List of locales and their dominant locales...............................................................................51
Number format tokens...........................................................................................................56
Date and time format tokens..................................................................................................58
Types of InfoObject supported by the translation management tool........................................62
More Information...................................................................................................................65Appendix A
Introduction to the translation management tool
Introduction to the translation management tool
1.1 Introduction to the translation management tool
The translation management tool provides a framework to support the localization requirements for
international deployments of BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Users can work in their respective languages with the following types of documents:
•Resources stored locally or in the repository: Interactive Analysis document, universe design tool
universe (.unv).
•Resources stored locally or in the Shared Projects folder (in the repository): the Business Layer and
Data Foundation for universes generated by the information design tool.
•Resources stored only in the repository: dashboards created by Dashboard Design and workspaces
created by BI workspace, Crystal Reports documents, and most InfoObjects.
For a multilingual audience, a universe or report designer can create one document and translate it in
multiple languages with the translation management tool instead of creating a universe or document
in each language.
The translations are saved in the universe and report documents, and displayed in the reader's language
at reporting time.
For importing from the repository the content to translate, the tool uses the Translation Server to
communicate with the other modules. Refer to the Administration Guide for more information about the
translation server. Content that is imported is stored locally in the TMGR format. The TMGR format file
is also used to manage the exchanges between the translation management tool and the translation
Features of the tool include:
•Ability to translate metadata in most SAP BusinessObjects resources: universes, Interactive Analysis
reports and Crystal Reports documents...
•An interface designed for in-house translations.
•A format editor to easily define custom date, time, and number formats.
•Ability to manage approximately 130 locales.
•Enterprise deployment, with full integration with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise including support
for all Central Management Server (CMS) authentication modes and a standalone mode.
•Mid Market (Small-scale) or Local deployment with no repository.
•Collaboration with external translators using XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) files.
This format is used by professional translators and is compatible with many translation tools.
•Ability to perform concurrent and offline translation.
Introduction to the translation management tool
•Support of the translation status throughout the translation process.
•The translation management tool runs on Windows platforms, though it can connect to Central
Management Server running on other platforms.
•The XLIFF standard used in this tool is not compatible with previous versions of the translation
management tool. In particular, it is not possible to read XLIFF files generated by previous versions
of Translation Manager.
Related Topics
• About translating Interactive Analysis reports
1.2 Which resources can you translate?
You can translate the following resources:
Table 1-1: Translatable resource types
Data Foundations or Business Layers created
with the information design tool
Dashboards created with Dashboard Design
Workspaces created with BI workspace and most
ActionResource type
Stored locally or in the CMS repositoryInteractive Analysis reports
Stored locally or in the CMS repositoryUniverses created by the universe design tool
Stored locally or in the Shared Projects folder of
the CMS repository
Stored in the CMS repositoryCrystal Reports documents
Stored in the CMS repository
Stored in the CMS repository
1.3 About translating Interactive Analysis reports
You can use the translation management tool to translate report metadata (.wid files) created with
Interactive Analysis or Web Intelligence XI 3.0 or later. This metadata includes:
Introduction to the translation management tool
•Report names
•Query names or data provider names
•Prompt texts
•Local variable names
•Alerter names and descriptions
•Content in an Interactive Analysis formula (for example in a table cell), an alerter message, or a
report variable (if requested using the GetLocalized function).
By default, the content of report formulas in Interactive Analysis reports is not translated. To make
strings in a report formula available for translation in the translation management tool, the report designer
must use the GetLocalized function when designing the report. For more info about the GetLocalized
function, see the
Analysis Guide
Using Functions, Formulas and Calculations in SAP BusinessObjects Interactive
Related Topics
• About translating universes from the information design tool
1.4 About translating universes from the universe design tool
You can translate
•The universe name and description
•Context names and descriptions
•Class names and descriptions
•Object names, descriptions and formats
•Filter names and descriptions
•Custom hierarchy names
•Prompt texts
•Input columns (identified as prompts in the translation management tool)
Derived universes
When you use the translation management tool to open a derived universe based on one or more core
universes, only the content of the derived universe needs to be translated. When a user reports in a
derived universe, the translations from the core universes and the derived universe are used. If the
derived universe contains objects that are located in a class folder of a core universe, these objects
are displayed in an unnamed folder.
When the reporting application displays the content for a derived universe, the translations available
include the languages defined for the derived universe as well as the languages defined for its core
universes. The application determines the Fallback language for a derived universe using the following
set of rules.
If a Fallback language is defined for the derived universe, then the application uses this Fallback
Introduction to the translation management tool
If no Fallback language is defined for the derived universe, then the application looks in the core
universes for a Fallback language.
If no Fallback language is defined for any core universe, the universe has no Fallback language.
1.5 About translating universes from the information design tool
Universes generated by the information design tool are not directly translated. Translation management
tool can independently translate the data foundations or business layers created by the information
design tool. These resources can be located on local information design tool projects or on shared
information design tool projects stored in the CMS repository.
Once these resources are translated, use the information design tool to republish the universe that will
contain these translations.
Related Topics
• Translation status
• Terminology used in the translation management tool
• About the Language Management view
• To set the fallback language
1.6 Terminology used in the translation management tool
Introduction to the translation management tool
Locale abbreviations
Dominant locale
A locale defines a language and a geographical area. A language can be
associated with several countries. For example, French (fr) is a language
spoken in France (FR), Belgium (BE), and Switzerland (CH). The locale
for the French spoken in Switzerland is French (Switzerland) or fr-CH.
A locale also defines the way data is sorted and how dates and numbers
are formatted.
In the translation management tool, the terms language and locale are
used interchangeably.
Locale abbreviations consist of the language abbreviation followed by the
country abbreviation.
The locale abbreviation appears differently depending on your operating
system or the application you are using. For example:
•Windows: French (France)
•Java: fr_FR
•Sun Solaris: fr_FR.ISO8859-1
•InfoView 6.5.1: French (France) [fr-FR]
The dominant locale is a pre-defined locale that is used as the substitution
language when no substitution language is defined for the document. One
dominant locale is defined for every language.
Product language
Preferred Viewing Locale
The product language is the language in which the application interface
The Preferred Viewing Locale is the user's preferred language for viewing
report and query objects in an application.
Introduction to the translation management tool
Source language
Each time you export a document to XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange
File Format), you define a source language that is identified as the source
language in the resulting XLIFF file.
Fallback locale
A fallback locale can be defined to display when viewing a translated document and no translation in the user's Preferred Viewing Locale (PVL) is
Because you can define only one fallback locale in a document, in most
cases it is more flexible to leave the fallback locale undefined and rely on
the default substitution of the dominant locale.
Translation status
All strings in every language are associated with a translation status. The
status indicates if the string has been translated, reviewed, or changed.
The status also determines if the translation is ready to be displayed in
Related Topics
• List of locales and their dominant locales
• Translation status
• About translating universes from the information design tool
• To set the product language
• To set the fallback language
1.7 About authentication and security
The tool controls access using login information and application rights configured in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
You log into the translation management tool using one of the following login modes:
Introduction to the translation management tool
Connected Mode
There are three authentication types: Enterprise, LDAP, and Windows AD.
These authentication types let you connect to the CMS repository, import from
and export documents to the CMS, and change your CMS login password.
You can also open and translate unsecured resources saved in a local directory.
Standalone Mode
No authentication is required to use the tool in standalone mode.
You can only translate unsecured resources saved in a local directory.
You cannot open documents imported from the CMS repository unless they are
unsecured and have been saved for all users.
To log into the translation management tool in connected or offline mode, you need the right "Log into
the Translation Manager and display it as an object in the CMC" granted for the translation management
Access to folders and objects in the Central Management Server (CMS) repository is controlled by
rights granted by the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator. To open documents and edit
translations, you must have the following rights:
•To open and edit translations in a universe, you must have the rights "View objects" and "Edit objects"
granted for a universe.
•To open and edit translations in an Interactive Analysis document, you must have the rights "View
objects", "Edit objects", and "Download files associated with the object" granted for the document.
•You also need the "View objects" right granted for the folders containing the universe and report
For more information on the description and definition of user rights, see the
Enterprise Administrator's Guide
Related Topics
• To logon
SAP BusinessObjects
Introduction to the translation management tool
Getting started with the tool
Getting started with the tool
2.1 To logon
To use the tool connected to the Central Management Server (CMS), you must have a user name,
password, and the appropriate rights set up by your administrator. No authentication is necessary to
use the translation management tool in standalone mode.
The translation management tool is automatically installed with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise client
Start the tool if it is not already started. From the Windows Start menu, select All programs > SAP
BusinessObjects XI 4.0 > SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools > Translation
management tool.
The "User Identification" dialog box appears.
In the Authentication box, select the authentication type. To use the tool in standalone mode, select
Standalone and click OK.
For all other authentication types, enter or select in the System box, the system name where the
CMS is located.
For more information about authentication type, see the related topic.
Enter your user name and password in the User Name and Password boxes.
Click OK.
Once you are logged in, your CMS session information displays in the status bar in the lower right
corner of the translation management tool window. You can select the command Tools > Login As
to log in using a different user name or authentication type.
Related Topics
• About authentication and security
2.2 To change your login password
Getting started with the tool
Once you are logged in and connected to the CMS, you can change your CMS login password within
the translation management tool.
Enter your new password in both the New password and Confirm new password boxes. The
entries must match exactly.
Click OK.
Your new password is saved in the CMS.
2.3 About the translation management tool window
When the tool starts for the first time, the window displays the three most commonly used views: the
"Translation Editor", "Text Editor", and "Language Management" views.
You can customize the window to display other views when you need them: the Cell Properties, Filter,
and Help views.
The menu bar contains the command menus:
•File with commands to open, save, import, and export files.
•Edit with commonly used text editing commands.
•Tools with commands to re-enter login information and change password.
•Window with commands to open and close views and set application preferences.
•Help with commands to display the translation management tool help in a separate window, and to
open the Help view.
A toolbar below the menu bar contains icons:
•for command shortcuts that let you perform menu commands with a single click
•for commonly used text editing commands
•to display the different translation management tool views
The function of each icon displays as a tool tip when you hover the pointer over the icon.
A status indicator at the bottom of the translation management tool window shows the status of the
connection to the Central Management Server.
Related Topics
• Customizing the translation management tool window
Getting started with the tool
2.3.1 About the Translation Editor view
The "Translation Editor" view lets you translate strings in a document. For information on the tasks you
can perform in the Translation Editor view, see the Related Topics below.
When you open a document, a new tab opens in the Translation Editor view. A table displays the
document object names in the left column, the original content in the next column, and the languages
to translate in subsequent columns.
You can view the table in two ways:
•The Category view displays by default and shows the document organized by the hierarchy structure.
•The List view displays the document as a flat list with no hierarchy information. The object names
and their icons appear in the left column. The List view lets you sort, find, replace, and filter strings.
For each object, the translation management tool displays the content that can be translated: either a
string (for example, a name, description, or prompt) or a format (a date or number).
You can edit the content of the cells to enter translations.
You cannot edit the cells in the Source language column.
The appearance of the cell content changes depending on the XLIFF translation status.
Properties are associated with the content in each cell. To see the properties of a cell, use the Cell
Properties view.
Related Topics
• To translate strings in the Translation Editor
• To sort strings in the Translation Editor
• To search and replace strings in the Translation Editor
• To set default formats in the Translation Editor
• To filter the List view by status
• Translation status
2.3.2 About the Language Management view
The Language Management view lets you add and manage the languages in your document. For
information on the tasks you can perform in the Language Management view, see the Related Topics.
Getting started with the tool
The list of Available Languages on the left of the Language Management view displays all languages
supported by the tool and lets you select languages to add to your document. In the application
preferences, you can define frequently used languages so that they appear at the top of the list.
The Selected Languages table on the right lists the languages that you have selected for your document.
By default, a column for each selected language displays in the Translation Editor view.
The following information applies to each language that you add to the document:
The View check box lets you select whether or not to display the language in a
column in the Translation Editor view.
The Translated column displays the percentage of the content that has been
translated (cells that have a status of NEEDS_REVIEW_TRANSLATION,
The Visible check box lets you define that the language is ready to be viewed in
reports. Before a language can be viewed, it must be exported back to the original
The Fallback option lets you define the language to display when a translation
is not available in the Preferred Viewing Language. You must set the language
to Visible before you can set it as the fallback language. You can define only one
substitution language in a document.
Related Topics
• To add and remove languages in your document
• To set the fallback language
• To set frequently used languages
• Terminology used in the translation management tool
2.3.3 About the Text Editor view
The "Text Editor" view lets you translate a string which is too long to be viewed in the "Translation
Editor" cell. The "Text Editor" view appears by default on the right in the translation management tool
When you select a cell in the "Translation Editor" view:
•The content of the cell displays in the Translation box of the Text Editor view where you can edit
You cannot edit the original content.
Getting started with the tool
•The associated source language content displays in the Source box of the Text Editor view and
cannot be edited.
•For Interactive Analysis documents, comments for the translator appear in the Notes box. You
cannot edit the comments.
Related Topics
• To translate strings in the Text Editor
2.3.4 About the Filter view
The "Filter" view lets you filter the rows that display for a language in the "Translation Editor" list view.
For each language in the document (one language at a time), you can choose to display strings with
one status, all, or a combination of statuses.
When the "Filter" view is activated, the "Translation Editor" displays in list view.
Related Topics
• To filter the List view by status
• Translation status
2.3.5 About the Cell Properties view
The "Cell Properties" view displays the properties of a cell in the "Translation Editor" view, and lets you
change the status of a cell.
The "Cell Properties" view displays the following properties of the current cell in the "Translation Editor"
The contents of the cell: the text string or format definition.Name (Description, For-
The XLIFF translation status of the selected cell. A drop-down list lets you
change the status.
Related Topics
• To change cell properties
The date and time the contents or status of the cell was last changed.Last Updated
Getting started with the tool
• Translation status
2.3.6 About the Help view
To open the Help view and display help for a particular topic, press F1, or select Help > Related Topics.
The Help view lists a link to a topic most related to the current view or dialog box. The "Dynamic Help"
section lists links to other related topics, and the results of a search.
Using the icons at the bottom of the view, you can list all topics, search the help content, and bookmark
a topic for future reference.
2.4 Customizing the translation management tool window
You can customize how views display in the translation management tool window. The customization
applies every time you log into the translation management tool, regardless of your login information.
Open view
Close view
Move view
Detach view
Re-Attach view
Resize view
Related Topics
• About the translation management tool window
To open a view, select it from the Window menu, or click the icon on the translation
management tool toolbar.
To close a view, click the close button in the view title bar, or click the view icon
on the translation management tool toolbar.
To move a view within the translation management tool window, click in the view's
title bar, and drag the view to a new location.
To open a view in a new window, drag the view outside the translation management tool window, or right-click in the view's title bar and select Detached.
To move a detached view back into the translation management tool window,
right-click the view's title bar and deselect Detached.
To make a view larger or smaller, drag the edges of the view. To minimize and
maximize a view, use the icons in the upper right corner of the view.
Getting started with the tool
2.5 Setting preferences
You can set preferences for:
•The product interface language when using the tool
•The default folders for documents and XLIFF files.
•The language to add automatically to a new resource to translate. This locale is added when the
strings to translate are retrieved from the resource in the translation management tool.
•The languages you use frequently in your document. These languages appear at the top of the list
of available languages in the Language Management view.
•The Auto-fill options define if a new locale must be added by copying the content of another locale.
•The date-time and number values to use when displaying format examples in the tool.
The preferences settings apply every time you start the tool, regardless of your login information.
Related Topics
• To set default folder locations
• To set frequently used languages
• To set the product language
• Terminology used in the translation management tool
2.5.1 To set the product language
Use this procedure to change the translation management tool interface language.
Select Window > Preferences > Set Product Language.
Select a language in the list of available Product Languages.
For a language to be in the list of available product languages, the language pack must be selected
when installing the translation management tool.
Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to apply the changes and close the "Preferences"
dialog box.
Restart the translation management tool for the interface to display in the new language.
Related Topics
• Terminology used in the translation management tool
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