Below-Balance Weighing
A port for a below-balance weighing hanger is located
on the bottom of the balance (for balances with
a weighing capacity of ≥10 k g, s ee “ Ac ce ssories”).
For Balances with an Analytical Draft
Shield Chamber:
To hook a sample on the hanger, o pen the bel ow-
balance port by turning the cover plate.
For Precision Balances (Weighing Capacity
of <10 kg):
To open the belo w-b alanc e p ort, r emo ve the c over
plate from the bottom of the balance.
Now you can attach a sample using a suspension
wire, for example. Common applications for belowbalance weighing include density determination
and immersing a sample in a special atmosphere
(medium for reaction).
Important Note
When you use the below-balance weighing hanger,
you must install a shield for protection against drafts.
Fastening an Antitheft Locking Device**
To faste n an ant ith eft lock ing devi ce, use the lug (18)
located on the rear panel of the balance.
** = including the Signatories of the Agreement on the
European Economic Area
** = not on B P 211 D , B P 3 01 S , B P 2 21 S ,
BP 161 P, BP 121S, BP 61S (-0CE), BP 16000 S,
BP 12000 S, BP 34000 P, BP 34
Important Note Concerning Verified Balances
Approved for Use as Legal Measuring Instruments
in the EU*:
The below-balance weighing port may not
be opened or used when an approved balance is
being operated as a legal measuring instrument.