SAP R-3 User Manual

Getting Started
Release 4.70
SAP Online Help
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program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a
Icons in Body Text
Icon Meaning
Additional icons are used in SAP Library documentation to help you identify different types of information at a glance. For more information, see Help on Help General Information Classes and Information Classes for Business Information Warehouse on the first page of any version of SAP Library.
Caution Example
Note Recommendation Syntax
Typographic Conventions
Type Style Description
Example text
Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text
EXAMPLE TEXT Technical names of system objects. These include report names,
Example text
Example text
<Example text>
Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles.
programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.
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Getting Started...........................................................................................................................8
Getting Started: Accessibility Supplement .............................................................................8
Selecting the Accessibility Option .......................................................................................9
R/3 Enterprise Navigation...................................................................................................9
Moving the Focus to the Initial Position...........................................................................9
Navigating with the Tab Key .........................................................................................10
Starting a Transaction...................................................................................................10
Finding Shortcut Keys for Functions.............................................................................10
Screen Elements Usage with the Keyboard.....................................................................11
Using ABAP Lists..........................................................................................................11
Using Checkboxes ........................................................................................................12
Data Tables Usage........................................................................................................12
Using a Data Table in a Standard Table ...................................................................12
Using a Data Table in an ALV Grid ...........................................................................13
Using a Data Table in a Steploop..............................................................................13
Using Dropdown Lists ...................................................................................................13
Displaying Error and Status Messages.........................................................................13
Using Graphics and Icons.............................................................................................14
Using Group Boxes.......................................................................................................14
Using Input Fields..........................................................................................................14
Using the Menu Bar, Dropdown Menus, and Standard Toolbar...................................15
Using Pushbuttons........................................................................................................15
Using Radio Buttons......................................................................................................16
Using Subwindows........................................................................................................16
Using Tabstrips .............................................................................................................16
Using Text Areas...........................................................................................................17
Using Toolbars..............................................................................................................17
Using Trees...................................................................................................................17
Working with the SAP GUI ...................................................................................................18
SAP Easy Access.............................................................................................................18
SAP Easy Access Settings ...........................................................................................19
Using the Navigation Area ............................................................................................20
Creating Favorites.........................................................................................................21
Managing Favorites.......................................................................................................22
Roles .............................................................................................................................23
System Administrator Functions ...................................................................................24
The SAP Window..............................................................................................................26
Release 4.6: The New SAP GUI...................................................................................28
The Menu Bar................................................................................................................31
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The Status Bar ..............................................................................................................32
Table Controls...............................................................................................................33
Creating Table Control Variants................................................................................34
Activating Table Control Variants..............................................................................35
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes....................................................................................35
Dialog Boxes .................................................................................................................36
Scrolling to View Information.........................................................................................36
Customizing the Display Options......................................................................................38
Configuring the SAP GUI ..............................................................................................39
SAP GUI Color Settings ............................................................................................41
SAP GUI Sound and Animation Settings...................................................................44
Customizing the SAP Window ......................................................................................46
Tabbing Between Fields Automatically......................................................................48
Cursor Position and Width.........................................................................................49
Creating Screen Shots...............................................................................................50
Multiple SAP Sessions ......................................................................................................50
Creating a New Session................................................................................................50
Creating a New Session and a Task at Once...............................................................51
Moving Among Sessions...............................................................................................52
Ending a Session ..........................................................................................................52
Startup and Shutdown of the SAP System.......................................................................53
Starting the SAP System...............................................................................................53
Logging On....................................................................................................................54
Logging On the First Time.........................................................................................55
The SAP Logon......................................................................................................58
Adding and Editing Entries Manually .................................................................59
Adding a New Logon User Group ......................................................................60
Adding an Application Server.............................................................................60
Configuring the SAP Logon................................................................................61
Changing Your Password..........................................................................................63
SAP Shortcuts...............................................................................................................64
Creating an SAP Shortcut .........................................................................................65
Using SAP Shortcuts.................................................................................................67
Logging Off....................................................................................................................68
What Are the Steps in a Typical Task?.............................................................................69
Accessing Tasks in the SAP System............................................................................69
Choosing Menus and Functions with the Mouse.......................................................70
Choosing Menus and Functions with the Keyboard..................................................72
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Task Selection with Transaction Codes ....................................................................73
Finding the Transaction Code for the Task You Want to Start..............................74
Finding the Transaction Code for the Current Task...............................................75
Entering a Transaction Code.................................................................................76
Choosing a Transaction Code from the History List..............................................77
Entering Data on a Screen............................................................................................77
Fields .........................................................................................................................78
Insert and Overwrite Modes...................................................................................80
Typing Data into an Input Field..............................................................................80
Changing the Data in an Input Field......................................................................80
Moving from Field to Field......................................................................................81
Using the Clipboard ...............................................................................................82
Required Input Fields.............................................................................................83
Hold Data and Set Data.............................................................................................83
Holding Data on a Screen......................................................................................84
Canceling All the Data on a Screen..............................................................................84
Saving the Data on a Screen........................................................................................85
Going to Related Tasks.................................................................................................85
Ending a Task ...............................................................................................................86
Reports .............................................................................................................................86
Executing a Report........................................................................................................87
Finding the Name of a Report You Want to Execute ................................................89
Finding the Name of a Current Report ......................................................................91
Selection Criteria...........................................................................................................91
Entering Values for Selection Criteria........................................................................92
Report Variants .............................................................................................................93
Creating Report Variants...........................................................................................93
Displaying Available Report Variants ........................................................................95
Using Report Variants................................................................................................96
Report List Output.........................................................................................................97
Displaying and Printing Report Lists..........................................................................97
Printing from the SAP System........................................................................................100
Print Options in the SAP Spool System......................................................................101
The Print Window........................................................................................................101
Output Controller.........................................................................................................104
Working with the Output Controller..........................................................................104
Defining Default Values...............................................................................................105
Background Processing..................................................................................................105
Accessing the Background Processing System..........................................................106
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Scheduling Background Jobs......................................................................................107
Scheduling ABAP Jobs............................................................................................108
Scheduling Standard Jobs.......................................................................................109
Identifying Your Job.............................................................................................109
Specifying a Recipient .........................................................................................109
Choosing a Start Time.........................................................................................110
Specifying the Program to Run............................................................................111
Checking the Status of a Background Job..................................................................112
Help on Help.......................................................................................................................113
SAP Library.....................................................................................................................114
Application Help..............................................................................................................114
General Information Classes ..........................................................................................114
Information Classes for Business Information Warehouse.............................................117
Icons and Typographic Conventions ..............................................................................120
Full-Text Search..............................................................................................................121
Index ...............................................................................................................................124
Glossary ..........................................................................................................................125
Searching the Glossary...............................................................................................125
Quick Infos......................................................................................................................125
Data Tips.........................................................................................................................126
Help on Fields and Field Input........................................................................................126
Help on Possible Entries for a Field................................................................................127
Help on Reports..............................................................................................................128
Help on Messages..........................................................................................................129
Status Information About Your System...........................................................................129
Release Notes ................................................................................................................131
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Getting Started
Getting Started: Accessibility Supplement
This document is intended to assist SAP users who have disabilities and require information about accessibility features in SAP R/3 Enterprise. It includes background information such as the software environment required to take advantage of SAP accessibility features, and it describes how to use the accessibility features. It is meant as a supplement to the general Getting Started document, not as a replacement.
The primary audience for this document is SAP users with disabilities, including motor impairments and visual impairments. This document contains information for both disabled users who use assistive technologies and those who do not use assistive technologies but need full keyboard access.
Implementation Considerations
To ensure accessible use of R/3 Enterprise, you must have the software environment described here.
Internet Transaction Server (ITS) 6.20 (the changes are also available with the most recent patch for ITS 6.10)
R/3 Enterprise with an HTML front end (SAPGUI for HTML)
Windows NT
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or higher (SAP recommends IE 5.x or higher)
The accessibility option must be selected. For more information about selecting the
accessibility option, see Selecting the Accessibility Option [Seite 9].
If a screen reader is required: JAWS for Windows 4.x by Freedom Scientific
If screen magnification software is required: Magic Version 6.2 by Freedom Scientific
Although SAP R/3 Enterprise may function properly with other assistive technology software such as other screen readers or other screen magnification programs, SAP’s support is currently provided for the following assistive technologies: JAWS for Windows 4.x screen reader and Magic 6.2 screen magnifier. SAP JAWS support assumes that the screen reader is used with all of the default settings.
Note that in JAWS, technical names of R/3 buttons also appear in the links list, along with any links there may be on the screen.
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Selecting the Accessibility Option
In order to use the accessibility features of R/3 Enterprise, you must ensure that the accessibility option has been selected.
1. To select the accessibility option, on the system logon screen, make sure the Accessibility checkbox is checked.
R/3 Enterprise Navigation
This section contains information on navigating on R/3 Enterprise screens using the keyboard.
Note for JAWS users: SAP does not recommend using the virtual PC cursor for general navigation on SAP screens. Accessible use of R/3 Enterprise is based on navigation using the Tab key. However, in certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to switch to the JAWS virtual PC cursor mode, for example if an input field does not appear to have a label, and you want to explore the area around the field to determine whether a label is available. Other specific circumstances under which it is useful to switch to the virtual PC cursor are described in this document.
Process Flow
To navigate on an R/3 Enterprise screen, you begin by moving the focus to the initial position. To move between screen elements, you use the Tab key. To start a transaction, you can navigate to that transaction using the menus or you can enter the transaction code for that transaction directly into a transaction code field. Finally, you can use shortcut keys to access functions on the screen.
Moving the Focus to the Initial Position
When you first open a screen in an SAP application, the focus may or may not be on the first user interface element on that screen. To ensure that the focus is at the top of the screen before you begin navigating, you must move the focus to the initial position, which is the browser’s address field.
1. To place the cursor in the browser’s address field when you first open a screen, use the Windows key command Ctrl+Tab.
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This will place the cursor into the browser’s address field, from where you can start navigating to the user interface elements on the screen.
Navigating with the Tab Key
1. When you are using R/3 Enterprise with the accessibility option selected, to navigate between user interface elements, use the Tab key. You use the tab key regardless of whether you are using assistive technology such as a screen reader or screen magnifier, or not.
Note for JAWS users: Be sure you are using PC cursor mode when you navigate in an SAP screen.
The general tab order in all SAP applications is from left to right, top to bottom.
In R/3 Enterprise, you cannot navigate to freestanding text, graphics and icons that are not on pushbuttons, labels, or short descriptions using the Tab key. These elements are not included in the tab chain
Starting a Transaction
1. In R/3 Enterprise, to start a transaction, select the transaction from a menu in the menu bar or from a menu tree. Alternatively, you can enter a transaction code for that transaction into the transaction code field (which is located in the toolbar). Often, entering a transaction code is a much quicker way to access the transaction. For information about the transaction codes that correspond to the menu items you want to use, see your system administrator.
Note for JAWS users: When you first open an R/3 Enterprise screen, when you tab to the menu bar, you can press T to go directly to the transaction code input field.
The first time you reach the initial screen of a transaction, SAP recommends listening to the entire screen in the JAWS Say All mode to gain an overview before navigating through the screen using the Tab key.
Finding Shortcut Keys for Functions
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1. To find the shortcut keys that are available for certain functions on an R/3 Enterprise screen, open the Functions menu in the menu bar. The Functions menu provides a list of all of the shortcut keys that are available on that screen.
Screen Elements Usage with the Keyboard
This section provides information about navigating between user interface elements in R/3 Enterprise using the keyboard, as well as how to execute functions. In cases where additional features are available to users using JAWS for Windows, that information is noted as well.
Warning: Using the Esc key at any time while you are working in an R/3 Enterprise transaction will cause the transaction to exit, and you will lose any unsaved data.
Process Flow
Accessing an R/3 Enterprise screen using the keyboard involves using the following elements:
ABAP lists
Data tables
Dropdown lists
Error and status messages
Graphics and icons
Group boxes
Input fields
Menu bar, dropdown menus, and standard toolbar
Radio buttons
Text areas
Using ABAP Lists
An ABAP list is a control that is used to display a data table, a tree, or a simple list of items.
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The scroll bars in an ABAP list are not accessible using the keyboard. However, buttons are available above the data in an ABAP list that you can use to scroll lines and pages in the ABAP list.
For JAWS users: When you tab to an ABAP list, JAWS announces that you are entering an ABAP list. At this point, switch to the JAWS virtual PC cursor to navigate in the ABAP list text.
Using Checkboxes
When you tab to a checkbox, if the checkbox is enabled, you can check or uncheck the checkbox using the Spacebar.
For JAWS users: JAWS announces the label of the checkbox, tells you whether it is currently checked or unchecked, and whether it is disabled (unavailable).
Data Tables Usage
R/3 Enterprise data tables are created using several different programming controls, including standard tables, ALV grids, and steploops. Depending on the control used to create a particular data table, keyboard navigation and screen reader announcements differ slightly.
Using a Data Table in a Standard Table
When you tab to a data table in a standard table, you can navigate between the data cells using the Tab key. You use the element in the table cell (input field, checkbox, dropdown list, pushbutton etc.) the same way you use it elsewhere on the screen.
For JAWS users: When you tab to a data table, JAWS announces that you are entering a table, tells you how many rows the table has, tells you how many rows are currently displayed, and tells you how to skip the table.
When you tab into the column header row, JAWS announces that you are entering the header row. When you tab to a column header in the row, JAWS announces that it is a column header and tells you the name of the header. When you tab out of the column header row, JAWS announces that you are leaving the header row.
When you tab to a data cell, JAWS announces the cell contents (if any are available), tells you if input help is available (assuming this is an input field and input help is available), and lets you know if the cell is disabled (unavailable).
When you are on a data cell in the data table, you can use the JAWS virtual PC cursor to determine the column header for that data cell. To do so, while in the virtual PC cursor mode, press Alt + Ctrl + NumPad 5 .
When you tab out of the data table entirely, JAWS announces that you are leaving the table.
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Using a Data Table in an ALV Grid
Data tables in ALV grids behave the same as tables in standard tables, except that if you are using JAWS, the screen reader announces that you are entering and exiting an ALV grid instead of announcing that you are entering and exiting a table, and it provides additional information and instructions.
Using a Data Table in a Steploop
Data tables in steploops behave the same as tables in standard tables, with the following exceptions:
If you are using JAWS, the screen reader announces that you are entering and exiting a steploop instead of announcing that you are entering and exiting a table.
If you are using JAWS, when you tab to a data cell, JAWS announces the column and row headers, as well as the cell contents (if any are available), tells you if input help is available (assuming this is an input field and input help is available), and lets you know if the cell is disabled (unavailable).
Using Dropdown Lists
When you tab to a dropdown list, if the list is enabled, proceed as follows:
Function User Action
To open the list, press Alt + Down Arrow. To navigate between the items in the dropdown
list, To select an item from the dropdown list, navigate to that item, then close the list by
For JAWS users: JAWS announces the label of the dropdown list, how many items are in the list, which item in the list is currently selected, and whether the list is disabled (unavailable).
use the Up and Down Arrow keys.
pressing Alt + Up Arrow (the item that has the focus when you close the list is selected).
Displaying Error and Status Messages
In R/3 Enterprise, with the accessibility option selected, error and status messages are actively identified to the user in browser pop-up windows. In addition, all messages appear in
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the R/3 Enterprise status bar at the bottom of the screen (note that this is not the browser status bar).
Using Graphics and Icons
In R/3 Enterprise, you cannot tab to graphics or icons that are not on pushbuttons. However, very few such graphics or icons are used to convey meaning.
Using Group Boxes
A group box is an SAP user interface element that groups together several other user interface elements. It is similar to a frame, although it is not a standard HTML frame.
For JAWS users: When you tab to a group box, JAWS announces that you are entering a group box and tells you the group box title, as well as how to skip the group box. When you tab out of the group box, JAWS announces that you are leaving the group box.
Using Input Fields
When you tab to an input field that is enabled, you can enter data as necessary. For JAWS users: When you tab to a single input field, JAWS announces the label of the
input field, the short description if one is available, how to access input help if it is available, and whether the field is disabled (unavailable).
When you tab to an input field that is the first in a series of input fields associated with a single label, JAWS announces the field label and how to access input help if it is available, then it tells you that the label has X number of input fields associated with it and that this is the first input field. It also announces the short description if there is one, and whether the field is disabled (unavailable). For all subsequent input fields associated with that label, JAWS announces only which number of input field it is (second, third, and so on).
If there were two input fields with a single, common label “country,” when you tab to the first input field, JAWS would announce “country this field has two input fields first input field edit type a text.” When you tab to the second input field, JAWS would announce “second input field edit type a text.”
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Using the Menu Bar, Dropdown Menus, and
Standard Toolbar
When you tab to the menu bar, to use the menus, proceed as follows:
Function User Action
To move from menu to menu, use the Tab key To open a menu, press Enter. To move between the menu items on the open
menu, To select a menu item, press Enter. If a menu item has a submenu, to open the
submenu, To close a menu, tab out of the menu.
When you tab to the toolbar, you can navigate between the items in the toolbar using the Tab key. You use the items in the toolbar (input field, pushbuttons, etc.) the same way you use them elsewhere on the screen.
You have the option to skip the entire menu bar and toolbar. When you tab to the menu bar (and the focus is on the menu bar), press S to skip.
For JAWS users: When you tab to the menu bar and toolbar, JAWS announces that you are entering the menus and standard toolbar and tells you how to skip the entire menu bar and toolbar; it also tells you that you can go directly to the transaction code input field to enter a transaction code directly. When you tab again, JAWS announces that you are entering the menu section and tells you how to open individual menus.
When you tab to a menu, JAWS announces the menu name and tells you it is a menu. It also tells you if the menu is disabled (unavailable).
When you tab to a menu item on an open menu, JAWS announces the menu level and the name of the menu item, as well as whether it is disabled (unavailable), and tells you whether the menu item has a submenu.
use the Up and Down Arrow keys.
use the Right Arrow key.
When you tab out of the menu bar, JAWS announces that you are leaving the menu section. When you tab out of the toolbar, JAWS announces that you are leaving the menus and the standard toolbar.
Using Pushbuttons
When you tab to a pushbutton, you can execute the button’s function by pressing Enter. For JAWS users: When you tab to a pushbutton, JAWS announces the button’s text label
and whether it is disabled (unavailable). If there is a shortcut key for the button, that is also announced.
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Using Radio Buttons
When you tab into a set of enabled radio buttons, you always tab to the currently selected radio button. To move between the radio buttons in the set, use the Up and Down Arrow keys. Note that moving to a different radio button activates that radio button. To leave the radio button set, press Tab (the radio button that has the focus when you leave the set remains selected).
When you tab into a set of disabled radio buttons, you can move between the radio buttons in the set using the Tab key.
For JAWS users: When you tab to a radio button, JAWS announces the radio button’s label and tells you that it is checked. If the radio button is disabled, JAWS announces that it is disabled and tells you whether it is checked or unchecked.
Using Subwindows
You can use the Tab key to move between elements in subwindows. For JAWS users: When you tab to a subwindow, JAWS announces that you are entering a
subwindow. When you tab out of the subwindow, JAWS announces that you are leaving the subwindow.
Using Tabstrips
Using R/3 Enterprise tabstrips, there are several ways to move through and activate the tabs, depending on the access technology you are using.
Keyboard-only, non-screen-reader users: When you tab to a tabstrip, proceed as follows:
1. Tab until you reach the tab selection button.
2. Activate the tab selection button by pressing Enter. A dropdown menu appears containing all of the tab names.
3. To navigate between the tab names, use the Up and Down Arrow keys.
4. To select a tab name, press Enter. The selected tab becomes the active tab and that tab page opens.
5. To exit the tabstrip, tab through the end of the active tab page.
Users using Magic with a mouse:
To activate a tab on the tabstrip, click on the tab name.
To view hidden tabs, click on the tab selection button. A drop-down menu appears
containing all of the tab names. To select a tab name click on the tab name on the drop­down menu.
JAWS users: When you tab to a tabstrip, proceed as follows:
To move between tabs on the tabstrip, use the Tab key.
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To activate a tab on the tabstrip, press Enter.
To exit the tabstrip, you must tab through the end of the active tab page.
When you tab to the tabstrip, JAWS announces that you are entering the tabstrip, and it tells you what level tabstrip it is.
When you tab to a tab on the tabstrip, JAWS announces the tab name and tells you if it is the active tab.
When you tab out of the active tab page, JAWS announces that you are leaving the tabstrip.
Using Text Areas
When you tab to a text area, if that area is enabled, you can enter text as necessary. For JAWS users: JAWS announces the label of the text area and tells you that you are
entering a text area, as well as whether the text area is disabled (unavailable).
Using Toolbars
When you tab to a toolbar, you can navigate between the items in the toolbar using the Tab key. You use the items in the toolbar (pushbuttons, input fields, etc.) the same way you use them elsewhere on the screen.
For JAWS users: When you tab to a toolbar, JAWS announces that you are entering a toolbar. When you tab out of the toolbar, JAWS announces that you are leaving the toolbar.
Using Trees
When you tab to a tree, proceed as follows:
Function User Action
To move between the nodes in the tree, use the Tab key. To expand or collapse a node, use the Right and Left Arrow keys. To activate an end node, use the Enter key.
For JAWS users: When you tab to the tree, JAWS announces that you are entering the tree. If the tree is a tree table (a table with expandable and collapsible rows) and it has column
headers, when you tab to a column header in the tree table, JAWS announces the name of the header and tells you it is a tree column header.
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When you tab to a node in the tree, JAWS announces the level of the node, tells you whether it is expanded or collapsed. When you tab again, it tells you the node label. If the node is an end node, no announcement is made regarding whether the node is expanded or collapsed.
When you tab out of the tree, JAWS announces that you are leaving the tree.
Working with the SAP GUI
SAP Easy Access
The new SAP Easy Access user menu is the user-specific point of entry into the SAP System.
The user menu contains only those items – such as transactions, reports, and Web addresses – you need to perform your daily tasks.
If a user menu has been defined by your system administrator, it appears when you log on to the system.
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If you have not been assigned a user menu, or you need to access items that are not contained in your user menu:
Open the SAP standard menu by choosing Menu SAP standard menu. You now have a complete overview of the SAP System you are currently working with. Use the navigation area to navigate to the items you need.
Or, contact your system administrator. See System Administrator Functions [Seite 24].
On the SAP Easy Access initial screen, you can also:
Create a favorites list consisting of the transactions, files, and Web addresses you use most frequently
Go to SAP Business Workplace, if you are using Work items. See Working with the
Business Workplace [Extern].
Additional Information
Roles [Seite 23]
SAP Easy Access Settings
To make SAP Easy Access settings, choose Extras Settings. The following dialog box appears:
Here, you can specify whether:
Your favorites should appear before or after the menu
Only your favorites, and not the menu, should appear
Technical names of menu options should appear in the navigation area
The SAP Easy Access graphic should appear on the right-hand side of the screen, as
shown below:
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You can hide this graphic by dragging the split bar from the center to the right­hand edge of the screen. To deactivate the graphic completely, select Do not display image.
You can also define whether a user or an SAP standard menu should appear. To make this setting, choose either Menu User menu or Menu SAP standard menu.
Using the Navigation Area
You can expand and collapse menus in the navigation area by choosing the dropdown arrows to the left of the menu items, as in the example below:
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To open an application in the navigation area:
Double-click its node, or
Choose Enter, or
Choose Edit Execute
To run an application in a new session, choose Edit Run in new window.
You can access the most important commands and functions in the navigation area by opening the context menu. To open the context menu, place the cursor on any item in the menu bar, and click the alternate mouse button.
Creating Favorites
In SAP Easy Access, you can create a favorites list containing:
Web addresses
Inserting an Item from the SAP Standard or User Menu
Use drag and drop:
1. Select an executable menu item using the mouse, and keep the mouse button pressed.
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2. Drag the item to the desired position in your favorites list, and release the mouse button.
3. The new item appears below the position where you dropped it.
Or, use the menu bar:
1. Select an executable item in the user menu.
2. Choose Favorites Add.
3. The new item appears at the end of your list.
Inserting a Transaction
1. Choose Favorites Insert transaction.
2. The following dialog box appears:
3. Enter the transaction code, and choose Continue.
4. The new item appears at the end of your list, and is automatically labeled with the transaction name.
Inserting a Web Address or a File
1. Choose Favorites Link or file
2. The following dialog box appears:
3. Enter a name and the Web address or file name, and choose Continue.
The Web address should start with http://... EXAMPLE:
The file name should have the format: X:\filename\filepath. EXAMPLE: C:\Texts\SAP.doc. You can only use this function if you can
access local files from your Web browser.
Managing Favorites
SAP Easy Access allows you to organize your favorites by:
Creating folders in your favorites list
Moving, renaming, or deleting favorites and folders
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Inserting Folders
1. Choose Favorites Insert folder.
2. A dialog box appears. Enter a name, and choose Continue.
3. The new folder appears below the currently selected favorite.
Moving Favorites and Folders
To move favorites or folders within a hierarchy level:
1. Select the favorite or folder you want to move.
2. Choose Favorites Move Up/Down; or choose Move favorites downwards /Move favorites upwards.
3. Repeat this step until the favorite or folder is where you want it.
To move favorites or folders between hierarchy levels, use drag and drop:
1. Select the favorite or folder with the mouse, and keep the mouse button pressed.
2. Drag the favorite or folder to the desired position in the favorites list, and release the mouse button.
3. The favorite or folder appears below the position where you let it go.
Renaming Favorites and Folders
1. Select the favorites or folders you want to rename.
2. Choose Favorites Change.
3. A dialog box appears. Enter a new name, and choose Continue. Or: From the context menu, choose Change favorites. To open the context menu, click the
alternate mouse button.
Deleting Favorites and Folders
1. Select the favorites or folders you want to delete.
2. Choose Favorites Delete.
Or: From the context menu, choose Delete favorites. To open the context menu, click the
alternate mouse button.
When you remove a favorite from your favorites list, you are not actually deleting the respective file, program, or transaction; you are merely removing a link to that particular item.
Roles are collections of activities used in business scenarios. Users access the transactions, reports, or Web-based applications through user menus. The SAP Standard contains a large number of predefined roles.
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When a role is assigned to a user, the menu for that role appears when the user logs on to the system. The integrity of business data is also ensured by the assignment of roles. Authorization profiles are generated which restrict the activities of users in the SAP System, depending on the activities in the roles.
The Workplace provides users with a portal via a Web browser to perform his or her tasks. Roles can be assigned here as well.
The user can change the roles assigned to him or her as required. He or she can. for example
Create [Seite 21] and Manage [Seite 22] Favorites.
The system administrator can tailor the user menu to the personal requirements of each user, by adding or deleting menu entries.
For more information about role-specific system administrator functions, see System
administrator functions [Seite 24].
System Administrator Functions
There are various ways in which the system administrator can define user menus for the staff in a company.
He or she can:
Directly assign roles to a user
Change and Assign Roles
Create Roles
If you have system administrator authorization, SAP Easy Access provides additional functions that enable you to:
Call role menus and assign users to the menus
Create roles
A sample SAP Easy Access initial screen for system administrators is shown below. The application toolbar contains additional options.
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To display a role menu, choose Other menu. A list of all roles in the SAP System are displayed in the dialog box that appears. If you select a role it is displayed.
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If the selected role corresponds with the activities of a member of staff, choose Assign user. On the following screen, you enter the user ID of the user.
The system then asks you whether you want to generate an authorization profile. If you choose Yes, the system assigns the user the authorizations for the role.
For display more information about the select role, choose Documentation. To create roles, choose Create role or start the Role Maintenance transaction PFCG as
System Administrator.
See also:
Assign standard roles [Extern] Change and assign roles [Extern] Create roles [Extern]
The SAP Window
The SAP window is the user interface to the SAP System.
The elements of a typical SAP window are shown below:
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The standard toolbar contains buttons for performing common actions such as Save and Enter.
The functions assigned to the standard toolbar are listed below:
Button Name Function
Enter Confirms the data you have selected or
entered on the screen. Same function as the Enter key. Does not save your work.
Command field Allows you to enter commands, such as
Back Returns you to the previous screen without
Exit Exits the current function without saving.
transaction codes. Saves your work. Same function as Save in
the Edit menu.
saving your data. If there are required fields on the screen, these fields must be completed first.
Returns you to the initial screen or main menu screen.
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Cancel Exits the current task without saving. Same
function as Cancel in the Edit menu.
Print Prints data from the current screen. Find Searches for data required in the current
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Depending on your actions as you work with the SAP System, you may also see:
Find next Performs an extended search for data
required in the current screen.
First page Scrolls to the first page. Same function as the
CTRL + Page Up keys.
Previous page Scrolls to the previous page. Same function
as the Page Up key.
Next page Scrolls to the next page. Same function as
the Page Down key.
Last page Scrolls to the last page. Same function as the
CTRL + Page Up key.
Create session Creates a new SAP session. Same function
as Create session in the System menu.
Create shortcut Allows you to create a desktop shortcut to
any SAP report, transaction, or task if you are working with a Windows 32-bit operating system.
F1 Help Provides help on the field where the cursor is
Layout menu Allows you to customize the display options.
Radio buttons and checkboxes. For more information, see Radio Buttons and
Checkboxes [Seite 35].
Dialog boxes. For more information, see Dialog Boxes [Seite 36].
Release 4.6: The New SAP GUI
The SAP graphical user interface (SAP GUI) consists of the technical features that enable you to exchange information with the SAP System (by entering data, choosing functions, and so on). For Release 4.6, SAP has made extensive changes to the SAP GUI design.
New Display Options
The redesigned features include:
Text fonts and colors
Color schemes
Sound and animation settings
Additional options for data presentation
The new SAP GUI consists of two main screen areas.
Screen header The screen header consists of:
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Menu bar
Standard toolbar
Title bar
Application toolbar
Screen body
The screen body is the area between the screen header and the status bar.
A typical example of an SAP screen (here, the SAP Easy Access initial screen) with the new SAP GUI is shown below:
Changes to the Screen Header
Screen Banner
In previous releases, the title bar and menu bar were at the top of the R/3 window. As of Release 4.6, a screen banner replaces these two elements. The screen banner consists of:
Menu bar
GUI interaction buttons
The Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons are no longer in the top right-hand corner. They are now slightly to the left, beside the SAP logo:
You can also find these GUI interaction options in the dropdown menu that appears when you choose in the top left-hand corner.
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Standard toolbar
Command field
By default, the command field is closed. To display it, choose the arrow to the left of the Save icon:
The command field appears: To hide it, choose the arrow to the right (outside) of the field.
To display a list of the transactions you used last, choose the dropdown arrow at the right-hand end of the field.
Other features
In the top right-hand corner, the ripple animation indicates data request activity: . This was previously shown by a change of color in the status fields.
Changes to the Screen Body
Screen Elements and Layout
The screen elements (group boxes, buttons, scrollbars, and so on) have a new design.
The screen layout has changed. For example, a tab leader now guides the eye from
field names to fields, and important screen areas are highlighted more prominently.
Required input fields were previously identified by a question mark within the field. They now have a checkmark icon at the left-hand end: .
Status Bar
System message identification (far left)
¡ identifies error messages. ¡ identifies affirmative system messages.
Status fields (far right) By default, the status fields appear at the far right:
To hide these fields, choose the arrow pointing to the right: When the fields are hidden, the arrow points in the other direction:
To display the status fields, choose the arrow pointing to the left:
SAP has changed the graphical design of all icons used in the SAP System.
Changes to GUI Controls
SAP has also redesigned screen elements such as trees, tables, and tabs.
GUI Interaction Principles
The GUI interaction principles – such as minimizing, maximizing, canceling, and dropdown menus – remain the same.
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