Intended Use ........................2
Warnings and Safety Information...... 4
Getting Started ...................... 7
General View of the Equipment .........7
Storage and Shipping Conditions ........8
Conditioning the Moisture Analyzer......9
Setting up the Moisture Analyzer........9
Connecting the Moisture Analyzer
to AC Power ........................10
Safety Precautions ...................10
Connecting Electronic Peripheral
Warmup Time .......................12
Leveling the Moisture Analyzer......... 12
Installing the Aluminum Panels
(Optional; Part No. YDS05MA) .........12
Turning On the Analyzer; Opening and
Closing the Sample Chamber...........13
Basic Principles .....................14
Purpose ............................14
Material ............................14
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Adjusting against an
Existing Measurement System..........17
Setting the Drying Program
Preparing the Sample.................17
Use a disposable sample pan ........... 18
Distribute the sample on the
sample pan .........................18
Operating Design ...................19
Keys ...............................19
Display .............................20
Configuration ......................21
Setting the Device Parameters .........21
Setting the Drying Parameters .........23
Operation ..........................27
Example: Analysis with Specified
Drying Time .........................27
Adjusting the Analyzer...............29
Heating Element Adjustment ..........29
Weighing System Adjustment.......... 29
External Calibration and Adjustment
with a Factory-Defined Weight.........30
Interface Port ......................32
Female Interface Connector ...........33
Error Codes.........................34
Care and Maintenance ..............35
Service ............................35
Repairs .............................35
Cleaning the Heating Unit and
Temperature Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Safety Inspection ....................37
Overview ..........................38
Specifications .......................38
Accessories (Options) .................40
Declaration of Conformity ...........41
Certificate of Compliance............42