Implementing the BusinessObjects
Enterprise documentation library as
an Eclipse Infocenter
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0

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Getting Started 5Chapter 1
Introduction to the documentation library download....................................6
Requirements to install the documentation library ......................................6
Installing an Eclipse Infocenter 9Chapter 2
To install Eclipse........................................................................................10
To start the Eclipse Infocenter...................................................................10
To stop the Eclipse Infocenter....................................................................12
Installing the documentation library 15Chapter 3
To download the documentation library.....................................................16
To install the library plugins........................................................................16
To install the library navigation plugin........................................................17
To install the library language packs..........................................................17
To create an index.....................................................................................18
Customizing the Eclipse Infocenter 19Chapter 4
To customize the Eclipse Infocenter..........................................................20
Get More Help 21Appendix A
Implementing the BusinessObjects Enterprise documentation library as an Eclipse Infocenter 3

4 Implementing the BusinessObjects Enterprise documentation library as an Eclipse Infocenter

Getting Started
Introduction to the documentation library download
Introduction to the documentation library
The BusinessObjects XI 3.0 documentation library covers all products and
their deployment. The library is available as an Eclipse help plugin. Using
Eclipse, you can browse user documentation, do full-text searches, and
bookmark or print pages.
The library is available in the following languages: English (en), French (fr),
German (de), Dutch (nl), Italian (it), Spanish (es), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko),
Chinese, (zh_CN), and Traditional Chinese (zh_TW).
These instructions tell you how to download the library and deploy it in your
Eclipse help or as an Eclipse Infocenter.
These instructions are intended for the Information Technology administrator
responsible for the Eclipse Infocenter server.
The library download files consist of compressed archives containing Eclipse
plugin files. You must download the Documentation Library archive,
xi3_doclib.zip. It contains an archive of plugins for the library contents in
US English and an archive containing library navigation files.
Optionally, you can download and deploy the library in any number of other
languages. The Language Pack archives, xi3_doclib_locale.zip, contain
the plugins for the library in the language specified by the locale.
Requirements to install the
documentation library
You need a server to host the Eclipse Infocenter, with:
• A Java Runtime Environment installed.
• Internet access to download Eclipse software and the documentation
• Standard decompression software, for example WinZIP.
• Sufficient disk space to install Eclipse. The disk space required will vary
depending on your operating system. See the requirements at the Eclipse
organization site in the related topics.
6 Implementing the BusinessObjects Enterprise documentation library as an Eclipse Infocenter

Getting Started
Requirements to install the documentation library
• A minimum of 40 MB disk space to install the US English library.
• Another 40 MB disk space for each additional language installed.
• Recommended available memory 2 GB.
These instructions are tested on an installation using Windows XP, Java
Runtime Environment version 1.5, Eclipse runtime platform 3.3.2, and
Windows Internet Explorer 7. Other configurations are possible.
Related Topics
• http://java.sun.com/
• http://www.eclipse.org/
Implementing the BusinessObjects Enterprise documentation library as an Eclipse Infocenter 7

Getting Started
Requirements to install the documentation library
8 Implementing the BusinessObjects Enterprise documentation library as an Eclipse Infocenter