SAP Business objects Enterprise XI 3.0 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs

Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved.SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business Objects is an SAP company.All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.


OpenDocument 5Chapter 1
Getting started.............................................................................................6
OpenDocument syntax................................................................................9
Session management................................................................................11
Parameter reference..................................................................................13
Crystal Reports URL Reporting 37Chapter 2
About this documentation.......................................................................6
What's new with OpenDocument...........................................................7
Basic URL syntax...................................................................................9
URL syntax considerations...................................................................10
Logon tokens........................................................................................12
User sessions ......................................................................................13
Session management parameters.......................................................17
Document identifier parameters...........................................................18
Input parameters..................................................................................23
Output parameters...............................................................................33
Getting started...........................................................................................38
About this documentation.....................................................................38
What's new with Crystal Reports URL reporting..................................39
Migrating your links..............................................................................40
URL syntax................................................................................................41
Basic URL syntax.................................................................................41
URL syntax considerations...................................................................42
Command reference..................................................................................42
Authentication commands....................................................................45
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 3
Document identifier commands............................................................51
Input commands...................................................................................53
Output commands................................................................................65
More Information 69Appendix A
Index 73
4 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs



Getting started

Getting started

About this documentation

This documentation provides you with information for constructing parameterized URLs with the OpenDocument syntax. OpenDocument URLs link to Business Intelligence (BI) documents in an BusinessObjects Enterprise system. A parameter reference, including syntax and usage examples, is provided for each OpenDocument URL parameter.
For information about deploying the OpenDocument web application after the installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Application Deployment Guide.
Who should use this documentation?
This documentation is for anyone creating URLs to BI documents with the OpenDocument syntax. We recommend consulting this guide if you are:
Providing end users with hyperlinks to a document through email or other
direct means.
Embedding hyperlinks in one document to another.
Programmatically generating hyperlinks to documents in your custom
Familiarity with the management and organization of objects in your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment is beneficial.
About OpenDocument
OpenDocument is one of many deployed web applications within an BusinessObjects Enterprise system. It processes incoming URL requests for documents and any other viewable object type in the Central Management Server (CMS), and delivers the correct document to the end user in the appropriate viewer. This allows you to send users direct links to a document and avoid having them navigate through a folder hierarchy, such as in InfoView. The OpenDocument syntax and its parameters allow you to
6 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
Getting started
construct URLs that link to these documents. For example, consider the following URL:
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDoc ument.jsp?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI&sIDType=CUID
Replace <servername>:<port> with the name and port number of your web server where OpenDocument is deployed.
This URL accesses the object in the CMS with the CUID value of Aa6Gr rM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI. If this is a Crystal report, for example, then the report is rendered to the user in a default Crystal Reports viewer. In this example, iDocID is one of many URL parameters. These parameters specify how to access a particular document in the CMS, or determine how to display the document to the user.
You can link to many viewable object types with the OpenDocument syntax. Some examples include:
Crystal reports
Web Intelligence documents
Voyager workspaces
InfoView dashboards
Xcelsius visualizations published as SWF files.
Some of the designers for these BI document types provide GUI-based URL builders to help you embed openDocument URLs into your documents. Consult their respective product documentation for information on these features.

What's new with OpenDocument

URL syntax change
The virtual directory businessobjects is no longer created during installion of BusinessObjects Enterprise. This affects the URL syntax for OpenDocument links.
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 7
Getting started
The previous URL syntax was:
http://<servername>:<port>/businessobjects/enter prise115/<platformSpecific>?<parameter1>&<parame ter2>&...&<parameterN>
The new URL syntax is:
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/<platformSpecif ic>?<parameter1>&<parameter2>&...&<parameterN>
The exact syntax of the <platformSpecific> parameter depends on your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment:
For Java deployments, use openDocument.jsp in place of the
<platformSpecific> parameter.
For .NET deployments , use opendocument.aspx in place of the
<platformSpecific> parameter.
Variables are denoted with angle brackets. You must substitute the proper value for these variables. For example, you must use the name of your BusinessObjects Enterprise server where OpenDocument is hosted in place of <servername> and you must use the correct port number in place of <port> to access the OpenDocument web application.
Links to documents must use the new URL syntax, or you must create the appropriate businessobjects virtual directory.
sReportMode is a new URL parameter to view a Crystal Report in different modes depending on the option passed to the parameter. Possible values include:
part displays part of a report using the parts viewer to render the report.
printlayout displays the report in a print preview layout.
weblayout displays the report as a web page layout.
8 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
Interactive Parameters
Crystal Reports parameter prompt values passed into the URL are always be applied to the report, even if the report instance contains saved data. This is a change in behavior from previous releases.
Forcing the Prompts dialog for Web Intelligence prompts
The character ? is now a reserved prompt value for Web Intelligence documents in an OpenDocument URL. Setting the prompt value to lsM[NAME]=? or lsS[NAME]=? in the URL forces the "Prompts" dialog box to appear for that particular prompt.

OpenDocument syntax

Basic URL syntax

The basic syntax for an OpenDocument URL is as follows:
OpenDocument syntax
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<platform Specific>?<parameter1>&<parameter2>&...&<parameterN>
The exact syntax of the <platformSpecific> parameter depends on your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment:
For Java deployments, use openDocument.jsp in place of the
<platformSpecific> parameter.
For .NET deployments , use opendocument.aspx in place of the
<platformSpecific> parameter.
Variables are denoted with angle brackets. You must substitute the proper value for these variables. For example, you must use the name of your BusinessObjects Enterprise server where OpenDocument is hosted in place of <servername> and you must use the correct port number in place of <port> to access the OpenDocument web application.
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 9
OpenDocument syntax

URL syntax considerations

Accessing documents
You must include the iDocID or sDocName parameter in your OpenDocument URL to specify the document to be viewed. Since there may be multiple documents in the Central Management Server (CMS) with the same name, and documents can be moved or renamed, it is recommended that you use iDocID to ensure uniqueness.
Joining parameters
Join parameters with the ampersand (&). Do not place spaces around the ampersand. For example: sType=wid&sDocName=Sales2003
The ampersand is always required between parameters.
Spaces and special characters in parameter values
Because some browsers cannot interpret spaces, the parameters of the link cannot contain spaces or other special characters that require URL encoding. To avoid the misinterpretation of special characters, you can define a URL-encoded string in the source database to replace the special character with an escape sequence. This will allow the database to ignore the special character and correctly interpret the parameter value. Note that certain RDBMS have functions that allow you to replace one special character with another.
By creating an escape sequence for the plus sign (+), you can instruct the database to interpret the plus sign as a space. In this case, a document title Sales Report for 2003 would be specified in the DocName parameter as:
This syntax prevents the database from misinterpreting the spaces in the title.
Trailing spaces in parameter values
Trim trailing spaces at the end of parameter values and prompt names. Do not replace them with a plus sign (+). The viewer may not know whether to
10 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs

Session management

interpret the plus sign (+) as part of the prompt name or as a space. For example, if the prompt name displays:
Select a City:_
(where _ represents a space), enter the following text in the link:
where the spaces within the prompt name are replaced with the plus sign, and the trailing space is trimmed off.
All of the OpenDocument parameters are case sensitive.
URL length limit
OpenDocument may add characters to your URL when it redirects to the requested document; however, encoded URLs cannot exceed the maximum character limit for the supported browsers. For example, certain versions of Internet Explorer limit the URL length to 2083 characters. Therefore, know the browser character limit to ensure your URL will be within the maximum limit.
Parameter values in links to sub-reports
You cannot pass parameter values to a sub-report of a target Crystal report.
Opening a new window
To force OpenDocument HTML links to open a new browser window, use the HTML anchor's target attribute or an equivalent. For example:
<a href="http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/open doc/<platformSpecific>?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI&sID Type=CUID" target="_blank">hyperlink text</a>
Session management
Normally when using an OpenDocument link to access password-protected documents, the user will be prompted for credentials. OpenDocument allows
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 11
Session management

Logon tokens

you to pass a logon token directly into the OpenDocument URL. This gives you control over the duration of the access to the document. OpenDocument URLs can be set to different languages.
Logon tokens can be used in OpenDocument by inserting the token parameter into the OpenDocument URL. Logon tokens allow users to access password-protected files without being prompted for credentials, while also giving you control on the duration of the access to the file. Creating a new logon token uses up an additional licence.
The following example uses the BusinessObjects Enterprise Java SDK to pass in a logon token to the OpenDocument URL. For more information on the ILogonTokenMgr.createLogonToken method, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Java API Reference.
String openDocumentToken() throws SDKException, Unsup portedEncodingException {
IEnterpriseSession sess = CrystalEnterprise.getSession Mgr().logon ("username", "password", "<cms>:</port>", "secEnterprise");
String token = sess.getLogonTokenMgr().createLogonTo
String tokenEncode = URLEncoder.encode(token, "UTF-8");
return ("http://<server>:<port>/OpenDocument/open doc/openDocument.jsp?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI&sID Type=CUID&token=" + tokenEncode); }
Replace <server> with the server name and <port> with the port number of
your web server.
The createLogonToken method allows you to specify the machine that
can use the token (which can be empty to allow any user to use the token), the number of minutes the token is valid for, and the number of logons that the token can be used for as parameters.
12 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
Since an OpenDocument URL with a logon token contains the user session,
they must not be shared for security reasons.

User sessions

When OpenDocument is used from InfoView or CMC, it will access the current user session and the user does not need to enter credentials. When a document is viewed using an OpenDocument URL, the user will be prompted for credentials except in the following cases:
Vintela or Siteminder SSO is configured in the OpenDocument web.xml
The OpenDocument URL uses a token parameter.
The OpenDocument application has an existing user session for that
browser session.
If the existing session is different than the session in the token parameter, the existing session will be closed and a new session will be created. That is, you can use token parameter to over-ride an existing user session. The OpenDocument application will look for an existing user session in the Web application session and in cookies.

Parameter reference

Only one OpenDocument session can be created from a single browser session.
If the new token parameter is incorrect and there is an existing user session, OpenDocument will attempt to open the document using the current user session. If it can't it will then prompt the user for credentials.
Parameter reference
This section provides details about the available OpenDocument parameters, their specific uses, and relevant examples.
The document to which an OpenDocument link points to is referred to as the target document.
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 13
Parameter reference
Table 1-1: Session Management Parameters
Table 1-2: Document Identifier Parameters
Specifies a valid logon token for the current Enterprise session.
Specifies the unique identifier of the viewable document in the CMS. Use in conjunction with sIDType.
Specifies the name of the viewable document in the CMS. Use in conjunction with sPath and sType.
Specifies the type of object identifier used to specify the viewable document. Use in con­junction with iDocID.
Specifies the scheduled instance of the target
14 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
document to open. Use in conjunction with sDocName or iDocID.
Specifies the file type of the target Desktop In­telligence document. Use in conjunction with
sDocName and sPath.
Table 1-3: Input Parameters
Parameter reference
Specifies the name of the folder and subfolder containing the target document. Use in con­junction with sDocName and sType.
Specifies the file type of the target document. Use in conjunction with sDocName and sPath.
Specifies a contextual prompt for Web Intelli­gence documents if there is an ambiguity during SQL generation.
Specifies multiple values for a prompt. [NAME] is the text of the prompt.
Specifies a range of values for a prompt. [NAME] is the text of the prompt.
Specifies a value for a single prompt. [NAME] is the text of the prompt.
Specifies the data context of a Crystal report part. Use in conjunction with sReportPart.
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 15
Parameter reference
Indicates whether a database refresh should be forced when the target document is opened.
Indicates whether the link should open the full target Crystal report or just the report part specified in.
Table 1-4: Output Parameters
Specifies the report to open if the target doc­ument contains multiple reports.
Specifies the part of the target Crystal report to open.
Indicates whether to force the display of the prompt selection page for Web Intelligence prompts.
Specifies the format in which to open the tar­get document.
Specifies the selected report viewer.
16 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs

Session management parameters

Parameter reference
Specifies a valid logon token for the current Enterprise ses­sion.
Contains the logon token for the current user. This can be entered into an OpenDocument URL to allow users to access files without being prompted for credentials. Creating a new logon token uses up an additional licence.
The following example uses the BusinessObjects Enterprise Java SDK to pass in a logon token to the OpenDocument URL. For more information on the ILogonTokenMgr.createLogonToken method, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Java API Reference. You can create logon tokens in a similar fashion using other BusinessObjects Enterprise SDK platforms such as .NET and Web Services.
String openDocumentToken() throws SDKException, Unsup portedEncodingException {
IEnterpriseSession sess = CrystalEnterprise.getSession Mgr().logon ("username", "password", "<cms>:<port>", "secEnterprise");
String token = sess.getLogonTokenMgr().createLogonTo
String tokenEncode = URLEncoder.encode(token, "UTF-8");
The logon token for the current Enterprise session.
return ("http://<server>:<port>/OpenDocument/open doc/openDocument.jsp?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI&sID Type=CUID&token=" + tokenEncode); }
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 17
Parameter reference
Replace <server> with the server name and <port> with the port number
of your web server.
The createLogonToken method allows you to specify the machine that
can use the token (which can be empty to allow any user to use the token), the number of minutes the token is valid for, and the number of logons that the token can be used for as parameters.
Since an OpenDocument URL with a logon token contains the user
session, they must not be shared for security reasons.

Document identifier parameters

Specifies the unique identifier
You must include the iDocID or sDocName parameter in your OpenDocument URL to specify the document to be viewed. Since there may be multiple documents in the CMS with the same name, it is recommended that you use iDocID to ensure uniqueness.
You can see identifier values for a document within the Central Management Console (CMC) or InfoView applications. The properties page for each document contains the document ID and the CUID. You can also obtain the identifier programmatically using the BusinessObjects Enterprise SDK. For example, in the Java SDK the fostore.IInfoObject interface contains getID and getCUID methods which you can pass to an OpenDocument URL.
18 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
of the viewable document in the CMS. Use in conjunction with sIDType.
A numerical identifier associat­ed with the document in the CMS.
Parameter reference
If you pass in an InfoObject ID rather than a CUID, you do not need to specify the sIDType parameter. However, InfoObject IDs are changed when migrating documents from one CMS to another. It is recommended that the CUID be used, which is preserved during migration.
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?iDocID=2010
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI&sID Type=CUID
Specifies the name of the viewable document in the CMS. Use in conjunction with sPath and sType.
You must include the iDocID or sDocName parameter in your OpenDocument URL to specify the document to be viewed. Since there may be multiple documents in the CMS with the same name, and documents can be moved or renamed, it is recommended that you use iDocID to ensure uniqueness.
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?sDocName=Sales+in+2003&sPath=[Sales+Re ports]&sType=rpt
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 19
The title of the document in the CMS.
Parameter reference
Specifies the type of object identifier used to specify the viewable document. Use in conjunction with iDocID.
If you pass in an InfoObject ID as a value to iDocID rather than a CUID, you do not need to specify the sIDType parameter. However, InfoObject IDs are changed when migrating documents from one CMS to another. It is recommended that the CUID be used, which is preserved during migration.
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI&sID Type=CUID
Specifies the scheduled in-
20 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
stance of the target document to open. Use in conjunction with sDocName or iDocID.
User (Latest instance owned by current user)
Last (Latest instance of the document)
Param (Latest instance of the document with match­ing parameter values)
Parameter reference
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?sDocName=Sales+in+2003&sPath=[Sales+Re ports]&sType=rpt&sInstance=User
Specifies the file type of the target Desktop Intelligence document. Use in conjunction with sDocName and sPath.
Only mandatory if the target is a Desktop Intelligence document. Otherwise, use sType.
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?sDocName=Sales+in+2001&sPath=[Sales+Re ports]&sKind=FullClient
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 21
Parameter reference
Specifies the name of the folder and subfolder containing the target document. Use in conjunction with sDocName and sType.
sPath is used only with subfolders of the Public Folders folder. If your document is outside of the Public Folders folder, for example in the My
Favorites folder, use the iDocID parameter instead of sPath and sDocName.
Do not add [Public+Folders] to the path; start with the name of the first subfolder within Public Folders.
Folder and/or subfolder:
Public Folders
folder 1
folder 1.1
folder 1.1.1
If your document were in folder 1.1.1, you would set sPath to: [fold er+1],[folder+1.1],[folder+1.1.1].
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?sDocName=Sales+in+2003&sPath=[Sales+Re ports]&sType=rpt
22 Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs
Parameter reference
Specifies the file type of the target document. Use in con­junction with sDocName and sPath.
This parameter is ignored for agnostic documents.
http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<plat formSpecific>?sDocName=Sales+in+2003&sPath=[Sales+Re ports]&sType=rpt

Input parameters

Specifies a contextual prompt if there is an ambiguity during SQL generation.
Only supported by Web Intelli­gence documents.
Viewing Reports and Documents using URLs 23
A prompt value that resolves the ambiguity in the SQL gen­eration.
+ 51 hidden pages