Sartorius FC06BBE-SX, FC6CCE-HX, FC2CCE-SX, FC12CCE-SX, FC6CCE-SX Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Sartorius Factory Series
FC and FCA Models Electronic Precision Scales for Hazardous Areas/Locations
3 Operating Design
7 Configuration 7 Setting the Language 8 Navigating in the Setup Menu
9 Entering the Time and Date 10 Setting the Scale Functions 13 Setting the Device Parameters 13 Entering a Password 17 Setting the Application Parameters 23 Selecting the Printout Function 25 Printout Configuration 28 Displaying Info 29 MP8 Interface Emulation 29 Factory Settings
31 Operation 31 Basic Weighing Function 34 Device Parameters 36 Calibration/Adjustment 45 ReproTEST 46 Application Programs 46 Toggle between Two Weight Units 48 Counting 51 Weighing in Percent 54 Animal Weighing 58 Recalculation 63 Calculation 65 Checkweighing 70 Time-Controlled Functions 72 Totalizing 76 Formulation 80 Statistics 84 Extra Functions
(in the Application Menu) 84 Second Tare Memory (Preset Tare) 86 Individual Identification Codes (ID) 90 Manual Storage (M+) 91 Product Data Memory 93 “FlexPrint” Printout Function 94 Combining Applications 95 Examples of Application
Combinations 97 Data Output Functions 99 Printouts
101 Interface Description 106 Pin Assignment Chart 107 Cabling Diagram
115 Error Codes
117 Overview 117 General Views of the Scales 121 Specifications 127 Dimensions (Scale Drawings) 131 Accessories (Options) 136 Declarations of Conformity 138 EC Type Examination Certificates 162 Certificates of Compliance 168 EC Type-approval Certificate 170 Plates and Markings 172 Index
Entering the General Password
The following symbols are used in these instructions:
§ indicates steps you must perform
$ indicates steps required only under
certain conditions
> describes what happens after you
have performed a certain step
– indicates an item in a list
! indicates a hazard
Important Note to Users
Make sure to carefully read and follow sections marked with this symbol – they contain important safety instructions.
For advice on the use of these applications, just call or fax Telephone: +49.551.308.4440 Telefax: +49.551.308.4449
Operating Design
The scales in the Factory Series consist of a weighing cell and a display and control unit. Besides an AC adapter, your scale also has an interface port for connecting a printer, computer, universal remote control switch, etc.
The display and control unit and the weighing cell can be set up separately.
Where not expressly indicated otherwise, the uses described in this manual apply to verified and verifiable scale versions* (indicated by the suffix “...CE” in the model number), as well as the standard version.
Combining Applications
You can combine the use of various application programs to meet your more complicated requirements.
Press the D key to select the desired application programs.
You can operate the scale either using the keys on the terminal or from a connected PC. This manual describes operation using the keys on the terminal.
Labeled Keys
These keys always have the function indi­cated by their label, but are not available at all times. Availability of their functions depends on the current operating status of the scale and the menu settings.
a Alphabetic keys
Please see section on “Text Input”
e On/off/standby key
Turns the scale on and off or switches it to the standby mode
H Menu settings
Accesses and exits the Setup
D Toggles to the next application
c Clear Function
Deletes keypad input Interrupts a calibration and adjustment routine in progress Quits application programs
* For the use in legal metrology in the
EU and European Economic Area
p Print key
Outputs displayed values or data logs to the interface port
. Enters a decimal point
1 90keys
See the section on “Numeric Input”
t Tares the scale
Numeric Input To enter numbers: press 1 90.
To store numbers entered: press the corresponding function key directly below the soft key label
To delete an entire numeric input digit by digit: press the c key
Text Input
§ To enter numbers:
see the section on “Numeric Input”
§ To enter letters or characters:
press the a key
> Letters are displayed in the bottom
line for selection
§ To select a different letter:
press the corresponding soft key to change the letter shown
§ To select the letter/character shown:
press the corresponding function key below the soft key label
> The selected letter is shown on
the display
$ Enter the next letter/character,
if desired, as described above
$ To exit the letter input mode e.g.,
if the last character entered is a letter): press the a key
§ To store a word: press the
corresponding function key (soft key), such as
§ To delete an input character by
character: press the c key
§ To delete user data:
enter . or a space “m” and save
FC Models:
FCA Models:
Operating Design
Your Factory scale is operated either through the keys on the display and control unit or via a connected PC. Operation through the scale keys is described in the following.
Function Keys (Soft Keys)
The current function of a soft key is indicated in the bottom line of the display.
The bottom line shows symbols and/or abbreviations to indicate soft key functions. The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory.
isoTST: start calibration/adjustment S ID: save ID
The function keys are numbered F1 through F6, from right to left.
The arrows shown in the footer indicate the following functions:
oo Return to Setup menu
(in the Setup menu: save settings
and exit the Setup program)
o Go back to the higher selection level
O Show sub-items under the
active item
Q Move upward in the input/output
q Move downward in the input/output
l Set the selected menu parameter
F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
There are two fundamentally different types of display:
– display of measured and calculated
– display for menu parameter settings
Display of Measured and Calculated Values
This display is divided into nine sections.
Line for Metrological Data: If the scale is verified for use in legal metrology, the following metrological specifications are shown here:
Max Maximum capacity of the scale
Min Minimum capacity of the scale;
i.e., the minimum weight allowed when the scale is used in legal metrology
e Verification scale interval
of the scale
d Readability: indicates the scale
interval of the scale
R1 Displayed when e = d
R4 e = d
On standard scales, only
Max and d
are shown.
Line for metrological data Bar graph
Measured value line
Text line Soft key labels
Plus/minus sign
Unit/Stability indicator
Tare memory
Calculated value
Application pictograms
Bar Graph: The bar graph indicates how much of the scale’s capacity is “used up” by the current load; during checkweighing, t indicates the control limits.
The following symbols may be displayed here:
0% Lower load limit
100% Upper load limit
Bar graph showing 10% intervals
- Minimum for checkweighing
= Target for checkweighing
+ Maximum for checkweighing
Plus/Minus Sign, Stability Symbol: A plus or minus sign (F or H) is shown here for a weight value (e.g., a calculated value when weighing in percent) or the S symbol, indicating that the verified or verifiable scale has been zeroed or tared.
Measured Value Line: This section shows the weighed or calculated value or alphanumeric input. Note Concerning Verified Scales Approved for Use as Legal Measuring Instruments in the EU*:
For verified scales that have a verification scale interval
e not equal to the scale
d, the last digit on the display
is bordered
Unit and Stability: When the scale reaches stability, the weight unit or calculation unit is displayed here.
The a symbol may be displayed for readouts on a scale verified for legal metrology. However, these readouts can be used only for standard applications (not in legal metrology/not legal for trade).
* including the Signatories of the Agree-
ment on the European Economic Area
Tare Memory, Calculated Values: The symbols displayed here indicate when there is a value in one of the tare memory modules or when the value shown is a result of calculation rather than direct measurement.
These symbols are as follows:
a Calculated value
1 Tare memory used by an
2 Application program
(e.g., formulation, second tare)
Application Pictograms: The pictograms displayed here indicate the application(s) selected. The pictogram is displayed inversely when the corresponding application is active.
For example, the following symbols may be displayed simultaneously:
A The counting application is
H Checkweighing is also active
S Print
T Data record
Text Line: Additional information is displayed here (e.g., operator guidance prompts, name of the active program, etc.).
Soft Key Labels: The current functions of the soft keys are indicated here; during calibration/ adjustment, this line shows up- and down-arrows (
Q and q) for selecting
calibration and adjustment functions.
Display for Menu Parameter Settings (Setup)
This display is divided into three sections.
Header The header indicates the function of the current screen page. In the Setup program, the current menu path is shown here.
Example in the path “Setup/Menu”:
Input and Output Window This window contains either detailed information (e.g., on the active application) or a pick list. A selected item is displayed inversely. You can also enter information in an active field in this window using the alphanumeric keys.
Example in the path “Setup/Menu”:
o symbol in this window indicates
the current menu setting.
Soft Key ID Labels: see “Function Keys (Soft Keys)” on the previous page.
1 Minimum vibration
o 2 Normal vibration
3 Strong vibration 4 Extreme vibration
Input and Output Window
To select a parameter:
§ Press
Q or q repeatedly until the
desired setting is selected (displayed inversely)
§ Confirm your selection by pressing
l soft key
To change the alphanumeric value of a parameter:
§ Press
Q or q repeatedly until the
desired setting is selected (displayed inversely)
§ Enter the desired character using the
0 1 9 . keys or press the a key and enter letters or characters
§ Confirm your selection by pressing
l soft key
To return to the Setup/Menu level:
§ Press the
oo soft key
Operating Design
Numeric Input
To enter numbers: Press the 1 2 0 . keys
To store numbers entered: Press the corresponding soft key (i.e., the arrow key under the appropriate abbreviation in the bottom line of the display)
To interrupt/cancel numeric input: Press c
Alphabetic Input
(see also the example given on page 33)
§ To enter letters or characters:
first press the a key
> Letters are displayed in the bottom line
§ To select a different letter:
press the corresponding soft key to change the letter shown (i.e., the arrow key under the letter displayed)
§ To select the letter/character shown:
press the corresponding soft key
> The selected letter is shown in
the display
$ Enter the next letter/character,
if desired, as above.
§ To store a word: press the
corresponding soft key (e.g.,
§ To delete a word: press c
Parameter Settings
The parameters for configuration are in the application menu and the scale operating menu. These menus have several levels.
§ To set parameters: press H and
then the appropriate soft key (e.g.,
App for the application menu)
§ To move within a menu level:
use the
Q and q soft keys
To select a parameter:
§ Press
Q or q repeatedly until the
desired setting is selected (displayed inversely)
§ Confirm your selection by pressing
l soft key
To change the numeric value of a parameter:
§ Press
Q or q repeatedly until the desired
setting is selected (displayed inversely)
§ Enter the desired number using the
1 2 0 . keys
§ Confirm your selection by pressing
l soft key
To return to the Setup/Select level:
§ Press the
oo soft key
See the chapter entitled “Configuration” for a complete description of all parame­ters.
To save the parameter settings and exit the Setup menu: press H or the
oo soft key
To cancel the parameter setting operation: press e
Data Output
Your Factory scale is equipped with an interface port for connecting your
choice of the following: – Printer* – Peripheral device (e.g., computer)* – Universal remote control switch
You can configure the print functions
to meet your individual requirements by
selecting the corresponding menu code.
You can have printouts generated auto-
matically, or by pressing p; dependent
on or independent of the stability or
time parameters; with or without IDs;
and as standard or ISO/GMP-compliant
ISO: International Organization
for Standardization
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice
See the section on “Data Output
Functions” in the chapter entitled
“Operation” for a detailed description
of data output options.
* using a Zener barrier (see also page 131)
Interface Port
Instead of a printer, you may choose to connect a different peripheral device, e.g. a computer (PC)*. With an on-line PC you can control both the weighing cell and the display unit of the Factory scale.
Request messages are sent via the interface to initiate functions in the weighing cell and in the display unit. Some of the functions generate response messages.
See the chapter entitled “Operation” under the section on “Data Output” for a detailed description of the interface port.
Error Codes
If you press a key that has no function, or which is blocked at a certain point in an application program, this error is indicated as follows:
– a double-beep is sounded as an acoustic
signal if the key has no function
– a double-beep is sounded and a
message is displayed for 2 seconds in the text line if the key function is not available at that time
The response to an operator error is identical in all models of the Factory series. See the chapter entitled “Error Codes” for a detailed description.
Storing Settings
Storing Parameter Settings
The settings configured are stored in the scale’s non-volatile memory. Additionally, the factory settings can be reloaded.
Saving Parameter Settings
You can assign passwords in order to block access to:
– printing function
– the application menu App
– the scale operating menu Menu and
– user data input functions
You can configure the scale terminal to meet individual requirements by entering user data and setting parameters in the Setup program.
The Setup menu contains the
following submenus: – Balance/scale functions – Device parameters – Application parameters – Printout – Device information – Language – Factory settings
Setting the Language
You can choose from 5 languages for
the information display: – German – English (factory setting) – English with U.S. date/time format – French – Italian – Spanish
Configuring the Scale for Use in Legal Metrology
Set the menu access switch as described below to configure the following functions for use of the scale in legal metrology:
– Display: Verification scale interval
lower limit of the weighing capacity
– External calibration blocked
Preparation FCA...IGG:
§ Remove the load plate from the
weighing platform
§ Remove the cap from the back of
the scale housing
§ Move the switch upwards
> When the switch is in the upper posi-
tion, the Setup menu is locked and the scale can be used in legal metrology
> When the switch is in the lower
position, the menu is accessible
Preparation FC…, FCA...EDE:
– Switch located see sections entitled
“Overview” and “Plates and Markings”
Settting the Language to “U.S. Mode”
Step Press key Display/Output
(or follow instructions)
1. Select “Setup” menu H
2. Select “Language” repeatedly press
q soft key,
and confirm then
O soft key
3. Select “U.S. mode”
Q soft key
4. Save language
l soft key
5. Exit the Setup menu
oo soft key
Navigating in the Setup Menu (Examples):
Example: Adapting the scale to “Extreme vibration”
Step Press key(s) Display/Output
(or follow instructions)
1. Select Setup menu H
2. Confirm “Scale functions”
O soft key
3. Select menu item “Adapt filter”
q, then
and confirm
O soft key
4. Select menu item “Extreme vibration”
q soft key
5. Confirm menu item “Extreme vibration”
l soft key
6. If required, select further menu items
oqQO soft keys
7. Save setting and exit Setup Menu
oo soft key
Example: Entering the time and date
Step Press key(s) Display/Output
(or follow instructions)
1. Select Setup menu; H, then
select “Device parameters“
q soft key and O soft key
2. Set clock press
q repeatedly,
then press
3. Enter the time 11.12
4. Set the time according to
l soft key
your local clock
5. Enter the date 13.03
6. Store the date l soft key
7. Enter other data, if desired
oqQO soft keys
8. Exit Setup menu
oo soft key
This menu item enables you to configure the scale functions, i.e., to meet individual requirements by selecting predefined parameters in the Setup menu. You can block access to the menu by assigning a password.
The scale functions are combined in the following groups (1st menu level):
– Calibration/adjustment
– Adapt filter
– Application filter
– Stability range
– Taring
– Auto zero
– Weight unit 1
– Zero range
– Zero range at power on
– Tare/zero at power on
– Factory settings: only wgh. param.
(only the scale functions)
Factory Settings
Parameters: The factory settings are
identified by the symbol “ο” in the list
starting on the next page.
Show available balance/scale functions:
§ Select Setup menu: press the H key > SETUP is displayed
§ Select "Scale functions":
press the
O soft key
If you already assigned a password:
> The password prompt is displayed
$ If access is blocked by a password:
enter the password using the numeric/ alphabetic keys.
$ If the last character of the password is a
letter: conclude input by pressing a
§ Confirm your password and have
the scale functions displayed: Press the
l soft key
> Scale functions are displayed:
$ To select the next group:
press the q soft key (down arrow)
$ To select the previous item of a group:
press the
Q soft key (up arrow)
$ To select the next sub-item within
a group: press the
O soft key
(right arrow)
$ To select the previous group:
press the
o soft key (left arrow)
$ To confirm: press the
l soft key
Extra Functions
§ Exit the Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> Restart your application
§ Print parameter settings: – When the balance/scale functions are
displayed, press p
> Printout (example)
Texts with more than 20 characters are cut off
CAL/iso TST key fun Internal cal./adju
Cal/adjustm seq Cal. with adjustm au .
Start autom. adjus
Print GLP/GMP adju Automatic if GLP is selected
Parameter for exte
Wt. ID (W ID):
5000.00 g
Adapt filter
Normal vibration
Application filter
Filling mode
Stability range
2 digits
After stability
Auto zero
Weight unit 1
Grams /g
Setting the Scale Functions (BAL.FUNC.)
Setting the Scale Functions (Overview)
ο factory settinguser-defined setting
Setup - Calibration / Cal/isoTST key function External calibration/adjustment**; Scale - adjustment with factory-defined calibration weight functions External calibration/adjustment**; user-defined weight
ο Internal calibration/adjustment
Cal key blocked reproTEST Selection mode for cal./adjustment)
Calibration/ Calibrate, then auto adjust
adjustment sequence ο Calibrate, then manual adjust isoCAL function ο Off
Only adjustment prompt On; delete application On; do not delete application
Start autom. User def. times* Time 1: ( calibration/adjustment Time 2: (
Time 3: (
ο isoCAL
Print GLP/GMP ο Automatic if GLP is selected
adjustment record On request,
from record memory
Parameter for Weight set ID (W ID): Enter 14 characters max. external weight Calibration/ Enter exact weight
Adapt filter Minimum vibration (ambient conditions)
ο Normal vibration
Strong vibration Extreme vibration
Application filter ο Final readout
Filling mode Low filtering Without filtering
Stability range 4 digit
1 digit 1 digit
ο 2 digits
4 digits 8 digits*
Taring* Without stability
ο After stability
Auto zero ο On
** = not applicable to verified scales used in legal metrology in the European Economic Area ** = verified scales can only be externally calibrated, not adjusted (you can only check the external weight)
Factory setting
Factory setting
Setting the Scale Functions (Bal Func.)
Setup – Weight unit 1* ο Grams /g**
Scale Kilograms /kg** functions Carats /ct*
Pounds /lb* Ounces /oz* Troy ounces /ozt* Hong Kong taels /tlh* Singapore taels /tls* Taiwanese taels /tlt* Grains /GN* Pennyweights /dwt* Milligrams /mg* Parts per pound //lb* Chinese taels /tlc* Momme /mom* Austrian carats /K* Tola /tol* Baht /bat* Mesghal /MS*
Zero range 1 percent/max. capacity
ο 2 percent/max. capacity
Zero range at ο Factory setting (depends on model)
power on 2 percent/max. capacity
5 percent/max. capacity
Tare/zero at ο On
power on* Off
Factory settings: No only weighing Yes parameters
** = not applicable to verified scales used in legal metrology in the European Economic Area ** = factory setting depends on weighing range: – < 33 kg: grams
> 34 kg: kilograms
Factory setting
Setting the Device Parameters (DEVICE)
This menu item enables you to configure the scale to meet individual requirements by selecting predefined menu parameters in the Setup menu. You can block access to the menu by assigning a password.
The device parameters are combined in the following groups (1st menu level):
– Password
– User ID
– Clock
– Interfaces
– Display
– Keys
– Extra functions
– Factory settings: only device parameters
Factory Settings
Parameters: The factory settings are
identified by the symbol “ο" in the list
starting on the page after next.
Display available device parameters
§ Select the Setup menu: press H
> SETUP is displayed:
§ Select “Device parameters”:
use the
q and O soft keys
If no password has been assigned, anyone can access the Setup menu device parameters.
If a password has already been assigned:
> The password prompt is displayed
$ If access is blocked by a password:
enter the password using the numeric and/or alphabetic keys
$ If the last character of the password
is a letter: conclude input by pressing the a key
§ Press
l to confirm the password
> Device parameters are now displayed:
$ To select the next group:
press the
q soft key (down arrow)
$ To select the previous menu item of
a group: press
Q soft key (up arrow)
$ To select the next sub-item within
a group: press the
O soft key
(right arrow)
$ To select the previous group:
press the
o soft key (left arrow)
$ Press
l soft key to confirm the
selected menu item
Entering or Changing a Password
– Let’s assume that a password with
8 characters max. has already been assigned to access the Setup device parameters
§ Select the Setup menu: press H
> SETUP is displayed
§ Select parameters:
Use the
q and O soft keys
> The password prompt is displayed:
$ Enter the password
$ Press the
l soft key to confirm
your password and view the device parameters
§ Write down your password here for
easy reference:
Password =..............................
If you assign a password and then forget what the word is:
$ Enter the General Password
(see Appendix)
$ Press the
l soft key to confirm and
display the password
> The parameters are displayed
§ Select the device parameter “Password”:
If necessary, repeatedly press
q or Q ,
until you see
Password: and any existing
Setting the Device Parameters (DEVICE)
§ New password: Enter the numbers
and/or letters for the new password (8 characters max.) If “none" is displayed, this means no password has been assigned to delete the user password: Press . and confirm
§ To confirm: press the
l soft key
§ Exit the Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> Restart the application
Extra Functions
§ Exit the Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> Restart the application
§ Print the parameter settings: – If the device parameters are displayed:
press p
> Printout (example)
-------------------­User ID
User ID:
Serial communicati
Baud rate
1200 baud
Number of data b
7 data bits
Number of stop b
1 stop bit
Handshake-mode Hardware handshake after 1 char
Function external
Print key
Function control
Digit size
10mm + bar graph +text display
Application symbo
CF function in ap
Clear all applicati
CF function for i
Delete last charact
Block key functio All keys unblocke
Device Parameters (Overview)
o factory setting
user-defined setting
Setup – Device parameters
Password: None Enter 8 characters max.
User ID: None Enter 20 characters max.
Clock Time: Enter
Date: Enter or mm.dd.yy
Interfaces Serial ο SBI Baud rate 150 baud
communication 300 baud (PERIPHERALS) 600 baud
ο 1,200 baud
2,400 baud 4,800 baud 9,600 baud 19,200 baud
Number of ο 7 bit
data bits 8 bit
Parity Space
ο Odd
Even None
Number of ο 1 stop bit
stop bits 2 stop bits
Handshake Software handshake
mode ο Hardware handshake,
1 character after CTS
xBPI (RS232) Network address: ο Enter any number from 0 to 31
YDP02 see YDP03 (without 19200 baud)
YDP03 Baud rate ο 1,200 baud
2,400 baud 4,800 baud 9,600 baud 19,200 baud
Parity Space
ο Odd
Handshake Software handshake mode
mode ο Hardware-handshake,
1 character after CTS
YDP01IS Label (label printer)
xBPI-RS485 Network address: 0 Enter any number from 0 to 31 (FCA models only)
YDP02IS Label (label printer)
Universal see “SBI” above for submenu items
YDP04IS Label (label printer)
For the display, keys and extra functions, see next pages
not if “None" parity is selected
only if 8 data bits selected
only if 7 data bits selected
Factory setting
Factory setting
Factory setting
Factory setting
Setting the Device Parameters (DEVICE)
Setup – Device parameters
Interfaces Function: Print key
external switch ο Tare key
Calibration key F1 function key (Right soft key) Clear function key c F2 function key (2nd soft key from the right)
Function: Input
control ports ο Output
Display Contrast Select contrast (0 to 4): 0
ο 2
3 4
Background ο White
Backlighting ο On
Auto. off after 4 min. (of non-use)
Digit size ο 10mm + bar graph + text display
13mm + bar graph 13mm + text display 13mm
Application Off
symbols ο On
Keys CF function ο Clear all applications
in application Clear only selected applications
CF function Delete entire input
for input ο Delete last character Block key ο All keys unblocked
functions All blocked except for H, a
Alphanumeric keys blocked
Extra functions Acoustic signal ο On
Power-on ο Off/on/standby
mode On/off Automatic After 4 min. (of non-use)
shutoff ο Off
Auto on
Factory settings: No only Yes device parameters
Factory setting
Factory setting
Setting the Application Parameters (Application)
This menu item enables you to configure the scale, i.e., adapt the scale to your individual requirements by selecting from a list of parameter options in a menu. You can block access to this menu by assigning a password.
The simple weighing function is available at all times. You can select one from each of the following application groups. This means a number of combinations are possible.
Application 1 (basic settings) – Toggle weight units – Counting – Weighing in percent – Animal weighing (averaging) – Recalculation – Calculation – Density determination – Differential weighing
Application 2 (control functions) – Checkweighing – Time-controlled functions
Application 3 (data records) – Totalizing – Formulation – Statistics
In addition, you can assign 2 extra
functions to each of the soft keys, in
some cases (depending on the Setup
configuration): – Second tare memory – Identification codes – Manual storage M+ key – Product data memory
Auto-start application the scale
is switched on
Factory settings:
only application parameters
Factory Settings
The factory settings are identified by
the symbol "ο" in the list starting on
the next page.
Display available application parameters:
§ Select the Setup menu:
press the H key
> SETUP is displayed
§ Select parameters: repeatedly press
q and O soft keys
If you have already assigned a password:
> The password prompt is displayed:
$ If access is blocked by a password:
enter the password using the numeric/ alphabetic keys
$ If the last character of the password is a
letter: conclude input by pressing a
§ Confirm your password and have the
application parameters displayed: press the
l soft key
> The application menu is displayed:
$ To select the next group:
press the q soft key (down arrow)
$ To select the previous item of a group:
press the
Q soft key (up arrow)
$ To select the next sub-item within
a group: press the
O soft key
(right arrow)
$ To select the previous group:
press the
o soft key (left arrow)
$ To confirm: press the
l soft key
Extra Functions
§ Exit the Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> Restart your application
§ Print parameter settings: – When the scale functions are displayed,
press p
> Printout (example)
Texts with more than 20 characters are truncated
-------------------­Application 1 (basi
Application 2 (cont
Application 3 (data
Extra function (F4)
2nd tare memory
Container tare we
Automatic printou
Extra function (F5)
Auto-start app. whe
Setting the Application Parameters (Application)
Application Parameters (Overview)
ο factory settingsuser-defined setting
Setup – Application 1 ο Off (weighing only) Application (Basic settings) Toggle wt. units Weight unit 1 ο Grams /g**
parameters Kilograms /kg**
Carats /ct* Pounds /lb* Ounces /oz* Troy ounces /ozt* Hong Kong taels /tlh* Singapore taels /tls* Taiwanese taels /tlt* Grains /GN* Pennyweights /dwt* Milligrams /mg* Parts per pound //lb* Chinese taels /tlc* Momme /mom* Austrian carats /K* Tola /tol* Baht /bat* Mesghal /MS*
Weight unit 2 ο Grams /g**
Kilograms /kg** Carat s/ct* Pounds /lb* Ounces /oz* Troy ounces /ozt* Hong Kong taels /tlh* Singapore taels /tls* Taiwanese taels /tlt* Grains /GN* Pennyweights /dwt* Milligrams /mg* Parts per pound //lb* Chinese taels /tlc* Momme /mom* Austrian carats /K* Tola /tol* Baht /bat* Mesghal /MS*
For counting through see the following pages differential weighing
Applications 2 and 3 see following pages
** = not applicable to verified scales used in the European Economic Area ** = factory setting depends on weighing range: – < 33 kg: grams
> 34 kg: kilograms
Factory setting
Factory setting
Setup – Application 1 Counting Accuracy – Average ο Display accuracy
Application (Basic settings) piece weight calcu- + 1 decimal place parameters lation (resolution) + 2 decimal places
Average piece Off weight updating Manual
ο Automatic
Percent weighing Weight storage ο Display accuracy
(resolution) accuracy + 1 decimal place
+ 2 decimal places
Decimal places for None readout in percent 1 decimal place
ο 2 decimal places
3 decimal places 4 decimal places 5 decimal places 6 decimal places
Display calculated ο Residue
value Loss
Ratio 1 (DR) Ratio 2 (OR)
Animal weighing Animal activity Calm (averaging) Normal
0.1% of the animal/object
0.2% of the animal/object
0.5% of the animal/object 1% of the animal/object 2% of the animal/object
ο 5% of the animal/object
10% of the animal/object 20% of the animal/object 50% of the animal/object 100% of the animal/object
Start Manual mode
ο Automatic mode
Minimum load for None automatic storage 10 digits
20 digits 50 digits
ο 100 digits
200 digits 500 digits 1000 digits
Decimal places in None result display 1 decimal place
ο 2 decimal places
3 decimal places 4 decimal places 5 decimal places 6 decimal places
Printout None
ο Average weight only
Average and calculated value
For calculation to differential weighing, see following pages
Applications 2 and 3 see following pages
Factory setting
Setting the Application Parameters (Application)
Setup – Application 1 Calculation Decimal places in None Application (Basic settings) calculated result 1 decimal place
parameters ο 2 decimal places
3 decimal places 4 decimal places 5 decimal places 6 decimal places
Differential weighing
Application 2 ο Off
(Control functions)
Checkweighing Activation of ο Within checkweighing range
port lines Always on
Stability and checkweighing range At stability Stability + checkweigh. range on (only once)
Type of check- ο Target, min., max. weight
weighing input Minimum, maximum weight
Target, min. in %, max. in %
Weight display ο Absolute value
mode Difference from the target
Automatic printout Yes
of OK values ο No
Time-controlled Function after Beep functions time interval Lock in readout
ο Automatic printout of values
Store value in applicat. 3 memory (totalizing, formulation, statistics)
Automatic function ο On
restart Off
Storage mode ο Without stability
After stability After higher stability
Print then tare Off
ο On
Application 3 see following pages
)=For details on using the “Differential Weighing” application, please refer to the operating instructions for Master
LA balances, available
on request from Sartorius or by Internet download ( Laboratory Mechatronics → Downloads; file name: “LA.pdf”).
Factory setting
Factory setting
Setup – Application 3 ο Off
Application (Data records)
Totalizing Automatic storage o Off
On, first value at stability On, last value at stability On, value bet. 70% – 130% at stability
Minimum load for None
automatic storage ο 10 digits
20 digits 50 digits 100 digits 200 digits 500 digits 1000 digits
Source of data for ο Application 1
auto storage Application 2
Evaluated values ο Net
Calculated Net + calculated
Evaluation mode, ο Intermediate evaluation, print
MR function Final evaluation, print
Intermediate evaluation, display+print Final evaluation, display+print
M+/M– function, ο Off
then tare On
Printout of indi- No
vidual components ο Yes
Formulation Automatic storage ο Off
On, first value at stability
Minimum load for None
automatic storage ο 10 digits
20 digits 50 digits 100 digits 200 digits 500 digits 1000 digits
Source of data for ο Application 1
automatic storage Application 2
Evaluated values ο Net
Calculated Net + calculated
Evaluation mode, ο Intermediate evaluation, print
MR function Final evaluation, print
Printout of indi- No
vidual components ο Yes
Statistics see next page
Factory setting
Factory setting
Setting the Application Parameters (Application)
Setup – Application 3 Statistics Automatic storage ο Off
Application (Data records) On, first value at stability parameters
On, last value at stability On, value 70% – 130% at stability
Minimum load for None
automatic storage ο 10 digits
20 digits 50 digits 100 digits 200 digits 500 digits 1000 digits
Source of data for ο Application 1
automatic storage Application 2
Evaluated values ο Net
Calculated Net + calculated
Evaluation mode, ο Intermediate evaluation, print
MR function Final evaluation, print
Intermediate evaluation, display + print Final evaluation, display + print
M+/M– function, ο Off
then tare On
Printout of indi- No
vidual components ο Yes
Extra Functions Off (F4 key)
ο 2nd tare memory Container tare ο No
Extra Functions
weight Yes
(F5 key) Automatic printout Net value
Tare/preset tare
ο Off
Identification Printout Automatic, if configured codes (IDs) Once after pressing
print, if configured
ο Each time the print key is pressed
Once for
M+ function
(application 3 memory)
Manual storage in app. 3 memory M+ (totalizing, formulation, statistics)
Product data memory
Auto-start On
application when ο Off
power goes on
Factory settings No only for application Yes parameters
Factory setting
Factory setting
Selecting the Printout Function (PRINTOUT)
This menu item enables you to configure the printout to meet your individual requirements by selecting predefined menu parameters in the Setup menu. Printouts of weights and other measured or calculated values and IDs enable you to document your data. You can select the particular data you wish to print. To prevent changes to your settings, you can block access to the menu by assigning a password.
The device parameters are combined in the following groups (1st menu level):
– Application-defined output
– Configured Printout – FlexPrint
– Automatic output of displayed values
– Output to interface port
– Line format
– ISO/GLP/GMP printout
– Identification (identifier)
– Factory settings – printout only
Factory Settings
Parameters: The factory settings are
identified by the symbol “ο” in the list
on the next page.
Display available printout parameters
§ Select the Setup menu: press H > SETUP is displayed:
§ Select “Printout”: use the
q and O
soft keys
If no password has been assigned, anyone can access the printout parameters in the Setup menu
If a password has already been assigned:
> The password prompt is displayed
$ If access is blocked by a password: enter
the password using the numeric and/or alphabetic keys
$ If the last character of the password is
a letter: conclude input by pressing the a key
§ Press
l to confirm the password
> Printout parameters are now displayed:
$ To select the next group:
press the
q soft key (down arrow)
$ To select the previous item of a group:
press the
Q soft key (up arrow)
$ To select the next sub-item within
a group: press the
O soft key
(right arrow)
$ To select the previous group:
press the
o soft key (left arrow)
$ To confirm: press the
l soft key
Extra Functions
§ Exit the Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> Restart your application
§ Print parameter settings: – When the printout parameters
are displayed, press p
> Printout (Example)
-------------------­Application defined
Stability paramete
With Stability
Print on request t
Auto print upon in
All values
Configured printou
Indiv.: Printout Comp.: Printout Total: Printout
Automatic Output of
Stability paramet
Without stabili
Stop auto print
Not possible
Time-dependent aut
1 display update
Output to interface
Serial communicat: Application-defined output
Line format
For other apps/GLP
(22 characters) ISO/GLP/GMP printou
Lot (L ID):
Selecting the Printout Function (PRINTOUT)
Printout Parameters (Overview)
o factory setting
user-defined setting
Setup Application- Stability parameter Without stability
Print- defined ο With stability
Print on request, ο Off
then tare On
Auto print upon ο Off
initialization All values (of the application) Only main values
Configured printout See own chapter starting on the next page
FlexPrint ο Off
Automatic Stability parameter ο Without stability
output of At stability displayed value
Automatic after weight change
Stop auto print Use print key p
ο Not possible
Time-dependent ο 1 display update
auto print 2 display updates
10 display updates
100 display updates
Output to Serial communication ο Application-defined output
interface port (PERIPHERALS) Automatic output of displayed value
Line format For raw data (16 characters)
ο For other apps/GLP (22 characters)
printout Only for calibration/adjustment
Always on
Identification Lot ID (L ID): Enter 20 characters max
ID1: ID1 ID2: ID2 ID3: ID3 ID4: ID4
Factory settings: No only printout Yes
) = When the scale is used in legal metrology, this setting may be configured for control purposes only; printout of values is not permitted
) = Autoprint when load change is >10 d and stability is reached: no printout until residual difference in load value >5 d
) = To enable automatic output of the displayed value, the corresponding option (“Automatic output of displayed value”) must be activated
under the next menu item at this level, “Output to interface port”
) = These settings may not be changed on verified scales
Factory setting
Factory setting
Printout Configuration
This menu item enables you to configure individual printout formats. With the formulation, totalizing and statistics applications, you can also define the values to be included on the total printout when the MR key is pressed.
Under “Setup: Printout: Application­defined output: Configured printout”, you can configure individual, component or total data records that contain the items available for printouts in each application. Configure these printouts after you have configured the applications, because some entries in the data record depend on the particular application.
– Maximum items in a data record: 60
– Separate configuration of printout
formats for individual weights, components, total, backweighing and statistics
– Individual printout generation:
press the p key
Automatic printout of application data: results from animal weighing or density application (Setup menu: Application 1: Density: Printout: All data) OK values from checkweighing application, time­controlled printouts, 2nd tare memory
– Component printout:
For results from totalizing, formulation or statistics applications, press
M+ or
M- (Setup: Application 3: ..., Printout
of individual components: On)
– Total printout:
For totalizing, formulation or statistics applications, press
– Backweighing printouts or records:
automatically generated after back­weighing or manually by pressing the p key when the result is displayed at the end of backweighing
– Statistics printout or output:
To generate, press the p key when the statistics are displayed
Printouts for Differential Weighing: These printouts can be generated as standard or configured (user-defined) reports.
You can configure the following
printouts: – Individual printout – Backweighing printout – Statistics printouts
Printouts are generated in one
of two ways: – at the request of the user by pressing
the p key (print on request) – automatically, if configured in the
Setup menu [Application parameters:
Application 1: Differential weighing:
Generate printout: Auto]
You can turn off automatic printout generation in the Setup menu [Application parameters: Application 1: Differential weighing: Generate printout: None]
Data records are deleted after you have switched to a different application or activated or de-activated an extra function in the application parameters of the Setup menu
– A new pick list for a data record is
created based on the currently active application programs and extra functions
– Printout items can be deleted
– No printout is generated when the
following setting is configured:
Setup: Printout: Line format: For raw data (16 characters)
– Print item “Form feed” for footer:
Advance to beginning of next label in the "YDP01IS-Label" and “YDP02IS-Label” interface mode
Extra Functions
§ Exit printout configuration:
oo soft key
> Restart application
Printing “Select” and “List” Settings
LIST: print the currently selected
Select: printout items that
can still be selected
§ When the select bar is on
or Select: press the p key
> Printout (Example)
BACKW. PRINT.LIST ==================== Sample date Net initial wt. Backweighed res Loss in % ====================
Printout Configuration
Practical Example:
Configure an Individual Printout for Counting Application to Include Dotted Line, Date/Time, Piece Count and Net Weight
Settings (changes in the factory settings required for this example): Setup: Application parameters: Application 1: Counting Exit the Setup menu: press the
oo soft key
Then call Setup again and select: Printout: Application-defined output: Configured printout
Step Press key(s) Display/Output
(or follow instructions)
1. Select Setup menu, H, then
q repeatedly and O soft key
2. Confirm “Application-defined
O soft key
3. Select and confirm
q soft key 3+
“Configured printout”
O soft key
4. Confirm “Indiv. printout”
O soft key
5. Select “Dotted line”
O, q, l soft keys
6. Select “Date/time”
q soft key twice,
then l soft key
7. Select “Piece count”
q repeatedly,
then l soft key
8. Select “Net weight”
Q soft key repeatedly,
then l soft key
9. Exit “Printout configuration”
oo soft key
10. Perform weighing operations, p
then print 14.01.2000 09:19
Qnt + 598 pcs N + 2003.13 g
Data Items for the Printout:
Parameter Display text Indiv. Comp. Total
Blank line** Blank line xxx
Dotted line** -------- xxx
Form feed* Form feed xxx
Date/Time* Date/Time xxx
Time with seconds* Time xxx
GLP header* GLP header xxx
GLP footer* GLP footer xxx
Sample ID* S ID xxx
ID 1* ID1 xxx
ID 2* ID2 xxx
ID 3* ID3 xxx
ID 4* ID4 xxx
Net weight* Net (N) x
Gross weight* Gross (G#) xxx
Preset tare/ Tare 1 weight* Tare1 (T1/PT1) xxx
With “Counting” application:
Reference quantity Ref. quantity xxx Reference weight Ref. weight xxx Piece count Piece Count x
With “Weighing in percent” application:
Reference percentage Ref. percent xxx Reference weight Ref. weight xxx Percentage Percent x
With “Animal Weighing” application:
Number of weighing operations No. of weights xxx Calculation factor Factor xxx Average animal weight Mean value x Average Animal weight calculated Mean factor x
With “Calculation” application:
Equation Equation xxx Calculated result Calc. result x
* = Items are available independently of the applications selected ** = Items are available independently of the applications selected and
can be selected more than once
Data Items for the Printout:
Parameter Display text Indiv. Comp. Total
With the “Check­weighing” application:
Target value Target xxx Minimum value Minimum xxx Maximum value Maximum xxx
With “Time-controlled Functions” application:
Time/interval Time/interval x
With the “Totalizing” application:
No. of weights No. of wts. xx Weight of transaction Trans. wt. x Weight total Wt. total x Number of calculated values No.of calc.val. xx Calculated value transactions Calc.val.trans. x Total of calculated values Total calc. x Nominal no. of weighing operations xx
With “Formulation” application:
Number of components Number xx Net component Net component x Components calculated Net transact. x Total net components Net/comp.calc. x Total calc. components Tot.comp.calc. x Preset tare/ Tare 2 weight Tare2 xxx Nominal no. of weighing operations xx
With the “Statistics” application:
No. of weights No. of wts. xx Weigth of trans. Trans. wt. x Mean weight Average wt. x Standard deviation – weight x
Variation coefficient –weight Var.coeff.wt. x Weight total x Minimum weight Min. wt. x Maximum weight Max. wt. x Difference – weight Diff. wt. x No. of calc. values No. of calc. val. xx Calc. value – transactions Calc.val.trans. x Mean calc. value Mean calc. val x Standard derivation calculated values x Variation coefficient – calc. values Var.coeff.calc. x Total – calc. values Total calc. x Minimum – calc. values Min. calc. x Maximum – calc. values Max. calc. x Difference – calc. values Diff. calc. x Nominal no. of weighing operations xx
This menu item enables you to have information displayed about the specific scale (“device”), as well as “FlexPrint” information.
Displaying Device Information
§ Select the Setup menu:
press the H key
> “SETUP” is displayed:
§ Select “Device information”:
Repeatedly press the
q soft key,
then press the
O soft key
§ Press
O soft key to confirm “Device
> Device information is displayed:
§ Print device information:
Press the p key
> Printout (Example)
23.02.2000 13:02 Model FCA64EDE-HX Ser. no. 91205355 Vers. no. 01-45-01
(Version of the operating program)
(Version of the operating program)
Wgh. sys. vers:
(Version no. of the weighing cell)
Serial no.:
§ Return to SETUP overview:
press the
o soft key
§ Exit Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> Original settings are restored
Display Flexprint Information
§ Select the Setup menu:
press the H key
> “SETUP” is displayed:
§ Select “Info”: press the
q soft key
repeatedly and then the
O soft key
§ Select “FlexInfo”: press the
q soft key
and then the
O soft key
> The FlexPrint information is displayed,
with print instruction file name, software ID and version number:
$ To select a particular print file name
with software ID (for example, ID403), if desired: press key
q or Q as required
> If the display shows
ID--- :
The weight block for legal metrology is not printed by this print file.
> Display of version number:
Created by Sartorius:
§ Return to SETUP overview:
press the
o soft key
§ Exit Setup menu:
press the
oo soft key
> The device returns to the previous
Date of Manufacture
The month and year of manufacture are encoded in the serial number as follows:
Y Year
1 2000–2006 2 2007–2013 3 2014–2020 4 2021–2027 5 2028–2034 6 2035–2041 7 2042–2048 8 2049–2055 9 2056–2062
The first digit represents a 7-year period as indicated in the table above. The next 2 digits represent the month. The months are numbered consecutively, starting with 13, over the entire 7-year period. Thus the number representing the month also indicates the specific year of manufacture.
2000 13–24 2001 25–36 … etc.
Example: 113xxxxx —> January 2000
The individual devices are numbered consecutively in the last 5 digits, starting from 00000 again at the beginning of each month.
Displaying Info
MP8 Interface Emulation
With the MP8 interface emulation function, you can connect peripheral devices of the MP8 generation that have separate AC power supplies (such as the 73822... Data Control terminal, a YFC..., or a YDI 50 Z Data Input dedicated keyboard, for example) to your scale.
– The scale can be used only to determine
– The interface communicates exclusively
in the MP8 binary protocol.
– Select the application program and
the program index for MP8, as well as individual application parameters, in the Setup menu.
– See next page for menu setting options
– Activate the MP8 emulation mode*:
§ Press H
§ Select the
factory settings
and confirm: press the q soft key repeatedly and then the
O soft key
§ Select
Reset to MP8:
q soft key and O soft key
§ Select
Yes and press l to confirm
> The terminal is restarted
* follow the same procedure to return
from MP8 emulation back to factory setting
Factory Settings
Each parameter category has a factory setting. To restore the factory settings, select this item in the Setup menu and select
YES to confirm.
The following parameters are not restored to factory settings when you
activate this function: – Language – Password – Display contrast – Time (clock)
MP8 Interface Emulation Parameters (Overview)
ο factory settinguser-defined setting
Setup Scale operating see page 11 MP8 menu Interface
Device parameters Password, see page 15
User ID, Date/time
Interfaces Function: external switch see page 15
Function: control ports see page 16
Display, Keys, see page 16 Extra functions
Application Program selection ο
MP8: 3-1-1
parameters ...
MP8: 3-1-9 MP8: 3-2-1
MP8: 3-2-9 MP8: 3-3-1
MP8: 3-3-9
Program index Index ο Ind. 2.1
Ind. 2.2 Ind. 2.3 Ind. 2.4
Interface Baud rate 150 baud
300 baud 600 baud
ο 1,200 baud
2,400 baud 4,800 baud 9,600 baud
Parity Mark
ο Odd
Print in weighing Manual without stability
mode ο Manual with stability
Automatic without stability Automatic at stability
Device information see page 28
Language see page 7
Factory settings Reset all parameters No
Switch to MP8 mode No
Factory setting
Factory setting
+ 144 hidden pages