Denotes a danger with the risk that death or severe injury may result if it is not
Denotes a hazard that may result in moderate or minor injury if it is not avoided.
Denotes a danger with the risk that property damage may result if it is not avoided.
1.2.2 Other Symbols
y Result: Describes the result of the actions carried out.
[ ]Text inside brackets refers to control and display items.
[ ]Text inside brackets indicates status, warning, and error messages.
Required action: Describes actions which must be carried out.
Indicates information for legal metrology for conformity-assessed
(verified) devices. Conformity-assessed devices are also referred to as
“verified” in these instructions.
Figures on the Operating Display
The figures on the operating display of the device may deviate from those in these
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 5
About these Instructions
1.3 Target Groups
These instructions are addressed to the following target groups. The target groups
must possess the specified knowledge.
Target group Knowledge and responsibilities
UserThe user is familiar with the operation of the device and the
associated work processes. They understand the hazards which may
arise when working with the device and know how to prevent them.
They have been trained in the operation of the device.
The training is carried out by the operating engineer / laboratory
manager or the operator of the device.
OperatorThe operator of the device is responsible for compliance with safety
requirements and workplace safety regulations.
The operator must ensure that all persons who work with the device
have access to the relevant information and are trained in working
with the device.
6 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Safety Instructions
2 Safety Instructions
2.1 Intended Use
The device is a high-resolution balance, which can be used in laboratories. The device
was developed for the accurate determination of the mass of materials in liquid,
paste, powder, or solid form.
Appropriate containers must be used for loading each type of material. The device
can be used in stand-alone operation or can be operated on a PC.
The device is intended exclusively for use in accordance with these instructions.
Any further use beyond this is considered improper.
If the device is not used properly: The protective systems of the device may be
impaired. This can lead to unforeseeable personal injury or property damage.
Operating Conditions for the Device
Do not use the device in potentially explosive environments. The device may only be
used indoors.
The device may only be used with the equipment and under the operating conditions
described in the Technical Data section of these instructions.
Modifications to the Device
You may not modify or repair the device or make any technical changes.
Any retrofitting or technical changes to the device are only permitted with prior
written permission from Sartorius.
2.2 Personnel Qualification
All persons working on the device must possess the necessary knowledge and
responsibilities (see Chapter “1.3 Target Groups”, page 6).
If no qualifications are indicated for the actions described in these instructions:
The actions described are addressed to the “User” target group.
If individual actions must be carried out by other target groups or by
Sartorius Service personnel: The qualification required will be indicated in the
description of the action.
Significance of these Instructions
Failure to follow the instructions in this manual can have serious consequences,
e.g. exposure of individuals to electrical, mechanical, or chemical hazards.
t Before working with the device, read the instructions carefully and in full.
t If these instructions are lost, request a replacement or download the latest
version from the Sartorius website (
t Ensure that the information contained in these instructions is available to all
individuals working on the device.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 7
Safety Instructions
2.3 Proper Working Order of the Device
A damaged device or worn parts may lead to malfunctions or cause hazards which
are difficult to recognize.
t Only operate the device when it is safe and in perfect working order.
t Have any malfunctions or damage repaired immediately by Sartorius Service.
2.4 Symbols on the Device
All symbols appearing on the device, such as warnings and safety labels, must be
t Do not conceal, remove, or modify the symbols.
t Replace the symbols if they become illegible.
2.5 Electrical Equipment
2.5.1 Damage to the Electrical Equipment of the Device
Damage to the electrical equipment of the device, e.g. damage to the insulation,
can be life-threatening. Contact with parts under voltage represents a direct danger
to life.
t If the device’s electrical equipment is defective, disconnect the device from the
power supply and contact Sartorius Service.
t Keep live parts away from moisture. Moisture can cause short circuits.
2.5.2 Working on the Electrical Equipment of the Device
Only Sartorius Service personnel may work on or modify the electrical equipment of
the device. The device may only be opened by Sartorius Service personnel.
2.5.3 AC Adapter and Power Supply Cable
Serious injury can result, e.g. from electric shocks, if an unsuitable and inadequately
dimensioned power supply cable or unsuitable AC adapter is used.
t Only use the original power supply cable and AC adapter.
t If the AC adapter or power supply cable must be replaced: Contact Sartorius
Service. Do not repair or modify the AC adapter or power supply cable.
2.6 Conduct in an Emergency
If there is immediate danger of personal injury or if there is a risk of damage to
the device, e.g., due to malfunctions or dangerous situations, the device must be
immediately taken out of operation.
t Disconnect the device from the power supply by disconnecting the power cord.
t Malfunctions should be remedied by Sartorius Service.
8 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Safety Instructions
2.7 Accessories, Consumables, and Spare Parts
The use of unsuitable accessories, consumables, and spare parts can affect the
functionality and safety of the device and have the following consequences:
− Risk of injury to persons
− Damage to the device
− Device malfunctions
− Device failure
t Only use approved accessories, consumables, and spare parts supplied by
Sartorius. Information on operational quality is available upon request from
t Only use accessories, consumables, and spare parts that are in proper working
2.8 Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment protects against risks arising from the samples used.
t If the workplace or the measurement process in which the device is being used
requires personal protective equipment: Wear personal protective equipment.
2.9 Glass Breakage
Glass components can break if they fall or are handled incorrectly. Glass fragments
can cause cuts.
t Only lift the device by its base.
t When lifting and transporting, ensure that no personnel or objects are in the
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 9
Device Description
3 Device Description
3.1 Device Overview
Fig. 1: Precision balance (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
ID label
2Leveling footDepends on model: Not adjustable, is screwed in for
3Weighing module
4Leveling footMotorically or manually adjustable
5Control unit
6Operating displayTouchscreen
Not depicted
10 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Device Description
3.2 Weighing Pan and Associated Components
Fig. 2: Precision balance (example)
Pos. Designation
1Weighing pan
2Shield disk
3Pan support
4Pan retainer
3.3 Connections and Components on the Weighing Module
Fig. 3: Connections to the weighing module (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1On key
2USB-A connectionFor USB accessories, e.g. printers, USB mass storage
devices, barcode scanners
3USB-B connectionFor connection to a PC
4COM-RS232 connection9-pin, for connection to a PC or PLC
5Access switchProtects the device from changes to the device
settings. Is sealed for conformity-assessed devices.
6Peripheral connectionFor connecting Sartorius accessories
7Power supplyFor connection to the power supply
8SlotFor attaching a “Kensington” anti-theft device
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 11
Device Description
3.4 Connections on the Control Unit
Fig. 4: Connections on the control unit (example)
1USB-C connectionFor USB mass storage
2USB-A connectionFor USB accessories, e.g. printers, USB mass storage
devices, barcode scanners
3Ethernet connection For connecting an Ethernet cable
3.5 Conformity-assessed Devices
Some settings of conformity-assessed models are protected against user changes,
e.g. “external calibration” for devices in accuracy class II. This measure is intended to
ensure the suitability of the devices for use in legal metrology.
12 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Device Description
3.6 Symbols on the Device
Fig. 5: ID label on the device (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1Manufacturer’s ID labelDisplays the metrological data of the device.
Conformity-assessed models only
During operation, parts in the device may be live. Only electricians
may have access to and work on these parts, such as for
maintenance and repairs.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 13
Operating Concept
4 Operating Concept
4.1 Operating Elements in the Main Menu
Fig. 1: Operating elements in the main menu (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1Navigation and function bar − Enables navigation, searching, filtering, and sorting in menus and lists.
− In the “Settings” Menu: Displays the name of the menu.
2Available tasksDisplays all tasks available for the active user.
3Function barDisplays available submenus and operating functions for the current display
and current user.
4TaskStarts the described task.
14 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
4.2 Operating Elements in Task Management
Operating Concept
Fig. 2: Operating elements in Task Management (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1Navigation and function bar − Enables navigation and searching in menus and lists.
− Enables the addition of tasks.
− Opens the QAPP center.
− Displays the name of the menu.
2Available tasks − Displays all available tasks.
− Opens a summary of the properties for the displayed task.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 15
Operating Concept
4.3 Operating Elements in the Weighing Display
Fig. 3: Weighing display (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1Application symbolDisplays the symbol for the active application.
2Task nameDisplays the name of the active task.
3Date displayDisplays the current date.
4UsernameDisplays the name of the active user profile.
5Time displayDisplays the current time.
6Navigation barEnables navigation in menus.
7Metrological data
8Labeled pointsLabels the differentiated points.
9Weight value displayIn the selected unit and resolution
10Weighing unitDisplays the selected unit, e.g. grams, [g].
Enables the unit and resolution to be selected.
11Bar graphDisplays the measured value as a percentage of weighing capacity utilization.
12Function barDisplays available operating functions for the current display.
16 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
4.4 Advanced Operator Guidance
Advanced applications have advanced operator guidance.
Operating Concept
Fig. 4: Advanced operator guidance (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1Weighing display with operator
2Advanced operator guidanceGuides the user through the active task. Includes 2 or 3 convertible displays
depending on the selected application:
− First display: Shows the step currently being carried out as a graphic display.
− Second display: Shows the current parameters for the task.
− Third display, only for applications with statistics function: Represents statistical
information as a curve.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 17
Operating Concept
4.5 Messages
Fig. 5: Error message (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1DescriptionSpecifies the cause.
2RemedySpecifies the measures necessary to eliminate the cause of the message.
3ConfirmConfirms and closes the message.
4Message typeIndicates that the message is a status message, warning message, or an
error message.
18 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
4.6 Status Center
Operating Concept
Fig. 6: Status Center (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1MessagesDisplays information, warning, and error messages.
2Leveling statusDisplays the status of the level.
3Status for the deviceDisplays the general device information.
4Calibration and adjustment reportDisplays the data for the last and next adjustment and calibration.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 19
Operating Concept
4.7 Keypad
The keypad is used for entering values in entry fields. If an entry field is activated: The alphanumeric keypad or numerical keypad
Fig. 7: Alphanumeric keypad and numerical keypad (example)
Pos. DesignationDescription
1Entry field
2Input assistanceIndicates which values can be entered in the entry field, e.g. only numbers.
3Numeric keypad
4Alphanumeric keypad
4.8 Status Display of the Buttons
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
Predominant buttonIndicates that the function must be executed.
The button is color-highlighted.
Secondary buttonIndicates that the function can be executed.
The button is color-highlighted.
Inactive buttonIndicates that the function currently cannot be
executed. The button is grayed out.
20 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Operating Concept
4.9 Buttons in the Operating Display
4.9.1 Buttons for Navigation or Organization in Displays
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
[Menu] buttonQuits the active task and opens the main menu.
[Back] button − Returns to the previous display.
− In the main menu: Accesses the last-performed task.
[Search] buttonDisplays options for browsing tasks and list elements.
[Filter] buttonDisplays options for filtering tasks and list elements.
[Sort] buttonDisplays options for sorting tasks and list elements.
[Standby] buttonSwitches the operating display to standby mode.
[Task Management] buttonOpens Task Management.
[Status Center] buttonOpens the Status Center.
[Setup] buttonOpens the “Settings” menu.
Service info
Device info
[User Logout] buttonLogs the currently active user out and accesses the login display.
[User Login] buttonAccesses the login display.
[Next] buttonAccesses the next display, e.g. the next processing step for a wizard.
[Service Info] buttonOpens the “Settings” / “Device Settings” /
“Device Information” / “Service” menu.
[Device Info] buttonOpens the “Settings” / “Device Settings” /
[Details] buttonShows additional information about an element.
[Display Image] buttonDisplays available images or videos.
[Close Menu] buttonCloses the menu.
4.10 Buttons for Editing or Managing Entries
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
[New] button − In Task Management: Starts the wizard for creating a new task.
− In Profile Management: Starts the wizard for creating a new
weighing or print profile.
[Activate QAPP] buttonOpens the display for activating an application.
[OK] buttonSaves a selection or entry.
[More] buttonShows the keypad for entering a user-defined value.
[Select All] buttonSelects all elements of a list.
[Deselect All] buttonDeselects the selection for all elements of a list.
[Cancel] button − Cancels the current process without saving the changed
settings or values.
− In the display for editing the print memory: Marks the selected
value as invalid.
[Edit] buttonAccesses the Adjustment Wizard for editing the displayed element,
e.g. for setting the parameters for a task.
[Delete] buttonDeletes the selected element.
[License] buttonOpens the entry field for the license key for activating a QAPP
package or application.
22 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Operating Concept
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
[Keypad] buttonShows the keypad.
4.10.1 Weighing and Print Function Buttons
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
Tare 1 0.00 g
[Lock] buttonOpens the entry field to change the password for the active user.
[Leveling] buttonOpens the Leveling Wizard.
[isoCAL] buttonStarts the isoCAL function.
[Result] buttonToggles between the result and weight value display for the current
application, e.g. weighing in percent.
[Zero] buttonStarts zeroing.
[Tare] buttonStarts taring.
[Tare 1]Stores the current weight value in the tare 1 memory.
[Enter Tare 1]Opens an entry field for manually entering the tare 1 value.
[Delete Tare 1]Deletes the tare 1 memory.
[Start] buttonStarts the selected application.
[Quit] buttonQuits the active application and opens the main menu.
[Confirm] buttonConfirms the current display and initializes the next step.
[Save] buttonSaves the weight value and sends it to the print memory.
[Print memory] buttonOpens the Print Memory display.
[Print] button − If the Print Memory is displayed: Exports the saved print orders
via the integrated data interfaces.
− If the weighing display is displayed and the prompt for the
sample ID is activated: Opens the entry field for the prompt for
the sample ID.
[Ionizer] buttonStarts an ionization process.
[Toggle between weight units]
− Toggles between the weight units and the resolution.
− Accesses the “Toggle between weight units” function menu.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 23
Operating Concept
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
[Restart] buttonIf an application is active: Deletes the saved values and restarts the
[Report] buttonIf an application is active, e.g. density determination: Displays a
report about the progress of the application.
[Result report] buttonIf an application is active, e.g. density determination: Displays a
report about the result of the application.
4.11 Displays in the Operating Display
Pos. SymbolDesignationDescription
[Leveling] displayIndicates that the device is not leveled.
[Print memory] displayIndicates that the elements are located in the print memory.
[Unit symbol] displayIndicates the set weight unit, e.g. [g] for “grams”.
[Result] displayIndicates whether the weight value being displayed is a gross value
or the result of an application.
[Invalid weight value] display − Indicates that the display does not contain a weight value,
rather it is the calculated result of an application, e.g. for the
“Totalizing” application.
− For conformity-assessed devices: Indicates a fault. The cause of
this fault is displayed in the Status Center.
[Sign] displayIndicates whether the value being displayed is positive or negative.
[Current page] display − Indicates that the current display is a multi-page display.
− Indicates which page of a multi-page display is being displayed
[Copy] buttonIndicates that data are being copied.
[Selection] displayIndicates that an entry is selected in a list.
[Target value] displayDisplays the target value in the bar graph display.
[Factory mode] displayIndicates that the device is being operated in the factory default
[Service mode] displayIndicates that the device is being operated in the service mode.
24 Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions
Operating Concept
4.12 User Management
4.12.1 User Profiles
In the factory, 4 user profiles are created for the device. One role is assigned to each
user profile. Each role has rights to operate the device. The rights assigned to each
role depend on which device functions the user has to use.
User profiles can be adapted.
4.12.2 User Login
The user must log in to the login display with a user profile. Various setting options
and tasks are displayed in the operating display depending on the user profile and
4.13 Profile Management
Weighing and print profiles can be created. These profiles can be assigned to a task.
4.14 Applications and Tasks
Device functions such as weighing or calibration and adjustment are carried out
using tasks. Applications must be assigned to a task.
A task is visible to all users who are approved for this task.
The device is supplied with some freely accessible applications that can be used to
carry out the most important functions.
Additional applications may be activated for a fee.
Cubis® MCA Operating Instructions 25
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