Comptronic 6124 and 6125 Electronic Safe Locks
Management Guide, Dual Control
Dual Control
Factory Settings
Master Code
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, #
User Code
(PIN position 2)
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, #
Sargent & Greenleaf Comptronic 6124 and 6125 Electronic Safe Locks
About Your Lock
The Master Code and PIN Position 2
Creating a Supervisor Code
Creating User Codes
Changing Codes
Deleting Codes
Detecting Active User Positions
Time Delay
Opening Window Duration
Time Delay Duration
Changing the Batteries
Keypad Tamper Indicator
Duress Indicator and Investigation
Event Audit Trail
About Your Lock
Each time you press a number, letter, or other character on the keypad of your
Comptronic 6124 or 6125 electronic safe lock, it beeps and the red LED flashes.
If it doesn’t, check your batteries to make sure they are fresh and/or connected
properly, then try again. (See Section 9, Changing the Batteries, for
The lock responds with various beep (*) sequences to indicate different
conditions. The * symbols in examples show the number of beeps you hear.
When programming, you enter new codes twice, to confirm their accuracy.
If you hear an error beep (long continuous) during any programming
sequence, start the sequence over.
Always wait for each set of beeps to end before entering another number or letter, or you will
interrupt the code sequence.
PIN Positions
Each code created for use in your lock is assigned a personal identification number (PIN) position. The
Master Code is PIN 0 (zero), the Supervisor is PIN 1, Users are PINs 2 through 8, and the Time Delay
Override Code uses PIN 9. Security Note: To maintain the security of the dual control lock, the master
code holder and the PIN 2 holder must change their respective codes and verify no other code positions
are active using 7 7 *.
The Master Code and PIN Position 2
The Master Code and PIN position 2 are used when entering many commands for specific lock
management functions. You must change the Master Code from the factory-set 1 2 3 4 5 6 (or other
Master Code) and the PIN position 2 from factory-set code 2 2 2 2 2 2 before you put the lock into
Use this programming sequence whenever you need to create a new 6-digit Master Code. Enter
your new Master Code where the example says New MC:
2 2 * [ Current MC ] # ***** [ New MC ] # *** [ New MC ] # ***
For example, to change the factory-set Master Code to 654321:
2 2 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 # ***** 6 5 4 3 2 1 # *** 6 5 4 3 2 1 # ***
Use this programming sequence when you need to create a new 6-digit PIN Position 2 code. Enter
your new Code where the example says New Code:
2 2 * [ Current PIN 2 code ] # ***** [ New Code ] # *** [ New Code ] # ***
For example, to change the PIN Position 2 code to 646464:
2 2 * 2 2 2 2 2 2 # ***** 6 4 6 4 6 4 # *** 6 4 6 4 6 4 # ***
Comptronic 6124 and 6125 Electronic Safe Locks
Management Guide, Dual Control
Creating a Supervisor Code
Using the Master Code and an active user code, you can create a supervisor level code (PIN 1). The
Supervisor Code can be used to add and delete User Codes. Create a 6-digit Supervisor Code and
7 4 * [Master Code] # ***** [User Code] # *****
1 # *** [Supervisor Code] # *** [Supervisor Code] # ***
Creating User Codes
To create new User Codes, first access the programming mode using the Master or Supervisor Code and
another User Code. Then, for each user, create a unique 6-digit code and assign a PIN position (2
through 8). For example, to create a User Code (New UC) for PIN position 3, you would enter:
7 4 * [Master or Supervisor Code] # ***** [User Code] # *****
3 # *** [New UC] # *** [New UC] # ***
Security Note: After setting up a new user code, it is recommended that each user change his/her code
to a unique 6-digit code of their choice.
Changing Codes
Master, Supervisor and Users can change their own 6-digit codes using command 2 2 * (or CC, for
“change code”). Enter:
2 2 * [Old User Code] # ***** [New User Code] # *** [New User Code] # ***
Deleting Codes
To delete the Supervisor or a specific user (the Master Code may be changed but not deleted), first
access the programming mode using the Master or Supervisor Code and another User Code. Then, you
only need to know their PIN position. The example shows the deletion of the User in PIN 3.
7 4 * [Supervisor or Master Code] # ***** [User Code] # ***** 3 # *** # *** # ***
Detecting Active User Positions
You can identify active PIN positions for which codes are present (PIN 0-9). Each number on the keypad
corresponds to a PIN position. Enter:
7 7 E [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] (PIN position)
If the lock beeps one high short beep when pressing a number key on the keypad, that PIN position is
active. If it beeps one low long beep, it is not active.
Time Delay
Time Delay is a security feature that creates a period of time between the entering of a valid code and
the ability to open the safe door.
Opening Window Duration
The “opening window” (OW) is the period of time during which you can open the lock, immediately
following the end of the time delay period. The OW can be set for 1 to 9 minutes. (The factory
default is 2 minutes.) Security Note: Changes to the time delay duration can only be made during
the opening window. To set the minutes for the Opening Window, enter:
7 4 * [Master Code] # ***** [User Code] # ***** 0 1 # *** [OW min] # *** [OW min] # ***
For example, to set the Opening Window to 5 minutes, enter:
7 4 * [Master Code] # ***** [User Code] # ***** 0 1 # *** 5 # *** 5 # ***