.2.4 Even
5.2.5* None
5.3. Number of stop bits
5.3.1* 1 stop bit
5.3.2 2 stop bits
5.4. Handshake mode
5.4.1* Software handshake
5.4.3 Hardware handshake, 1 character after CTS
5.6. Number of data bits
5.6.1 7 data bits
5.6.2* 8 data bits
Strip printer
label Label printer lab ff Label printer with manual feed
yam01is YAM01IS as electronic memory for print data
Memory Verifiable data memory
yam01is YAM01IS external data memory
oFF Off (disabled)
not with setting 5.6.2 (8 bit)
not with setting 5.6.1 (7 bits)
* Factory setting
Interface port 2 (Optional)
(Display designation of this menu level: 3)
WP2 Weighing platform 2
rs-232 RS-232
sbi-std SBI standard version
sbi-app SBI trade version (for legal metrology)
1.1. through 1.8. Numeric menu as for WP1
1.9. Calibration and Adjustment
1.9.1* External calibration/adjustment; default weight
1.9.3 External calibration/adjustment;
weight can be selected under menu item 1.18.1
1.9.4 Internal calibration/adjustment
1.9.10 No function when you press J
1.10. through 9.1. Numeric menu as for WP1
adc-232 ADC-232
1.1. through 9.1. Numeric menu as for WP1
Connection of Sartorius IS weighing platform
1.1. through 1.8. Numeric menu as for WP1
1.9. Calibration and adjustment
1.9.1* External calibration/adjustment; default weight
1.9.3 External calibration/adjustment;
weight can be selected under menu item 1.18.1
1.9.4 Internal calibration/adjustment
1.9.10 No function when you press J
1.10. through 9.1. Numeric menu as for WP1
adc-485 ADC-485
1.1. through 9.1. Numeric menu as for IS-485
* Factory setting
+ 86 hidden pages