SAP Match/Consolidate 8.00c Custom Programmer’s Reference


Custom Programmer’s Reference

Match/Consolidate 8.00c
April 2009
Copyright information © 2009 SAP® BusinessObjects™. All rights reserved. SAP BusinessObjects and its logos,
BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports®, SAP BusinessObjects Rapid Mart™, SAP BusinessOb­jects Data Insight™, SAP BusinessObjects Desktop Intelligence™, SAP BusinessObjects Rapid Marts®, SAP BusinessObjects Watchlist Security™, SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelli­gence®, and Xcelsius® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects, an SAP company and/or affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. SAP® is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and/or other countries. All other names men­tioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference


Preface .............................................................................................................5
Chapter 1:
Introduction to Match/Consolidate Custom............................................... 7
Purpose of Match/Consolidate Custom............................................................8
Exit points in Match/Consolidate job processing.............................................9
How applications use the Match/Consolidate Custom libraries.....................10
Compiling and linking....................................................................................11
Chapter 2:
Writing exit functions ................................................................................. 13
Introduction to exit functions .........................................................................14
input_processing() exit function.....................................................................16
compare_before() exit function......................................................................18
compare_after_dupe() exit function ...............................................................20
compare_after_nodupe() exit function...........................................................21
dupe_group() exit function.............................................................................22
dupe_group_post() exit function ....................................................................23
output_processing() exit function...................................................................24
parse() exit function .......................................................................................25
Table of exit-support functions by exit point .................................................26
Chapter 3:
Group posting .............................................................................................. 27
Group posting options ....................................................................................28
Setting up external operations........................................................................29
Setting up double operations ..........................................................................30
Exit-support functions for group posting .......................................................31
Chapter 4:
Match/Consolidate Custom library functions .......................................... 33
mpc_get_ap_field() ........................................................................................34
mpc_get_db_field() ........................................................................................36
mpc_get_error_info() .....................................................................................37
mpc_get_key_field() ......................................................................................46
mpc_get_num_current_rec() ..........................................................................47
mpc_get_num_in_files() ................................................................................48
mpc_get_pw_field() .......................................................................................50
mpc_get_pw_field_id().................................................................................. 51
mpc_init()....................................................................................................... 53
mpc_put_db_field() .......................................................................................56
mpc_put_key_field()...................................................................................... 57
mpc_set_ap_field() ........................................................................................ 59
mpc_set_current_rec() ................................................................................... 60
mpc_set_dupes() ............................................................................................61
mpc_set_exit() ............................................................................................... 62
mpc_set_gpst_name() .................................................................................... 63
mpc_set_gpst_num_ops() .............................................................................. 64
mpc_set_gpst_result().................................................................................... 65
mpc_set_group_pos()..................................................................................... 66
mpc_set_process() ......................................................................................... 67
simscore()....................................................................................................... 70
Index.............................................................................................................. 71
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference


About this guide


This manual is a reference for C programmers who are working with Match/ Consolidate Custom. This manual explains how to make your application work with Match/Consolidate Custom, and provides detailed reference pages about each of the functions.
In writing this manual, we assume that you are already familiar with the C programming language, your operating system, and with basic concepts of database management, mail processing, and address processing.
This document follows these conventions:
Convention Description
Bold We use bold type for file names, paths, emphasis, and text that you
should type exactly as shown. For example, “Type
Italics We use italics for emphasis and text for which you should substitute
your own data or values. For example, “Type a name for your file,
Menu commands
and the
We indicate commands that you choose from menus in the follow­ing format: Menu Name > Command Name. For example, “Choose File > New.”
We use this symbol to alert you to important information and poten­tial problems.
extension (
We use this symbol to point out special cases that you should know about.
We use this symbol to draw your attention to tips that may be useful to you.
Other documentation Documents related to this manual include the following:
Document Description
Access the latest documentation
System Administrator’s
Explains how to install your software.
Database Prep
Explains how to prepare input files for processing, includ­ing how to create DEF, FMT, and DMT files.
Match/Consolidate User’s Guide to Record Matching
Explains the concepts behind name and address matching software and provides examples of how to implement, analyze, and fine-tune match detection strategies for the best results.
Match/Consolidate Job-File Reference
Match/Consolidate Extended Matching
Contains the operational how-to instructions for setting up the Match/Consolidate job file.
Contains the operational how-to instructions for setting up extended matching.
Quick Reference
Contains descriptions of the input and output fields, and the command line for the Match/Consolidate job file.
You can access Firstlogic documentation in several places:
On your computer. Release notes, manuals, and other documents for
each Firstlogic product that you’ve installed are available in the Documentation folder. Choose Start > Programs > Firstlogic Applications > Documentation.
On the SAP Service Market Place. Go to, and then
click the Business Objects tab. Here, you can search for your products’ documentation.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction to Match/Consolidate Custom
This chapter explains the purpose of Match/Consolidate Custom. It provides information about the exit points in Match/Consolidate job processing, how applications use the Match/Consolidate Custom libraries, and about compiling and linking.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Match/Consolidate Custom

Purpose of Match/Consolidate Custom

The purpose of using Match/Consolidate Custom, rather than the off-the-shelf Match/Consolidate program, is two-fold:
Match/Consolidate Custom enables you to run Match/Consolidate jobs from
within your own C application. You might want to develop a proprietary user interface, for example.
Match/Consolidate Custom gives you greater control over Match/
Consolidate processing. At selected points within the process, Match/ Consolidate calls your functions. Your routines, called exit functions, may alter the results that Match/Consolidate would otherwise produce.
To use Match/Consolidate Custom, you will create one or two layers of software: one above our Match/Consolidate batch application, and the other underneath. (See the figure at the right.)
Match/Consolidate Custom includes libraries of C functions for each layer. The setup functions are called by your main program; the exit-support functions provide information to your exit routines.
Exit functions are optional. If you don’t use them, you will obtain the same results from Match/Consolidate that you would obtain from our off-the-shelf program.
Your application
Match/Consolidate Custom
batch application
Your exit functions
Match/Consolidate Custom
exit support library
Match/Consolidate Custom is based on the batch-oriented Match/Consolidate program. Match/Consolidate Custom is not appropriate for interactive applications.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference

Exit points in Match/Consolidate job processing

Eight exit types An exit function is a C function that is written by you and called by Match/

Consolidate. The eight types of exit functions are listed below and described in full detail in “Writing exit functions” on page 13. You need not use the function names listed here; however, we will use them in this manual to avoid confusion.

Three exit states As listed in the following table, an exit function may be called in any of three

states. Note that this refers to a state that Match/Consolidate is in, not a state of your application.
State of exit function
Initialization Before a processing step begins, Match/Consolidate may call your
exit function in the init state. Such a call will be made only once, and then usually to allocate memory or open files.
Process During processing, Match/Consolidate may call your exit function in
the process state. This call will be made once for each item to be processed (input record, pair of records, dupe group, or output record). Obviously, any exit function called in this state may have a dramatic effect on the rate of processing.
Termination After completing the step, Match/Consolidate may call your exit
function in the term state. Such a call will be made only once— usually, to free memory, close files, or write a report.

Unsupported exits Match/Consolidate Custom does not support exits for reading a record from an

input file or writing a record to an output file. Neither does Match/Consolidate Custom support exits during the creation of reports, posting to an input file, or purging of dupes from input files.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Match/Consolidate Custom

How applications use the Match/Consolidate Custom libraries

Setup library Your application will call just a few functions in the Match/Consolidate Custom

setup library. They are listed here in the order that you would call them:
Function Description
mpc_init() Initializes Match/Consolidate Custom and allocates memory
for Match/Consolidate Custom processing.
mpc_set_exit() Signals to Match/Consolidate Custom that an exit function will
be called, and sets the address of that exit function. Because there are eight types of exit functions, you may need to call mpc_set_exit() up to eight times.
mpc_process_job() Starts Match/Consolidate batch processing. This function
passes an entire command line to Match/Consolidate. An alternative form of this call, mpc_process_jobv(), enables
you to pass command-line arguments from your main function to Match/Consolidate.
mpc_term() Halts Match/Consolidate Custom and frees all memory allo-
cated for Match/Consolidate Custom.
There are two more functions that pertain to group posting in the setup library. For more information about group posting, see “Group posting” on page 27.

Exit-support library The library of exit-support functions is described in “Writing exit functions” on

page 13. There, you will find complete information about how to write exit

Errors To retrieve information about an error during Match/Consolidate processing, you

may call mpc_get_error_info(). You may call this function from your main program or from your exit functions.
Most Match/Consolidate Custom functions return MPC_OK if the function completed successfully. If an error occurs, the global variable mpc_errno is set to an error value and MPC_ERROR is returned. If your application detects MPC_ERROR, it may call mpc_get_error_info() to get more information.
Sample program To see an example of an application calling Match/Consolidate Custom, see the

sample program mpc_test.c.

The sample program is for use only as a learning tool. It is not a prototype or product. Firstlogic does not support or authorize any use for commercial purposes and disclaims any warranty regarding such use.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference

Compiling and linking

All copies of Match/Consolidate Custom are shipped compiled and ready to link; source code is not available.

UNIX We compile the Match/Consolidate Custom Library with cc(1).

On some UNIX platforms, you must link in specific operating system libraries. For details about which system libraries to link in, see the sample build script, build. For information about your operating system libraries, consult your operating system manuals or vendor.
To build our sample application, see the build file. Read the instructions in the file and edit it before using it. You can use the build file to build our sample program (mpc_test). To build our mpc_test application, you would type the command build mpc_test.

Windows We compile using Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC).

To build our sample applications, follow the guidelines in
Chapter 1: Introduction to Match/Consolidate Custom
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference
Chapter 2: Writing exit functions
This chapter provides information about exit functions and a table of exit-support functions by exit point.
Chapter 2: Writing exit functions

Introduction to exit functions

The Match/Consolidate Custom library allows your application to gain control of job file processing at certain key intervals by way of exit functions. An exit function is a callable function that is written by the user and is called by the Match/Consolidate code. There are eight types of exit functions:

Exit information As listed in the following table, an exit function may be called in any of three

states. Note that this refers to a state that Match/Consolidate is in, not a state of your application.
State of exit function
Initialization Before a processing step begins, Match/Consolidate may call your
exit function in the initialization (init) state. Such a call will be made only once, and then usually to allocate memory or open files.
Process During processing, Match/Consolidate may call your exit function
in the process state. This call will be made once for each item to be processed (input record, pair of records, dupe group, or output record). Any exit function called in this state may have a dramatic effect on the rate of processing.
Termination After completing the step, Match/Consolidate may call your exit
function in the termination (term) state. Such a call will be made only once, and then usually to free memory, close files, or write a report.
It is your responsibility to free any memory that you allocate, and close any files that you open. Ordinarily, this will be accomplished by another call to your exit function in the termination state. Match/Consolidate will not free memory or close files opened by your application.
When you set up your exit function, you will also select the state(s) in which that exit function will be called.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference

State passed as argument

You will write up to eight exit functions, as listed on the previous page. You will not write 24 exit functions (eight exit function types times three states). Instead, Match/Consolidate Custom will pass the state when it calls your exit function, and your exit function should act accordingly.

Data retrieval Match/Consolidate Custom offers several get functions to retrieve fields or whole

records, or get information about the input file or fields. For details, see the
“Table of exit-support functions by exit point” on page 26.
Match/Consolidate can retrieve data much faster from its key file than from the input files. For best performance, we recommend that whenever possible, you use mpc_get_key_field() instead of mpc_get_db_field() or mpc_get_pw_field(). In our early tests, retrieval from the key file has been about three times faster than retrieval from input files.
For performance reasons, you may wish to create extra key fields for use by your exit functions. These key fields need not be used in the Match/Consolidate matching process. See the Quick Reference for information about the PW fields Merg_Purg1 through Merg_Purg5.

Error handling Most Match/Consolidate Custom functions return MPC_OK if the function

completed successfully. If an error occurs, the global variable mpc_errno is set to an error value and MPC_ERROR is returned. If your exit function detects MPC_ERROR, it may call mpc_get_error_info() to get more information. Values for mpc_errno are defined in the header file mpc.h.

Return status Your exit functions should return either of the integers MPC_OK or

MPC_ERROR. If Match/Consolidate detects an MPC_ERROR return, it will shut down gracefully. It is your responsibility, in your exit functions, to report the error to the user.

Modifying Match/ Consolidate results

Your application should not modify Match/Consolidate results except as provided for in the Match/Consolidate Custom exit-support library. In particular, do not modify the Match/Consolidate work files.
A stated purpose of Match/Consolidate Custom is to enable you to modify Match/ Consolidate results. However, one of our design goals for the Match/Consolidate Custom exit-support library is to preserve the integrity of Match/Consolidate processing. That’s why there are some functions that you won’t find in the library; for example, there is no mpc_put_key_field() function.
Chapter 2: Writing exit functions

input_processing() exit function

If you declare an input_processing() exit function, it will be called during the processing step called Read Records (see the Execution block in the Match/ Consolidate job file). The input_processing() exit function can perform three tasks:
Exclude a record from all processing
Exclude a record from the dupe search

Modify a record

Exclude from all processing

Your input_processing() exit function may determine that an input record should not be included in any further processing. To carry out this decision, your input_processing() exit function should call mpc_set_process() with the argument MPC_DECISION_NO. Match/Consolidate will treat the record as if it had failed the input filter.
If a record fails the input filter, you have no way of reversing that decision, because your input_processing() exit function will not be called.

Exclude from the dupe search

Your input_processing() exit function may determine that a record should be excluded from the search for dupes. In other words, a record may be declared to be unique. To carry out this decision, your input_processing() exit function should call mpc_set_unique() with the argument MPC_DECISION_YES.
Modify a record Your input_processing() exit function may modify an input record. For this
purpose, Match/Consolidate Custom offers several get functions to retrieve fields or whole records, or get information about the input file or fields. For details, see the “Table of exit-support functions by exit point” on page 26.
If your input_processing() exit function modifies a record, Match/Consolidate Custom will write the modified record back into the input file and use it for all subsequent processing.

Initialization call You might want Match/Consolidate to call your input_processing() exit function

in the initialization state in order to allocate memory or open files. At the time of this initialization call:
Match/Consolidate has opened the job file with exclusive access.
The input files have been opened with read/write access.
The DEF and FMT files have been read and closed.
Note that it is your responsibility to free any memory that you allocate and to close any files that you open. Ordinarily, this will be accomplished by another call to your input_processing() exit function in the termination state. Match/ Consolidate will not free memory or close files opened by your application.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference

Process call At the Read Records step, Match/Consolidate Custom follows these steps:

1. Reads a record from the input file.
2. Runs the record through the input filter. If the record fails the input filter, the input_processing() exit function will not be called.
3. Calls the input_processing() exit function in the process state, if one has been set. You perform the remaining steps only if your exit function does not exclude the record from processing (see previous page).
4. Determines to which list the record belongs.
5. Parses (and perhaps standardizes) the name and address data.
6. Generates key fields and stores them in the key file.
If an input_processing() exit function has been set, it is called after a record is run through the input filter, but before Match/Consolidate assigns the record to a list.

Termination call You might want Match/Consolidate to call your input_processing() exit function

in the termination state in order to generate a report, free memory, and close files. At the time of this call, the job file and all input files are still open.
Chapter 2: Writing exit functions

compare_before() exit function

The compare_before() exit function is called during the Find Duplicates step of job processing.

Compare records When called in the process state, your compare_before() exit function will be

presented a pair of records that are about to be compared. Your function may determine that the pair of records are dupes. For example, you might decide that if two records match on the Social Security Number, they are definitely a match, no matter what the normal comparison might determine.
To carry out this decision, your exit function may call mpc_set_dupes(). As listed in the following table, there are three possible arguments to this call:
Argument Description
Yes The records are accepted as a match and Match/Consolidate cancels its
own comparison.
No The records are accepted as a nonmatch and Match/Consolidate cancels
its own comparison.
Undecided This is the default state. Match/Consolidate will compare the records as
usual, according to the match criteria and options set up in the job file.

Support functions Your compare_before() function will deal with pairs of records. To manage this,

you may call mpc_get_num_current_rec() to determine which record of the pair is the current record; this will return a 1 or 2. You may also call mpc_set_current_rec() to select one record from the pair to be the current record.
Match/Consolidate Custom also offers several get functions to retrieve fields or whole records, or get information about the input file or fields. For details, see the
“Table of exit-support functions by exit point” on page 26.
Match/Consolidate Custom lets you compare multiline unparsed addresses as well. See the next page for more information on comparing addresses in Match/ Consolidate Custom.

Performance If your compare_before() exit function is to be called in the process state, please

note: Your exit function may be called millions, or even trillions of times in a single job, Exit processing may reduce the overall Match/Consolidate processing rate, so keep this in mind when designing your exit function. Of course, the time taken for exit processing may be partially offset if, because of your Yes or No decision, Match/Consolidate cancels its normal comparison.

Excluded records Match/Consolidate cancels some comparisons. Note that your compare_before()

exit function will not be called when Match/Consolidate cancels a comparison.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference

Multiline unparsed comparisons

You can also compare unparsed records. Multiline unparsed comparisons, and parsed to unparsed comparisons (if the records are in the same break group) are possible. This includes comparison of foreign addresses.
Below is one example of how you may use the compare_before() exit function to compare unparsed records. This comparison matches on first name and the overall similarity of two records. The example given below could easily be expanded to include more database or non-address key fields.
int status; /* return status */ int percent; /* match_percent */ char rec_buf1[1024]; /* buffer for whole record 1 */ char rec_buf2[1024]; /* buffer for whole record 2 */ char fname_buf1 [20]; /* buffer for first name 1 */ char fname_buf2 [20]; /* buffer for first name 2 */ char parse_buf1 [2]; /* buffer for parse status of record 1 */ char parse_buf2 [2]; /* buffer for parse status of record 2 */
/* get record 1 comparison info */ status = mpc_set_current_rec(1); status = mpc_get_ap_field(MPG_AP_PARSE, parse_buf1); status = mpc_get_key_field(MPG_KEY_FIRSTNAME, fname_buf1); status = mpc_get_record(rec_buf1);
/* get record 2 comparison info */ status = mpc_set_current_rec(2); status = mpc_get_ap_field(MPG_AP_PARSE, parse_buf2); status = mpc_get_key_field(MPG_KEY_FIRSTNAME, fname_buf2); status = mpc_get_record(rec_buf2);
/* UNPARSED RECORD MATCHING */ /* If one of the records is unparsed, first names must be 80% alike and the records must be at least 75% alike overall in this example. */
if (parse_buf1[0] !=32 || parse_buf2[0] !=32 { /* one or both recs unparsed */ percent = simscore(recbuf1, strlen(rec_buf1), rec_buf2, strlen(rec_buf2)); if (percent >= 75 && simscore(fname_buf1, strlen(fname_buf1), fname_buf2, strlen(fname_buf2)) { fprintf(stdout, “UNPARSED MATCH DETECTED!\n”); status = mpc_set_dupes(MPC_DECISION_YES) /* DUPE OVERRIDE */ }
Chapter 2: Writing exit functions

compare_after_dupe() exit function

Re-compare duplicates

The compare_after_dupe() exit function is called during the Find Duplicates step of job processing. When called in the process state, your compare_after_dupe() function will be presented a pair of records that have been compared and found to be dupes—either by the normal Match/Consolidate comparison, or by your compare_before() exit function.
For example, you might set rather loose match criteria in the job file. This will cause Match/Consolidate to err on the side of matching. Then your compare_after_dupe() exit function could re-evaluate each “matching” pair, to reduce false alarms (see the diagram below).
Your compare_after_dupe() exit function may determine, despite the previous finding, that the pair of records are not dupes. To carry out this decision, your exit function may call mpc_set_dupes().
Match/Consolidate says the records match.
Match/Consolidate says the records do not match.
To you, the records are duplicates.
Correct detection False match
Missed duplicate Correct non-detection
To you, the records are not duplicates.
If your compare_after_dupe() exit function is to be called in the process state, please note: Your exit function may be called thousands of times in a single job. Obviously, exit processing may reduce the overall Match/Consolidate processing rate, perhaps dramatically. Please bear this in mind when designing your exit function.

Support functions Your compare_after_dupe() exit function will deal with pairs of records. To

manage this function you may call mpc_get_num_current_rec() to determine which record of the pair is the current record; this will return a 1 or 2. You may also call mpc_set_current_rec() to select one record from the pair to be the current record.
Match/Consolidate Custom also offers several get functions to retrieve fields or whole records, or get information about the input file or fields. For details, see the
“Table of exit-support functions by exit point” on page 26.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference

compare_after_nodupe() exit function

Re-compare non-duplicates

The compare_after_nodupe() exit function is called during the Find Duplicates step of job processing. When called in the process state, your compare_after_nodupe() function will be presented a pair of records that have been compared and found not to be dupes—either by the normal Match/ Consolidate comparison, or by your compare_before() exit function.
For example, you might set rather tight match criteria in the job file. This will cause Match/Consolidate to err on the side of not matching. Then your compare_after_nodupe() exit function could re-evaluate each nonmatching pair, to reduce missed dupes (see the diagram below).
Your compare_after_nodupe() exit function may determine, despite the previous finding, that the pair of records are dupes. To carry out this decision, your exit function may call mpc_set_dupes().
Match/Consolidate says the records match.
Match/Consolidate says the records do not match.
To you, the records are duplicates.
Correct detection False match
Missed duplicate Correct non-detection
To you, the records are not duplicates.
If your compare_after_nodupe() exit function is to be called in the process state, your exit function may be called thousands or even millions of times in a single job. Obviously, exit processing may reduce the overall Match/Consolidate processing rate, perhaps dramatically. Please bear this in mind when designing your exit function.

Support functions Your compare_after_nodupe() exit function will deal with pairs of records. To

manage this, you may call mpc_get_num_current_rec() to determine which record of the pair is the current record; this will return a 1 or 2. You may also call mpc_set_current_rec() to select one record from the pair to be the current record.
Match/Consolidate Custom also offers several get functions to retrieve fields or whole records, or get information about the input file or fields. For details, see the
“Table of exit-support functions by exit point” on page 26.
Chapter 2: Writing exit functions

dupe_group() exit function

The dupe_group() exit function is called after the Find Duplicates step is completed and after the records in each dupe group have been prioritized. For information about dupe groups and prioritization, see the User’s Guide to Record Matching.

Choose a new master dupe

If the dupe_group() exit function is active, it is called once for each dupe group. The dupe_group() exit function will be able to change the positions of records in the dupe group. In theory, you may alter the sequence of subordinate dupes. More typically, the purpose of calling mpc_set_group_pos() will be to choose a new master dupe. You should not alter the data in the master dupe; that is the purpose of the dupe_group_post() exit function.

For example, your program might determine, for whatever reason, that one of the subordinate dupes should be elevated to be the master dupe. Be sure to make that subordinate dupe the current record (see Support functions below).

Then to carry out your decision, call mpc_set_group_pos() to set the new position of the current record in the dupe group. The position of other group members will be adjusted as necessary.
If your dupe_group() exit function is to be called in the process state, note that it is impossible to predict how many dupe groups there will be, or how many times your function will be called. That depends on how the job file is set up and on the input lists.
Support functions When called in the process state, your dupe_group() exit function will process
groups of unknown size. One member of the group is the current record. Initially, this is the first record in the group, the master dupe. Your exit functions may call the following:
Function Description
mpc_get_num_recs() Determine how many records are in the dupe group.
mpc_get_num_current_rec() Determine which record in the group is the
current record.
mpc_set_current_rec() Select one record from the group to be the
current record.
pc_set_group_pos() Set the new position of the current record in the
dupe group.
Match/Consolidate Custom also offers several get functions to retrieve fields or whole records, or get information about the input file or fields. For details, see the
“Table of exit-support functions by exit point” on page 26.
Match/Consolidate Custom Programmer’s Reference
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