SAP Business objects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit

Portal Integration Kit Administrator's Guide for Portlets
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
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Chapter 1
Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Portal Integration Kit 5
About this guide...........................................................................................6
Who should read this guide....................................................................6
Configuring your Document 7Chapter 2
Configuring BusinessObjects Enterprise for your Portal Server
Security and Single Sign On..................................................................8
User and group rights...........................................................................10
Additional configuration settings................................................................10
Specifying a server for viewing reports................................................10
Using parameters.................................................................................11
Scheduling and scaling recommendations................................................12
Exporting reports..................................................................................13
Data source information.......................................................................13
Availability column................................................................................13
Report rights.........................................................................................14
Miscellaneous settings and considerations...............................................14
Determining specific IDs for locations..................................................14
Building Customized Portlets 17Chapter 3
Communication interfaces.........................................................................18
Communication between portlets..............................................................18
Communication type.............................................................................18
Portal Integration Kit Administrator's Guide for Portlets 3
Communication keyword......................................................................19
Get More Help 21Appendix A
Index 25
4 Portal Integration Kit Administrator's Guide for Portlets

Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Portal Integration Kit

Welcome to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Portal Integration Kit

About this guide

About this guide
This guide details configuration and troubleshooting information for the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Portal Integration Kit.

Who should read this guide

This guide is intended for the following audiences:
administrators who want to know how to configure BusinessObjects
Enterprise to work with the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit
portlet developers who want to know how to create customized portlets
Familiarity with your portal server is essential, as is a good working knowledge of both Crystal Reports and BusinessObjects Enterprise.
For more information about the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit, consult the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal
Integration Kit Installation Guide and the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit User's Guide, available at
For more information about BusinessObjects Enterprise, consult the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide, which is included with BusinessObjects Enterprise. For more information about Crystal Reports, consult the Crystal Reports User's Guide, which is included with Crystal Reports.
6 Portal Integration Kit Administrator's Guide for Portlets

Configuring your Document

Configuring your Document


There are many possible configurations for your Portal Server deployment. This chapter provides detailed information about configuring BusinessObjects Enterprise and on scheduling and setting report properties to maximize their effectiveness for Information Consumers. This chapter requires that you have experience in using and administering BusinessObjects Enterprise. For more information on BusinessObjects Enterprise, refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide, which is found in your BusinessObjects Enterprise product distribution.

Configuring BusinessObjects Enterprise for your Portal Server deployment

When you first install the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit, you may need to configure or update certain settings within BusinessObjects Enterprise to optimize your deployment.
After you install the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit, no icons or shortcuts are added to your Start menu.

Security and Single Sign On

The BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit supports Siteminder Automatic Sign On for your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. Automatic Sign On is enabled when the value is set to true in the web.xml file.
After installing the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Portal Integration Kit, you need to ensure that your BusinessObjects Enterprise security settings are set correctly. Otherwise, your users may see the following error message when they attempt to access the portal:
"Unable to access the BusinessObjects Enterprise infrastructure
at servername to username. The infrastructure may not be ac
cessible, or you have not been granted access using automatic
sign-on with authenticationmode. Contact your reporting admin
istrator for further details on availability."
8 Portal Integration Kit Administrator's Guide for Portlets
+ 18 hidden pages