SAP Business objects Enterprise XI 3.0 InfoView User's Guide

BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.0
© 2008 Business Objects. All rights reserved. Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5,555,403; 5,857,205; 6,289,352; 6,247,008; 6,490,593; 6,578,027; 6,831,668; 6,768,986; 6,772,409; 6,882,998; 7,139,766; 7,299,419; 7,194,465; 7,222,130; 7,181,440 and 7,181,435. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight, the Inxight Logo, LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let there be light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Third-party Contributors
Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at:


Welcome to BusinessObjects Enterprise 13Chapter 1
About this documentation..........................................................................14
Who should use this documentation?........................................................14
Getting Started 15Chapter 2
What's new in BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0?...................................17
Logging on to InfoView..............................................................................18
Recommended reading.............................................................................25
Crystal Reports Server recommended reading.........................................26
To log on to InfoView............................................................................19
Header panel........................................................................................22
Workspace panel..................................................................................23
Document List......................................................................................23
InfoView Workspace toolbar.................................................................23
Tree panel............................................................................................25
Details panel.........................................................................................25
Viewing objects....................................................................................25
Publishing and managing objects........................................................26
How to access InfoView.......................................................................27
How to view files...................................................................................27
How to schedule files...........................................................................27
How to organize files............................................................................28
How to use Discussions.......................................................................28
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 3
Setting Preferences 29Chapter 3
General preferences..................................................................................30
To set general preferences...................................................................30
Web Intelligence preferences....................................................................32
Selecting Web Intelligence viewing preferences..................................32
Selecting a creation/editing tool...........................................................34
Selecting a default universe.................................................................35
Selecting your drill options...................................................................36
Selecting an MS Excel format..............................................................39
Desktop Intelligence preferences..............................................................40
To set Desktop Intelligence viewing preferences.................................40
Crystal Reports preferences......................................................................41
Selecting your Crystal report viewer....................................................41
Description of the Crystal report viewers.............................................42
Dashboard and analytics preferences.......................................................47
To set dashboards and analytics preferences......................................47
Changing your password...........................................................................48
To change your password....................................................................49
Working with Objects 51Chapter 4
Navigating through folders or categories...................................................52
To navigate through folders or categories............................................53
Accessing objects in your personal folders or inbox............................53
Viewing objects..........................................................................................54
Selecting which objects to display........................................................54
Opening objects for viewing.................................................................54
Changing viewers.................................................................................55
4 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
Searching in InfoView................................................................................55
Searching for objects............................................................................56
Performing advanced searches...........................................................57
Content Search....................................................................................59
Organizing objects.....................................................................................66
Creating folders or categories..............................................................66
Setting the properties of a folder or category.......................................67
Adding objects to a folder.....................................................................68
Assigning objects to a category............................................................68
Sorting objects......................................................................................69
Scheduling objects.....................................................................................69
To schedule an object...........................................................................70
Setting the instance title.......................................................................71
Choose a recurrence pattern................................................................71
Enabling notification.............................................................................73
Specifying database logon information................................................74
Specifying an instance format..............................................................74
Specifying an instance destination.......................................................84
Applying record selection formulas......................................................91
Printing an instance..............................................................................91
Scheduling with events.........................................................................93
Choosing a server to run a scheduling job...........................................93
Scheduling an object with Prompts or Parameters..............................94
Caching Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence documents.........95
Pausing or resuming an instance.........................................................96
Scheduling an object package ............................................................97
Viewing object history................................................................................98
Viewing instances of objects................................................................98
Deleting an instance...........................................................................100
Sending objects or instances...................................................................100
To view the latest instance of an object..............................................100
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 5
Creating new objects in InfoView.............................................................101
Adding objects to InfoView......................................................................102
To add a Crystal report to InfoView....................................................102
To add a document from your computer to InfoView..........................103
Copying objects.......................................................................................103
To copy an object...............................................................................103
Moving objects.........................................................................................104
To move an object..............................................................................104
Deleting objects.......................................................................................105
To delete an object.............................................................................105
Creating shortcuts....................................................................................105
To create a shortcut to an object........................................................105
Creating hyperlinks..................................................................................106
To create a hyperlink..........................................................................106
Setting object properties..........................................................................106
To set the object properties ...............................................................107
My InfoView 109Chapter 5
Using My InfoView...................................................................................110
To define My InfoView content...........................................................110
Editing My InfoView.................................................................................112
To edit My InfoView and custom page layouts...................................112
Using Discussions 113Chapter 6
Using the Discussions panel...................................................................114
Accessing the Discussions panel.......................................................116
Creating a note...................................................................................116
Replying to a note..............................................................................116
6 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
Editing a note.....................................................................................117
Deleting a note...................................................................................117
Using Encyclopedia 119Chapter 7
Accessing Encyclopedia..........................................................................120
Creating and maintaining Encyclopedia information...............................121
Overview tab......................................................................................121
Business questions............................................................................123
Glossary terms...................................................................................127
Guided analysis..................................................................................131
Working with Crystal Reports 137Chapter 8
Viewing Crystal reports............................................................................138
Crystal Reports viewer toolbar...........................................................138
Drilling reports..........................................................................................140
To drill down Crystal reports...............................................................140
Looking at alerts......................................................................................140
To view alerts in Crystal reports.........................................................141
To view and edit the parameters of Crystal reports in the Web viewer.142
Distributing reports...................................................................................143
Printing reports...................................................................................143
Exporting reports................................................................................144
Interactive Sorting....................................................................................146
To sort data interactively.....................................................................146
Crystal Reports Viewer............................................................................146
Installing the Crystal Reports Viewer.................................................148
Launching the Crystal Reports Viewer...............................................148
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 7
Working with Web Intelligence Documents 149Chapter 9
Viewing Web Intelligence documents......................................................150
Web Intelligence toolbar.....................................................................150
Displaying the navigation map...........................................................153
Displaying user prompts.....................................................................153
Finding text in documents..................................................................153
Drilling documents .............................................................................154
Creating Web Intelligence documents.....................................................155
Selecting a universe for a new document..........................................155
Editing queries in existing documents................................................157
Data tracking............................................................................................157
Tracking changes in your data...........................................................157
Working with Voyager Workspaces 159Chapter 10
Overview of member selection................................................................162
Selecting individual members from a list of all members...................163
Selecting members by searching.......................................................165
Selecting all members at a particular level in the dimension.............167
Selecting parent, child, or sibling members.......................................168
Hiding members from view.................................................................169
Sorting data columns or rows..................................................................169
To sort data columns or rows in ascending order...............................170
To sort data columns or rows in descending order.............................171
To reverse the sort direction...............................................................171
Removing a sort.................................................................................172
Filtering the data in crosstabs and charts................................................172
8 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
To apply a new filter............................................................................173
Adding a second filter.........................................................................173
To modify an existing filter..................................................................173
Removing a filter................................................................................174
Ranking the data in the crosstab.............................................................175
To add a rank......................................................................................176
To modify an existing rank..................................................................176
Adding a second rank.........................................................................177
Removing a rank................................................................................177
Rank button........................................................................................178
Rank Editor dialog box.......................................................................178
Displaying sorts, filters, and ranks applied to the query..........................179
Hidden sorts, filters, and ranks................................................................179
Combining a sort and filter.......................................................................180
Combining a sort and rank......................................................................180
Combining a filter and rank......................................................................180
Drilling down and drilling up.....................................................................180
To expand-drill down a level in a crosstab.........................................182
To expand-drill up a level in a crosstab..............................................182
To expand-drill down a level in a chart...............................................182
To expand-drill up a level in a chart....................................................183
To focus-drill down a level in a crosstab.............................................183
To focus-drill up a level in a crosstab.................................................183
To focus-drill down a level in a chart..................................................184
To focus-drill up a level in a chart.......................................................184
Overview of exception highlighting..........................................................185
Applying exception highlighting..........................................................185
Removing exception highlighting.......................................................186
Visual totals.............................................................................................186
To add the default totals.....................................................................188
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 9
To add commonly used visual totals (Aggregate, Sum, Average, and
To add other visual totals....................................................................189
Changing to a different visual total.....................................................189
Removing visual totals.......................................................................190
Visual totals on charts........................................................................191
Basic calculations....................................................................................191
Adding a basic calculation..................................................................192
To edit a calculation............................................................................192
To delete a calculation........................................................................193
Creating Voyager workspaces.................................................................193
To create a Voyager workspace.........................................................193
Exporting data from Voyager...................................................................194
Exporting data from Voyager to Excel................................................194
Exporting data from Voyager to comma-separated-values (.csv) files.195
Printing Voyager workspaces..................................................................196
Print a crosstab as it appears on the screen......................................197
Print a chart as it appears on the screen...........................................198
Print raw data.....................................................................................199
Working with Desktop Intelligence documents 201Chapter 11
Viewing Desktop Intelligence documents................................................202
Desktop Intelligence viewer toolbar...................................................203
Navigating documents.............................................................................204
To navigate through a Desktop Intelligence document......................205
Entering User Prompt values...................................................................205
To edit and view user prompts............................................................205
Finding text..............................................................................................206
To find text in a Desktop Intelligence document.................................206
Refreshing data.......................................................................................206
10 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
To refresh data...................................................................................206
Saving Desktop Intelligence documents..................................................207
To save Desktop Intelligence documents...........................................207
To save changes as a new Desktop Intelligence document...............207
To save Desktop Intelligence documents to your local computer......208
Printing Desktop Intelligence documents................................................208
To print Desktop Intelligence documents...........................................208
Editing Desktop Intelligence documents..................................................208
To edit Desktop Intelligence documents.............................................209
Working with Dashboard and Analytics 211Chapter 12
To access Dashboard Builder..................................................................213
Working with Publishing 215Chapter 13
About Publishing......................................................................................216
What is a publication?..............................................................................216
Publishing concepts.................................................................................217
Delivery rules......................................................................................217
To create a new publication in InfoView...................................................227
Get More Help 229Appendix A
Index 233
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 11
12 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide

Welcome to BusinessObjects Enterprise

Welcome to BusinessObjects Enterprise

About this documentation

About this documentation
This help provides you with information and procedures for using BusinessObjects Enterprise and InfoView.
InfoView runs within your web browser and is your main interface for working with objects in BusinessObjects Enterprise. Your BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator may deploy different types of objects, such as Crystal reports, Voyager workspaces, Web Intelligence documents, Desktop Intelligence documents, and other objects that are created from BusinessObjects Enterprise plug-in components. InfoView allows you to view these objects, organize them, and work with them to suit your needs.
Note: Because the appearance and functionality of InfoView can be
customized, your desktop may be different from the one that is described in this help. However, you can still apply many of the procedures that are described in the sections that follow.

Who should use this documentation?

This help is intended for users who work with objects over the web through BusinessObjects Enterprise and InfoView.
For more information about the product, consult the BusinessObjects
Enterprise Administrator's Guide, the BusinessObjects Enterprise Getting Started Guide, and the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Guide. Online
versions of these guides are included in the docs directory of your product distribution.
14 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide

Getting Started

Getting Started


BusinessObjects Enterprise comes with InfoView, a web desktop that acts as a window to a broad range of useful business information about your company. From InfoView, you can access Crystal reports, Voyager workspaces, Web Intelligence documents, Desktop Intelligence documents, and other objects, and organize them to suit your preferences.
The features that are available in InfoView vary by content type, but in general, you can view information in your web browser, export it to other business applications (such as Microsoft Excel), and save it to a specified location. BusinessObjects Enterprise also provides access to a range of analytic tools to help you explore information in more detail.
The following additional features are available with InfoView:
This feature enables you to create and share notes about reports, documents, and other objects in InfoView.
This feature provides you with key information about reports and documents to facilitate the analysis of business intelligence.
This feature lets you deliver information in a customized format by providing a secure environment in which to share information in a personalized way. For more information, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Publisher's Guide.
The following additional features are available with InfoView when you have the appropriate license(s):
This feature allows you to create customized Voyager workspaces based on multi-dimensional data sources.
Process Tracker
This feature enables users to map, track, and communicate business processes through a set of activities, associated reports, and analytics.
16 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
Getting Started

What's new in BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0?

For more information, see the Process Tracker Installation and User's Guide.
For information about the availability of these features in your deployment, contact your BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator.
Related Topics
Using Discussions on page 113
Using Encyclopedia on page 119
Working with Voyager Workspaces on page 159
Working with Publishing on page 215
What's new in BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0?
This version of BusinessObjects Enterprise introduces many new features and enhancements.
Enhanced user interface
Enhanced user interface: InfoView's user interface has been revamped so that it is easier to use and more intuitive. New user interface features include:
The new InfoView home page, from which you can directly access areas
of InfoView such as your inbox, the "Document List", your "Favorites", and your "Preferences".
You can access the list of all folders, categories, and objects in
BusinessObjects Enterprise from any location in InfoView by clicking on the Document List button.
Double-click the title of an object to access default actions while browsing
in BusinessObjects Enterprise. For example, to open a Crystal report while navigating through folders, double-click the title of the report.
Click the title of an object to select it while browsing in BusinessObjects
Right-click the title of an object to access all of the actions that you can
perform on the object while browsing in BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Menus in InfoView are now context aware: only actions that you can
perform on the object(s) that you are currently interacting with are available for you to choose.
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 17
Getting Started

Logging on to InfoView

This version of BusinessObjects Enterprise features many enhancements to the Publishing feature, including support for Crystal reports and Web Intelligence documents, new processing capabilities, the ability to publish to multiple formats and destinations and enhanced PDF, support for customized processing extensions, dynamic recipients, and delivery rules. Fore more information about Publishing, see the Overview on page 216 of the “Working with Publishing” chapter.
Content Search
This version of BusinessObjects Enterprise includes Content Search, an optimized search tool that enables you to search within the content of objects managed by BusinessObjects Enterprise. These objects include Crystal reports, Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence documents, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel documents. Content Search also allows you to take advantage of features such as search result grouping, matched word highlighting, suggested searches, and multilingual searching, and search techniques. For more information, see Content Search on page 59.
Online documentation library
A completely new interface to the full documentation set now has guides for all Business Objects products. The new online documentation library has the most up-to-date version of the Business Objects product documentation, posted upon publication and updated regularly. You can browse the library contents, run full-text searches, read guides on line, and download PDFs.
Logging on to InfoView
To use InfoView, you must have one of the following web browsers installed on your machine:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Safari (for Macintosh users)
18 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
For more information on the platforms that BusinessObjects Enterprise supports, please see the Products Availability Report (PAR) at http://sup
Note: To use the advanced features of BusinessObjects Enterprise and
InfoView, it is recommended that you use Internet Explorer.

To log on to InfoView

1. Open your web browser.
Go to http:// webserver : portnumber /InfoViewApp/
Replace webserver with the name of the web server and portnumber with the port number that is set up for BusinessObjects Enterprise. You may need to ask your administrator for the name of the web server, the port number, or the exact URL to enter.
Tip: If you have any BusinessObjects Enterprise client tools installed on
Windows, you can also click Start > Programs > BusinessObjects XI
3.0 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > BusinessObjects Enterprise Java InfoView.
Getting Started
Logging on to InfoView
The "Log On to InfoView" page appears.
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 19
Getting Started


3. By default, you will not be asked to supply a system name. However, if
you are asked to supply one, type the name of your Central Management Server (CMS) In the System field.
4. In the User name and Password fields, type your logon credentials.
5. By default, you will not be asked to choose an authentication type.
However, if you are asked to supply one, select Enterprise, LDAP, Windows AD, or Windows NT from the Authentication list.
Enterprise authentication requires a user name and password that are
recognized by BusinessObjects Enterprise.
LDAP authentication requires a user name and password that are
recognized by an LDAP directory server.
Windows AD authentication requires a user name and password that
are recognized by Windows AD.
Windows NT authentication requires a user name and password that
are recognized by Windows NT.
Enterprise authentication is the default authentication method. LDAP, Windows AD, Windows NT, and other third-party authentication types require special setup. For more information, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.
6. Click Log On.
The" InfoView home page" appears.
If you successfully logged on, InfoView appears in your web browser.
20 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
You can change your initial view in your preferences.
Getting Started
The folders and objects that you can see in the Document List, the rights that you have to schedule, the viewer that you see, and so on, are dependent on the account with which you log on, the rights that are granted to you by your BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator, and the settings that both you and your administrator enable.
InfoView is divided into two panels. For information about each panel, see the following sections:
1: Header panel
2: Workspace panel
Note: You must not use the back button of your web browser to navigate
within InfoView or any portion of BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Related Topics
General preferences on page 30
Header panel on page 22
Workspace panel on page 23
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 21
Getting Started

Header panel

The Header panel displays the logo and the user name of the account that you used to log on to InfoView. It contains the InfoView toolbar that you can use to perform the following actions:
Document List
Send To
Log Out
Displays the InfoView home page.
Shows the Document List.
Opens components of InfoView such as the En­cyclopedia.
Sends an object or instance to a destination.
Allows you to access dashboards and analytics.
Logs the user out.
Allows you to set how information is displayed.
Displays product and sales information about In­foView.
Related Topics
Document List on page 23
22 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
Displays the online help for InfoView.

Workspace panel

The Workspace panel displays InfoView content. It is in this panel that you do activities such as viewing, scheduling, and modifying objects, setting your InfoView preferences, browsing the Document List and so on. The toolbars and other features of the Workspace panel change according to your current task.

Document List

The Document List displays the files, folders, and categories in InfoView. It allows you to edit them using the actions in the InfoView Workspace toolbar, view them, organize them, and navigate them. It contains the and the Tree panel and the Details panel.
Related Topics
Tree panel on page 25
Details panel on page 25
Getting Started

InfoView Workspace toolbar

The InfoView Workspace toolbar is displayed when viewing the Document List. It allows you to perform the following actions on objects, categories,
and folders in the Document List.
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 23
Getting Started
Shows folders in the Tree panel.
Switch to Folders
Shows categories in the Tree panel.
Switch to Categories
Refreshes the view of the Document List.
Allows you to create new objects within In­foView.
Allows you to add existing objects to InfoView.
Allows you to organize the selected object.
Allows you to perform actions on the selected object.
Allows you to search for objects.
Allows you to navigate between pages in the Document List.
24 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide

Tree panel

The Tree panel is visible when you view the Document List. It displays the folders and categories in BusinessObjects Enterprise in a hierarchical structure, allowing you to navigate through them. When you select a folder or category in the "Tree" panel, its contents appear in the Details panel .
Note: Object packages also appear in the "Tree" panel and behave like
folders. Selecting an object package causes its contents to appear in the Details panel.

Details panel

The Details panel is visible when you view the Document List. It displays the contents of folders, categories, and objects packages in BusinessObjects Enterprise. You can filter and sort the objects displayed in the Details panel, and choose to modify, view, organize, or schedule them if you have the necessary rights.
Getting Started

Recommended reading

Recommended reading
Depending on how you use BusinessObjects Enterprise and InfoView, you may want to focus on specific sections of this document.

Viewing objects

If you use BusinessObjects Enterprise to view objects such as reports, you do not need to read about the advanced features of InfoView. It is recommended that you read only the following sections:
Getting Started on page 15
Setting Preferences on page 29
Working with Objects on page 51
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 25
Getting Started

Crystal Reports Server recommended reading

Publishing and managing objects

For advanced users who publish and organize objects for other users to view, it is recommended that you read the following sections:
Getting Started on page 15
Setting Preferences on page 29
Working with Objects on page 51
My InfoView on page 109
Using Discussions on page 113
Using Encyclopedia on page 119
Depending on the types of objects that you create and/or publish, you may also want to review the following sections:
Working with Crystal Reports on page 137
Working with Voyager Workspaces on page 159
Working with Web Intelligence Documents on page 149
Working with Desktop Intelligence documents on page 201
If you will also be publishing objects to BusinessObjects Enterprise, you
should refer to the BusinessObjects Publisher User's Guide.
If you work with Web Intelligence documents, also refer to Building Reports with the Web Intelligence Report Panel, which appears when you click help while you view a Web Intelligence document.
Crystal Reports Server recommended reading
This section outlines the topics in the BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide that will be of most use to you if you are using Crystal Reports
26 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide

How to access InfoView

For information about accessing InfoView, go to the following sections:
Logging on to InfoView on page 18
InfoView on page 20

How to view files

For information about viewing files inside InfoView go to the following sections:
Viewing objects on page 54
Opening objects for viewing on page 54
Changing viewers on page 55
Getting Started
Crystal Reports Server recommended reading

How to schedule files

For information about scheduling files inside InfoView go to the following sections:
Scheduling objects on page 69
Setting the instance title on page 71
Choose a recurrence pattern on page 71
Enabling notification on page 73
Specifying database logon information on page 74
Applying record selection formulas on page 91
Available formats on page 75
Destination locations on page 85
Printing an instance on page 91
Scheduling with events on page 93
Choosing a server to run a scheduling job on page 93
BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide 27
Getting Started
Crystal Reports Server recommended reading
Parameters on page 141
Pausing or resuming an instance on page 96
Viewing instances of objects on page 98
Deleting an instance on page 100

How to organize files

For information about organizing your content in InfoView go to the following sections:
Organizing objects on page 66
Creating folders or categories on page 66
Adding objects to a folder on page 68
Assigning objects to a category on page 68
Sorting objects on page 69
Copying objects on page 103
Creating shortcuts on page 105
Moving objects on page 104
Deleting objects on page 105

How to use Discussions

For information about how to use Discussions go to Using Discussions on page 113.
28 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide

Setting Preferences

Setting Preferences


Preferences determine how you log on to InfoView and what view is displayed when you do. They also determine specific settings for the various objects that you view, such as viewers for Crystal reports and view formats for Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence documents.
Note: As a best practice, you should set your preferences before you begin
to work with objects in InfoView. However, depending on your deployment, your BusinessObjects Enterprise administrator may configure your system to use predetermined settings by default.
Related Topics
Web Intelligence preferences on page 32
Desktop Intelligence preferences on page 40
Crystal Reports preferences on page 41
Dashboard and analytics preferences on page 47

General preferences

This section describes how to set your general viewing preferences for InfoView.

To set general preferences

1. Log on to InfoView.
2. On the InfoView toolbar, click Preferences.
The "Preferences" page appears.
30 BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView User's Guide
+ 210 hidden pages