JAAS SSO Enablement Extensions
Deployment Guide for IBM
WebSphere Server 6.0
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0

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About this guide 5Chapter 1
Who should read this guide? ......................................................................6
Business Objects information resources ....................................................6
Chapter 2
Index 19
Installing the JAAS SSO Enablement Extensions on an IBM WebSphere
Server 7
Installation overview ...................................................................................8
System Requirements.................................................................................8
Deploying the JAAS SSO Enablement Extensions ....................................9
To update the web.xml file......................................................................9
To install the JAR files Tip....................................................................10
To add the JAR files to the class library...............................................11
To configure the LoginModule..............................................................12
To change the classloading policy for the BusinessObjects
EnterprisePortal Integration Kit............................................................13
Get More Help 15Appendix A
JAAS SSO Enablement Extensions Deployment Guide for IBM WebSphere Server 6.0 3

4 JAAS SSO Enablement Extensions Deployment Guide for IBM WebSphere Server 6.0

About this guide
Who should read this guide?
This guide provides information on installing and configuring the
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 Portal Integration Kit - JAAS SSO
Enablement Extensions.
Who should read this guide?
This guide is intended for administrators who are responsible for installing
the BusinessObjects XI 3.0 Portal Integration Kit - JAAS SSO Enablement
Extensions. Familiarity with your portal server is beneficial, as is a working
knowledge of Crystal Reports and BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Business Objects information resources
For more information and assistance, see Get More Help on page 15. This
appendix describes the Business Objects documentation, customer support,
training, and consulting services, with links to online resources.
6 JAAS SSO Enablement Extensions Deployment Guide for IBM WebSphere Server 6.0