SAP Business objects Enterprise XI 3.0 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence

Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0
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About Web Intelligence 13Chapter 1
How Web Intelligence performs business intelligence over the web.........14
How Web Intelligence performs business intelligence offline....................14
Interacting with Web Intelligence reports...................................................14
Creating and editing Web Intelligence documents....................................16
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView 19Chapter 2
To log in to InfoView...................................................................................20
To log out of InfoView................................................................................21
Web Intelligence InfoView options.............................................................21
Viewing and printing Web Intelligence reports.....................................15
Drilling on Web Intelligence reports......................................................15
Performing on-report analysis..............................................................15
Web Intelligence Query - HTML...........................................................16
Web Intelligence Java Report Panel....................................................17
Web Intelligence Rich Client................................................................17
Web Intelligence HTML Report Panel..................................................18
Web Intelligence document creation and viewing options...................21
To set Web Intelligence drill options.....................................................24
Web Intelligence locale options............................................................26
Web Intelligence viewing modes 31Chapter 3
To switch between viewing modes............................................................32
Draft mode............................................................................................32
Page mode...........................................................................................32
PDF mode............................................................................................32
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 3
Quick Display mode.............................................................................33
To select Enhanced Viewing mode......................................................35
Working with reports 37Chapter 4
Organizing reports.....................................................................................38
To insert a new report...........................................................................38
To duplicate a report.............................................................................38
To move a report..................................................................................38
To delete a report.................................................................................39
To rename a report ..............................................................................39
Defining the page layout of reports............................................................39
To set report margins............................................................................39
To set the page orientation of reports...................................................39
To select the report paper size.............................................................40
To include report page headers and footers.........................................40
To include report page numbers...........................................................40
To add and format a report title............................................................41
To include cells with predefined or custom formulas in reports............42
Including images in reports........................................................................42
To select an image to display on a report background.........................42
To insert an image in a free-standing cell in a report...........................43
Answering prompts....................................................................................44
To enter values to answer a prompt.....................................................44
To enter dates to answer a prompt.......................................................45
Merging dimensions from multiple data providers 47Chapter 5
Merged dimensions defined......................................................................48
When to merge dimensions.......................................................................48
Choosing which dimensions to merge.......................................................48
Creating, editing and deleting merged dimensions...................................49
4 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
To merge dimensions in Web Intelligence............................................49
To merge dimensions automatically in Web Intelligence......................49
To edit a merged dimension in Web Intelligence..................................50
To delete a merged dimension in Web Intelligence..............................50
Understanding the effects of merged dimensions.....................................50
Synchronizing data providers with different aggregation levels...........51
Detail objects and merged dimensions................................................52
Incompatible objects and merged dimensions.....................................54
Filtering merged dimensions................................................................55
Drilling on merged dimensions.............................................................57
Filtering reports 59Chapter 6
Report filters defined..................................................................................60
Types of report filter..............................................................................60
Query filters and report filters compared...................................................61
Report filter operators................................................................................61
Equal To operator.................................................................................61
Not Equal To operator..........................................................................61
Different From operator........................................................................61
Greater Than operator..........................................................................62
Greater Than Or Equal To operator......................................................62
Less Than operator..............................................................................62
Less Than Or Equal To operator..........................................................62
Between operator.................................................................................62
Not Between operator..........................................................................63
In List operator.....................................................................................63
Not In List operator...............................................................................63
Is Null operator.....................................................................................63
Is Not Null operator..............................................................................64
Creating, editing and deleting report filters................................................64
To create a report filter in Web Intelligence..........................................64
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 5
To view the report filters in a Web Intelligence report...........................64
To edit a report filter in a Web Intelligence report.................................65
To edit one dimension in a report filter in Web Intelligence..................65
To delete a report filter in Web Intelligence..........................................65
To create simple report filters...............................................................66
Combining and nesting report filters..........................................................67
The AND and OR operators.................................................................67
To combine report filters in Web Intelligence........................................67
To nest report filters in Web Intelligence..............................................68
To change the order of nested report filters in Web Intelligence..........69
Drilling on report data 71Chapter 7
What is drill?..............................................................................................72
Scope of analysis.................................................................................73
Drill paths and hierarchies....................................................................75
To start and end drill mode in Web Intelligence.........................................76
Retrieving more levels of data to the report...............................................76
To drill out of the scope of analysis......................................................76
To choose a drill path when more than one is available............................77
Drilling on dimensions in tables and sections............................................78
Drilling down.........................................................................................78
Drilling up.............................................................................................80
Drilling by..............................................................................................81
Drilling on measures in tables and sections..............................................83
To drill down on a measure value.........................................................83
To drill up on a measure value.............................................................84
Synchronizing drill across multiple tables and charts................................84
Drilling on charts........................................................................................85
Drilling on dimensions via chart axes...................................................85
Drilling on measures in charts..............................................................86
Drilling on axis legends........................................................................89
6 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Using filters when you drill.........................................................................89
To change a filter value on the Drill toolbar..........................................90
To add or remove a drill filter ...............................................................90
Saving reports with drill filters....................................................................91
Refreshing data in a drilled report with prompts........................................91
Drilling with query drill................................................................................91
Query drill defined................................................................................91
Drilling down with query drill.................................................................93
Drilling up with query drill.....................................................................93
Query drill and drill snapshots..............................................................94
Query drill and other reports based on the same data provider...........94
Displaying data in tables 95Chapter 8
Tables in Web Intelligence.........................................................................96
Table types in Web Intelligence.................................................................96
Vertical table.........................................................................................96
Horizontal table....................................................................................97
Creating, editing and removing tables.......................................................99
To insert a table....................................................................................99
To name a table..................................................................................100
To change the table type using Turn To.............................................100
To change the table type using drag and drop...................................100
To move columns in a table................................................................100
To remove a column from a table.......................................................101
To remove a row from a table.............................................................101
To add a column to a table.................................................................101
To add a row to a table.......................................................................101
To move columns in a crosstab..........................................................102
To add objects to a table....................................................................102
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 7
To clear table or cell contents.............................................................102
To remove a table...............................................................................102
Formatting tables and table cells.............................................................103
To copy formatting using the Format Painter.....................................103
To set cell height and width................................................................103
To format text in table cells.................................................................104
To align cell values.............................................................................105
To merge cells....................................................................................105
To format numbers and dates.............................................................105
To align a table or cell on a report page.............................................105
To format table borders......................................................................106
To set the cell background color.........................................................106
To insert an image in a table..............................................................107
To display a skin in a table.................................................................107
To layer tables and cells.....................................................................107
Determining how tables display data.......................................................108
Showing or hiding empty tables, rows or columns.............................108
Aggregating duplicate rows................................................................109
To avoid page breaks in tables...........................................................109
To view, activate and deactivate alerters............................................109
To filter data in a table........................................................................110
Using sections to group data 111Chapter 9
Grouping information with sections.........................................................112
Creating and removing sections and subsections...................................114
To create a section from a table cell in Web Intelligence...................114
To add a section based on object available in the document in Web
Creating subsections in Web Intelligence..........................................115
To include sections in the Navigation Map.........................................115
To remove a section in Web Intelligence............................................116
8 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Formatting sections.................................................................................116
To select a background color for a section in Web Intelligence.........116
To display an image on a section background in Web Intelligence.....117
To display a skin on a section background in Web Intelligence.........118
To set the page layout for a section in Web Intelligence....................119
Displaying data in free-standing cells 121Chapter 10
Free-standing cells defined.....................................................................122
To insert a free-standing cell in Web Intelligence....................................123
Displaying data in charts 125Chapter 11
Creating charts........................................................................................126
Chart types in Web Intelligence...............................................................126
Bar charts...........................................................................................126
Line charts..........................................................................................127
Area charts.........................................................................................127
Pie charts...........................................................................................128
Radar, polar and scatter charts..........................................................128
3D charts............................................................................................129
2D charts............................................................................................129
Adding, copying and removing charts.....................................................130
To insert a blank chart and allocate data to the axes.........................130
To duplicate a chart............................................................................131
To turn a table into a chart..................................................................131
To remove a chart from a report.........................................................131
To name a chart..................................................................................131
Positioning charts....................................................................................132
To position a chart on the report page................................................132
Changing the chart type...........................................................................132
To change the chart type using TurnTo..............................................132
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 9
To change the chart type using drag and drop...................................132
Formatting charts.....................................................................................133
To select a 2D or 3D look for a chart..................................................133
To show, format or hide axis labels....................................................133
To show, format or hide the axis grid..................................................133
To select the data color......................................................................134
To show values on pie charts as percentages...................................134
To select the style and color of a chart border...................................134
To remove the border of a chart.........................................................135
To select the background color of a chart..........................................135
To show or hide chart walls and floors...............................................135
To insert and format a chart title.........................................................136
To set the page layout of charts.........................................................136
To show, hide, position and format chart legends..............................136
Displaying and formatting chart data..................................................137
Linking to other documents 141Chapter 12
Linking to other documents.....................................................................142
Cell text defined as a hyperlink..........................................................142
A hyperlink associated with a cell......................................................143
A link to another document in the CMS..............................................145
Working with hyperlinks...........................................................................150
To link to another document from a hyperlink....................................150
To edit a hyperlink..............................................................................151
To delete a hyperlink..........................................................................151
Formatting hyperlink colors................................................................151
URL Reporting using openDocument .....................................................152
Structuring an openDocument URL ..................................................152
openDocument parameter overview .................................................155
Contextual report linking ....................................................................173
10 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Working with documents 177Chapter 13
To create a Web Intelligence document from InfoView............................178
To delete a Web Intelligence document from InfoView............................178
Saving documents...................................................................................178
To save a new Web Intelligence document in InfoView.....................178
To save a Web Intelligence document as a PDF file..........................179
To save a Web Intelligence document as an Excel spreadsheet.......179
To save a Web Intelligence document as a CSV file..........................180
Automatic saving and recovery..........................................................181
Printing Web Intelligence documents......................................................183
To print a Web Intelligence report.......................................................184
Web Intelligence document properties....................................................184
To view and set Web Intelligence document properties.....................186
Get More Help 187Appendix A
Index 191
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 11
12 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence

About Web Intelligence

About Web Intelligence

How Web Intelligence performs business intelligence over the web

How Web Intelligence performs business intelligence over the web
Web Intelligence provides business users an easy to use interactive and flexible user interface for building and analyzing reports on corporate data over the web, on secured intranets and extranets. The Web Intelligence software is installed by your administrator on a web server on your corporate network.
To use Web Intelligence from your local computer, you log into the business intelligence portal InfoView via your Internet browser. Then, depending on your security profile, you can interact with the reports in corporate documents or edit or build your own documents using a Web Intelligence report panel or query panel.

How Web Intelligence performs business intelligence offline

Web Intelligence can be used offline as Web Intelligence Rich Client, a standalone Microsoft Windows application, equivalent to the Java Report Panel, that you can install on your computer. Web Intelligence Rich Client lets you continue to work with Web Intelligence (WID) documents when you are unable to connect to a CMS, when you want to perform calculations locally rather than on the server, and when you want to work with Web Intelligence documents without installing a CMS or application server.
Web Intelligence Rich Client can also be used when connected to a CMS.

Interacting with Web Intelligence reports

Depending on your security profile and on how Web Intelligence is deployed across your organization, you can view, analyze, or enhance and modify the data displayed on reports.
14 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
About Web Intelligence
Interacting with Web Intelligence reports

Viewing and printing Web Intelligence reports

Once logged into the business intelligence portal InfoView, you can access Web Intelligence documents and view reports. Onscreen navigation is made easy with page-to-page navigation buttons and a document map that allows you to jump from section to section or report to report.
The same document can provide the information adapted to each user due to prompts that request each user, who opens the document, to specify the data they want to return to the reports.
When you print reports, Web Intelligence automatically generates a copy of reports in Portable Document Format (PDF) format for optimum print quality.

Drilling on Web Intelligence reports

Drilling on Web Intelligence reports enables you to analyze the detailed data behind the displayed results. You can turn the report you are viewing into a drillable report or drill on a duplicate of the original report to retain a version of the results before your drill analysis.
Once you have found the information you need, you can save a snapshot of the drilled report to share the results of your analysis with other Web Intelligence users, or save the document in Excel or Portable Document (PDF) format to print or email to other business contacts.

Performing on-report analysis

Viewing Web Intelligence reports in Interactive view format enables you to enhance reports and fine-tune the data reports contain, to highlight the information that most interests you on demand.
On-Report Analysis is designed for:
users who need to build queries and then want to build reports
report consumers who need to manipulate the reports created by others
With On-Report Analysis you can:
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 15
About Web Intelligence

Creating and editing Web Intelligence documents

view document metadata to understand the data behind reports and see
how reports are structured and filtered
filter and sort results
add new tables and charts
add formulas and create variables
format and change the layout of charts and tables
slice and dice results by adding other data to charts and tables
On-report analysis of Web Intelligence reports in Interactive view format is only available if your administrator has deployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.
Creating and editing Web Intelligence documents
You can create or edit Web Intelligence documents using several tools:
Web Intelligence Query - HTML on page 16
Web Intelligence Java Report Panel on page 17
Web Intelligence Rich Client on page 17
Web Intelligence HTML Report Panel on page 18

Web Intelligence Query - HTML

Designed for users requiring a pure HTML environment to build queries, Web Intelligence Query – HTML offers the ability to define the data content of documents on multiple data sources. You can use Query – HTML to create new documents from scratch or edit the queries in documents created using any of the other Web Intelligence tools.
Used together with On-Report Analysis, Query – HTML provides a complete solution for building queries and designing powerful reports in a pure HTML environment. Once you have run the queries to generate a standard report, you can leverage Web Intelligence On-Report Analysis features to format multiple reports, add formulas, and create variables.
16 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Creating and editing Web Intelligence documents
Web Intelligence Query – HTML and On-Report Analysis in Interactive view format are only available, if your administrator has deployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.

Web Intelligence Java Report Panel

The Java Report Panel is designed for users who need more flexibility with designing report layout and defining formulas and variables. A graphical Formula Editor enables you to build formulas rapidly using drag-and-drop.
The Web Intelligence Java Report Panel is available if your administrator has deployed Web Intelligence in ASP mode and if your administrator has deployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.

Web Intelligence Rich Client

About Web Intelligence
Web Intelligence Rich Client is a locally installed Microsoft Windows application that lets you work with Web Intelligence (WID) documents that are stored locally or in a CMS.
When working without a CMS connection you can work on your local machine with either CMS-secured or unsecured documents.
Web Intelligence Rich Client is based on the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel and provides equivalent document creation, editing, formatting, printing and saving capabilities.
There are a number of reasons for using Web Intelligence Rich Client to work with WID documents:
You want to work with Web Intelligence documents but you are unable
to connect to a CMS (while traveling, for example).
You want to improve calculation performance: Web Intelligence Rich
Client performs calculations locally, rather than on the server, and local calculations can perform better than server calculations.
You want to work with Web Intelligence documents without installing a
CMS or application server.
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 17
About Web Intelligence
Creating and editing Web Intelligence documents

Web Intelligence HTML Report Panel

Designed for users who need to build basic reports, the HTML Report Panel provides query and report features in a simple wizard-like interface. Each document is based on a single data source and can contain multiple reports, displaying different subsets of information.
In addition, the HTML Report Panel is 508 compliant and can be customized for specialized deployments.
The Web Intelligence HTML Report Panel is only available if your administrator has deployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.
18 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence

Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView

Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView

To log in to InfoView

You access Web Intelligence reports and set global Web Intelligence options from InfoView, the corporate business intelligence portal.
To log in to InfoView
Before you can use InfoView and Web Intelligence you need the following information:
a URL to the InfoView server
the InfoView server name and port number
your login and password
your authentication, which controls the InfoView resources available to
Contact your adminstrator for these details if you do not already know them.
By default the InfoView server name and authentification method are not displayed on the InfoView logon page. You need to supply this information only if your administrator has made these options visible.
You access Web Intelligence by using your web browser to log into InfoView, the corporate business intelligence portal. Once you are in InfoView, you can analyze and enhance Web Intelligence reports.
1. Launch your web browser.
2. Point your browser to the InfoView bookmark or URL.
The InfoView login page appears.
3. If the System box is blank, type the name of the InfoView server followed
by a colon (:), and then type the port number.
4. In the Username box, type your user name.
5. In the Password box, type your password.
6. In the Authentication box, select the authentication provided to you by
your administrator.
7. Click Log On.
The InfoView home page appears.
20 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView

To log out of InfoView

To log out of InfoView
When you finish using InfoView or Web Intelligence you need to log out, instead of simply closing your web browser.
Logging out of InfoView ensures that any preferences you modified during your InfoView session are saved. It also lets your administrator track how many users are logged into the system at any given time and thus optimize InfoView and Web Intelligence performance.
Click Log Out.
The login page appears. You are logged out of InfoView

Web Intelligence InfoView options

Web Intelligence document creation and viewing options

You can set your Web Intelligence options to determine how you create, view and interact with documents using Web Intelligence.
You create documents using a query editor to build the query to retrieve the document data. After the query returns the data to the document, you can view and interact with the data.
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 21
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
DescriptionDocument creation option
You create documents using the Java Report Panel, a Java applet than launches in your Web brows­er.
The Java Report Panel is a com­bined query building, report editing and data analysis environment. If you choose Advanced as your document creation option, you also use the Java Report Panel for working with the data returned by the query. The Select a default view format option is not taken into account.
The Java Report Panel provides the richest feature set of all Web Intelligence query building, report editing and data analysis environ­ments.
Web Accessibility
22 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
You build queries using Query ­HTML, an HTML-based query editor.
You build queries, edit reports and analyze data using Web Intelli­gence Rich Client, a standalone version of the Java Report Panel that runs outside your web browser.
You create documents using the HTML Report Panel, a 508-compliant query-building and report-viewing environment.
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
You can use the following view formats to view and interact with existing Web Intelligence documents, or documents that you have just created using a query editor:
DescriptionView format
Use Web (HTML) format when you
want to open reports, answer prompts, navigate reports, and/or perform drill analysis.
Use Interactive format when you want to apply filters, sorts, calcula­tions, modify formatting and data displayed on tables and charts, and/or perform drill analysis.
Use Interactive format if you are us­ing Query – HTML to define queries, and you want to format reports based on those queries and add formulas and variables.
Interactive view format is only avail­able if your administrator has de­ployed Web Intelligence in JSP mode.
Use PDF mode when you want to view static reports.
To select the Web Intelligence query editor
1. Click the Preferences button on the InfoView toolbar.
2. Click Web Intelligence Preferences to display the Web Intelligence
3. Select the query editor beneath Select a default creation/editing tool.
4. Click OK.
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 23
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
To select the Web Intelligence view format
You can select different view formats for Web Intelligence documents depending on how you want to interact with the information displayed on the reports. You select your Web Intelligence view options in InfoView. When you modify your view options, the new settings are implemented the next time you open a Web Intelligence document.
1. Click the Preferences button on the InfoView toolbar.
2. Click Web Intelligence Preferences to display the Web Intelligence
3. In the Select a view format section, select the view format.
To select a default universe for new documents
1. Click Preferences on the Infoview toolbar.
2. ClickWeb Intelligence Preferences to display the Web Intelligence
3. Click Browse beneath Select a default universe and browse to the
universe you want to select as the default.

To set Web Intelligence drill options

Drilling on reports lets you look deeper into data to discover the details behind a good or bad summary result displayed on a table, chart, or section. Before you begin a drill session, you can set your drill options in InfoView to specify how reports will change each time you drill.
1. Click Preferences on the Infoview toolbar.
2. Click Web Intelligence Preferences to display the Web Intelligence
3. Select the drill options under Drill options and Start drill session.
24 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Hide drill toolbar option
When you drill on a value displayed on a report, the Drill toolbar appears and displays the value on which you drilled. The value displayed on the toolbar filters the results displayed on the drilled report.
For example, if you drill on year 2001, the results displayed on the drilled table are Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 for year 2001. This means that the quarterly values you drilled to are filtered by 2001.
If the drilled report includes dimensions from multiple queries, a ToolTip appears when you rest your cursor on the value displayed on the filter. The ToolTip displays the name of the query and the dimension for the value.
The Drill toolbar allows you to select alternative values on the same level, in order to filter the results differently. For example, if you use the Drill toolbar illustrated above to select “2002,? the results displayed on the drilled table would be Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 for year 2002.
You can opt to hide the Drill toolbar when you start drill mode. The Drill toolbar is only useful if you want to select filters during your drill session.
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
Prompt when drill requires additional data option
When you drill the results displayed on a Web Intelligence report, you may want to drill to higher- or lower-level information that isn’t included in the scope of analysis for the document. When this is the case, Web Intelligence needs to run a new query to retrieve the additional data from the data source.
Since queries on large selections of data may take a long time to be completed, you can choose to be prompted with a message every time a new query is necessary. The prompt message asks you whether you want to run the additional query or not. In addition, the prompt lets you apply filters to the extra dimensions you include in the new query. This means you can restrict the size of the query to only the data necessary for your analysis.
You need permission from your administrator to drill out of the scope of analysis during a drill session.
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 25
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
Synchronize drill on report blocks option
When you select the Sychronize drill on all report blocks option, the display of all blocks changes to correspond with your drill actions. For example, if you drill down on a block from year to quarter, and your report also contains a chart showing data by year, the chart display also changes to display data by quarter.
If you do not select the option, only the drilled block changes in response to drill actions.
Start drill session option
The Start drill session option controls how Web Intelligence behaves when you start drill mode.
Start drill session on existing report option
When you select Start drill session on existing report, the current report becomes drillable when you start drill mode. When you end drill mode, the report displays the drilled values.
Start drill session on a duplicate report option
When you select Start drill on a duplicate report, Web Intelligence creates a duplicate of the current report when you start drill mode, and you drill on the duplicate. This allows you to compare the results of the original report with the results you discover during your drill analysis.

Web Intelligence locale options

The locale determines how a Web Intelligence document displays data. It affects, for example, the formatting of numbers and the default sort order.
Three locale settings combine to determine how Web Intelligence displays data:
26 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
Product locale
Document locale
Preferred viewing locale
Related Topics
To permanently associate a locale with a document on page 28
The product locale
The product locale is the locale that InfoView uses by default. You set the product locale in the Infoview General preferences.
To set the product locale
1. Click Preferences on the main InfoView toolbar.
2. Click General to display the general options.
3. Select the product locale from the Product locale list.
The locale in which InfoView displays data by default.
The locale associated with a particular Web Intelligence document. When you save a document, the document locale becomes the current product locale or the preferred viewing locale.
You can permanently associate a lo­cale with a document.
The locale in which you choose to view documents
The document locale
The document locale is the locale associated with a particular document. By default, the document takes the product locale when you save a document, or the preferred viewing locale if this is different from the product locale and your settings give the preferred viewing locale priority. The document retains this locale until the next time it is saved, when it again takes either the product locale or the preferred viewing locale.
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 27
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
The GetContentLocale Web Intelligence function returns the document locale.
Related Topics
To permanently associate a locale with a document on page 28
To display data using the document locale
1. Click Web Intelligence Preferences to display the Web Intelligence
2. Click Use the document locale to format the data beneath When
viewing a document.
The preferred viewing locale
The preferred viewing locale is the locale that you choose to dislay data. The preferred viewing locale overrides the product locale if it is different from the product locale and your settings give the preferred viewing locale priority.
To set the preferred viewing locale
1. Click Preferences on the main InfoView toolbar.
2. Click General to display the general options.
3. Select the preferred viewing locale from the Preferred viewing locale
4. Click Web Intelligence Preferences to display the Web Intelligence
5. If you want data to be formatted using the preferred viewing locale, click
Use my Preferred Viewing Locale to format the data beneath When viewing a document.
To permanently associate a locale with a document
1. In Web Intelligence Interactive, select Document > Properties from the
menu to display the" Document Properties" dialog box.
2. Select Permanent regional formatting.
3. Save the document.
28 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
The current document locale is associated permanently with the document and overrides the product locale and the preferred viewing locale.
Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence 29
Accessing Web Intelligence from InfoView
Web Intelligence InfoView options
30 Performing on-report analysis with Web Intelligence
+ 178 hidden pages