SAP Business objects Enterprise XI 3.0 Monitoring Guide

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0
© 2008 Business Objects, an SAP company. All rights reserved. Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5,295,243; 5,339,390; 5,555,403; 5,590,250; 5,619,632; 5,632,009; 5,857,205; 5,880,742; 5,883,635; 6,085,202; 6,108,698; 6,247,008; 6,289,352; 6,300,957; 6,377,259; 6,490,593; 6,578,027; 6,581,068; 6,628,312; 6,654,761; 6,768,986; 6,772,409; 6,831,668; 6,882,998; 6,892,189; 6,901,555; 7,089,238; 7,107,266; 7,139,766; 7,178,099; 7,181,435; 7,181,440; 7,194,465; 7,222,130; 7,299,419; 7,320,122 and 7,356,779. Business Objects and its logos, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Cartesis, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Crystal Vision, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight and its logos , LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let There Be Light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. SAP is the trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Third-party Contributors
Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at:


Preface 7Chapter 1
About this guide...........................................................................................8
Comments welcome....................................................................................8
Developing a monitoring strategy 9Chapter 2
Determining which components to monitor...............................................10
Defining metrics, targets, and monitoring activities...................................17
Defining monitoring responses..................................................................20
Integrating monitoring probes into your strategy.......................................20
Staging your monitoring implementation...................................................21
BusinessObjects monitoring probes 23Chapter 3
Performance goals and service level agreements (SLAs)...................11
BusinessObjects architecture...............................................................12
Surveying end users.............................................................................14
Interviewing system architects and administrators...............................15
Components recommended by BusinessObjects................................16
Introduction to monitoring probes..............................................................24
Monitoring probes overview.................................................................26
Deploying monitoring probes.....................................................................29
Deploying the monitoring probes package on Windows......................30
Deploying the monitoring probes package on UNIX............................31
Deploying the monitoring.war file.........................................................32
Configuring monitoring probes for authentication................................38
Running monitoring probes.......................................................................40
Running a monitoring probe in command line mode............................40
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 3
Running a monitoring probe in web mode...........................................42
Monitoring probe attributes and parameters........................................44
Monitoring probe output.......................................................................49
Specifying probe attributes and parameters dynamically.....................52
Working with monitoring probes................................................................53
User account guidelines for running monitoring probes.......................53
Running probes in command line mode versus web mode ................54
Defining performance measures for monitoring probes ......................55
Defining monitoring probe execution frequency...................................56
Security and audit considerations........................................................57
Monitoring the Central Management Server (CMS) and authentication
Monitoring report engines and data sources........................................58
Probe failure ........................................................................................60
Monitoring probe connectors and probe integration.............................61
Using server groups to monitor individual BusinessObjects Enterprise
services ...............................................................................................62
Monitoring probe limitations and known issues....................................63
Uninstalling monitoring probes..................................................................65
Uninstalling monitoring probes on Windows........................................65
Uninstalling monitoring probes on UNIX..............................................65
Monitoring BusinessObjects using system and application tools 67Chapter 4
Monitoring BusinessObjects with IBM Tivoli 71Chapter 5
Configuring Tivoli to monitor a BusinessObjects application metric..........72
Configuring Tivoli to monitor BusinessObjects using a probe...................80
Preparing a probe configuration file (Tivoli)..........................................80
Preparing the agent metafile................................................................82
Configuring Tivoli to run a monitoring probe........................................84
4 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Chapter 6
Monitoring BusinessObjects with Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)
Installing a MOM agent on a BusinessObjects server...............................90
Configuring MOM to monitor a BusinessObjects application metric..........91
Create a rule group for BusinessObjects Enterprise application
Creating a data provider.......................................................................92
Configuring monitoring for an application metric..................................93
Configuring MOM to monitor BusinessObjects using a probe...................98
Creating a rule group for monitoring probes........................................98
Preparing a probe configuration file (MOM).......................................100
Inputting the probe response script....................................................101
Specifying the Event Rule and Data Provider ...................................103
Viewing probe events in the MOM Operator Console........................108
Components and metrics reference 113Chapter 7
BusinessObjects Enterprise components and metrics............................114
Web Application Server components and metrics...................................120
System level components and metrics....................................................121
Database components and metrics.........................................................124
Availability monitoring example...............................................................124
Monitoring probe reference 129Chapter 8
CMS Logon Logoff probe.........................................................................130
Crystal Reports service through Page and Cache Server probe.............131
Crystal Reports Service through Report Application Server....................134
Desktop Intelligence Service probe.........................................................136
Web Intelligence Service probe...............................................................138
CMS ping probe.......................................................................................141
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 5
CMS cache probe....................................................................................142
CMS database connection probe............................................................144
Get More Help 147Appendix A
6 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide



About this guide

About this guide
The objective of this guide is to provide information about developing and implementing a monitoring solution for BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Information includes guidelines and recommendations for developing a monitoring strategy, usage information for BusinessObjects monitoring probes, and instructions for implementing a monitoring solution using system and application tools, IBM Tivoli, and Microsoft Operations Manager.

Comments welcome

Your feedback is important to us. You can send your comments about this guide to:
8 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide

Developing a monitoring strategy

Developing a monitoring strategy

Determining which components to monitor

This section of the guide describes a process for developing a monitoring strategy that includes:
Determining which components to monitor
Defining metrics, targets, and monitoring activities
Defining monitoring responses
Integrating BusinessObjects monitoring probes into your strategy
Implementing your monitoring solution in stages
If your requirement is to quickly implement a basic monitoring solution, it is recommended that you start with availability metrics for key components of your system.
Components recommended by BusinessObjects on page 16 describes
key components for a typical BusinessObjects Enterprise system.
Staging your monitoring implementation on page 21 provides information
about implementing availability monitoring as a first step.
The Availability monitoring example on page 124 shows components, metrics, targets, and monitoring activities for an availability monitoring solution.
Determining which components to monitor
The first step in developing a monitoring strategy is determining which system components to monitor. The diagram below shows information sources you can draw upon to identify and prioritize system components.
10 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Developing a monitoring strategy
Determining which components to monitor
Recommendations for how to use each source of information are provided in the following topics:
Performance goals and service level agreements (SLAs) on page 11
BusinessObjects Enterprise components and metrics on page 114
Surveying end users on page 14
Interviewing system architects and administrators on page 15
Components recommended by BusinessObjects on page 16

Performance goals and service level agreements (SLAs)

Performance goals are commonly defined in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between IT departments and business units. The following list includes examples of performance goals that you may find in a typical SLA:
Availability schedules (e.g. 24/7 availability with planned system outages
for maintenance)
User login wait time (e.g. 7 seconds maximum wait time)
Availability of report outputs (e.g. report output refreshed daily by 6AM)
Maximum wait times for viewing a report (e.g. 10 seconds for simple
Performance goals can often be broken down into the system and application components involved in delivering a particular service to end users.
For example, the process behind viewing a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report may depend on the following system and application components:
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 11
Developing a monitoring strategy
Determining which components to monitor
Web application server hardware and software
Authentication server hardware and software
BusinessObjects Enterprise server hardware
BusinessObjects Enterprise application components:
Web Intelligence Report Server
Central Management Server (CMS)
Input/Output File Repository Server
BusinessObjects database server and software
Corporate database server and software
Corporate network and related software
The BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide provides an overview of the BusinessObjects Enterprise architecture in which it describes each system component and provides an overview of information flows for scheduling and viewing objects.
Components directly linked to performance goals are likely to be high priority components in your monitoring strategy.
If your organization does not define performance goals within an SLA, a first step in defining your monitoring strategy may be to define performance goals that reflect business requirements. This information will help identify and prioritize system and components to include in your monitoring strategy.

BusinessObjects architecture

When developing a monitoring strategy, consider all of the components that participate in your BI system.
Identifying relevant components in an enterprise system can be a challenging undertaking in larger IT environments. You may require assistance from system architects and administrators.
The underlying network infrastructure should also be considered a component.
A tiered view of BusinessObjects Enterprise technical architecture is shown in the following diagram. The diagram may be of assistance in identifying the components of your system.
12 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Developing a monitoring strategy
Determining which components to monitor
For a description of each component refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Administrator's Guide.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 13
Developing a monitoring strategy
Determining which components to monitor
When identifying components keep in mind that BusinessObjects components may be installed on more than one machine, server processes may be distributed, and duplicate instances of server processes may be running on one or more machines.
The BusinessObjects Central Configuration Manager (CCM) displays a list of BusinessObjects services that are part of the your BusinessObjects Enterprise system. On Windows the CCM is a graphical interface tool, as shown in the diagram below. On UNIX, the CCM is a shell script ( that allows you to manage BusinessObjects Enterprise servers from the command line.

Surveying end users

Surveying end users can help you determine which areas of your system require monitoring. For example, an end user survey can tell you which applications are used most often, where there are performance issues, and where to expect increased user activity.
14 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Developing a monitoring strategy
Determining which components to monitor
An end user survey may tell you that running a particular report takes longer than usual, or that the Finance department is hiring new people who will increase demand on system components used to create financial reports.
When conducting an end user survey, ask users about performance concerns, average daily usage, and future usage. Questions you might ask include:
What types of reports are run and how often?
Is performance slow when performing particular tasks?
What types of objects are used most often?
Will system usage increase or decrease in the near future?
Is the business hiring new people?
Does the business plan to use BusinessObjects applications to perform
additional tasks in the future?
The information gathered will help identify and prioritize components for monitoring.

Interviewing system architects and administrators

When defining a monitoring strategy, interviewing system architects and administrators can provide insight into which components require monitoring. For example, System Architects may be able to help answer the following types of questions:
What type of load is the system designed for (e.g. how many concurrent
active users and simultaneous requests can system components support?)
Which components are at risk if load increases?
Which components are low risk? For example, is network bandwidth a
low risk component?
Are there system dependencies that may not be obvious?
Are there single points of failure in the system (i.e. systems or components
that have no redundancy)
Which machines are likely to require additional CPU resource, memory,
or disk space in the near future?
System Administrators may be able to provide the following types of information:
A history of system performance including previous trouble spots
Insight into application components or information flows
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 15
Developing a monitoring strategy
Determining which components to monitor
System usage patterns including peak usage times

Components recommended by BusinessObjects

For typical BusinessObjects Enterprise deployments that include Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, and Desktop Intelligence applications, the components recommended for monitoring are outlined in the diagram below. Components include:
BusinessObjects Enterprise components
System level components
Web application server (WAS) components
Database components
Your system components may be a subset of the recommended components or may include additional components. For example, you may have custom applications or other BusinessObjects applications you want to include in your monitoring solution.
16 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Developing a monitoring strategy

Defining metrics, targets, and monitoring activities

Information about recommended components is provided in the following reference topics:
BusinessObjects Enterprise components and metrics on page 114
Web Application Server components and metrics on page 120
System level components and metrics on page 121
Database components and metrics on page 124
Defining metrics, targets, and monitoring activities
After you identify the components you want to monitor, the next step is to establish metrics, targets, and monitoring activities for each component.
Metrics are used to measure the health of a component. The metrics you define depend on the components you are monitoring and your requirements. Examples of metrics include user login time, query execution time, CPU usage percentage, availability status for a system service, etc.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 17
Developing a monitoring strategy
Defining metrics, targets, and monitoring activities
A target is an expected result for a metric. For example, your business may require that a system login action take no more than 6 seconds or that average CPU usage on your servers is below 85 percent. A result that does not meet a target may indicate a problem. Defining targets often requires that measurements be taken over time to establish an acceptable result range.
A ‘monitoring activity’ defines how and when data is collected for a metric. For example, you may decide to collect user login data using an automated script that performs a login action every few minutes, or you may use a monitoring tool to poll your system for CPU usage metrics at a specified interval.
The following tables provide examples of metrics, targets, and monitoring activities for a BusinessObjects service (CMS.exe), a web application server, system CPU, and a database.
Targets and monitoring activities, including execution and polling frequency, will differ from system to system. For example, you may want to poll your system less frequently if you are concerned about impacting system performance.
BusinessObjects component (CMS.exe):
Monitoring activityTargetMetric
Ping every 2 minutes24/7CMS service availabil-
< 6 secondsCMS login time
Web application server component
18 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Perform login action every 5 min­utes
Poll system every 30 seconds< 30% usageCMS CPU usage
Poll system every 30 seconds< 95% usageCMS Disk read time
Poll system every 30 seconds< 5% usageCMS Disk write time
Developing a monitoring strategy
Defining metrics, targets, and monitoring activities
Monitoring activityTargetMetric
Ping server every 2 minutes24/7Availability
< 6 secondsResponse time
System component (CPU):
Database component
< 6 secondsResponse time
Send HTTP request every 5 min­utes
Monitoring activityTargetMetric
Poll system every 30 seconds< 85% usageAverage CPU utiliza-
Poll system every 30 seconds< 90% usageUser CPU
Poll system every 30 seconds< user CPUSystem CPU
Poll system every 30 seconds< 2 per CPURun queue
Poll system every 30 seconds< 30%I/O wait time
Monitoring activityTargetMetric
Ping server every 2 minutes24/7Availability
Run a database query every 5 minutes
For components recommended for monitoring by BusinessObjects, metrics and targets are outlined in the following topics:
BusinessObjects Enterprise components and metrics on page 114
Web Application Server components and metrics on page 120
System level components and metrics on page 121
Database components and metrics on page 124
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 19
Developing a monitoring strategy

Defining monitoring responses

Defining monitoring responses
After you define metrics, targets, and monitoring activities, the next step is to define responses if monitoring results do not meet expected targets.
The response you define depends on the metric. For metrics related to availability, you may chose to raise an e-mail alert to initiate immediate action. For less critical metrics, it may be more appropriate to log results to a report that is reviewed weekly by a system administrator.
The following table shows example responses for metrics used to measure the health of the BusinessObjects CMS service (CMS.exe). In this example, the response for the availability metric is to raise an e-mail alert after three consecutive failed attempts. For login time, CPU, and disk metrics, data is logged to a report.
ResponseMonitoring activi-
E-mail notification after 3 con­secutive failed attempts
Log data to reportPerform login ac-
Log data to reportPoll system every
Log data to reportPoll system every
Log data to reportPoll system every
CMS login time
CMS CPU usage
CMS Disk read time
CMS Disk write time
24/7CMS service
< 6 sec­onds
< 30% us­age
< 95% us­age
< 5% us­age
Ping every 2 min­utes
tion every 5 min­utes
30 seconds
30 seconds
30 seconds

Integrating monitoring probes into your strategy

BusinessObjects monitoring probes are a set of SDK-based scripts you can use to monitor components of your BusinessObjects Enterprise system.
20 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
Developing a monitoring strategy

Staging your monitoring implementation

With BusinessObjects monitoring probes you can:
Simulate end user workflows including user login actions and report
execution for Web Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence, and Crystal Reports applications.
Test availability, functionality, and performance of BusinessObjects
Test the BusinessObjects Central Management Server (CMS) core
functionality, CMS cache service, and CMS database connection
Test your web application server by running probes in web mode (through
a browser)
Test Windows AD or LDAP authentication services by running probes
under a user account that requires authentication
Monitoring probes, which can be run from a command line or web browser, can be quickly integrated into any monitoring strategy to provide a means of monitoring BusinessObjects components. Probes are also designed with XML-based input and output streams that allow for integration with proprietary or industry standard monitoring tools such as IBM Tivoli or Microsoft Operations Manager.
The next section of the guide provides in-depth information about deploying, running, and working with BusinessObjects monitoring probes.
Related Topics
Introduction to monitoring probes on page 24
Deploying monitoring probes on page 29
Working with monitoring probes on page 53
Monitoring BusinessObjects with IBM Tivoli on page 71
Monitoring BusinessObjects with Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)
on page 89
Staging your monitoring implementation
It is generally recommended that monitoring be implemented in stages. Your monitoring requirements may dictate a different approach, but as a guideline the following staged implementation is recommended:
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 21
Developing a monitoring strategy
Staging your monitoring implementation
Stage 1: Availability monitoring
Availability monitoring is defined as monitoring availability of BusinessObjects services and core system components.
Availability monitoring can largely be achieved through process based monitoring (to ensure the process/service is “alive”) and the use of BusinessObjects monitoring probes. For an example of availability monitoring, see Availability monitoring example on page 124.
Stage 2: Stability monitoring
Stability monitoring adds metrics for key system indicators that help you detect early signs of system instability. For example, in this stage you might add monitoring for CPU, memory, and disk usage by BusinessObjects services. Key indicators may differ for your system but the goal is the same, which is to add metrics to your monitoring solution that allow you to react before an outage occurs.
Stage 3: Performance monitoring
In this stage, a wider range of system metrics are added to the monitoring solution. The goal is to use a wide array of data from system metrics, monitoring probes, and key indicators to better understand how system components interact, where bottlenecks occur, and how sizing and tuning parameters can be adjusted to improve or maintain system performance.
22 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide

BusinessObjects monitoring probes

BusinessObjects monitoring probes

Introduction to monitoring probes

Introduction to monitoring probes
BusinessObjects Enterprise monitoring probes provide you with the ability to monitor your BusinessObjects system using simulated application workflows which are run through SDK-based scripts.
Monitoring probes are provided in a Monitoring Add-on package that is distributed as a .zip file for Windows deployments and a tar.gz file for UNIX deployments. The package is available for download from the Business Objects Labs website at:
The files required to run monitoring probes are deployed to your system when you extract the Monitorig Add-on package to your BusinessObjects root installation directory.
There are eight monitoring probes you can use to monitor different aspects of your BusinessObjects system:
CMS Logon Logoff probe
Crystal Reports Service through Page and Cache Server probe
Crystal Reports Service through Report Application Server probe
Desktop Intelligence Service probe
Web Intelligence Service probe
CMS Ping probe
CMS Cache probe
CMS Database Connection probe
Monitoring probes are described in the Monitoring probes overview on page 26.
Running a monitoring probe involves executing a monitoring probe command with the appropriate attributes and parameters. The monitoring probe command is monitoring.bat on Windows systems and on UNIX systems. You can run a monitoring probe from a command line (command line mode) or from within a URL (web mode).
All monitoring probes share the same attributes which include user, password, system, authtype, and classname. Monitoring probes that run against Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, and Desktop Intelligence report engines include document ID, document name, document refresh, and file export parameters.
24 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
BusinessObjects monitoring probes
Introduction to monitoring probes
Attributes and parameters can be defined dynamically or in an XML-based configuration file that is called when a monitoring probe is run. The following is an example of a monitoring probe configuration file:
<probeconfig user='bobjuser' password='bobjpassword' sys tem='servername' authtype='secEnterprise' classname='ProbeCR PageServer'>
<!-- Uncomment one of the search options: cuid, docid, name-
<!-- Enter in the correct value afterwards--> <!-- CUID identifier for document--> <!--
<param type='java.lang.String' value='ASHeDJIWZSBAmtwnFIWGybs'
--> <!-- DOCID identifier for document--> <!-­<param type='int' value='656' />
--> <!-- NAME of document--> <param type='java.lang.String' value='Mail Labels' />
<!--Document display options--> <!-- REFRESH document select true or false --> <param type='boolean' value='false' /> <!-- PDFEXPORT document select true or false --> <param type='boolean' value='false' />
Monitoring probe output is an XML-based data stream with information that includes a success flag, execution duration, and error description (if an error is encountered). The following screen capture shows output from a monitoring probe run in web mode:
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 25
BusinessObjects monitoring probes
Introduction to monitoring probes
XML based input and output streams are intended to provide flexibility for integrating monitoring probes with industry-standard and proprietary monitoring solutions.
Related Topics
Monitoring probe attributes and parameters on page 44
Running a monitoring probe in command line mode on page 40
Running a monitoring probe in web mode on page 42

Monitoring probes overview

The following table describes the current set of monitoring probes and the application workflows they simulate.
26 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
BusinessObjects monitoring probes
Introduction to monitoring probes
DescriptionMonitoring probe
CMS Logon Logoff
Crystal Reports service through Page and Cache Server
Crystal Reports service through Report Application Server
Desktop Intelligence Service
Web Intelligence Service
Tests the availability of the Central Manage­ment Server (CMS) and the ability of users to log on to the system through client applications. The probe logs on a single user, tests session validity, and logs off the user.
Tests the availability of the Crystal Reports service through Crystal Reports Page Servers and Cache Servers. Using the Crystal Reports Page and Cache Servers, the probe opens a report, refreshes the report, optionally exports the report to PDF format, and closes the report.
Tests the availability of the Crystal Report ser­vice through the Report Application Servers. Using the Report Application Servers, the probe opens a report, optionally exports the report to PDF format, and closes the report.
Tests the availability of the Desktop Intelligence service through Desktop Intelligence Report Servers. The probe opens a Desktop Intelli­gence document, refreshes it, optionally ex­ports the document to XLS and PDF format, and closes the document.
Tests the availability of the Web Intelligence service through Web Intelligence Report Servers. The probe opens a Web Intelligence document, refreshes it, optionally exports the document to XLS and PDF format, and closes the document.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 27
BusinessObjects monitoring probes
Introduction to monitoring probes
DescriptionMonitoring probe
CMS ping
CMS cache
CMS database connection
Sends an empty query to the CMS. The test is considered successful if the CMS returns a parse failure error. Because query parsing is part of CMS core functionality, the test is ex­pected to complete quickly.
Tests the availability and health of the CMS cache by executing the following query:
select SI_NAME from CI_SYSTEMOBJS where SI_ID=4
This query returns the system InfoObject that contains the CMS cluster name. After a warm­up period, it is expected that the CMS retrieves the system InfoObject from the cache rather than the repository database. If the query fails, the cache may not be functioning properly or the cluster definition may be incorrect.
Tests the availability of the repository database by executing the following query:
select SI_NAME from CI_SYSTEMOBJS where SI_OBTYPE=13
This query returns the system InfoObject which contains the CMS cluster name. The CMS re­trieves the system InfoObject from the reposi­tory database. If this query fails there may be a connection problem between the CMS server and repository database.
Crystal Reports, Desktop Intelligence, and Web Intelligence probes require a report to run whereas CMS related probes do not. Probes that use reports have report related parameters.
28 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
BusinessObjects monitoring probes

Deploying monitoring probes

Monitoring probe deployment includes one or more of the steps described in the following table:
DescriptionDeployment step
Deploying monitoring probes
Step 1: Deploying the monitoring probes package (on Windows or UNIX).
Step 2: Deploying the monitor
ing.war file
Step 3: Configuring monitoring probes for authentication
Deploying the monitoring probes package is required to run monitoring probes. After deploying the monitoring probes package to your system, you can run monitoring probes in command line mode.
After deploying the monitoring probes package, you have the option of deploying the monitoring.war file which allows you to run monitoring probes through a web browser (web mode).
To deploy the monitoring.war file, you must:
1. Update the monitoring.war file
2. Deploy the monitoring.war file to
your web application server.
If you do not plan to use monitoring probes in web mode, you can skip this step.
If you want to use monitoring probes with Windows AD or LDAP authentication, you must perform additional configuration steps. If you do not plan to run monitoring probes with Windows AD or LDAP authentication, you can skip this step.
Related Topics
Deploying the monitoring probes package on Windows on page 30
Deploying the monitoring probes package on UNIX on page 31
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide 29
BusinessObjects monitoring probes
Deploying monitoring probes
Deploying the monitoring.war file on page 32
Configuring monitoring probes for authentication on page 38

Deploying the monitoring probes package on Windows

Monitoring probes require Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.4.2 or 1.5.1. If you are using a BusinessObjects Enterprise Java application (e.g. Java InfoView), it is recommended that you use the same JDK for the monitoring probes.
Deploying the monitoring probes package on Windows involves extracting the monitoring probes package ( to the root directory of your BusinessObjects installation.
1. Extract the contents of the file to the BusinessObjects
root installation directory. The default BusinessObjects root installation directory is: X:\Program Files\Business Objects\, where X: is the system drive.
Extracting the contents of the deploys the following:
a monitoring.jar file to <BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\common\3.5\java\lib
a monitoring.war file to <BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 11.5\java\applications
a monitoring folder to <BOE_INSTALL_DIR> (the BusinessObjects
root directory).
The <BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\monitoring directory will appear as follows in Windows Explorer:
30 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Monitoring Guide
+ 120 hidden pages