SAP Business objects DATA SERVICES Administrator Guide

Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
BusinessObjects Data Services XI 3.1 (12.1.0)
© 2008 Business Objects, an SAP company. All rights reserved. Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5,295,243; 5,339,390; 5,555,403; 5,590,250; 5,619,632; 5,632,009; 5,857,205; 5,880,742; 5,883,635; 6,085,202; 6,108,698; 6,247,008; 6,289,352; 6,300,957; 6,377,259; 6,490,593; 6,578,027; 6,581,068; 6,628,312; 6,654,761; 6,768,986; 6,772,409; 6,831,668; 6,882,998; 6,892,189; 6,901,555; 7,089,238; 7,107,266; 7,139,766; 7,178,099; 7,181,435; 7,181,440; 7,194,465; 7,222,130; 7,299,419; 7,320,122 and 7,356,779. Business Objects and its logos, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Cartesis, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Crystal Vision, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight and its logos , LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let There Be Light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. SAP is the trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Third-party Contributors
Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at:


Introduction 9Chapter 1
Welcome to Data Services........................................................................10
Overview of this guide...............................................................................15
Administrator User Interface 17Chapter 2
Installation and configuration.....................................................................18
About the Management Console...............................................................20
Administrator navigation............................................................................23
Documentation set for Data Services...................................................10
Accessing documentation....................................................................13
Business Objects information resources..............................................14
About this guide....................................................................................15
Who should read this guide..................................................................16
Logging in.............................................................................................21
Management Console navigation.........................................................22
Navigation tree.....................................................................................23
Administrator Management 29Chapter 3
Adding repositories....................................................................................30
Connecting repositories to the Administrator.......................................31
Changing repository connection allocation..........................................34
Adapter considerations.........................................................................34
Managing user roles..................................................................................35
To add users and their roles.................................................................36
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 3
Adding Access Servers..............................................................................37
To connect an Access Server to the Administrator..............................38
Centralizing administration........................................................................38
To group administration by job type.....................................................39
Setting the status interval..........................................................................39
To set the status interval.......................................................................39
Setting the log retention period..................................................................40
To delete log information......................................................................40
Managing database account changes.......................................................41
Updating local repository login parameters..........................................42
Updating datastore connection parameters.........................................43
Central Repository Management 45Chapter 4
Setting up users and groups......................................................................46
To add the secure central repository to the Administrator....................46
To add a group to a central repository..................................................47
To add users.........................................................................................47
To add or remove a user from a group.................................................49
Deleting groups..........................................................................................49
To delete a group..................................................................................50
Viewing reports..........................................................................................50
Object state report................................................................................50
Change report......................................................................................51
Server groups 53Chapter 5
Server group architecture..........................................................................54
Load balance index..............................................................................56
Job execution.......................................................................................56
Job launcher.........................................................................................57
Working with server groups and Designer options...............................57
4 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Editing and removing a server group.........................................................59
To edit a server group...........................................................................60
To remove a server group....................................................................60
Monitoring Job Server status in a server group.........................................61
Executing jobs using server groups...........................................................62
Batch Jobs 63Chapter 6
Executing batch jobs..................................................................................64
To execute a job...................................................................................64
Scheduling jobs.........................................................................................65
Using the Data Services job scheduler................................................65
Scheduling jobs in BusinessObjects Enterprise...................................77
Using a third-party scheduler...............................................................80
Data Services job launcher..................................................................86
Monitoring jobs..........................................................................................89
Overall status.......................................................................................89
Ignore error status................................................................................94
Deleting batch job history data.............................................................94
Stopping a running job.........................................................................95
Trace, monitor, and error logs..............................................................95
Real-Time Jobs 97Chapter 7
Supporting real-time jobs...........................................................................98
Configuring and monitoring real-time services........................................101
Creating services and service providers............................................101
Starting and stopping services...........................................................107
Updating service providers.................................................................110
Monitoring services............................................................................111
Creating and monitoring client interfaces................................................113
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 5
RFC clients.........................................................................................114
Adding IDoc configurations to an RFC client.....................................117
Message Broker clients......................................................................119
Monitoring clients...............................................................................119
Real-Time Performance 123Chapter 8
Configuring Access Server output...........................................................124
To configure an Access Server...........................................................125
Service configuration parameters............................................................127
Service startup behavior.....................................................................128
High traffic behavior...........................................................................129
Response time controls......................................................................130
Service statistics......................................................................................131
Service provider statistics........................................................................133
Using statistics and service parameters..................................................134
Profile Server Management 137Chapter 9
Defining the profiler repository.................................................................138
To define a profiler repository.............................................................138
Connecting repositories to the Administrator ..........................................139
To add a local, central, or profiler repository connection to the
To view the list of repositories connected to the Administrator..........141
Defining profiler users..............................................................................141
To define a profiler user......................................................................142
Configuring profiler task parameters.......................................................143
To configure profiler task parameters ................................................144
Task execution parameters................................................................144
Task management parameters...........................................................146
Monitoring profiler tasks using the Administrator ....................................148
6 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
To monitor a profiler task in the Data Services Administrator............149
Adapters 155Chapter 10
Overview of adapters...............................................................................156
To create an adapter datastore connection in the Designer...............157
Adding and configuring adapter instances..............................................158
To add an adapter instance................................................................158
To edit an adapter's configuration......................................................159
Adapter instance configuration information........................................159
Starting and stopping adapter instances.................................................163
To start an adapter instance...............................................................163
To stop an adapter instance...............................................................163
To start or stop an adapter operation instance...................................163
Monitoring adapter instances..................................................................164
To monitor the adapter instances and operations..............................164
To monitor adapter instance statistics................................................165
Support for Web Services 167Chapter 11
Support for HTTP 169Chapter 12
Adapter installation and configuration.....................................................171
URL for HTTP requests to Data Services..........................................171
Configuring the HTTP adapter...........................................................171
Configuring an operation instance.....................................................174
Defining the HTTP adapter datastore................................................177
Configuring SSL with the HTTP adapter............................................180
Troubleshooting 185Chapter 13
Reestablishing network connections.......................................................186
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 7
To reestablish network connections for your repository.....................186
Reinstalling the Web Server service........................................................186
To reinstall the Web Server service....................................................187
Finding problems.....................................................................................187
To determine which object is not operating properly..........................188
To determine the cause of the error...................................................189
Error and trace logs.................................................................................189
Batch job logs.....................................................................................189
Service provider logs..........................................................................191
Access Server logs.............................................................................193
Adapter logs.......................................................................................195
Resolving connectivity problems.............................................................196
Restarting the Access Server..................................................................198
To perform a controlled restart of the Access Server.........................198
To perform an abort and restart of the Access Server.......................199
Index 201
8 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide



Welcome to Data Services

Welcome to Data Services


Data Services XI Release 3 provides data integration and data quality processes in one runtime environment, delivering enterprise performance and scalability.
The data integration processes of Data Services allow organizations to easily explore, extract, transform, and deliver any type of data anywhere across the enterprise.
The data quality processes of Data Services allow organizations to easily standardize, cleanse, and consolidate data anywhere, ensuring that end-users are always working with information that's readily available, accurate, and trusted.

Documentation set for Data Services

You should become familiar with all the pieces of documentation that relate to your Data Services product.
What this document providesDocument
Documentation Map
Release Summary
Release Notes
Getting Started Guide
Installation Guide for Windows
10 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Information about available Data Services books, languages, and locations
Highlights of key features in this Data Services re­lease
Important information you need before installing and deploying this version of Data Services
An introduction to Data Services
Information about and procedures for installing Data Services in a Windows environment.
Welcome to Data Services
What this document providesDocument
Installation Guide for UNIX
Advanced Development Guide
Designer Guide
Integrator's Guide
Management Console: Administrator Guide
Management Console: Metadata Re­ports Guide
Migration Considerations
Data Quality to Data Services Migration Guide
Performance Optimization Guide
Information about and procedures for installing Data Services in a UNIX environment.
Guidelines and options for migrating applications in­cluding information on multi-user functionality and the use of the central repository for version control
Information about how to use Data Services Designer
Information for third-party developers to access Data Services functionality
Information about how to use Data Services Adminis­trator
Information about how to use Data Services Metadata Reports
Release-specific product behavior changes from earlier versions of Data Services to the latest release
Information about how to migrate from Data Quality to Data Services
Information about how to improve the performance of Data Services
Reference Guide
Detailed reference material for Data Services Design­er
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 11
Welcome to Data Services
Technical Manuals
What this document providesDocument
A compiled “master” PDF of core Data Services books containing a searchable master table of contents and index:
Getting Started Guide
Installation Guide for Windows
Installation Guide for UNIX
Designer Guide
Reference Guide
Management Console: Metadata Reports Guide
Management Console: Administrator Guide
Performance Optimization Guide
Advanced Development Guide
Supplement for J.D. Edwards
Supplement for Oracle Applications
Supplement for PeopleSoft
Supplement for Siebel
Supplement for SAP
A step-by-step introduction to using Data Services
In addition, you may need to refer to several Adapter Guides and Supplemental Guides.
What this document providesDocument
JMS Adapter Interface Adapter Interface
Supplement for J.D. Ed­wards
Supplement for Oracle Ap­plications
12 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Information about how to install, configure, and use the Data Services Adapter for JMS
Information about how to install, configure, and use the Data Services Adapter Interface
Information about license-controlled interfaces between Data Services and J.D. Edwards World and J.D. Edwards OneWorld
Information about the license-controlled interface between Data Services and Oracle Applications
Welcome to Data Services
What this document providesDocument
Supplement for PeopleSoft
Supplement for SAP
Supplement for Siebel
Information about license-controlled interfaces between Data Services and PeopleSoft
Information about license-controlled interfaces between Data Services, SAP ERP and R/3, and SAP BI/BW
Information about the license-controlled interface between Data Services and Siebel

Accessing documentation

You can access the complete documentation set for Data Services in several places.
Accessing documentation on Windows
After you install Data Services, you can access the documentation from the Start menu.
1. Choose Start > Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.1 >
BusinessObjects Data Services > Data Services Documentation.
Only a subset of the documentation is available from the Start menu. The documentation set for this release is available in LINK_DIR\Doc\Books\en.
2. Click the appropriate shortcut for the document that you want to view.
Accessing documentation on UNIX
After you install Data Services, you can access the online documentation by going to the directory where the printable PDF files were installed.
1. Go to LINK_DIR/doc/book/en/.
2. Using Adobe Reader, open the PDF file of the document that you want
to view.
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 13
Welcome to Data Services
Accessing documentation from the Web
You can access the complete documentation set for Data Services from the Business Objects Customer Support site.
Go to
2. Cick Business Objects at the top of the page.
You can view the PDFs online or save them to your computer.

Business Objects information resources

A global network of Business Objects technology experts provides customer support, education, and consulting to ensure maximum business intelligence benefit to your business.
Useful addresses at a glance:
Customer Support, Consulting, and Education services
Online Developer Community
14 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Information about Customer Support pro­grams, as well as links to technical articles, downloads, and online forums. Consulting services can provide you with information about how Business Objects can help maximize your business intelligence invest­ment. Education services can provide infor­mation about training options and modules. From traditional classroom learning to tar­geted e-learning seminars, Business Ob­jects can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style.
An online resource for sharing and learning about Data Services with your developer colleagues.

Overview of this guide

Blueprints vices/blueprints
Documentation mailbox
Blueprints for you to download and modify to fit your needs. Each blueprint contains the necessary Data Services project, jobs, data flows, file formats, sample data, tem­plate tables, and custom functions to run the data flows in your environment with only a few modifications.
Business Objects product documentation.Product documentation
Send us feedback or questions about your Business Objects documentation. Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our documentation? Is there something that you particularly like or have found useful? Let us know, and we will do our best to en­sure that your suggestion is considered for the next release of our documentation.
If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not the documentation, please contact our Customer Support experts.
Overview of this guide

About this guide

The guide covers the BusinessObjects™ Data Services Administrator, a web-based application written entirely in Java. You can install the Data Services Administrator on a separate computer from the other Data Services components. It runs on the Data Services Web Server, which is supported by the Data Services Web Server service. The Administrator uses a JDBC connection to repositories.
Use the Administrator to:
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 15
Overview of this guide
Set up users and their roles
Add connections to Access Servers and repositories
Manage the retention of Job Server and Access Server logs
Access job data published for Web Services
Schedule and monitor batch jobs
Configure and monitor:
Access Server status
Real-time services
Client interfaces including SAP ERP and R/3 client interfaces (to read
IDocs) and message traffic moving in and out of an Access Server
Adapter instances (a prerequisite for creating adapter datastores)

Who should read this guide

This and other Data Services product documentation assume the following:
You are an application developer, consultant or database administrator
working on data extraction, data warehousing, data integration, or data quality.
You understand your source and target data systems, DBMS, legacy
systems, business intelligence, and messaging concepts.
You understand your organization's data needs.
You are familiar with SQL (Structured Query Language).
If you are interested in using this product to design real-time processing
you are familiar with:
DTD and XML Schema formats for XML files
Publishing Web Services (WSDL, HTTP/S and SOAP protocols, etc.)
You are familiar with Data Services installation environments: Microsoft
Windows or UNIX.
16 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide

Administrator User Interface

Administrator User Interface

Installation and configuration

This section describes the Administrator and how to navigate through its browser-based, graphical user interface.
Related Topics
Installation and configuration on page 18
About the Management Console on page 20
Administrator navigation on page 23
Installation and configuration
General information about the components and architecture of Data
Complete installation instructions for all Data Services components
including connectivity testing for Data Services real-time functionality.
A summary of the connections used in Data Services is included here for your reference. You must create the connections in the first four rows of the following table before you can log in to the Administrator.
Custom connectionRepository ManagerRepository(s)
18 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Purpose of this connectionConnection TypeConnection ToolComponent
Connects Designer and repositories.
Provides location for storage of Data Ser­vices tables and job metadata.
Connection information is based on the database you use for a repository.
Administrator User Interface
Installation and configuration
Purpose of this connectionConnection TypeConnection ToolComponent
Connects a Job Server to the Data Services Service and repository you specify.
Server ManagerJob Server(s)
Server ManagerAccess Server(s)
Default (3500) or custom port
Default (4000) or custom port
Automatically as­signed ports
You can also set a Job Server to support adapters via a separate communica­tion port (default 4001). Required to use the Adapter Instance node in the Administrator.
Connects an Access Serv­er to the Data Services Service and provides a port for Message Client libraries (allows applications to communicate with Data Services).
Provides an HTTP port (28080) for connection be­tween Administrator and all Access Servers.
Includes an automatically assigned shutdown port (22828) which is not dis­played. It is used by the Tomcat service to start and stop the application server, which supports the Admin­istrator.
For web application servers other than the packaged Tomcat server, the ports may vary.
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 19
Administrator User Interface

About the Management Console

Purpose of this connectionConnection TypeConnection ToolComponent
Computer name on which an Access Server is installed
AdministratorAccess Server(s)
and port (you speci­fied in Server Man­ager). For example: AT589:4000
Settings based on each repository's database
Connects Access Server (s) to the Administrator
Connects repositories to the Administrator. Job Servers (previously con­nected to each repository using the Server Manager) also link to the Administra­tor with this connection.
For more information, see the BusinssObjects Data Services Designer Guide.
About the Management Console
The Management Console is a collection of Web-based applications for administering Data Services jobs and services, viewing object relationships, and evaluating job execution performance and data quality.
These applications include:
Administrator — Manage your production environment including batch
job execution, real-time services, Web services, adapter instances, server groups, central and profiler repositories, and more. This guide describes the Administrator.
Impact and Lineage Analysis — Analyze the end-to-end impact and
lineage for Data Services tables and columns and BusinessObjects Enterprise objects such as universes, business views, and reports.
Operational Dashboards — View dashboards of Data Services job
execution statistics to see at a glance the status and performance of your job executions for one or more repositories over a given time period.
20 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Administrator User Interface
About the Management Console
Data Quality Dashboards — Evaluate the reliability of your target data
based on the validation rules you created in your Data Services batch jobs to quickly review, assess, and identify potential inconsistencies or errors in source data.
Auto Documentation — View, analyze, and print graphical
representations of all objects as depicted in Data Services Designer including their relationships, properties, and more.
Related Topics
Management Console—Metadata Reports Guide: Impact and Lineage
Analysis Reports
Management Console—Metadata Reports Guide: Operational Dashboard
Management Console—Metadata Reports Guide: Data Validation
Dashboard Reports
Management Console—Metadata Reports Guide: Auto Documentation

Logging in

To access the Administrator, first log in to the Data Services Management Console. The first time you log in to the Management Console, use the default user name and password (admin/admin). Business Objects recommends that you change the defaults thereafter.
Related Topics
Managing user roles on page 35
To log in to the Management Console
1. The first step depends on your operating system:
On Windows, click the Start menu and select Programs > Business
Objects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Data Services > Data Services Management Console.
If you encounter an error, check to see if your web application server is installed and running.
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 21
Administrator User Interface
About the Management Console
2. Enter the default user name (admin) and password (admin) and click Log
3. To launch the Administrator, click the Administrator icon (or name).
If you are logged in to the Designer, you can also access the Management Console home page as follows:
From the Start page, click Management Console.
From the Tools menu, click Management Console.
Click the Management Console tool bar icon.
On UNIX, open a browser, enter the following case-sensitive URL,
then press Enter:
The Management Console home page opens.
The Administrator Status page displays a status overview of all jobs.

Management Console navigation

After logging in to the Management Console and launching one of the applications, the application name appears under the Management Console banner.
The upper-right side of the main window includes the following links:
Home—Click to return to the Management Console home page (for
example to select another application).
Logout—Click to exit the application and the Management Console and
return to the login page.
Settings—The metadata reporting applications also include a Settings
control panel for changing a variety of options depending on the application.
As you navigate around the applications, notice the top of the right-hand pane often displays a "bread crumb" path to indicate where you are in the application. Depending on the page displayed, sometimes you can click on the bread crumbs to navigate to a different part of the application.
22 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
The Administrator, Impact and Lineage Analysis, and Auto Documentation applications also use a navigation tree in the left-hand pane.
Data Services Management Console sessions time out after 120 minutes (2 hours) of inactivity.

Administrator navigation

The layout of the Data Services Administrator consists of a window with a navigation tree on the left and pages with tabs on the right.

Navigation tree

The navigation tree is divided into nine nodes: Status, Batch, Real-Time, Web Services, Adapter Instances, Server Groups, Central Repositories, Profiler Repositories, and Management.
Status node
Administrator User Interface
Administrator navigation
When the Administrator opens, it displays the Status page. The Status page displays the status of the following items (after you have connected them to the Administrator). The red, green, and yellow icons indicate the overall status of each item based on the jobs, services, and other objects they support.
Batch—Contains the name of the repository associated with Job Server
on which you run the batch jobs. To see batch jobs status, connect the repository to the Administrator.
Click the repository name to display a list of batch jobs and their status.
Real-time—Contains the name of the Access Servers associated with a
real-time service. To see real-time jobs status, connect the Access Server to the Administrator.
Click the Access Server name to display a list of real-time services and their client interfaces.
Adapters—Contains the name of the repository associated with Job
Server on which you run the adapter. To see an adapter's status, enable
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 23
Administrator User Interface
Administrator navigation
Batch node
a Job Server for adapters, then add the repository associated with that Job Server.
Profiler—Contains the name of the repository associated with the Profiler
Server. To see a profiler repository, connect the profiling repository to the Administrator.
Click the repository name to display a list of profiler tasks and their status.
After you add at least one repository connection to the Administrator, you can expand the Batch node. Then click a repository name to display its Batch Job Status page.
Click the All Repositories option to see jobs in all repositories connected to this Administrator (only appears if more than one repository is connected).
Each repository under the Batch node includes the following tabs:
Batch Job Status—View the status of the last execution and in-depth
information about each job
Batch Job Configuration—Configure execution and scheduling options
for individual jobs
Repository Schedules—View and configure schedules for all jobs in the
Datastore Configurations—Edit some options for a datastore or a
particular datastore configuration rather than using the Designer.
Resource Management—Manage data transfer and communication
resources that Data Services uses to distribute data flow execution.
Related Topics
Batch Jobs on page 63
Real-Time node
After you add a connection to an Access Server in the Administrator, you can expand the Real-Time node. Expand an Access Server name under the Real-Time node to view the options.
24 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Administrator User Interface
Administrator navigation
Access Server node options
Real-time Services
Client Interfaces
Logs - Current
Logs - History
Related Topics
Real-Time Jobs on page 97
Real-Time Performance on page 123
View status of real-time services and client interfaces supported by this Access Server. Control, restart, and set a service provider interval for this Access Server.
View status for services and service providers, start and stop services, add or remove a service, configure Job Servers for a service.
View status for client interfaces, start and stop inter­faces, add or remove an interface.
View list of current Access Server logs, content of each log, clear logs, configure content of logs for display, enable or disable tracing for each Access Server.
View list of historical Access Server logs, view content of each log, delete logs.
Web Services node
Use this node to select real-time and batch jobs that you want to publish as Web service operations and to monitor the status of those operations. You can also use the node to set security for jobs published as Web service operations and view the WSDL file that Data Services generates.
Related Topics
Support for Web Services on page 167
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 25
Administrator User Interface
Administrator navigation
Adapter Instances node
Use this node to configure a connection between Data Services and an external application by creating an adapter instance and dependent operations. This is a prerequisite requirement for creating a datastore for adapters in the Designer.
After you create a datastore, import data through the adapter and create jobs. Then use this node to view the status of Adapter instances. Options are listed by Job Server under the Adapter Instance node.
Related Topics
Adapters on page 155
Server Groups node
The Server Groups node allows you to group Job Servers that are associated with the same repository into a server group.
Use a server group if you want Data Services to automatically use the Job Server on a computer with the lightest load when a batch job is executed. This functionality improves load balancing (throughput) in production environments and also provides a hot backup method. When a job is launched, if a Job Server is down, another Job Server in the same group executes the job.
Related Topics
Server groups on page 53
Central Repositories node
The Central Repositories node has configuration options for secure central repositories including:
Users and groups — Use to configure groups and users for secure
access to central repository objects
Reports — Use to generate reports about central repository objects such
as which objects a user currently has checked out or the changes made to an object over a specified time frame
26 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
Related Topics
Central Repository Management on page 45
Profiler Repositories node
After you connect a profiler repository to the Administrator, you can expand Profiler Repositories node. Click a repository name to open the Profiler Tasks Status page.
Related Topics
Profile Server Management on page 137
Management node
The Management node contains the configuration options for the Administrator application. Before you can use the Administrator, you must add connections to other Data Services components using the Management node. For example, expand the management node and:
Click Repositories to add a connection to the repositories that contain
the jobs and data profiler tables with which you want to work.
Administrator User Interface
Administrator navigation


Click Access Servers to add a connection to your Access Servers (for
real-time jobs).
Related Topics
Administrator Management on page 29
The top of the page indicates the currently selected node. Once you select a branch on the navigation tree to go to a page, use the tab row on the page to navigate further.
As you drill into various pages, a "bread crumb" trail often indicates where you are in the Administrator application. Depending on the page displayed, sometimes you can click on the bread crumb links to navigate to a different page.
Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide 27
Administrator User Interface
Administrator navigation
A dark blue (shaded) tab signifies the active page. Click a light blue tab to go to that page. Some pages do not include a tab row.
28 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide

Administrator Management

Administrator Management

Adding repositories

Configuring the Administrator
Use the Management features to configure the Data Services Administrator.
Related Topics
Adding repositories on page 30
Managing user roles on page 35
Adding Access Servers on page 37
Centralizing administration on page 38
Setting the status interval on page 39
Setting the log retention period on page 40
Adding repositories
The Administrator allows you to manage batch jobs, real-time jobs, and profiling tasks. You must first add a repository connection to the Administrator so that you can view the jobs. Similarly, you must add a profiling repository connection before you can view the tasks in that repository. After adding a repository connection:
Jobs and logs (stored on a Job Server computer) appear in the
From the Batch Job Configuration page, you can execute batch jobs.
Repositories become available to Metadata Reports users.
From the Profiler Configuration page, change parameter settings for the
Data Profiler.
From the Profiler Task Status page, you can view and manage Profiler
Related Topics
Connecting repositories to the Administrator on page 31
Changing repository connection allocation on page 34
Adapter considerations on page 34
30 Data Services Management Console: Administrator Guide
+ 176 hidden pages