More Information...................................................................................................................91Appendix A
About this document
About this document
Welcome to SAP BusinessObjects Live Office User's Guide. With Live Office you can retrieve business
information, create queries, perform calculations, and share answers to business questions without
having to understand complex database languages and structures. You can also embed up-to-date
Crystal Reports or Interactive Analysis information into Microsoft® Office documents, spreadsheets,
emails, and presentations.
This guide provides comprehensive information and procedures to help you perform the following
business tasks from within the Microsoft Office application environment:
•Create queries and summary reports, based on real-time information stored in SAP BusinessObjects
•View, modify, and refresh existing queries and report objects.
•Share the results with your colleagues securely over the web or intranet.
1.1 Who should read this document
This document is intended for business users of Microsoft Office applications who want to work with
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise data within the Microsoft Office application environment. This document
assumes you are familiar with Microsoft Office Excel, Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint, and that you
have some familiarity with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
About this document
Getting Started with Live Office
Getting Started with Live Office
SAP® BusinessObjects™ Live Office (Live Office) is an add-on for Microsoft Office applications that
gives you access to up-to-date information stored in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
With Live Office, you can insert content from Interactive Analysis, Crystal Reports, and Universe Queries
in your Microsoft Office documents (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, or Outlook). When you insert an object,
a reference to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise location is also inserted. When you open the
document later using the Microsoft Office application, you can refresh the objects and see the current
data in your document.
In this release, Live Office does not support SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise XI 4.0. Also, Live Office
supports only legacy universes (.UNV) created using Universe Designer and Interactive Analysis
documents created using the legacy universes. However, universes created with Information Designer
(.UNX) and Interactive Analysis documents created using Information Designer are not supported in
Live Office XI 4.0.
To use Live Office, you must be able to connect to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise and access data
in the system. If you do not have the appropriate rights to access the data, contact your system
2.1 About Live Office content
Before you start working with Crystal Reports or Interactive Analysis content in Live Office, you need
to understand how Live Office content works.
Related Topics
• Live Office concepts
• Live Office object types
2.1.1 Live Office concepts
Getting Started with Live Office
To understand how Live Office data can answer your business questions, you need to be familiar with
the following key concepts:
Report objects
A report is a document you create containing information presented in tables, charts, and graphs. A
report object supplies the data to the report. In Live Office, you work with report objects because they
are connected to the most up-to-date content stored in databases.
When a report object is created with the Crystal Reports or Interactive Analysis designer, its information
may come from various databases. The report object returns data from the underlying data source,
either on-demand from the database or based on the refresh option chosen.
Report instances
A report instance is a version of a report object created by SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise when users
modify the source document or schedule reports. Each instance contains data that is current at the
time the source report is processed.
Essentially, a report instance is a report object that contains data retrieved from one or more databases.
Typically, report objects are designed so users can schedule several instances with varying
characteristics. For example, if users run a report object containing parameters, they can schedule one
instance that contains report data from a particular department, and schedule another instance that
contains information from another department, even though both instances originate from the same
report object.
Report parts
Report parts are sections of a report that are displayed by themselves, without the rest of the report
page. More precisely, report parts are objects that use hyperlinks to point from a source report object
to a destination Live Office object. Report parts include objects such as text or charts.
In Crystal Reports, a parameter is a question that you answer before generating a report. The information
you enter, or the way you respond, determines what information appears in the report. For example,
in a report used by sales people, a parameter might ask for a sales region. The report would then return
the results for the specified region, instead of returning the results for all regions. Parameters are similar
to Interactive Analysis prompts. Parameters may be mandatory or optional.
In Interactive Analysis, a prompt is a dynamic filter that displays a question every time you refresh the
data in a report. You respond to prompts by typing or selecting the prompt value(s) you want to view
before you refresh the data. Prompts are similar to Crystal Reports parameters. Prompts may be
mandatory or optional.
A universe is an abstraction of a database and presents data in non-technical terms for business users.
A universe is a collection of data objects representing the information available in a database. Business
users of Interactive Analysis and Crystal Reports can connect to a universe and run queries against
the database. For example, a database may contain a universe for sales data, and another for customer
service data. Users can perform data analysis and create reports using the objects in the universe,
Getting Started with Live Office
without seeing, or having to know anything about, the underlying data structures in the database.
Universes are created by universe design specialists.
A universe context indicates what type of business questions are answered by the same universe
objects. For example, a universe for Sales data might have a context for store sales, another for partner
sales, and so on.
Because contexts may share objects that are in the same universe, specifying a universe context helps
to ensure your query retrieves the right data. For example, data on expenses from an employee expense
account may be stored in the same database as data on expenses from marketing a product. Choosing
the right universe context will ensure you get the appropriate expense data. Therefore, when you select
a universe, you may have more than one universe context to choose from.
Contexts are defined by the system administrator.
2.1.2 Live Office object types
Live Office supports three types of data objects: Crystal Reports, Interactive Analysis, and Universe
Queries. The following table shows how Live Office supports fields and report parts, such as charts
and text, for each data type.
Embedded Crystal Reports sub-reports are not supported.
Report partsFieldsLive Office content type
YesYesCrystal Reports
YesNAInteractive Analysis
NAYesUniverse Query
2.2 Connecting to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Getting Started with Live Office
To use Live Office to access corporate data, you must connect to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
repository where documents are stored. When you attempt to search for, add, view, modify, or publish
Live Office objects from a Microsoft Office application, if you are not already logged on to SAP Business
Objects Enterprise, you are prompted to log on.
You can configure Live Office to connect to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise automatically each time
Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, or Word is loaded. Live Office supports Single Sign-on
(SSO) to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise. If SSO is enabled, when users request report data, Live
Office uses their SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise logon credentials to access the data source rather
than requiring another log on.
2.2.1 To log on to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
You can enter your logon information to connect to an SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Central
Management System (CMS) once or select additional options to automatically sign in using those
credentials each time the Microsoft Office application is opened.
Open a Microsoft Office application.
On the Live Office ribbon menu, click LiveOffice > Application Options.
On the "Options" dialog box, select the Enterprise tab and enter the following information:
Use specified logon criteria
User name
Web Service URL
Authentication Method
Enable Active Directory
Single Sign On
Click Log On.
If you want Live Office to connect to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
automatically when the Microsoft Office application is started, select
this option.
Enter your SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise logon name.
Enter your SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise password.
Enter or verify the server location for the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise web service you want to connect to. For example,
Enter or verify the Central Management System (CMS) you want to
connect to. For example, businessobjects01
Select the method used to check your logon credentials.
When enabled, Live Office uses these log on credentials to connect
to the data source whenever the user requests report data rather
than requiring another log on. For more information about SSO, see
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide
on the SAP Help Portal.
Getting Started with Live Office
You can click Log On, whether the Use specified logon criteria option is selected or not selected.
Live Office connects to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise using the specified settings. If Use specifiedlogon criteria is selected, whenever you start the associated Microsoft Office application, Live Office
will connect to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise using this information.
2.2.2 To connect to a different CMS
If the Live Office objects you need to access are stored in a different SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
repository than where you are currently connected, you can change the Web Service URL and System
settings to log in to the required Central Management System (CMS).
On the Live Office menu, click Options.
The "Options" dialog box opens.
Click the Enterprise tab.
Edit the System and Web Service URL so that it points to the correct Central Management System
For example, if the interactive analysis document you want to insert is on a CMS called
businessobjects01, the Web Service URL should be as follows:
• Publishing files to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
• To view published documents in Office 2003
2.3 Live Office toolbar
In Microsoft Office 2003 applications, the SAP BusinessObjects Live Office toolbar is available in
Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Outlook. In Outlook, it provides quick access to some of the
most common commands for creating and modifying Live Office objects in these programs, as well as
running queries in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise repository.
The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Getting Started with Live Office
Insert Crystal Reports Content
For more information about the objects that you can insert, see Insert-
ing Crystal Reports content.
Insert Interactive Analysis Content
For more information about the options you can use, see Inserting
Interactive Analysis content
Insert Universe Query
For information about the options that you can use, see Inserting
Open from SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Opens the Microsoft Office documents (Excel, Word, or PowerPoint)
from the Repository Explorer and allows you to select published documents, Crystal reports or Interactive Analysis documents for insertion.
See To view published documents in Office 2003 and To view pub-
lished documents in Office 2007.
Save to Repository
For information about the options that you can use, see Publishing
files to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Save As New to Repository
For information about the options that you can use, see Publishing
files to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise .
Refresh All Objects
Updates the data of all objects in the document against their source
Open Properties For All Objects
Opens the Object Properties dialog box so you can set object properties.
Getting Started with Live Office
Open Options
Opens the "Options" dialog box so you can configure settings for Live
Go to Object
Allows you to navigate to any Live Office object in the document.
Microsoft Excel only
Explore Excel Selection
Uploads the current selection in Microsoft Excel to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer so you can explore the data further.
Microsoft Excel only
Explore Excel Sheet
Uploads the current Excel spreadsheet to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer so you can explore the data further.
Displays the Online Help for Live Office.
2.3.1 To hide or show the Live Office toolbar
•Right-click any toolbar and select SAP BusinessObjects Live Office.
You can also show or hide the toolbar by navigating to View > Toolbars.
The toolbar appears or disappears.
2.4 Live Office ribbon menu
Getting Started with Live Office
In Microsoft Office 2007 applications, the SAP BusinessObjects Live Office ribbon menu is available
in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook to help you create and modify reports or run queries to answer
your business questions.
The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Insert Crystal Reports Content
For more information about the objects that you can insert, see Insert-
ing Crystal Reports content.
Insert Interactive Analysis Content
For more information about the options you can use, see Inserting
Interactive Analysis content.
Insert Universe Query
For information about the options that you can use, see Inserting
Go to Object
Allows you to navigate to any Live Office object in the document.
Modify Object
Modify the object by inserting or deleting rows and columns, deleting
the object or adding more data from the same report source.
Refresh Object
Updates the data for the selected object against the source reports.
Refresh All Objects
Updates the data of all objects in the document against their source
Microsoft Excel only
Explore Excel Selection
Uploads the current selection in Microsoft Excel to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer so you can explore the data further.
Getting Started with Live Office
Microsoft Excel only
Explore Excel Sheet
Uploads the current Excel spreadsheet to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer so you can explore the data further.
Take Snapshot
Save to Repository
For information about the options that you can use, see Publishing
files to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Save as New to Repository
For information about the options that you can use, see Publishing
files to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Open from Repository
Opens the Repository Explorer and allows you to select published
documents, Crystal reports or Interactive Analysis documents for insertion. See To view published documents in Office 2003 and To view
published documents in Office 2007.
Open Object Properties
Opens the Object Properties dialog box so you can set object properties.
Refresh All Objects
Updates the data of all objects in the document against their source
reports. For more information, see "Refreshing Live Office content".
Open Application Options
Opens the "Options" dialog box so you can configure settings for Live
View Object in Browser
Getting Started with Live Office
2.5 Live Office Panel
In Microsoft Outlook, Live Office helps improve productivity by collecting, organizing, and processing
previous user behavior and building a network of relationships between email content, business activity,
people, and documents. Based on this network, Live Office can suggest relevant content whenever the
user opens or composes an email message. Users manage the network of relationships and see
suggested content through the Live Office Panel.
Displays the Online Help for Live Office.
About Live Office
The Live Office Panel is not available in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint.
The Live Office Panel allows users to search the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise repository and insert
documents into email messages. In addition, on the Live Office Panel, users can add documents to a
favorites list for easy future access, associate documents with email messages to build the relationship
network within Live Office, and view a list of suggested documents that are based on the existing
relationship network.
When an email message is open in Microsoft Outlook, the Live Office Panel appears to the right of the
email message window.
You can configure the Live Office options so the Live Office Panel does not appear automatically when
you open a message. If the Live Office Panel is not visible when an email message window is open,
you can open the panel from the Live Office menu by clicking Show/Hide Live Office Panel.
Related Topics
• Using the Live Office Panel
2.5.1 To show/hide the Live Office Panel
Getting Started with Live Office
By default, when you open or compose an email message, the Live Office Panel appears to the right
of the message window. If you hide the panel, Live Office retains that setting for all messages until you
choose to show the panel again.
If you hide the Live Office Panel, you can set the Live Office Panel options to still display the panel or
display a message when you open an email message that contains associated or suggested objects.
For more information, see To set Panel options.
If the Live Office Panel is visible, do one of the following to hide it:
•In the "Live Office Panel" heading bar, click the Close Window button.
•In the Live Office menu, click Show/Hide Live Office Panel.
If the Live Office Panel is hidden, in the Live Office menu, click Show/Hide Live Office Panel.
2.6 Live Office shortcut menu
For added convenience, Live Office provides a shortcut menu for working with Live Office objects. When
you right-click a Live Office object in a Microsoft Office document, the shortcut menu opens. To perform
a task in the list, click any available item.
When you set up Live Office, you can configure the shortcut menu to show only the Live Office options,
to show both Live Office options and Microsoft options, or to show only Microsoft options and exclude
the Live Office options. For more information about configuring the shortcut menu, see To set General
2.7 Setting Live Office Options
You can set several options that control how Live Office connects to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
and how Live Office looks and works in each Microsoft Office application. For Microsoft Outlook, you
can also configure the options for Live Office Panel.
When you set Live Office options, those settings apply only to the Microsoft application you are currently
using. This behavior allows you to set different Live Office options for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and
The "Options" dialog box is arranged into four tabs:
•General – to set general options for the shortcut menus, refresh options, and prompts and messages.
•View – to set options for how Live Office objects are formatted in the Microsoft application.
•Panel – to set options for the Live Office panel in Microsoft Outlook.
•Enterprise – to set connection options with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Getting Started with Live Office
2.7.1 To set General options
Open the Microsoft Office application.
Click Live Office > Application Options.
In the Options dialog box, click the General tab and set the following options:
Getting Started with Live Office
Shortcut Menu
Prompt before overwriting Live
Office cells
Refresh Live Office object when
binding cell changes
Refresh Live Office object on
document open
Copy and paste with Live Office
The shortcut menu appears when you right-click a Live Office
object in a Microsoft Office document. Select an option to set
how the shortcut menu appears in the Office product:
•Replace <application> menu – the application (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint) options are not available on the shortcut
•Add to <application> menu – Both the application options
and Live Office options are available on the shortcut menu.
•Use <application> menu only – Live Office options are
not available on the shortcut menu.
Microsoft Excel only.
If a cell contains Live Office data, when you try to enter other
data in the cell, a warning appears.
Microsoft Excel only.
When a Live Office object is bound to a cell and the cell binding
changes, the object is automatically refreshed and updated.
When a Microsoft Office document is opened, Live Office objects inserted in the document are refreshed and updated with
the current data in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
If you select this option, when a Live Office object is copied to
a Microsoft Office application, the server connectivity is maintained.
Message Box
If you plan to distribute documents with embedded Live Office
objects and are concerned about data access and security,
you can disconnect the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
connectivity to objects embedded in Office applications.
To disconnect copied objects from the data in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise, deselect this option.
When objects are disconnected, they are unable to establish
a connection through Live Office and the information in the
object is not updated.
All the warning messages will be enabled by default.
Getting Started with Live Office
2.7.2 To set View options
Open the Microsoft Office application.
Click Live Office > Application Options.
In the Options dialog box, click the View tab and set the following options:
Getting Started with Live Office
Insert report part with report format
Show filters as comments
Alert the user when a potentially time
consuming operation occurs
Default cell values
Select this option to include the report format settings
(font, color, and so on) when report data is inserted into
Live Office. If this option is not selected, only the report
data is inserted.
Microsoft Excel only.
When Crystal Reports Field objects have filters, select
this option to show the filters as comments in the column
heading for the field data in the Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word and Outlook only.
When this option is selected, a warning dialog box
opens to inform users when a large or time consuming
operation has been selected. Users are also given the
option to reduce the performance impact by limiting the
amount of data retrieved for the operation.
Set the default error messages and strings that appear
in the cells of your document when there is no available
data. Enter a default value in the following fields:
•No Data - enter the value to use when the cell has
no data. The default is blank.
•Data Error - enter the value to use when the cell
data contains an error. The default is #DataError.
•Concealed Data - enter the value to use when the
cell data is hidden. The default is #Concealed.
Column heading
2.7.3 To set Enterprise options
Open the Microsoft Office product you want to set the Live Office options for.
Click Live Office > Options.
In the Options dialog box, click the Enterprise tab and set the following options:
Select one of the following options to specify the information that will be displayed for inserted objects:
•Field Name
•Field Description
Getting Started with Live Office
Use specified logon criteria
Web Services URL
Select this option to allow automatic sign in to the specified
Type the username to be used for logging on to the repository.
Type the password to use for logging on to the repository.
Type the web address for the web services server that will
access the repository. Use the following format:
Where localhost is the system name, port is the port
number, and webappname is the name of the web application as configured for the web service.
Type the name of the system or local host.
The authentication method used by the web service. When
the Web Services URL is entered, the options available on
the specified server are added to the list.
Getting Started with Live Office
Enable Windows Active Directory
Single Sign On
Specify OpenDocument URL for
viewing object in web browser
Select preferred viewing locale
If Single Sign-On (SSO) is configured on SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise, select this option to allow SSO for Live Office. If SSO is enabled, when users request report data, Live
Office uses their SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise logon
credentials to access the data source rather than requiring
another log on.
The OpenDocument URL provides a standard way of
opening documents and reports that have been published
to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise. To view objects in a
web browser, specify the OpenDocument URL defined in
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
If your system uses a reverse proxy, specify the reverse
proxy URL. For example, http://ReverseProxyServer:ReverseProxyServerPort/Proxiedlaunchpad/opendoc/openDocument.jsp
Where ReverseProxyServer is the reverse proxy server,
ReverseProxyServerPort is the reverse proxy listen
port, and Proxiedlaunchpad is the virtual path for BI
launch pad.
The viewing locale setting affects the display format for date,
time, and number type data for Live Office objects.
2.7.4 To set Panel options
Open the Microsoft Office product you want to set the Live Office options for.
Click Live Office > Application Options.
In the Options dialog box, click the Panel tab and set the following options:
The viewing locale setting is not available on Crystal Reports
field objects.
Getting Started with Live Office
Association: Remove associations
older than this number of days
Search: Display this number of
search results on each page
Import user data into Live Office
Enter the number of days that associations between objects and messages should be retained. Click Remove to
delete associations older than the specified number of
Sets the number of items that will appear in a single page
of the search results panel.
If the Live Office Panel is closed when you select an email
message, Live Office can notify you if the message contains inserted, associated, or suggested objects. Depending on where in Outlook you select the message, Live Office can open the Live Office Panel or display a Desktop
Alert. To enable notifications, select one or both of the
following options:
•In the email message window, open Live Office
•In the message list and Reading Pane, display a
Desktop Alert
If you previously exported your Live Office data including
favorites and associations, you can import it into the Live
Office Panel.
Importing user data replaces the current Live Office user
data. Existing associations not in the imported file and
imported associations for email messages not in the current inbox are lost. The Live Office favorites are merged,
but conflicting items are overwritten with the imported data.
Export user data from Live Office
You can export your Live Office user data including favorites and associations as a back up. If you need to reinstall or revert your data to an earlier version, you can import the exported user data using the Import button.
Working with Crystal Reports Content
Working with Crystal Reports Content
With Live Office, you can leverage the power, convenience, and reliability of Crystal Reports functionality
from within the Microsoft Office applications you use everyday to make better business decisions. With
point and click ease, you can easily monitor regional sales trends or analyze quarterly sales figures
from within Microsoft Office Excel, Word, Outlook, or PowerPoint, and share that analysis with your
colleagues for improved decision making.
With Live Office, you have the comfort of knowing that the data you are accessing to make business
decisions is reliable, up-to-date, and easily refreshed on demand from the database. Data accuracy is
no longer a concern.
With the "Live Office Insert Wizard", you can insert Crystal Reports report parts or fields into your
Microsoft Office documents.
In this release, Live Office does not support SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise XI 4.0
3.1 Inserting Crystal Reports content
Crystal Reports content can be added from the Live Office menu or from the Live Office toolbar. Both
methods start the "Live Office Insert Wizard" which guides you through choosing a report, selecting
Crystal Reports data objects, and inserting those objects into your Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
or Word applications as Live Office objects.
3.1.1 To start the Live Office Insert Wizard
Open a Microsoft Office document and place your cursor where you want to insert the Live Office
Click Live Office > Insert > Crystal Reports content.
In Microsoft Excel, you can also start the wizard from Insert > Crystal Reports content.
The "Live Office Insert Wizard" opens. If you have not already logged on to SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise, you are prompted to do so.
Working with Crystal Reports Content
The first page of the "Live Office Insert Wizard " opens to guide you through the process of inserting a
Crystal Reports object.
Related Topics
• To log on to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
3.1.2 Insert Wizard: Choose Document
The "Choose Document" page displays the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise repository so you can
navigate to the report you want to use. It displays all Crystal Reports objects that you can access,
including reports contained within publications.
To insert a report instance into Live Office, the instance must be stored in the SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise repository. Instances sent directly to a BI Inbox are not stored in the repository and cannot
be inserted into Live Office.
You can also use the search functionality to search by title, keywords, content or all fields to locate a
specific report quickly. If you are importing content to an email in Microsoft Outlook, the search dialog
will default to a content search based on the subject line of your email.
If you select a secured report that requires a database log on, you are prompted to enter your database
logon credentials. See Accessing secured databases. To locate documents in the repository
On the Insert Wizard "Choose Document" page, do any of the following to navigate to the file you
want use:
To change the tree view to a list of folders, click the Folder button ().
To change the tree view to a list of categories, click the Category button ().
•To view reports contained within a publication, in the folder list, double-click the publication
To update the list of objects available from the repository, click the Refresh button ().
•To search for a specific report, in the toolbar, enter the field you want to search in the Search
box, enter the term you want to search for in the Search box, and click the "Search" button.
•To sort the list of available reports in the search results, click the column heading you want to
sort on.
•To view a list of suggested reports in Microsoft Outlook, expand the Suggested folder.
Working with Crystal Reports Content
The items included in the Suggested folder are based on the subject entered for the message.
•To find a report you recently created or modified in Live Office, expand the "Recent" folder.
Select a report and click Next.
If the selected report contains parameters, the "Specify Parameter Values" page opens. Otherwise, the
"Choose Data" page opens.
3.1.3 Insert Wizard: Specify Parameter Values
The "Specify Parameter Values" page opens when the selected report contains parameters.
If the report you selected does not contain parameters, skip this step and go to Insert Wizard: Choose
The "Specify Parameter Values" page allows you to specify the parameters to use for the report. The
parameters defined for a report may be mandatory or optional. For mandatory parameters, you must
define values before continuing. Optional parameter values can be defined later.
Parameters can be used to populate dynamic picklists. For example, an “Activities by Location” report
object that a sales manager uses to monitor regional sales activity, could have one parameter called
“Select Region” with a value list containing “East” and “West”.
After you insert the report as a Live Office object, you can bind the list of parameter values to particular
cells in your Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet for easy updating. For information about parameter
binding and modifying parameter values, see Modifying prompt and parameter settings. To specify parameter values
On the "Specify Parameter Values" page, for each defined parameter, select the parameter value
from the corresponding list.
Click Next.
The "Choose Data" page opens.
3.1.4 Insert Wizard: Choose Data
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