SAP Business objects DATA SERVICES Performance Optimization Guide

Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
BusinessObjects Data Services XI 3.1 (12.1.1)
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Welcome to Data Services 9Chapter 1
Documentation set for Data Services........................................................10
Accessing documentation..........................................................................13
Business Objects information resources...................................................14
Environment Test Strategy 17Chapter 2
The source OS and database server.........................................................18
The target OS and database server..........................................................19
The network...............................................................................................20
Data Services Job Server OS and job options..........................................20
Accessing documentation on Windows................................................13
Accessing documentation on UNIX......................................................13
Accessing documentation from the Web..............................................14
Operating system.................................................................................18
Operating system.................................................................................19
Operating system.................................................................................20
Data Services jobs...............................................................................21
Measuring Data Services Performance 23Chapter 3
Data Services processes and threads.......................................................24
Data Services processes .....................................................................24
Data Services threads..........................................................................25
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs..........................................25
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 3
Checking system utilization..................................................................26
Analyzing log files for task duration......................................................30
Reading the Monitor Log for execution statistics ................................31
Reading the Performance Monitor for execution statistics...................32
To view the Performance Monitor.........................................................33
Reading Operational Dashboards for execution statistics...................34
To compare execution times for the same job over time......................34
Tuning Overview 37Chapter 4
Strategies to execute Data Services jobs..................................................38
Maximizing push-down operations to the database server..................38
Improving Data Services throughput....................................................39
Using advanced Data Services tuning options.....................................40
Maximizing Push-Down Operations 41Chapter 5
Push-down operations...............................................................................42
Full push-down operations...................................................................42
Partial push-down operations...............................................................43
Operations that cannot be pushed down.............................................44
Push-down examples................................................................................45
Scenario 1: Combine transforms to push down ..................................45
Scenario 2: Full push down from the source to the target....................46
Scenario 3: Full push down for auto correct load to the target ............46
Scenario 4: Partial push down to the source .......................................47
To view SQL...............................................................................................47
Data_Transfer transform for push-down operations..................................50
Scenario 1: Push down an operation after a blocking operation..........50
Scenario 2: Using Data_Transfer tables to speed up auto correct
Database link support for push-down operations across datastores.........57
4 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Software support..................................................................................58
To take advantage of linked datastores................................................58
Example of push-down with linked datastores.....................................59
Generated SQL statements..................................................................60
Tuning performance at the data flow or Job Server level.....................61
Using Caches 63Chapter 6
Caching data..............................................................................................64
Caching sources...................................................................................65
Caching joins........................................................................................66
To change the cache type for a data flow.............................................66
Caching lookups...................................................................................67
Caching table comparisons..................................................................68
Specifying a pageable cache directory................................................69
Using persistent cache..............................................................................70
Using persistent cache tables as sources ...........................................70
Monitoring and tuning caches....................................................................71
Using statistics for cache self-tuning ...................................................71
To have Data Services automatically choose the cache type..............71
To monitor and tune in-memory and pageable caches........................71
Using parallel Execution 77Chapter 7
Parallel data flows and work flows.............................................................78
Parallel execution in data flows.................................................................79
Table partitioning..................................................................................79
Degree of parallelism ..........................................................................85
Combining table partitioning and a degree of parallelism....................93
File multi-threading...............................................................................96
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 5
Distributing Data Flow Execution 101Chapter 8
Splitting a data flow into sub data flows...................................................102
Run as a separate process option ....................................................103
Examples of multiple processes for a data flow.................................103
Data_Transfer transform....................................................................110
Examples of multiple processes with Data_Transfer.........................110
Using grid computing to distribute data flow execution...........................116
Server Group......................................................................................116
Distribution levels for data flow execution..........................................116
Using Bulk Loading 123Chapter 9
Bulk loading in Oracle..............................................................................124
Bulk-loading methods.........................................................................124
Bulk-loading modes............................................................................125
Bulk-loading parallel-execution options..............................................125
Bulk-loading scenarios.......................................................................126
Using bulk-loading options.................................................................127
Bulk loading in Microsoft SQL Server......................................................129
To use the SQL Server ODBC bulk copy API....................................130
Network packet size option................................................................130
Maximum rejects option.....................................................................131
Bulk loading in HP Neoview.....................................................................131
Using the UPSERT bulk operation.....................................................132
Bulk loading in Informix............................................................................132
To set Informix server variables..........................................................133
Bulk loading in DB2 Universal Database.................................................133
When to use each DB2 bulk-loading method.....................................133
Using the DB2 CLI load method.........................................................136
To configure your system to use the CLI load method.......................136
6 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
To use the CLI load method in a Data Services job...........................136
Using the DB2 bulk load utility............................................................137
To configure your system to use the load utility.................................137
To use the load utility in a Data Services job......................................140
Using the import utility .......................................................................142
Bulk loading in Netezza...........................................................................142
Netezza bulk-loading process............................................................142
Options overview................................................................................143
Netezza log files.................................................................................144
Configuring bulk loading for Netezza ................................................144
To configure the target table...............................................................145
Bulk loading in Sybase ASE....................................................................146
Bulk loading in Sybase IQ........................................................................146
Bulk loading in Teradata..........................................................................147
When to use each Teradata bulk load method...................................147
How Data Services and Teradata use the file options to load............154
Using the UPSERT bulk operation.....................................................156
Parallel Transporter method...............................................................157
Teradata standalone utilities ..............................................................161
Other Tuning Techniques 179Chapter 10
Source-based performance options........................................................181
Join ordering.......................................................................................181
Minimizing extracted data...................................................................184
Using array fetch size.........................................................................185
Target-based performance options..........................................................186
Loading method .................................................................................186
Rows per commit................................................................................187
Job design performance options.............................................................188
Loading only changed data ...............................................................188
Minimizing data type conversion........................................................189
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 7
Minimizing locale conversion..............................................................189
Precision in operations ......................................................................189
Index 191
8 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide

Welcome to Data Services

Welcome to Data Services


Data Services XI Release 3 provides data integration and data quality processes in one runtime environment, delivering enterprise performance and scalability.
The data integration processes of Data Services allow organizations to easily explore, extract, transform, and deliver any type of data anywhere across the enterprise.
The data quality processes of Data Services allow organizations to easily standardize, cleanse, and consolidate data anywhere, ensuring that end-users are always working with information that's readily available, accurate, and trusted.

Documentation set for Data Services

You should become familiar with all the pieces of documentation that relate to your Data Services product.
What this document providesDocument
Documentation Map
Release Summary
Release Notes
Getting Started Guide
Installation Guide for Windows
Installation Guide for UNIX
10 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Information about available Data Services books, languages, and locations
Highlights of key features in this Data Services re­lease
Important information you need before installing and deploying this version of Data Services
An introduction to Data Services
Information about and procedures for installing Data Services in a Windows environment.
Information about and procedures for installing Data Services in a UNIX environment.
Advanced Development Guide
Welcome to Data Services
Documentation set for Data Services
What this document providesDocument
Guidelines and options for migrating applications in­cluding information on multi-user functionality and the use of the central repository for version control
Designer Guide
Integrator's Guide
Management Console: Administrator Guide
Management Console: Metadata Re­ports Guide
Migration Considerations Guide
Performance Optimization Guide
Reference Guide
Information about how to use Data Services Designer
Information for third-party developers to access Data Services functionality. Also provides information about how to install, configure, and use the Data Services Adapter for JMS.
Information about how to use Data Services Adminis­trator
Information about how to use Data Services Metadata Reports
Information about:
Release-specific product behavior changes from
earlier versions of Data Services to the latest re­lease
How to migrate from Data Quality to Data Services
Information about how to improve the performance of Data Services
Detailed reference material for Data Services Design­er
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 11
Welcome to Data Services
Documentation set for Data Services
Technical Manuals
What this document providesDocument
A compiled “master” PDF of core Data Services books containing a searchable master table of contents and index:
Getting Started Guide
Installation Guide for Windows
Installation Guide for UNIX
Designer Guide
Reference Guide
Management Console: Metadata Reports Guide
Management Console: Administrator Guide
Performance Optimization Guide
Advanced Development Guide
Supplement for J.D. Edwards
Supplement for Oracle Applications
Supplement for PeopleSoft
Supplement for Siebel
Supplement for SAP
A step-by-step introduction to using Data Services
In addition, you may need to refer to several Adapter Guides and Supplemental Guides.
What this document providesDocument Adapter Interface
Supplement for J.D. Ed­wards
Supplement for Oracle Ap­plications
Supplement for PeopleSoft
12 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Information about how to install, configure, and use the Data Services Adapter Interface
Information about license-controlled interfaces between Data Services and J.D. Edwards World and J.D. Edwards OneWorld
Information about the license-controlled interface between Data Services and Oracle Applications
Information about license-controlled interfaces between Data Services and PeopleSoft
Welcome to Data Services

Accessing documentation

What this document providesDocument
Supplement for SAP
Supplement for Siebel
Information about license-controlled interfaces between Data Services, SAP ERP, and SAP BI/BW
Information about the license-controlled interface between Data Services and Siebel
Accessing documentation
You can access the complete documentation set for Data Services in several places.

Accessing documentation on Windows

After you install Data Services, you can access the documentation from the Start menu.
1. Choose Start > Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.1 >
BusinessObjects Data Services > Data Services Documentation.
Only a subset of the documentation is available from the Start menu. The documentation set for this release is available in LINK_DIR\Doc\Books\en.
2. Click the appropriate shortcut for the document that you want to view.

Accessing documentation on UNIX

After you install Data Services, you can access the online documentation by going to the directory where the printable PDF files were installed.
1. Go to LINK_DIR/doc/book/en/.
2. Using Adobe Reader, open the PDF file of the document that you want
to view.
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 13
Welcome to Data Services

Business Objects information resources

Accessing documentation from the Web

You can access the complete documentation set for Data Services from the Business Objects Customer Support site.
Go to
2. Cick Business Objects at the top of the page.
You can view the PDFs online or save them to your computer.
Business Objects information resources
A global network of Business Objects technology experts provides customer support, education, and consulting to ensure maximum business intelligence benefit to your business.
Useful addresses at a glance:
14 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Welcome to Data Services
Business Objects information resources
Customer Support, Consulting, and Education services
Data Services Community jects-ds
Forums on SCN (SAP Community Network) jects-forums
Information about Customer Support programs, as well as links to technical articles, downloads, and online forums. Consulting services can provide you with information about how Busi­ness Objects can help maximize your business intelligence investment. Education services can provide information about training options and modules. From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, Business Ob­jects can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style.
Get online and timely information about Data Services, including tips and tricks, additional downloads, samples, and much more. All con­tent is to and from the community, so feel free to join in and contact us if you have a submis­sion.
Search the Business Objects forums on the SAP Community Network to learn from other Data Services users and start posting questions or share your knowledge with the community.
Blueprints for you to download and modify to fit your needs. Each blueprint contains the neces­sary Data Services project, jobs, data flows, file formats, sample data, template tables, and custom functions to run the data flows in your environment with only a few modifications.
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 15
Welcome to Data Services
Business Objects information resources
Business Objects product documentation.Product documentation
Documentation mailbox
Supported platforms documentation
Send us feedback or questions about your Business Objects documentation. Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our docu­mentation? Is there something that you particu­larly like or have found useful? Let us know, and we will do our best to ensure that your suggestion is considered for the next release of our documentation.
If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not the documentation, please contact our Customer Support experts.
Get information about supported platforms for Data Services.
In the left panel of the window, navigate to Documentation > Supported Platforms > BusinessObjects XI 3.1. Click the Busines­sObjects Data Services link in the main win­dow.
16 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide

Environment Test Strategy

Environment Test Strategy

The source OS and database server

This section covers suggested methods of tuning source and target database applications, their operating systems, and the network used by your Data Services environment. It also introduces key Data Services job execution options.
This section contains the following topics:
The source OS and database server on page 18
The target OS and database server on page 19
The network on page 20
Data Services Job Server OS and job options on page 20
To test and tune Data Services jobs, work with all four of these components in the order shown above.
In addition to the information in this section, you can use your UNIX or Windows operating system and database server documentation for specific techniques, commands, and utilities that can help you measure and tune the Data Services environment.
The source OS and database server
Tune the source operating system and database to quickly read data from disks.

Operating system

Make the input and output (I/O) operations as fast as possible. The read-ahead protocol, offered by most operating systems, can greatly improve performance. This protocol allows you to set the size of each I/O operation. Usually its default value is 4 to 8 kilobytes which is too small. Set it to at least 64K on most platforms.


Tune your database on the source side to perform SELECTs as quickly as possible.
18 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Environment Test Strategy

The target OS and database server

In the database layer, you can improve the performance of SELECTs in several ways, such as the following:
Create indexes on appropriate columns, based on your Data Services
data flows.
Increase the size of each I/O from the database server to match the OS
read-ahead I/O size.
Increase the size of the shared buffer to allow more data to be cached in
the database server.
Cache tables that are small enough to fit in the shared buffer. For example,
if jobs access the same piece of data on a database server, then cache that data. Caching data on database servers will reduce the number of I/O operations and speed up access to database tables.
See your database server documentation for more information about techniques, commands, and utilities that can help you measure and tune the the source databases in your Data Services jobs.
The target OS and database server
Tune the target operating system and database to quickly write data to disks.

Operating system

Make the input and output operations as fast as possible. For example, the asynchronous I/O, offered by most operating systems, can greatly improve performance. Turn on the asynchronous I/O.


Tune your database on the target side to perform INSERTs and UPDATES as quickly as possible.
In the database layer, there are several ways to improve the performance of these operations.
Here are some examples from Oracle:
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 19
Environment Test Strategy

The network

Turn off archive logging
Turn off redo logging for all tables
Tune rollback segments for better performance
Place redo log files and data files on a raw device if possible
Increase the size of the shared buffer
See your database server documentation for more information about techniques, commands, and utilities that can help you measure and tune the the target databases in your Data Services jobs.
The network
When reading and writing data involves going through your network, its ability to efficiently move large amounts of data with minimal overhead is very important. Do not underestimate the importance of network tuning (even if you have a very fast network with lots of bandwidth).
Set network buffers to reduce the number of round trips to the database servers across the network. For example, adjust the size of the network buffer in the database client so that each client request completely fills a small number of network packets.

Data Services Job Server OS and job options

Tune the Job Server operating system and set job execution options to improve performance and take advantage of self-tuning features of Data Services.

Operating system

Data Services jobs are multi-threaded applications. Typically a single data flow in a job initiates one al_engine process that in turn initiates at least 4 threads.
For maximum performance benefits:
20 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Consider a design that will run one al_engine process per CPU at a
Tune the Job Server OS so that Data Services threads spread to all
available CPUs.
For more information, see Checking system utilization on page 26.

Data Services jobs

You can tune Data Services job execution options after:
Tuning the database and operating system on the source and the target
Adjusting the size of the network buffer
Your data flow design seems optimal
You can tune the following execution options to improve the performance of Data Services jobs:
Monitor sample rate
Environment Test Strategy
Data Services Job Server OS and job options
Collect statistics for optimization and Use collected statistics
Setting Monitor sample rate
During job execution, Data Services writes information to the monitor log file and updates job events after processing the number of rows specified in Monitor sample rate. Default value is 1000. Increase Monitor sample rate to reduce the number of calls to the operating system to write to the log file.
When setting Monitor sample rate, you must evaluate performance improvements gained by making fewer calls to the operating system against your ability to view more detailed statistics during job execution. With a higher Monitor sample rate, Data Services collects more data before calling the operating system to open the file, and performance improves. However, with a higher monitor rate, more time passes before you can view statistics during job execution.
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 21
Environment Test Strategy
Data Services Job Server OS and job options
In production environments when your jobs transfer large volumes of data, Business Objects recommends that you increase Monitor sample rate to 50,000.
If you use a virus scanner on your files, exclude the Data Services log from the virus scan. Otherwise, the virus scan analyzes the Data Services log repeated during the job execution, which causes a performance degradation.
Collecting statistics for self-tuning
Data Services provides a self-tuning feature to determine the optimal cache type (in-memory or pageable) to use for a data flow.
To take advantage of this self-tuning feature
1. When you first execute a job, select the option Collect statistics for
optimization to collect statistics which include number of rows and width
of each row. Ensure that you collect statistics with data volumes that represent your production environment. This option is not selected by default.
2. The next time you execute the job, this option is selected by default.
3. When changes occur in data volumes, re-run your job with Collect
statistics for optimization to ensure that Data Services has the most
current statistics to optimize cache types.
For more information about these caches, see .
Related Topics
Using Caches on page 63
22 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide

Measuring Data Services Performance

Measuring Data Services Performance

Data Services processes and threads

This section contains the following topics:
Data Services processes and threads on page 24
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs on page 25
Data Services processes and threads
Data Services uses processes and threads to execute jobs that extract data from sources, transform the data, and load data into a data warehouse. The number of concurrently executing processes and threads affects the performance of Data Services jobs.

Data Services processes

The processes Data Services uses to run jobs are:
The al_jobserver initiates one process for each Job Server configured on a computer. This process does not use much CPU power because it is only responsible for launching each job and monitoring the job's execution.
For batch jobs, an al_engine process runs when a job starts and for each of its data flows. Real-time jobs run as a single process.
The number of processes a batch job initiates also depends upon the number of:
parallel work flows
parallel data flows
sub data flows
For an example of the Data Services monitor log that displays the processes, see Analyzing log files for task duration on page 30.
24 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide

Data Services threads

A data flow typically initiates one al_engine process, which creates one thread per data flow object. A data flow object can be a source, transform, or target. For example, two sources, a query, and a target could initiate four threads.
If you are using parallel objects in data flows, the thread count will increase to approximately one thread for each source or target table partition. If you set the Degree of parallelism (DOP) option for your data flow to a value greater than one, the thread count per transform will increase. For example, a DOP of 5 allows five concurrent threads for a Query transform. To run objects within data flows in parallel, use the following Data Services features:
Table partitioning
File multithreading
Degree of parallelism for data flows
Measuring Data Services Performance

Measuring performance of Data Services jobs

Related Topics
Using parallel Execution on page 77
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs
You can use several techniques to measure performance of Data Services jobs:
Checking system utilization on page 26
Analyzing log files for task duration on page 30
Reading the Monitor Log for execution statistics on page 31
Reading the Performance Monitor for execution statistics on page 32
Reading Operational Dashboards for execution statistics on page 34
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 25
Measuring Data Services Performance
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs

Checking system utilization

The number of Data Services processes and threads concurrently executing affects the utilization of system resources (see Data Services processes and
threads on page 24).
Check the utilization of the following system resources:
To monitor these system resources, use the following tools:
top or a third party utility (such as glance for HPUX)
For Windows:
Performance tab on the Task Manager
Depending on the performance of your jobs and the utilization of system resources, you might want to adjust the number of Data Services processes and threads. The following sections describe different situations and suggests Data Services features to adjust the number of processes and threads for each situation.
CPU utilization
Data Services is designed to maximize the use of CPUs and memory available to run the job.
The total number of concurrent threads a job can run depends upon job design and environment. Test your job while watching multi-threaded Data Services processes to see how much CPU and memory the job requires. Make needed adjustments to your job design and environment and test again to confirm improvements.
26 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Measuring Data Services Performance
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs
For example, if you run a job and see that the CPU utilization is very high, you might decrease the DOP value or run less parallel jobs or data flows. Otherwise, CPU thrashing might occur.
For another example, if you run a job and see that only half a CPU is being used, or if you run eight jobs on an eight-way computer and CPU usage is only 50%, you can be interpret this CPU utilization in several ways:
One interpretation might be that Data Services is able to push most of
the processing down to source and/or target databases.
Another interpretation might be that there are bottlenecks in the database
server or the network connection. Bottlenecks on database servers do not allow readers or loaders in jobs to use Job Server CPUs efficiently.
To determine bottlenecks, examine:
Disk service time on database server computers
Disk service time typically should be below 15 milliseconds. Consult your server documentation for methods of improving performance. For example, having a fast disk controller, moving database server log files to a raw device, and increasing log size could improve disk service time.
Number of threads per process allowed on each database server
operating system. For example:
On HPUX, the number of kernel threads per process is configurable.
The CPU to thread ratio defaults to one-to-one. Business Objects recommends setting the number of kernel threads per CPU to between 512 and 1024.
On Solaris and AIX, the number of threads per process is not
configurable. The number of threads per process depends on system resources. If a process terminates with a message like "Cannot create threads," you should consider tuning the job.
For example, use the Run as a separate process option to split a data flow or use the Data_Transfer transform to create two sub data flows to execute sequentially. Since each sub data flow is executed by a different Data Services al_engine process, the number of threads needed for each will be 50% less than in your previous job design.
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 27
Measuring Data Services Performance
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs
If you are using the Degree of parallelism option in your data flow, reduce the number for this option in the data flow Properties window.
Network connection speed
Determine the rate that your data is being transferred across your network.
If the network is a bottle neck, you might change your job execution
distribution level from sub data flow to data flow or job to execute the entire data flow on the local Job Server.
If the capacity of your network is much larger, you might retrieve
multiple rows from source databases using fewer requests.
Yet another interpretation might be that the system is under-utilized. In
this case, you might increase the value for the Degree of parallelism option and increase the number of parallel jobs and data flows.
Related Topics
Using parallel Execution on page 77
Using grid computing to distribute data flow execution on page 116
Using array fetch size on page 185
Data Services memory
For memory utilization, you might have one of the following different cases:
Low amount of physical memory.
In this case, you might take one of the following actions:
Add more memory to the Job Server.
Redesign your data flow to run memory-consuming operations in
separate sub data flows that each use a smaller amount of memory, and distribute the sub data flows over different Job Servers to access memory on multiple machines. For more information, see Splitting a
data flow into sub data flows on page 102.
Redesign your data flow to push down memory-consuming operations
to the database. For more information, see Push-down operations on page 42.
28 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
Measuring Data Services Performance
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs
For example, if your data flow reads data from a table, joins it to a file, and then groups it to calculate an average, the group by operation might be occurring in memory. If you stage the data after the join and before the group by into a database on a different computer, then when a sub data flow reads the staged data and continues with the group processing, it can utilize memory from the database server on a different computer. This situation optimizes your system as a whole.
For information about how to stage your data, see Data_Transfer transform on page 110. For more information about distributing sub data flows to different computers, see Using grid computing to distribute data flow
execution on page 116.
Large amount of memory but it is under-utilized.
In this case, you might cache more data. Caching data can improve the performance of data transformations because it reduces the number of times the system must access the database.
Data Services provides two types of caches: in-memory and pageable. For more information, see Caching data on page 64.
Paging occurs.
Pageable cache is the default cache type for data flows. On Windows and Linux, the virtual memory available to the al_engine process is 1.5 gigabytes (500 megabytes of virtual memory is reserved for other engine operations, totaling 2GB). On UNIX, Data Services limits the virtual memory for the al_engine process to 3.5 gigabytes (500MB is reserved for other engine operations, totaling 4GB). If more memory is needed than these virtual memory limits, Data Services starts paging to continue executing the data flow.
If your job or data flow requires more memory than these limits, you can take advantage of one of the following Data Services features to avoid paging:
Split the data flow into sub data flows that can each use the amount
of memory set by the virtual memory limits.
Each data flow or each memory-intensive operation within a data flow can run as a separate process that uses separate memory from each other to improve performance and throughput. For more information, see Splitting a data flow into sub data flows on page 102.
Data Services Performance Optimization Guide 29
Measuring Data Services Performance
Measuring performance of Data Services jobs
Push-down memory-intensive operations to the database server so
that less memory is used on the Job Server computer. For more information, see Push-down operations on page 42.

Analyzing log files for task duration

The trace log shows the progress of an execution through each component (object) of a job. The following sample Trace log shows a separate Process ID (Pid) for the Job, data flow, and each of the two sub data flows.
30 Data Services Performance Optimization Guide
+ 164 hidden pages