SAP Business objects Enterprise XI 3.1 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide

Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
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Introduction to Desktop Intelligence 17Chapter 1
What is Desktop Intelligence?...................................................................18
Demo materials and samples....................................................................21
Upgrading from earlier versions of Desktop Intelligence...........................21
The Repository..........................................................................................21
Folders and Categories.............................................................................21
Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence 25Chapter 2
Where does the data come from?........................................................18
Presenting and analyzing data.............................................................19
Sharing information..............................................................................19
Keeping a document's data up-to-date................................................20
There are 2 types of folders:................................................................22
There are two types of Categories:......................................................22
What data sources are available?.............................................................26
How do you access data sources?......................................................26
Can all Desktop Intelligence users build data providers?....................28
Who sets up database connections?...................................................29
Restrictive connections........................................................................30
Can you combine data from different sources in one report?..............31
Workflows for accessing data....................................................................31
Building a data provider when you create a new document.................31
Building a query in an existing document.............................................33
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 3
Editing data providers...........................................................................34
Using the repository...................................................................................36
Exporting to the repository.........................................................................37
To Export a document to the Repository..............................................37
Creating a New Folder.........................................................................37
Exporting to a Category........................................................................38
To place a file in a Category.................................................................38
To schedule export of a document.......................................................38
Managing Categories.................................................................................40
To manage your Categories.................................................................40
To Add a category to the list of categories...........................................40
To Delete a category from the list of categories...................................41
To Edit a category.................................................................................41
Importing from the repository.....................................................................41
To import a document from a folder in the repository ..........................41
Retrieving different instances of a given document.............................42
Sending documents from Desktop Intelligence.........................................42
To send documents to users and groups from Desktop Intelligence.....43
To send documents by email with Desktop Intelligence.......................43
Sending documents from Desktop Intelligence.........................................44
Building Queries on Universes 45Chapter 3
What is a universe?..............................................................................46
Who is responsible for creating universes?.........................................46
What are universe queries?.................................................................47
Demonstration materials......................................................................47
Building a basic query on a universe.........................................................49
Displaying the query panel...................................................................49
Building a query in the Query Panel and running the query.................51
Saving the definition of a query............................................................54
4 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Building a more powerful query.................................................................54
Defining scope of analysis....................................................................55
Applying conditions..............................................................................57
Applying sorts.......................................................................................60
Setting options and running a query....................................................61
Running a query on a different universe....................................................62
To run a query on a different universe..................................................62
Building Queries with Other Types of Data Provider 65Chapter 4
Using free-hand SQL.................................................................................66
Creating a report using free-hand SQL................................................66
Editing a free-hand SQL script.............................................................68
Creating or editing a connection for free-hand SQL.............................68
Creating a report showing sales by store and category.......................70
Creating interactive reports using free-hand SQL................................71
Restrictions on free-hand SQL scripts.................................................75
Using stored procedures............................................................................75
What are stored procedures?...............................................................76
How do you use stored procedures in Desktop Intelligence?..............76
Restrictions on stored procedures.......................................................76
Using a stored procedure to retrieve data............................................76
Using personal data files...........................................................................78
What are the benefits of using personal data files?.............................78
Creating a report using a personal data file.........................................79
Using Visual Basic for Applications procedures........................................81
To write a VBA data provider................................................................81
To create a report using a VBA data provider......................................82
Accessing an Outlook inbox using VBA...............................................82
Using XML files..........................................................................................86
What is XML?.......................................................................................86
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 5
Creating a report using an XML file......................................................88
To set the location of XML files.............................................................90
Combining Data from Different Sources 91Chapter 5
Which data sources are available?............................................................92
Including data from different data sources in the same report..................92
Which data providers can you combine in one report?........................93
Using separate data providers for separate blocks in one report.........93
Displaying data from separate data providers in the same block.........95
Basing a data provider on an existing data provider.................................97
To base a data provider on an existing data provider..........................97
Prompts and linking..............................................................................97
Linking data providers................................................................................98
What situations require you to link data providers?.............................98
Deleting the link between data providers...........................................101
Managing Data Providers 103Chapter 6
Renaming data providers........................................................................104
Why rename data providers?.............................................................105
To rename data providers...................................................................106
Getting statistics on data providers.........................................................106
To get statistics on data providers......................................................106
Purging and deleting data providers........................................................107
To purge or delete a data provider.....................................................107
Using data providers efficiently................................................................107
Reports showing revenue by country and resort, revenue by country.108
6 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Introduction to Data Analysis 109Chapter 7
On-report analysis...................................................................................110
Desktop Intelligence drill mode................................................................111
Slice and dice mode................................................................................111
Analyzing Data in Drill Mode 113Chapter 8
What is drill mode?.............................................................................114
How does drill mode work?................................................................114
Using drill mode.......................................................................................116
To switch to drill mode........................................................................116
Drilling down.......................................................................................117
Displaying different values in the Drill toolbar....................................118
Drilling up...........................................................................................118
Undoing drill actions...........................................................................118
Drilling across.....................................................................................119
Drilling on charts......................................................................................120
To drill on charts.................................................................................120
Drilling on multiple hierarchies.................................................................120
To drill on multiple hierarchies............................................................121
To drill up on multiple hierarchies.......................................................121
Getting a different view of your data........................................................121
Changing the data in tables as you drill.............................................122
Using the Drill toolbar.........................................................................124
Analyzing measures in drill mode............................................................126
To expand a measure.........................................................................127
To collapse a measure.......................................................................127
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 7
Making copies of reports while you work.................................................128
To make a copy of a report.................................................................128
Extending analysis...................................................................................128
To expand the scope of analysis........................................................128
Drilling through to the database to bring in new data.........................129
Bringing in new data using filters.......................................................129
Drilling using custom hierarchies.............................................................131
Editing hierarchies..............................................................................131
Creating hierarchies...........................................................................133
Qualifying data for hierarchies.................................................................133
To requalify local variables and formulas...........................................134
To requalify variables..........................................................................134
To requalify user objects.....................................................................135
Printing from drill mode............................................................................135
To insert Drill toolbar contents as a title.............................................135
To print a report from drill mode.........................................................136
Setting options for working in drill mode..................................................136
To set options for drill mode...............................................................136
Slice and Dice Mode 137Chapter 9
Working in slice-and-dice mode...............................................................138
To display the Slice and Dice Panel:..................................................138
Working with master/detail reports in slice and dice mode................139
To undo a master/detail report............................................................141
Deactivating sections of master/detail reports...................................142
Positioning data horizontally in slice-and-dice mode.........................144
Working with crosstabs and 3-D matrix charts...................................144
Displaying and removing data in Slice-and-Dice Mode......................148
Deleting, renaming and resetting blocks in Slice and Dice mode......148
To transform blocks in Slice-and-Dice mode......................................149
8 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Applying further modifications in slice and dice mode.......................149
Filtering and Ranking Data 153Chapter 10
Limiting the data displayed......................................................................154
To insert a filter...................................................................................154
Managing filters..................................................................................155
Creating more complex filters.............................................................158
Ignoring filters.....................................................................................159
Ordering data...........................................................................................160
Sorting data........................................................................................160
To sort months correctly.....................................................................162
Managing multiple sorts.....................................................................163
Using ranking to view the top and bottom values....................................164
To apply a ranking on report data.......................................................165
Managing ranking with filters and sorts..............................................168
Hiding columns and rows of data............................................................168
To hide columns and rows of data......................................................168
Highlighting data......................................................................................169
To create an alerter............................................................................169
Switching alerters off and on..............................................................171
Working with existing alerters.............................................................172
Customizing Queries on Universes 175Chapter 11
Creating user objects...............................................................................176
Why create a user object?..................................................................176
What does a user object consist of?..................................................177
What are the restrictions on user objects?.........................................177
How can an end-user share user objects with other users?..............178
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 9
Creating, editing and deleting user objects........................................178
To create a time hierarchy for a user object.......................................181
Applying complex conditions on queries.................................................181
To benefit from complex conditions: Which customers made reservations
for 2001 and 2002?............................................................................182
To apply a complex condition on a query...........................................183
Tips for applying complex conditions.................................................187
To edit complex conditions.................................................................190
To delete complex conditions.............................................................190
Applying a condition with a calculation...............................................190
Examining the SQL............................................................................194
Applying a condition with a subquery.................................................194
Subqueries and calculations..............................................................197
Using an existing query in a condition.....................................................198
To return list of resorts/revenues where resort country revenue >
Applying groups of conditions..................................................................199
Organizing groups of conditions.........................................................199
AND and OR......................................................................................200
Order of precedence..........................................................................201
To apply groups of conditions.............................................................202
To delete groups of conditions............................................................203
Building combined queries......................................................................203
To build a combined query.................................................................203
Restrictions on combined queries......................................................205
Using SQL from Desktop Intelligence queries...................................207
Using and Customizing Lists of Values 209Chapter 12
What is a list of values?...........................................................................210
How are lists of values created?..............................................................210
10 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Customizing lists of values in Desktop Intelligence.................................210
Editing lists of values...............................................................................211
Example: To show cities and regions in a list of cities........................211
Assigning personal data to a list of values..............................................212
To assign personal data from a text file..............................................212
To assign personal data from an Excel file.........................................213
To assign personal data from a dBase file.........................................214
To display, refresh and purge lists of values............................................214
Creating Calculations 217Chapter 13
To add simple calculations to reports.................................................218
Count and Count All...........................................................................220
Making calculations on dimension and detail objects........................220
Calculation examples.........................................................................221
Converting to and from Euros..................................................................223
What is the euro?...............................................................................223
Displaying the euro symbol................................................................224
How does the conversion work?........................................................224
Conversion errors...............................................................................224
Displaying currency formats in Desktop Intelligence..........................225
To convert to euros.............................................................................225
To convert from euros.........................................................................226
Displaying rounding errors.................................................................226
Conversion rates................................................................................227
Overview 231Chapter 14
Who should read this chapter..................................................................232
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 11
What's in this chapter..............................................................................232
Introduction to contexts and extended syntax 233Chapter 15
Semantically-dynamic calculations..........................................................234
Understanding input and output contexts................................................234
How Desktop Intelligence defines input and output contexts.............235
Using your understanding of input and output contexts..........................237
Viewing the extended syntax of a formula..........................................239
Viewing extended syntax by using the Formula Bar..........................239
Viewing extended syntax by using the Define As Variable command.239
Using extended syntax for advanced calculations 241Chapter 16
Defining calculation contexts with extended syntax................................242
How to define input and output contexts.................................................244
Syntax for input and output contexts.......................................................244
To add an input and output context to a formula................................244
Reset contexts.........................................................................................245
How to define reset contexts..............................................................246
To define a reset context:...................................................................246
Using reset contexts in crosstabs......................................................246
Syntax for combining reset, input and output contexts......................248
Modifying contexts with the operators ForEach and ForAll.....................248
Getting the same result: ForAll City vs. In Region.............................249
Using the Rank function and extended syntax...................................250
Defining contexts with keywords........................................................253
Quick reference.......................................................................................257
Frequently used terms........................................................................257
Calculation contexts...........................................................................260
Context operators...............................................................................262
12 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Calculation Troubleshooting 265Chapter 17
#COMPUTATION in cumulative aggregations...................................266
#COMPUTATION in non-aggregate formulas....................................270
#MULTIVALUE in aggregations..........................................................272
#MULTIVALUE in break headers and footers....................................274
To fix this problem:.............................................................................280
To avoid #DICT.ERROR.....................................................................281
To fix this problem:.............................................................................282
To fix this problem..............................................................................282
#IERR in a formula combining measures and dimensions................283
#IERR in an aggregation containing a complex formula....................284
#IERR in a formula using WHERE.....................................................285
To fix this problem..............................................................................287
Tips and tricks..........................................................................................287
Formulas, Local Variables and Functions 291Chapter 18
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 13
Why use formulas?.............................................................................292
Creating formulas...............................................................................293
Displaying the Formula Bar................................................................293
Displaying the Formula Editor............................................................294
Using the Formula Editor....................................................................294
Guidelines on the syntax to use in formulas......................................296
Local variables.........................................................................................296
Why use local variables?....................................................................297
How to recognize local variables........................................................297
Creating a local variable.....................................................................297
Transforming a formula into a local variable......................................298
Creating local variables by grouping values............................................299
To display revenue per semester.......................................................300
To rename a variable..........................................................................300
Adding grouped values to a drill hierarchy.........................................302
Managing formulas and local variables...................................................302
Inserting local variables and formulas in a report...............................302
To edit formulas..................................................................................302
To edit local variables.........................................................................303
To delete formulas and local variables...............................................303
Using Functions..................................................................................305
Using the function help.......................................................................306
Function equivalents in Microsoft Excel..................................................307
Aggregate function equivalents..........................................................307
Numeric function equivalents.............................................................308
Character function equivalents...........................................................310
Date function equivalents...................................................................312
More examples of using formulas............................................................312
14 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
To create the variable to calculate a three-week rolling average for sales
Launching Desktop Intelligence with the Run Command 325Chapter 19
To use the Run command........................................................................326
Run command options.......................................................................326
Specifying BOUSER, BOPASS and Other Variables.........................328
Desktop Intelligence and Visual Basic for Applications 331Chapter 20
What is a macro?...............................................................................332
What is an add-in?.............................................................................332
Using macros...........................................................................................333
To run a macro...................................................................................333
Using add-ins...........................................................................................334
To install an add-in.............................................................................335
Using an add-in..................................................................................335
To uninstall an add-in.........................................................................335
Exchanging add-ins with other users.................................................336
Converting scripts to macros...................................................................336
To convert a script..............................................................................336
Using the Visual Basic editor...................................................................337
To open the Visual Basic Editor..........................................................337
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 15
Overview 339Chapter 21
Syntax 341Chapter 22
Options 343Chapter 23
Help Message 347Chapter 24
Error messages 349Chapter 25
Get More Help 351Appendix A
Index 355
16 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide

Introduction to Desktop Intelligence

Introduction to Desktop Intelligence

What is Desktop Intelligence?

What is Desktop Intelligence?
Desktop Intelligence is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allows you to access the data in your corporate databases directly from your desktop and present and analyze this information in a Desktop Intelligence document.
Desktop Intelligence makes it easy to access this data, because you work in familiar business terms and not technical database terms like SQL.
Once you've used Desktop Intelligence to access data, you can present the information in reports as tables, or as sophisticated dynamic documents with drillable charts.

Where does the data come from?

Desktop Intelligence makes it easy to access data from your corporate database because it has a business-intelligent, semantic layer that isolates you from the technical issues of the database. This semantic layer is called a universe. A universe maps to data in the database, using everyday terms that describe your business environment. This means you can select exactly the data that interests you using your own business terminology.
In your company or organization, universes are created by a universe designer, using Business Objects Designer. The designer then makes universes available to you and other users, to access data from the database through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.
Universes are made up of classes and objects.
Objects are elements that map to a set of data from a relational database using business terms. These objects allow you to retrieve data for your documents.
Classes are logical groupings of objects.
Using this interface, you build a Desktop Intelligence using an editor called the Query Panel, by adding and organizing objects from a universe. Objects are elements that map to a set of data from a relational database in terms that pertain to your business situation. When you run the query, Desktop
18 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Intelligence connects to the database and retrieves the data mapped to the objects you selected.
A query is a type of data provider. The data provider contains the data you have chosen to retrieve from the data source. Using this data set, you can build interactive reports.
Desktop Intelligence lets you access data from a wide range of sources: from relational and multidimensional databases, from packaged applications, from personal data documents, and, using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications procedures, from virtually any source.

Presenting and analyzing data

Once you have the data you need, you can present it in a number of ways. You can present it in a simple table.
Alternatively, you can create sophisticated reports containing large amounts of data, organized and formatted to make it easy to go directly to pertinent information.
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence
What is Desktop Intelligence?
You can add images and embedded objects and format your documents to high presentation standards.
On-report analysis allows you to switch your business perspective by dragging and dropping data, insert on-report calculations or drill into a report for detailed information.

Sharing information

You can quickly and easily share the documents you have created with other users in your company, either by sending them directly to selected individuals or groups, or by Exporting them to the repository as Folders or Categories. When you distribute documents in these different ways, you use the Desktop Intelligence repository. The repository stores the documents you send so that other users can retrieve and view them. It also stores information about the documents it stores, such as name of sender, date, and also which users in the company have the right to retrieve and view a document.
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 19
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence
What is Desktop Intelligence?
You can Import documents that other users have sent, using WebIntelligence documents which you can open and view in Desktop Intelligence. You can also use InfoView to send documents for scheduled processing.
For information on sending, retrieving, printing, publishing and scheduling documents, see the InfoView User's Guide. You can open an electronic version of this guide directly from the Desktop Intelligence Help menu.


The repository is set up and administered by the Business Objects administrator who grants all user rights.
The Business Objects administrator does the following:
defines he parts of the Desktop Intelligence interface you can access
restricts the availability of Desktop Intelligence functionality, such as
access to certain menu commands
defines your database connection
defines the universes you can access for creating and editing queries
The rights accorded to each user define the user's profile. This profile-based security system allows a single document to be distributed to many users -­with end users having access only to the information they are authorized to see.

Keeping a document's data up-to-date

Databases are regularly updated with new data. A document generated at a given point in time reflects the data as it existed at that time, but it may be inaccurate now. Desktop Intelligence lets you update the data in a document while keeping the same presentation and formatting, either manually, or automatically at specified times. When you update a document, Desktop Intelligence reconnects to the database, and retrieves the updated data. This is called a document.
20 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence

Demo materials and samples

Demo materials and samples
To help you get up and running with Desktop Intelligence, demonstration databases, universes and sample reports are included in the Desktop Intelligence demo kit. There are two demonstration universes, Island Resorts Marketing and eFashion. The examples in this user's guide are based on eFashion and Island Resorts Marketing.
The eFashion demo database contains retail data from a clothing chain. It tracks 211 products (663 product color variations), sold over 13 stores in the US, over three years. The Island Resorts Marketing universe is described in more detail in the section on Demonstration Materials.

Upgrading from earlier versions of Desktop Intelligence

For users who are upgrading from an earlier version of Desktop Intelligence, previously known as BusinessObjects.
Documents created in BusinessObjects from 5.1 to 6.5 are fully compatible with Desktop Intelligence.

The Repository

Desktop Intelligence uses the repository to secure access to your data warehouse and to provide an infrastructure for distributing documents to be shared with others.
You select the documents you want to import from or export to Desktop Intelligence.

Folders and Categories

The Repository organizes documents into Folders and Categories in an orderly system that permits easy access for you and others working with documents.
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 21
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence
Folders and Categories


Folders are the physical place where documents are stored.
Only one document with a given name may be placed in a folder or category.
It is possible to place documents in several categories.
If necessary, change the name of the document or give it a number to place it in the same folder or category.
Shortcuts and copies may be placed in other folders or categories.
Your Repository is organized into Folders and Categories to help you organize your documents. It is possible to create or delete sub-folders.
Make sure that your document is saved before you export it to the repository.
You are able to browse the Folders structure or the Categories structure.


Categories are used for classifying information regardless of its storage location.

There are 2 types of folders:

My Folders with 2 sub-folders
Favorites (Generally reserved for often used documents)
Inbox (Generally reserved for documents received from other users
Public Folders (For shared documents.)

There are two types of Categories:

Corporate Categories
22 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Personal Categories
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence
Folders and Categories
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 23
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence
Folders and Categories
24 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide

Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence

Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence

What data sources are available?

What data sources are available?
Desktop Intelligence lets you access data from a wide range of sources. You can access data from a number of sources:
Personal Data Files
Stored Procedures
Freehand SQL Server
XML Data Provider
VBA Data Provider

How do you access data sources?

Desktop Intelligence lets you access data through a graphical user interface. You need no technical knowledge of the underlying data structures to get the information you want. What you do need, however, is knowledge of your business. To access a data source with Desktop Intelligence, you build a data provider.
The types of data provider that Desktop Intelligence supports are described in the table below:
26 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Personal data files
Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence
What data sources are available?
CD InstallDescriptionData provider
A universe consists of classes and objects that represent the parts of a database that contain the data you need, in everyday language that is meaningful to you. In a query on a universe, you select the objects, such as Customer Name, Year, or Region.
You can retrieve data from Excel, dBASE and text files.
Stored procedures
You can only use stored procedures if your super­visor or IS department has provided them, and if the RDBMS at your site supports them.
A stored procedure is an SQL (Structured Query Language) script, saved and executable on your database.
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 27
Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence
What data sources are available?
Free-hand SQL
You can use free-hand SQL if you are familiar with SQL, which is the language used to inter­act with relational databases. In free-hand SQL, you open or write a SQL script, which you then run against the database.
CD InstallDescriptionData provider
Only in 2-tier mode
XML Data provider
VBA Data provider
You can retrieve data from XML files
Procedures written in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) enable you to retrieve data from almost any data source.

Can all Desktop Intelligence users build data providers?

Your Desktop Intelligence supervisor can restrict access to certain types of data providers, or even certain objects within a universe. As a result, you might be able to build queries on universes but no other type of data provider, and then be able to use only certain objects in the universe.
The way the supervisor sets up access to data providers and other Desktop Intelligence features depends entirely upon the query and reporting needs of your organization.
28 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence
By default, all Desktop Intelligence users can refresh data providers to get the latest information from their database.

Who sets up database connections?

To access and retrieve data from a database, you need a database connection. For example, if your company or organization stores its corporate data in an Informix database, someone somewhere has to make Desktop Intelligence "talk" to this data source.
In most cases, you, the Desktop Intelligence end user, do not have to concern yourself with setting up database connections. Thus, Desktop Intelligence lets you get the information you need, without technical knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes.
This does not mean that power users cannot define their own database connections. For example, in free-hand SQL, you can define a connection, write an SQL script, then run the script against the connection you created.
The following table describes who sets up database connections for the various Desktop Intelligence data providers.
What data sources are available?
Queries on universes
Stored procedures
Who sets it up?Data provider
The universe designer sets up the connection in the universe, so the connection is hidden when you build or edit queries.
The supervisor may modify the existing connection or assign a new connection to the universe
The supervisor creates the connec­tion to access a stored procedure.
Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide 29
Introduction to Accessing Data with Desktop Intelligence
What data sources are available?
Free-hand SQL
Personal data files and XML files
VBA procedures
Who sets it up?Data provider
In free-hand SQL, you can create your own connection to the database. Once you have created the connec­tion, you can make it available to other users.
When you access data in a personal data file or XML file, you select the file and in doing so, you "connect" to it. This is not a technical task, it's just a question of selecting the right file
A VBA procedure runs a VBA macro that retrieves data for your Desktop Intelligence report. The person who creates the macro defines the connec­tion to the data source in the macro code.

Restrictive connections

If you are working with a universe that is set up with a restrictive connection, you need to supply the database username and password to run a query. This username/password is not the one that you use to log onto Desktop Intelligence; it is the username/password of the underlying database (for example an SQL Server database) that the universe accesses. This database normally remains hidden, but the universe designer can set up a restrictive connection to add an extra layer of security. Depending on the type of restrictive connection, you need to supply the database username and password in some or all of the following situations:
When you first run a query (for more information on running a query, see
"Building a query in the Query Panel and running the query.".
30 Desktop Intelligence Access and Analysis Guide
+ 332 hidden pages